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200,000 Years of 
Germanic World 
Culture and the Secrets 
of the Holy Scriptures 

Hermann Wieland 

The first ever English translation of 
Hermann W'icland's epie retelling of the 
esoterie history of Atlantis and the truth 


about aneient Aryan religion. Banned and 
destroyed by the Allied forces following 
World War II. this cornerstone work of the 
ages has remained hidden to the Anglophone 
world until now. Going beyond the saga of 
Atlantis. W icland goes further into the 
darkened depths of history to reveal how the 
true religion and heritage of the Aryan race 
has been falsified and stolen from us for 
thousands of years. Atlantis, Edita and Bible 
not only exposes the forces behind this 
concerted effort to destroy the Aryan 
peoples but also ultimately reveals the secret 
and hidden message of the Holy Bible itself. 




by Hermann Wieland 

- 1924 - 

English Translation by Gregory Klanderud 


First published in the year 2016 by Hermitage Helm Corpus 

Translation © Gregory Klandcrud 2016 

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, 
transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by any 
means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or 
information storage systems - without written permission from the 
copyright holder. 

ISBN: 978-0-9873705-9-4 

A catalogue record of this book is available from the National Library 
of Australia and the State Library of Victoria. 


The contents of this book arc intended for religious instruction and 
personal education purposes only. The Authors and Publisher assume 
no responsibility or liability for any person or entity who uses or 
misuses the information, either written text or images, contained in this 
book. By reading this book or in any way using the information 
contained in this book you are agreeing to take full responsibility for 
your own religious instruction and personal education. 



Foreword to the l 5 ' Edition.7 

Foreword to the 2 nd Edition.9 

Foreword to the 3 rd Edition.10 

1. Questions of the Ages. Questions on the Life of the German 


2. A Reign of Terror on Earth.21 

3. The New, Moonless and Blissful Age of Eternal Spring. The New 

Heaven and the New Earth.34 

4. The Migration of the White Nordic Race (Germans) Into All Areas of 

the World and Into Atlantis.36 

5. From the Sunken Continent of Atlantis.40 

6. The Idafeld of Atlantis. 46 

7. The Aias-Aria-Aryans as the “Holy Gods” and the “Sons of God” of 

the Bible on Atlantis.52 

8. The Cultivation of the Idafelde.56 

9. The 12 Asen. The 12 Tribes of Israel in the Bible.60 

10. The 12 Asen, Their “Signs” in the Sky, and the 12 Constellations of 

the Ecliptic.04 

11. “The Holy City of God” and “The Holy Mountain of the Biblical 

God in the Middle of the Sea” in Atlantis.71 

12. The Urd-Spring (“The Well of Salvation”, “The Fountain of 

Youth”, “The Fountain of the Living Waters”, “God's Well”) of 

13. The World-Tree Yggdrasil: the “Tree of Life” in the Asen Garden of 


14. The Himmelsberg/Himinbjorg/Asenberg or “Heaven's Castle” of 


15. The Asenburg on Atlantis. “The Holy Temple of God”. The 12 

Chairs of the Aesir and the Holy “Throne of God” in the “Middle of the 

16. The Valhalla of the Atlantean Himmelsberg / the Sky- 


17. The Valkyries and the Noms.105 

18. In Heaven / In the Sky..Ill 

19. “In Hell”. The Judgment of the Dead. “The Last Judgment”. “The 

Book of Life”.114 

20. Pyramids and Tiered-Mountains.121 


21. The Age of the Aryan Colonization of Atlantis..129 

22. From the History of Atlantis.130 

23. The World Conflagration.137 

24. The Economic Development of Atlantis and the Four Kingdoms of 

Daniel. 147 

25. The Prehistoric Aryan-Atlantean World-Culture.166 

26. The Expulsion from Paradise...183 

27. The Fall of Asgard on Atlantis. The Gotterdammerung of the Edda 

and the “Thousand Year Rule of God on Earth” according to the Books 
of Daniel, Ezekiel and the Revelation of John.191 

28. The Atlantean State as a Robber State.202 

29. The Sinking of Atlantis and the “Holy City of God”, in “the Midst 

of the Sea”, and “Between the Islands”, The “Doomsday” of 11,500 
Years Ago.216 

30. The Consequences of the Sinking of Atlantis.228 

31. Atlantis and the Bible.244 

32. Baldur's Death. His Descent into Hell and His Ascension. His 

Second Coming to Judge and the Prophecies of Jesus in the 

33. Baldur and His Worship as a God.275 

34. The Historical Jesus. 284 

35. From the Prehistoric Aryan-Atlantean Christianity to the Atlantean 

Papacy, to Polytheism, Idolatry and Paganism.331 

36. The Downfall of the Aias of Atlantis and of Gennany in The World 

War. A Repetition of Aryan-Atlantean History.. 361 

37. The Hidden Mystery of the Holy Scriptures, the True Teachings of 

Jesus the German King, and the Resurrection of Gennany..390 

38. Theses, Findings and Their Applications.422 

Afterword from the Publisher 1925.439 




$t BiBi e 

200,000 Years of Germanic 
World Culture and the Secrets of the 
Holy Scriptures. 

The author dedicates this work to his beloved 
German Fatherland. 


Foreword to the 1st Edition: 

It was anticipated that Friedrich Dollinger's publication Baldur 
and the Bible would arouse a stir in both the common man and the 
theologians and that it would cause a serious examination of the future 
of the German Aryan peoples as well as raise the most important 
questions of the Bible and of both Judaic- and Aryan-Christianity. 

DQllinger succeeded in that his was the first work to show us 
the proof that Jesus was not a Jew, but in fact an Aryan, and that 
therefore Christianity originated from an Aryan-Germanic source and 
that many of the early Jewish cultures and the allegedly Jewish culture 
of Palestine were indeed Germanic instead. It is thus that we Germans 
have, for 2,000 years, been instilled by the Jews of their being the 
“Chosen People” and of the supposed high cultural value of their tribe 
when in fact it, as proven, it has been nothing more than a crude 
forgery, and, as most likely, a calculated deception on their part. It 
remains so for those Bible-believing and Bible-loving folk among us, 
but still there are a lot of Bible mysteries which still need to be 
addressed. And it is precisely this mystery, this in particular out of the 
many Bible mysteries from the Psalms to the books of the Prophets to 
the Revelations of St. John, that has in recent years thrown tens of 
thousands of German citizens into a sort of religious madness. This 
madness has been used by a giant group of Bible-believers and their 
Jewish accomplices to instill delusions of a coming Kingdom of God 
under the leadership of a supposedly Jewish Messiah. *l.). 

In the following pages, an attempt will now be made to solve 
this final riddle of the Bible. The reader will see in amazement how a 


great endeavor has been made for the last 2,500 years by both 
unscrupulous thieves and literary forgers to distort venerable old Aryan 
Holy writings in a skillful manner to exchange the Jewish people as the 
“Master Race” of the world and to make the Germans into its servants. 
At the same time, the reader will also see how the enormity of just how 
the cultural history of the German folk has been crudely buried in the 
dirt. The curtain which has been purposely hung over the history of our 
Nation will be thrown back, and we will finally see. We will stare 
deeply down, through the formerly obscured and darkened night of 
history, and we will finally see the now brilliant and shining light that is 
the totality of the cultural achievements of prehistoric Aryanism. We 
will together finally recognize with astonishment the wondrous 
relationship that exists between Atlantis, the Edda and the Bible and of 
how the Aryan race has been the single creator of not only the Bible, 
but of culture itself. 

The result of our current struggles as German people will be 
determined entirely by our critical Ideas. If we persist in believing in 
the international ideas instilled in us by Judea and Rome, then we will 
lose despite all of these temporary successes. But if we keep to the facts 
stated here, and base our beliefs on a reclaimed Aryan Christianity and 
its racial laws, then we will be assured a bloody victory over the cabal 
of our worldly enemies. And only then will our glorious rise in the 
annals of history be granted once more. 

* 1 .) Hans Uenhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke (A Giant Crime 
Against the German People and the International Bible Students). Weifienburg, 1921. 


Foreword to the 2 nd Edition: 

After only a few weeks of its initial publication, a second 
edition of this book has become necessary! This is an encouraging sign: 
that a seriously ill and prostrate German people can still forcefully push 
themselves through the pouring rain and break into the light. This will 
surely start and enforce a healing process of our peoples. But the 
poisons that have been heaped upon the German folk for 2,000 years 
cannot be washed away over-night. Time and a great amount of 
assistance are the most necessary for this to happen. 

As always, the German heart desires to see the happiness of its 
children and of its fellow countryman. This work is published as an 
answer to all of the warm and urgent pleas of our people for the spread 
of the truth! The truth will set us free ! 

This second edition, made for the outer German provinces who 
may have missed the first edition, comes with a few revisions. In the 
fractured struggle of ideas which will determine Germany's place in the 
World War, may this book serve as a guide and as a rallying point 
towards our victory! And may this victory some day serve to be the 
happy epilogue to this book. 


Foreword to the 3 rd Edition: 

For my many efforts in drafting this work, Atlantis, Edda and 
the Bible , I have felt the most richly rewarded by the my perception that 
it has been read with great interest and that it has contributed more than 
a little to the liberation of the German peoples from delusion and 
spiritual bondage. Previously, many were exposed to these ideas only in 
the general perception that there did not seem to have been enough 
historical documents to prove the existence of a prehistoric Atlantis. 
Many have said that if its existence were indeed proven, they then could 
come to agree with the rest of the conclusions of my work. 

The most recent research has at last removed the last possible 
biases against this book. The astronomers Hanns Horbiger and Hans 
Fischer have scientifically proven not only the existence of the 
continent of Atlantis, but also have determined that it was indeed 
destroyed by a catastrophic flood. They have also confirmed the high 
culture that its residents must have attained. Along these lines, Franz 
von Wendrin of Berlin has recently (1923-1924) begun his 
decipherment of the enigmatic Swedish petroglyph writings. These 
writings, in the judgment of astronomers, would be up to 200,000 years 
old, the oldest documents in all of human history. From these 
petroglyphs it is clear that the Germans of 200,000 years ago sailed the 
seas as brave mariners and colonized many other parts of the world. 

For this third edition, we have made many expansions and 
corrections which should be welcome to the readers of the previous 
editions. This new version uses, and is based upon, unassailable 
research by Horbiger, Fischer and M. Valier. The Swedish petroglyphs 


bring a confirmation to our work. Finally, the third edition completely 
examines new aspects of the question of the identity of the historical 
Jesus; aspects that need to be appreciated by any serious scientist. The 
result of our investigations has come to this: that Jesus was a Teuton 
and indeed a prehistoric Gennan king. So may it be that the whole 
world will finally sit up in amazement and look upon our greatly 
maligned country, Germany... for it is HERE where the Saviour of the 
world was really bom. But we Germans want to remember our great 
ancestors with reverent humility and a heartfelt adoration. The same 
great ancestors who have sent to the present day our salvation - the 
foundations and the direction of our world's culture. The correct 
historical knowledge concerning Jesus should not turn us AWAY from 
Christianity, but should instead lead us, of course, to a pure Christianity 
that is finally freed from its Jewish bonds This Aryan Christianity 
should not drag along beside our life in the way that the corrupted 
churches and dogma of Judaic Christianity does, but instead should 
nurture us from within in a way that will help both the people and the 
State grow strong again from the ground up. One may truly say that the 
new discoveries in this edition will gradually lead to positive changes in 
our religious, civic and public lives. The True Jesus is in reality our 
leader both here on Earth and onward, into Eternity. 

The historical studies of this work are not intended to attack or 
somehow minimize any of the religious societies upon which they may 
touch to any extent, but rather to serve only in the investigation of the 
Truth, and therefore to spiritually liberate our peoples from the harmful 
errors of the millennia and from the far-reaching consequences of the 
brazen falsifications of our history. 

For the last 1,500 years, the German folk have been kept 


enslaved and prevented from the advancement of their culture through 
the historical forgeries and the historical lies of an international criminal 
society. The revelations of the truths concerning this will bring him a 
mental resilience and an awakened racial self-awareness that will 
inevitably lead to freedom. 

May this completely revised and expanded third edition bring 
us many new comrades! 

Vienna, November 1924 
Hermann Wieland 


Chapter 1. 

Questions of the Ages. 

Questions on the Life of the German People. 

All of the great want and misery which we Germans have 
suffered as a result of the World War *1.) has taught us to think. There 
are a great many things which we have become more critical and 
suspicious of. For example, the propaganda and the slogans heaped 
upon us by our seducers and corruptors. Slogans instilled in us which 
no longer feel right: an “Equality of all Mankind”, an “International 
Reconciliation”, “A Brotherhood of the Peoples”, the “General 
Disarmament”, “Eternal Peace”, and so on. We have begun to realize 
that we have been dragged into an abyss by a group of criminals. The 
flimsy facade of their lies has begun to crack. 

New revelations *2.) have shocked the German people. They 
have opened our eyes in horror to the fact that our once most noble 
religion has been grossly abused. But we, as an all-too-trusting group of 
people, are unfortunately easily led through tactics of misery, shame 
and despair into an eternal slavery. This is therefore then the perfect 
time for us to step back and give a critical examination to the teachings 
of the Church. 

In the midst of this age of the deepest disgrace for our peoples 
have now come several timely publications in the fields of race studies 
and prehistory. We are now able to see that we, as the German people, 
have blasphemously been labeled as “swine” and as hideous 
“barbarians” when in fact we were the first and only cultured peoples of 


this Earth. This means nothing less than that there has been an 
incredible historical falsification heaped upon us. A veil has been drawn 
over our glorious history in order for us to not recognize its true value 
and meaning. We now realize that what is worst of all is our toleration 
of, and willingness to be exploited by, a cabal of forgers and cheats. 

And so, therefore, there gradually arose several questions which 
were not only simply scientifically interesting, but also of the greatest 
importance for the economic and political future of not only the 
German State but of the German race as well. 

It is here that we may single out some of these questions: Is the 
doctrine of the Church really true, that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, 
when science dates its age into the millions or billions of years? 

Has mankind truly only been living on the Earth for 5,684 
years, by the Church's teachings, when it can safely be determined that 
he appears in the Tertiary Period, millions of years ago? 

And the Bible speaks of a human couple in the paradise of 
Eden, of an Adam and Eve. Were these people of the Red, Black, 
Brown or White races? The Hebrew word for Adam , adhom, means 
reddish-brown, thus indicating that he is a bastard of some of the lowest 
races. In Assyrian, he is called Adam Udumv, so he is therefore to be 
associated with those infamous hybrid half-animal / half-human 
creatures. St. Jerome *3.) has translated Adam's name outright as 
“cattle”. Now was Eve of the same type of creature? 

How could a Man be bom from such a pair of dissimilar 
creatures which are so different in appearance and physique and 
character? Can the assertion of the equality of all mankind be correct 
even though they have descended from such different types of human in 
this supposed original couple? 


The Bible also speaks not only of “people” but also of the 
“Children (Sons) of God” (Theos). It says that the people saw the 
daughters of these Children of God and chose from them and took them 
as wives. So who are the “Children of God”? Which people? Are the 
higher race of men, the Sons of the Gods (Goths), or Theos (Tius and 
Zeus), and the Whites the actual chosen ones in contrast to those 
humans mentioned in the Edda which are described as “human-like 

Why did God say “Let us make Man in our image, after our 
likeness”? Were there several Gods? Because this God speaks in the 
plural tense. Or can it be that he speaks of a higher human species? Did 
they want to make these beast-men, whom they had bred as slaves, into 

From whom are we Germans descended? From the Children of 
the Gods? From the gleaming white Aurinar-race? Or are we, as the Jew 
and the French would have us believe, nothing more than “human-like” 
men, animal-men or Neanderthal men? 

And from where comes our enemies then, from the beast-man 
or from the bastard races? 

If we Germans are descended from the Biblical “Children of 
God”, then our enemies indeed are of the beast-man. From what recent 
racial research has convincingly proven (see Dr. Woltmann's Politische 
Anthropologie as well as the works of Gobineau, Wilser, Gunther), is it 
not then madness to speak of a “universal equality”, or “international 
reconciliation” and of a “League of Nations”? Is not a lamb always 
eaten when it negotiates with wolves? Is it not indeed an endless folly 
and shame to tolerate a treaty with beast-men and those of the bastard 
races? And to allow the shameful treaties of Versailles, Spa and London 


to make us into slaves of these creatures? Is the Treaty of Versailles not 
a godless work in the same way that the Bible, in the stories of Canaan 
and Shem, calls for these lower-races to enslave Japheth *4.) and calls 
for the destruction of Jesus by their hands? 

What was the Paradise of the Bible? Where was it? Where are 
its rivers? Does it not imply that it contained a formerly existing eternal 
spring? The Gods (The Sons of God / The God-Men) put the “people” 
into the Garden of Eden and they built it and they inhabited it. Did they 
really put “beast-men” as their slaves into this Garden of God? Which 
would they choose to inhabit the Earth and to rule over? The Children 
of God or beast-men? 

A great flood came later over the Earth, a flood which destroyed 
the mountains and “covered” everything; over all peoples and over all 
creatures. Could there really be such a flood which could cover the 
mountains? Impossible! Or is this simply an account of a terrible 
catastrophe on Earth? And then Noah is left all alone on Earth? Who 
was Noah? Was it true, as he has claimed, that he has the command of 
God himself over poisonous snakes, predators and vermin of all kinds 
in his Ark? From which race did he and his family belong? How could 
so many different races come from this lone family who were 
supposedly the last family on Earth? 

The Bible tells us of a “Holy, Chosen People”. Can this really 
be the Hebrews, this cruel and blood-thirsty people? The same people 
that the Bible testifies has committed mass child-sacrifice, cannibalism 
and has plundered the entire populations of the Earth? Could God really 
have chosen from these depraved peoples a “Son of God” as the saviour 
of the world to bring its Salvation? Is this here not the grand 
falsification of history at the hands of Judaism? For what purpose could 


this have been done? 

Who, in reality, are the Holy, Chosen people of God? Are the 
Children of God the German race? 

The Bible speaks of a Holy City of God in the middle of the 
seas (see Chapters 11, 30 & 31): “on the many waters”, “between two 
seas”, “the many islands in the seas”, “with the holy mountain of God 
between the two seas”, “within the area of the middle of the sea”, “the 
throne of God in the midst of the seas” (see Chapter 30). Can this then 
be referring to Jerusalem? Of course not! Which city could this be then? 
Is this then a falsification of ancient history? Certainly! But then many 
other things in the Bible, and perhaps the most important thing of all, is 

Was the Holy City of God between the two seas perhaps the 
very remarkable and legendary capital city of the sunken continent of 
Atlantis? Was it the sunken Atlantic island “Atlantis” which for 
centuries has kept so many scholars busy? Is this Atlantis the place that 
is referred to as the paradise of the Bible? 

In the Bible narrative, we are suddenly transported from the 
story of this Paradise to the history of Jewish victimhood and of Jewish 
priests. We are suddenly thrown into the Bible's stories of the Hebrews' 
human sacrifices, carnage and cannibalism. How is it that the very 
strange religious customs of the Hebrews are so similar to that of the 
American Indians? (see for example Ghillany: Die Menschenopfer bei 
den Hebraern , [Human Sacrifice Among the Hebrews] Braunschweig, 
1842.) Are the Jews Indian mongrels? 

How is it that the Spanish conquerors of Central America, to 
their amazement, found the religious customs of the Catholic Church 
being practiced there? That baptism, communion, the use of Holy water. 


a Papacy, the clothing of priests, the crucifix, the practice of confession, 
and the concept of forgiveness of sins were all present there when they 
arrived? And how is this then possible when this region had no contact 
with Europe for thousands of years? How is it that in Tibet, the same 
institutions and customs can be found in the Buddhists without there 
having been any previous contact between Christianity and the 

If it is a historical fact that baptism, communion, confession, 
absolution, holy water, the rosary and a priestly hierarchy had existed 
long before the Catholic Church, then where had the Tibetans, the Near 
East, the Mexicans and the Egyptians derived this prehistoric Catholic 
Christianity from? Is this external Christianity then older than the 
Roman Catholic Church or is this really the continuation of an 
American-Indian-Jewish-Tibetan cult? 

If images of a crucified man were present and worshiped by the 
Aztecs and the Egyptians long before the birth of Christ, then who 
really was Jesus? Did he live 1,900 years ago? If not, then when? If the 
Nordics speak of an exalted person crucified already long before Christ, 
then who is the prehistoric Jesus and what is the historical truth about 
this person? Did he really live in Palestine? If not, then where? And 
when? Why has Judaism put forth such historical forgeries in regards to 
this person, and for what purpose? 

If, as we have then now learned, it is that Christianity is not 
historically accurate and that the Roman Church is actually just a 
continuation of an Aztec-Buddhist-Hebrew paganism, then has not an 
immense and monstrous crime been committed against our Germanic 
peoples in the name of this counterfeit Christianity from Charlemagne 
up until the present day? Isn't this division of the Germans into 


denominations and their subsequent mutual in-fighting then not 

And how can we explain the very remarkable fact that the 
Gospels of Buddha and the Gospels of Christ are so similar? And that 
often they are almost verbatim the same, although separated by nearly 
500 years? 

Which Gospels are the original? Has Jesus borrowed from the 
Buddha or did he borrow from another Jesus who lived long before him 
in the old grey depths of time? Why does the life story of Buddha so 
strikingly match that of Jesus? 

What would German history, culture and politics look like 
today if the Germans had been allowed to develop on its own without 
the counterfeit Christianity of this Aztec-Jewish-Tibetan-Roman Pope- 
State that had paved the ground for this World War? What will our 
policies look like and what will the state of the Germans become once 
the historical facts are revealed and these fraudulent teachings of our 
wrong-doings no longer allowed to paralyze our strength and to prevent 
us from our much needed unification? 

After all of this then, comes the question: What is the Bible? Is 
it really “God's Word”? Or is it a falsified version of ancient historical 
accounts of antiquity for the purposes of Judaism? Who are the original 
authors? Who, the Jews? 

So here we have given only a small selection of questions 
which are indeed necessary for the thinking man; questions which 
deeply touch upon the lives of the Germans and which are of paramount 
importance. These questions are important not only for its internal and 
external political life, but for the fundamental future of the German 


A great amount of hard work has already been done on the 
solutions to these questions; we need only recall the works of Dollinger, 
Bugge, Delitzsch, Niemjewsky, Drews, Chamberlain, and Stuhl, among 
others. But a satisfactory solution has not yet been found; partly 
because only some of the issues were discussed, partly because a writer 
relied on the basis of Biblical accounts and others because they claimed 
that any relevant history was omitted from ancient accounts. 

Here, an attempt will now be made to investigate these matters 
through the fields of astronomy, geology, paleontology, anthropology, 
racial science and recent historical studies. Reports from the Bible, from 
the German Edda and from ancient legends will bring these matters into 
context. We will often be on the subject of the submerged continent of 
Atlantis, which ancient times had come to speak of as the high peak of 
Germanic culture. Perhaps we may be able to, from the darkness of all 
of the fallacies, forgeries and frauds surrounding the German world, 
bring some light and thus show him the way to rise again. 

*1.) Translator: Since the author is writing in 1924 , any reference herein to World 
War should be taken as a reference to the first World War. 

*2.) K. v. Widdumhoff: Die Entdeckten Schwarzen Henker des Deutschen Volkes (The 
Discovered Black Executioner of the German People). Weifienburg, 1924. And Hans 
Lienhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke (A Giant Crime Against the 
German People) t Weifienburg , 1921. 

*3.) Translator: also known as Heilige Hieronymus , best known for his translation of 
the Bible into Latin. 

*4.) Translator: Japheth is considered in Biblical tradition to be the father of 


Chapter 2. 

A Reign of Terror on Earth. 

Let us look to the great limestone quarries, and in particular, to 
the large lithographic stone quarries of Bavaria with their horizontal 
layers which are embedded with fossils. This in itself suggests a great 
question: From where did such a great quantity of lime come to form all 
of these layers? How many thousands or millions of years would it take 
to form these layers? And why is it that there is no more limestone to be 

Looking at the large sand pits, clay pits, quarries and salt mines, 
one can immediately see how history has been formed, layer by layer, in 
these alluvial deposits. Many of these are more than 1,000 meters in 
depth. And these are in thousands of such locations. But, all the same, 
one wonders: Is it possible that these alluvial deposits were created 
simply by rivers? Must they not have rather been formed by immense 

When visiting sites of huge coal and lignite deposits, one’s 
thoughts inevitably say: Yes, that's right, coal is created by the 
carbonization of submerged trees. But then why are such deposits not 
found everywhere? Because trees surely grew everywhere on this Earth 
in the past; so why are there so few such areas, and, more strangely, 
why are they mainly found only in the temperate and colder regions? 
Does this not then suggest that perhaps immense floods had tom the 
trees out of all of the forests of the tropical regions and that only very 
specific sites in the north and south had been submerged in drifting 
mud? These are all puzzles that can only be explained by an assumption 
that monstrous floods had roared over the Earth for thousands of years. 


With this in mind then, comes a remarkable discovery: 

In South America, there has been found marks of flooding on 
cliff walls at 3,000 meters in altitude. These floods must have eroded 
the steep rock walls there for hundreds or thousands of years. Above 
these marks, on impossibly steep rock faces are found indecipherable 
hieroglyphic writings which are at least one million years old. The only 
conceivable way that they could have been placed there would be if 
they had been written there while standing on a raft! In Greenland and 
in Novaya Zemlya there are flood marks at 1,000 meter altitudes *1.). 

Who has made these hieroglyphs? From when and from where 
were these people from? Were they sailors from the seas? Such 
markings at these high-tide marks would suggest so. 

All of these questions can only be answered if we accept the 
theory that immense floods had raged over the Earth with an 
overwhelming power, eroding mountains and filling the valleys. 
Scattered among the many peoples of the Earth there are many (over 
seventy) flood legends suggesting just that *2.). But maybe there is also 
one single unifying source. 

Are we looking for answers that have already been given to us 
by the astronomer Horbiger (Das Deutsche Weltbild) and that have 
already been vividly described by Fischer ( Weltwenden )? Let us clarify 
what they have stated, in brief: 

Millions and billions of years ago, the Earth was ejected from 
the Sun into space, as a fiery, glowing sphere. Millions of years passed 
before the Earth could cool down sufficiently enough to support the 
existence of, and witness the emergence of, plant and animal life. The 
gradual cooling of the Earth caused a shrinkage and folding to shape its 
surface, thereby creating mountains and valleys and bringing rainfall. 


The carbonate atmosphere favored the growth of a lush plant life and a 
vast prehistoric animal world. 

In our cosmos, there are of course continual births and 
extinctions, comings and goings *3.). In addition to the Earth, smaller 
celestial bodies and planetoids were flung from the Sun into space. 
Some of these objects eventually came to be drawn into the 
gravitational domain of the Earth became captured as its moons. Some 
stayed circling in the Earth’s orbit while others were slowly sucked 
down, crashing into the Earth. These events of course caused great 
cataclysmic changes to the Earth over the millennia: regular glaciations 
of large regions, enormous floods from the Equator to the poles (and 
vice versa), and great expansions of the oceans and continents by the 
deep-flowing masses of water, ice, rock and earth. The geological 
structure of the Earth's crust and its stratifications were likewise 
affected. Coal and lignite deposits were created by the runoff of flooded 
giant forests in the tropical regions which eventually settled in the 
higher latitude locations. The development of petroleum by the deaths 
of giant dinosaurs and mammals in one of the vast world-extinctions 
concentrated in the bays and gulfs which these animals had gathered at. 
There indeed eventually came a rebirth, a resurrection of a “New 
Heaven and a New Earth”; there were newly created regions on the 
Earth and, since the collapse of its orbiting satellites, there arose a new, 
“moonless” era, at which time coincided in an emergence of a new plant 
and animal kingdom. The races and cultures of the human emerged. 

Mankind's memories are reflected in his lore and fables which 
reach back millions of years. 

Already very significant to us is the history of our very first 
moon, the prehistoric moon called Phobus. Its subsequent collapse into 


the Earth is indeed a story of unimaginable horror. Writing with great 
difficulty, we think of our great ancestors, huddled together, hiding 
wherever they possibly could in these great and tumultuous times of 
global catastrophe. This era is recorded in ancient legends and records 
such as the Edda and the eventually falsified Bible. Regardless of their 
partial corruption, these documents yet contain information which 
then intimately links them with the history of Atlantis... 


Something similar to our current moon was was once seen in 
our skies about 1 million years ago in our prehistoric moon, Phobus. 
Always at a close distance from the Earth, its gravitational pull drew it 
inevitably closer and closer and it slowly spiralled downwards. Its orbit 
around the Earth thereby became shorter and shorter as it grew visibly 
larger and larger in size to the Earth's occupants. It finally came so close 
to the Earth that its orbital cycle around us was reduced to only one day. 
As the moon's perigee (the point of an orbit at which it is closest) grew 
shorter, so did the gravitational attraction between the two grow. This 
gravitational pull on the Earth's waters became so great that the oceans 
rose up in great towering tidal waves in a belt between the Tropic of 
Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These immense waves crashed 
over and completely submerged the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. 
Africa was also mostly, but not totally, drowned in this deluge. 
According to the accounts of ancient fishermen, the northern and 
southern caps of the Earth, from approximately 40 degrees latitude 
north and south became frozen over. Between the floods and these 
subsequent freezes, the total available living space for humans and 


animals eventually shrunk to only a few regions between the tropics. 
(See Figure 1) 

On these regions, isolated from each other for thousands of 
years, the different races of man formed; the Red, Black, Brown, 
Yellow and White men. The White men in South and Central Europe 
were on the verge of extinction due to the encroaching glaciers and 
were chosen to survive only due to the superior resistance of their 
bodies and blood to cold. The findings in the Vezere Valley were of this 
period and show that the Nordic peoples had already attained a certain 
elevated cultural level during this terrifying age. (See Figure 2) This 
time of towering floods and the one-day moon was the time of the most 
dramatic changes in the features of the Earth. 

Figure 1: Livable areas between the Tropical latitudes during the Tertiary Era. 
From Fischer, Weltwenden , page 94, figure 21 (Welteisbucherei). 

The giant lunar tides swept to and fro, between the north and 
south, according to the daily changes in the orbit of this nearby moon 


(See Figure 3). 

The downwardly spiralling orbit of this prehistoric moon did 
not stop. It approached closer and closer and its orbital period grew 
shorter and shorter until it was so near that it circled the Earth three 
times a day. What an incomparably grotesque image this must have 
been! As the gigantic moon crossed the sky three times a day, it would 
have also eclipsed the sun and the stars three times a day with its 
massive size. Phobus itself would have had a darkened appearance; 
when the sun would finally appear in the sky, it would have been 
significantly smaller in size than this moon. The Bible in Revelation 
8:12 tells us this (and from Fischer, page 104 and following). (See 
Figure 4.) 

When the prehistoric moon Phobus had approached us at a 
distance of 2 - 2 l / 2 times the diameter of the Earth, it must have come 

Figure 2: Mammoth and Reindeer. Drawings on the walls of the ice caves. The human 
head on the right is a carving on a glacier. From Fischer, Weltwenden, page 162, figure 

Figure 4; The Tertiary moon before the beginning of its rise as compared to the size of 
the modem moon on the left. From Fischer, Weltwenden, page 105, figure 22. 


under such a gravitational pull that it would have started to come apart, 
to disintegrate, in a series of rings according to its composition. One 
after another, these rings of matter would rain down upon the Earth: 

Figure 3: The regions of the Earth that were affected daily by floods 
corresponding to the lunar orbit of Phobus. From Fischer, Weltwenden , page 49. 


First came a monstrous torrent of pieces of ice and hail and heavy 
snows and rains. Next, a steady rain of earthen mud, sands, iron 
fragments and clay which would have turned the seas a bloody reddish 
color. Then solid rock fragments, up to the size of small mountains, 
would fall, glowing brightly as they entered the Earth's atmosphere, and 
finally howling down as massive pieces of stony hail. It is hardly 
possible that mankind could have survived these falling rocks and 
stones other than by possibly hiding in the clefts and cliffs of the 
mountainous regions. We find this event most vividly portrayed in the 
Bible in Revelation 8:12 and in Revelation 6:12-17. (See Figure 5.) 

This horrific collapse of the moon into the Earth occurred over 
a period of 3 to 5 years, during which time the sun was darkened from 
the sky by the incessant rain of debris. These were the 5 long years of 
dark winter that are referred to in the Edda. The Edda speaks of the 

Figure 5: The onset of the torrential cataclysmic collapse of the moon 
Phobus into the Earth. From Fischer, Wellwenden, pages 57 and 119, figure 15 



Fim-Bul-Vetr : 5 years of terrible times and of a 3 to 5 year sun-silence. 
This was an unprecedented time of a lamenting of the peoples and of 
starvation and wandering through the mountains in search of sanctuary. 
The Edda makes references to the horrors of the time before the 
collapse of Phobus in the following: 

“Wind-time, Wolf-time, 

Before the World was destroyed.” 


“Who lives and still survives, 

If the long-sung 
winter of terror has waned. 

Lis and Listhrasier live hidden 
in Hodimir's wood. 

Morning dew is all their meal: 

It comes from a new generation.” 


“The Earth was without form, and void.” 

Genesis 1:2 

“Darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God 
(here, the Spirit of God should more correctly be translated as violent 
storms and winds as an aspect of the collapse) moved on the waters” 
(Genesis 1:2). The final remaining ring of matter of the moon dissolved: 
“Let there be Light.” (Genesis 1:3). “God divided the light from the 
darkness” (Genesis 1:4): there was finally a bright and cloudless blue 


sky to be seen and the sun shone down brilliantly from the heavens. 
The endless rain of debris was finally gone and day and night were once 
again distinguishable from each other. 

But which miracle of all miracles were those who still survived 
in the tropical regions to witness? The disintegrating moon with its 
rings of falling debris were finally gone; only the shining sun and the 
glistening stars remained in the sky. The intense gravitational pull 
which had formerly caused a high tidal belt in the tropics was also gone. 
The seas in the tropics had drastically subsided by 2,000 meters. The 
high tidal belt of waters that had been created at the equatorial regions 
receded and the seas evenly flooded back to the north and south. And 
so, with the collapse of the moon Phobus, the waters in the north and 
south rose dramatically, 1,000 to 2,000 meters in some areas, covering 
plains and the smaller mountains to their peaks; taller mountains were 
covered to their mid-latitudes. The subsiding high-tides between the 
tropics brought its surviving residents new lands; vast new areas were 
no longer covered in seas. But for the regions of the north and south, 
this brought terrible new floods, heaping even more death and 
destruction to the few survivors there. For a long while the floods 
surged back and forth, north and south, until the Earth returned to the 
spherical shape it had previously had. These floods gnawed at the rocky 
coasts of Greenland, creating the high flood marks at 1,000 meter 
altitudes that we have spoken of there. Eventually, these floods too 
receded and so “...the waters under Heaven gathered together in one 
place... the gathering together of the waters He called Seas.” (Genesis 
1:5-10) So that the Earth, finally, emerged as dry land. 

And so what did these few survivors of the Earth then see after 
this tumultuous era? “A new Heavens (Heimat [homeland] + the 


Icelandic Himin [sky / heavens] = Heim [home]) and a new Earth”. 
These clear, expansive and brilliantly blue skies must have both 
overjoyed and frightened these surviving humans, having been absent 
from their vision for so long. The children of these survivors could now 
sow and harvest their own foods again. The moon had disappeared; in a 
gruesome and horrifying manner it had merged and married with the 
Earth. The flood sagas of the Chibcha Indians of South America speak 
expressly of a moonless era which preceded the final floods which 
would destroy Atlantis (Fischer: Weltwenden, page 81). The correct 
view that our current moon was not always above us in the sky was a 
common and widespread theme in many ancient lore. 

Ancient eastern Indian calculations date this collapse of the 
prehistoric moon into the Earth at 800,000 years ago, which, to 
astronomical calculations, would be just about correct. 

And what was the Earth like after the collapse was over and 
these floods had receded? 

A new Earth opened up. Freed from the high tidal belt and the 
floods, two new continents emerged from the waters: Atlantis and 

Almost vertically aligned along the Earth's axis, a seemingly 
eternal spring had now arrived and under the influence of the sun 
brought a rebirth of new plants, trees, grasses and herbs (Genesis 1:11). 
And just as older species of animal had died out in this immense global 
disaster, so too were new species of animal emerging and flourishing on 
the face of the Earth (Genesis 1:21-25). 

And as for Man? Extremely few of them would have survived 
this prolonged, terrible disaster. In the Americas, more of the Red races 
would have survived and very few of the White races. According to the 


many legends in these regions, even perhaps just a couple of them (for 
this, see the Biblical references of Genesis 1:26 and following). 

The above description of this vast reign of terror on Earth was 
initially developed by the ingenious Glacial-Cosmogony or World-Ice 
( Welteislehre ) theory of astronomer Hans Horbiger. Imagine our 
surprise when we found that this theory is corroborated in the ancient 
pages of the Prose Edda (aka the Younger Edda), now being expounded 
upon by John Gorsleben. For the reader of this book, this may not come 
as a great surprise; he most likely knows that the Edda itself describes 
many geological and astronomical processes (as has been in the great 
tradition of the Germanic peoples) that date back millions of years into 
our history. These events are also partly recorded in the Bohuslan rock 
carvings. The Truth is on the march! 

Figure 6: After the collapse of PhSbus, and the receding of the flooded high 

tidal regions, the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria emerged ftom the waters. From 
Fischer, Weltwenden, page 77, figure 18 (Welteisbucherei). 

For those whose interest has been piqued and would like greater 
clarifications on the astronomical conditions that we've described, we 
recommend the excellent work of Max Valier: Der Sterne Bahn und 
Wesen (R. Voigtlanders Verlag, Leipzig). 

*1.) See Hans Fischer's Weltwenden 20/21 , Alexander von Humboldt's diaries of his 
expeditions to America; and Rudolf Falb's Kritische Tage f Sintflut und Eiszeit (Critical 
Days, Flood and Ice Age), Wien, 1895. 

*2.) Richard Andree: Die Flutsagen (The Flood Sagas), 1891. 

*3.) See also the thoughtful exposition of Max Valier: Der Steme Bahn und Wesen (The 
Star Paths and Being), Leipzig, 1924. 


Chapter 3. 

The New, Moonless and Blissful Age of Eternal Spring. 
The New Heaven and the New Earth. 

A new Heaven and a new Earth has literally been created. A 
new era on Earth has dawned. The immense glaciers, often a thousand 
meters or more thick, stretching from the poles down to the 40 th degree 
latitudes north and south, began to melt. Vast areas of Europe that were 
previously covered in ice were now open, even to the northernmost 
regions of Norway and Spitsbergen. 

New plants and animal breeds populated the Earth. And yet a 
new human culture remained to unfold. The climate was to become 
mild and warm even to the north; fig trees even thrived in northern 
Germany. Because of this new, fertile era, the Earth offered up a rich 
harvest of all types of fruits and the humans naturally began to rapidly 

There then began an exodus from southern Europe. Having 
lived on the edges of the glaciers there for thousands of years, the White 
race was now eager to move to the newly opened, cooler lands to the 
north. Meanwhile, the colored races migrated to the warmer lands of 
Africa, Atlantis and Lemuria, from where the waters had recently 

A truly happy golden age was now bestowed upon these 
formerly tormented peoples of the Earth, a new paradise. Land was in 
abundance for everyone; there were no problems of regional land 
overpopulation and their associated social ills. Every man could settle 


down, hunt, fish, build and live wherever he chose to. The Earth once 
again was a place with a pleasant climate and an abundance of plants, 
animals and fruits of all imaginable kinds. This was that vanished, 
blissful Golden Age of which legends and the songs of ancient poets 

It is indeed this same era on Earth when its peoples could freely 
multiply and spread across the globe: 
the White races into Europe, 
the Red races into Atlantis and the Americas, 
the Yellow races into Asia, 
the Black races into Africa, 

the Brown races into Lemuria (to Australia, Polynesia, Sunda 
Islands, Madagascar). 

Those peoples who had migrated to the tropical regions, the 
colored races, had no need to put much concern to the procurement of 
livelihood or the development of culture; the abundant resources in the 
warmer climes gave rise to a wasteful nature which did not need to 
struggle to survive. For our Ancestors, the white Nordic races, it was to 
be otherwise. 


Chapter 4. 

The Migration of the White Nordic Race (Germans) 
Into All Areas of the World and Into Atlantis. 

Europe at that time was not as large as it is today. A portion of 
Russia remained submerged in waters and as such, separated much of 
Europe from Asia. The rapid increase of the population of the Nordic 
race into a relatively constrained region meant that they had reduced 
areas to settle into and forced them to find alternate methods to procure 
foods. From a very early time, then, they as a race were required to be 
more actively inventive as regards to the management of livestock and 
the perfection of their agriculture. Under the hand of the Nordic man 
then emerged the inventions of very early plows, carts, carriages and 
boats. Soon after, he developed the first legal principles which would 
allow peoples to peacefully co-exist as well as the first concepts of 
property. Strange mountain sanctuaries were built everywhere in Europe 
for gatherings responsible for establishing a revival of racial identity 
and religious life (Note: On this subject, we are currently at work to 
publish a separate treatise. - the publisher). 

“We must,” says Ernst Betha (in Die Erde und unsere Ahnen, 
[The Earth and Our Ancestors ]), “completely re-leam the field of 
History.” The history of our ancestors and of the Earth and its other 
inhabitants is much different than that which we have previously been 
told * 1 .). 

This has been confirmed by the oldest documents of the human 
race, the Swedish rock art carvings, which extend up to 500 kilometers 


in length and date back 800,000 years in history. One finds in their 
strange writings descriptions of star constellations as they were 
arranged tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago *2.). From the 
positions of the petroglyphs and from the corresponding positions of the 
carved stars within the petroglyphs, astronomers have been able to 
cleverly extract conclusions about their ages. In these rock carvings, 
one can also see depictions of different human races, as well as pets, 
sleds, row boats and animals; trees from the tropics are depicted and 
there are drawings of the mouth of the Nile river, drawings of the 
Or river in Russia, and drawings of the Rhine. Finally, the brilliant 
researcher Franz von Wendrin has succeeded, in part, to decipher these 
mysterious pictographs. He notes in his conclusions that the Germans 
had made all of the above-noted inventions and that for hundreds of 
thousands of years they have made bold journeys by large rowing boats 
across the oceans. They had made discoveries across all of the seas, 
and, having long ago determined that the Earth was spherical, made 
subsequent sailing journeys to Egypt, Africa, Polynesia, Lemuria, the 
Americas and Atlantis. (See Figure 7.) 

For the densely populated White peoples of Europe, emigration 
to the adjacent continent of Atlantis became more and more of an 
obvious alternative. Not only did Atlantis, lying between Europe and 
America, form a land-bridge between continents, but it also had a 
pleasant climate, fertile lands and was very rich in metals (as a result of 
the collapse of the moon). Because of these conditions, the Nordic race 
began to migrate and a great, prehistoric Germanic world culture began 
to develop there, as related in all of the ancient legends, stories and 
records of the Edda and the Bible. We still have the remains of this 
great culture of Atlantis reflected in the names of various places in the 


world around us: the Atlantic Ocean, the Atlas mountains and the 
Mexican cities of Aztlan. Historical documents from the priests and 
libraries of these ancient civilizations were then used and manipulated 
to create the Jewish Bible. Atlantis itself will come to explain many of 
the puzzles of the Bible and of the Edda. 

In the following pages, let us examine the likely German 
origins of the culture and history of Atlantis and that this possibility is 
reflected in the reports of the Edda, the Bible, ancient lore and the 
petroglyph writings of Bohuslan. 

Figure 7: The rock carvings of Bohuslan in Sweden which tell of Germanic 
voyages to tropical regions. Diagram by Franz von Wendrin. Drawings from 
approximately 200,000 B.C. 

*10 Dr. Georg Biedenkamp: Der Nordpol ah Vdlkerheimat (The North Pole as the 
Homeland of Our People). Jena, 1906. Ttlak, a Brahaman scholar, has deduced in 1903 
from sacred eastern Indian writings, that there is evidence that the North Pole is the 


homeland and place of origin of the Aryan race. See also: 

Prof Karl Penka: Der Herkunft derAricr (The Origin of the Aryans). Wien, 1886. 
Origines-Ariacae. Wien, 1883. Die Flutsagen der arischen Volker, Politisch- 
anthropologische Revue, (The Flood Sagas of the Aryan Peoples). Berlin, 1904. Ober 
den Urspnrng der vorgeschichtlichen Kultur Europas (On the Origin of the Prehistoric 
Cultures of Europe). Berlin. Die alten Volker Nord - und Osteuropas und die Anfdnge 
der europaischen Metallurgy (The Ancient Peoples of Northern and Eastern Europe 
and the Beginnings of European Metallurgy). Hildburghausen, 1910. Die 
vorhellenische Bevolkerung Griechenlands (The Pre-Hellenic Populace of Greece). 
Hildburghausen, 1911. Prof Ludwig Wilser: Die Germanen. Leipzig, 1903. Prof 
Matthaus Much: Die He imat der Jndogermanen (The Homeland of the Indo-Germam). 
Jena , 1902. E. Krause: Thuis Koland. Glogau, 1891. Guido von List: Many of his 
works, all available from the Guido von List Society in Wen. Prof Caspar Stuhl: 
Nordlands Untergang (The Downfall of the Northern Lands). Perleberg, 1921 . 

*2,) Translator: Some of these can be found in Lauritz Baltzer’s: Schwedische 
Felsbilder von Goteborg bis Stromstad (Swedish Rock Drawings from Gothenburg to 
Stroms tad). Hamburg, 1919. 


Chapter 5. 

From the Sunken Continent of Atlantis. 

Evidence for the former existence of Atlantis and its culture was 
initially provided by Heinrich Schliemann in his excavations in Asia 
Minor and Crete. The research and discoveries of Leo Frobenius in west 
Africa followed. Then, after the extensive investigations of geologist 
Eduard Suess, we leam that Atlantis, as we have described it here, has 
long since passed and that Greenland is a radial section of that 
continent. Greenland's table of old red sandstone is in fact a part of that 
which was once Atlantis *l.). Professor Wegener also provided evidence 
that North America and Europe, as well as Africa and South America, 
were all at one time connected in an earlier period of Earth's history, 
and that they were somehow subsequently pulled apart from each other 
*2.). In this region then that once connected the continents, remain a 
chain of islands from this fractured land-mass that once included the 
now sunken island of Atlantis *3.). Clever botanists and zoologists, such 
as Professor Seeberger and Dr. Hausthal have come to the conclusion 
that only the former existence of a continent in the Atlantic Ocean, such 
as Atlantis, would explain certain plant and animal phenomena. In 
recent decades, deep-sea cable-laying missions and oceanographic 
researches have provided further evidence of this prehistoric continent, 
which is now buried deep beneath the waters of the Atlantic. 

An example of this former relationship between America and 
Atlantis is the fact that the animal and plant life of the east coasts of 
America have more in common with those in Europe and Africa than 
they do with those in America's western coasts. Even the most ancient 


animals and plants that are found in Europe and Africa are remarkably 
consistent with those found in the eastern regions of America 
(according to Fischer, Weltwenden, page 135). 

Recently, the astronomical and geological calculations and 
studies of Horbiger *4.) and Hans Fischer *5.) have provided excellent 
proof for the repeated appearances and disappearances of Atlantis 
throughout history (see Chapter 2). Many other evidence drawn from 
Natural History, Art History, Ethnology, Archeology, Anthropology, 
Linguistics, Mythology and Aryan History will be shown in the 
following discussions. 

We also have many historical reports of Atlantis *6.). The best 
description of this sunken continent is found in the records of Egyptian 
priests, whose contents were told to the Greek sage Solon at Sais in the 
Nile Delta upon his visits. Solon's student, Plato, has documented these 
reports. Oddly enough, these reports agree and are consistent with those 
from antiquity, long before him, as well as with the legends of Homer’s 
Odyssey and Iliad and ancient Indian lore. Furthermore, these agree 
with those ancient legends of the Mayas, Incas, Toltecs, Peruvians and 
Araucanos of Central America that had survived the many destructive 
rampages of the visiting missionaries there. Finally, it also coincides 
with those parts of the Edda and the Bible which were previously 
inexplicable. Both the Edda and the Bible give us extremely vast, 
valuable and surprising insight into Atlantis, as will be shown in the 
following pages. Precious historical findings about Atlantis have also 
been provided by Ernst Betha in his work Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen 
(The Earth and Our Ancestors). 

Certain conclusions about the lost Aryan-Atlantean culture have 
been made by the author from numerous similar ruins found in 


Germany. An announcement of these conclusions will be made in a 
separate publication. 

To those readers who are not yet satisfied after having been 
introduced to the wealth of great literature and scientific studies that we 
have cited thus far, we must then delve further into the truths that the 
stones of Atlantis have revealed. Found on the Scandinavian coastline, 
beginning in Bohuslan, are a long line of ancient petroglyphs, extending 
up to 500 km, which have been deciphered by Franz von Wendrin on 
his first attempt *7.). The astronomical data that these stones report go 
back 800,000 years. They imply to us that the Gentians have sailed the 
seas with their Viking ships for hundreds of thousands of years and had 
docked and made colonies all across the world: in the Nile, in 
Southwest Asia, in Africa, in the South Pacific, in America and in 
Atlantis. A major area of migration for them was naturally the nearby 
continent of Atlantis which was attractive not only for its mild climate, 
exceeding fertility and abundance of metals, but also because it served 
as a land-bridge to America. One should not overlook that travel from 
Europe to Atlantis was especially easy during this time following the 
collapse of the prehistoric moon Phobus, as England was also 
connected to France thousands of years ago. As Atlantis had therefore 
extended so far to the north, it should not be surprising that many of the 
ancient writers on Atlantis had also studied in the north. The Atlantis of 
Plato and of the Bible were the remains of a continent that had formerly 
emerged west of the Pillars of Hercules. Franz von Wendrin has himself 
assured me that no doubt on the existence of Atlantis can be justified 
upon reading the conclusions in his book on the Bohuslan rock 

Atlantis and its high, prehistoric German culture have therefore 


existed. This can now be considered as a scientifically proven fact. 

The descriptions of Atlantis and its culture that will follow are 
based upon the literature and researches that we have thus far cited. We 
use these materials to deliberately elucidate upon the reports of the 
Egyptian priests at Sais and the Edda and the Bible. Therein, the reader 
will come to see how consistently Atlantis has been described in similar 
terms by many disparate sources. He will also be shown how the writers 
of the Bible have used and manipulated such ancient historical reports; 
reports which were most likely copied or stolen from the libraries of 
pagan priests of yore. 

Comparing my explanations for certain passages of the Bible 
which are based upon historical statements and accounts of Atlantis and 
its wonderful capital city and fortress, with those that are associated 
with the Apostle Paul will cause the scales to fall from the reader's eyes. 
He will see the extent to which his knowledge of historical events has 
been falsified. He will also come to recognize how, with the greatest of 
ease, the original content of the Bible has been edited and replaced with 
crude forgeries by Jewish and Judeo-Christian priests. 

The sublime teachings of Christ will not be diminished by this 
exposure, but will instead become exalted once they are stripped of 
thousands of years of rubbish and mildew. A new, Aryan-Germanic 
Christianity, one that has already been prefigured by the Atlantean and 
Nordic Aryans of antiquity, will arise from this false Jewish-Roman 
paganism and emerge as a great blessing for the German peoples. 

*1.) Eduard SUfi (Suess): Das Antlitz der Erde (The Face of the Earth) Volume II, 
pages 281 andfollowing . Leipzig, 1888. 

*2.) Translator: Professor Alfred Wegener, a pioneer in polar research and perhaps 
most well known for advancing the continental drift theoty. 


*3,) Professor Alfivd Wegener: Die Entstelnmg der Kontinente imdOzeane (The Origin 
of the Continents and Oceans). Braunschweig, 1920. 

*4.) H. Hdrbigcr: Das Deutsche Weltbild (The German World-View). Leipzig, 
*5*) H. Fischer: Weltwenden (World Turning). Leipzig. 

*6.) Literatuiv about Atlantis: 

L William Scott-Elliot: Das Untetgegangene Lemuria (The Sunken 
Lemuria). Leipzig, 1904. 

2. Leo Fwbenius: Auf dem Wege nach Atlantis (On the Way to 
Atlantis). Berlin. 

3. Leo Fwbenius: Und Afrika Sprach.... (And Africa Spoke...). 
Berlin, 1912. 

4. Karl Wachtelborn: Atlantis. Leipzig, 1920. 

5. Ignatius Donnelly: Atlantis, die Vorsintjlutliche Welt (Atlantis, 
the Antediluvian World). Eftlingen, 1S82. 

6. Otto Hauser: Atlantis. Weimar, 1920. (An epic.) 

7. Otto Kiefer: Der Bencht Platos iiber Atlantis (Plato's Account of 
Atlantis). Jena, 1909. 

8. William Scott-Elliot: Atlantis nach Okkulten Quellen (Atlantis by 
Occult So wees). Leipzig, 1903. 

9. Baldmm: AItamerika (Ancient America). 

JO. Bernardino de Sahagun: Geschichte von Neuspanien (General 
History of New Spain). 

11. Zschaetzsch: Herkunft und Geschichte des A rise hen Stammes 
(Origin and History of theAiyan Race). Nikolasee-Berlin, 1920. 

12. HP. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine . Four volumes, 

13. F. F. Baumann: Abrifi Finer Votgeschichtlichen Volkerkunde 
(Outline of Prehistoric Ethnology). Leipzig. 

14. Eduard Siifi: Das Antlitz der Erde (The Face of the Earth). 
Leipzig, 1888. 

15. Prof. Wegener: Die Entstelnmg der Kontinente und Ozeane 
(The Origin of Continents and Oceans). Braunschweig, 1920. 

16. Bailly: Lettres sur TAtlandide (Letters on the Atlanteans). 

17. Accounts of Atlantis are also found in the ancient writers 
Aelian (Varia Historia, Book HI, Chapter VIII), Broklus, Marcellus 
and Diodonis Siculus. These writers speak of the “many islands in 


the sea beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar) " The inhabitants 
of these islands had preserved the memory of the vety large island 
ofAtlantis, for which a long time had held supremacy over all of the 
other islands in the sea. The Gauls also held traditions of Atlantis, 
which were collected by the Roman writer Timagenes . Herodotus 
and Diodorus also speak of the same Atlanteans. 

18. Professor Knotel: Atlantis. Leipzig, 1893. But this author has 
erroneously transferred Atlantis* location, as has Frobenius, to West 
Africa and Morocco. 

19. Olaf Rudbeck: Alland eller Manheim (Atlantis or Manheim). 
Three volumes. Swedish and written in Latin. Erroneously refers to 
Sweden as Atlantis. Vpsala, 1690. Otherwise, a very valuable work . 

20. Hermann Miiller: Nordisches Griechentum (Nordic Hellenism). 
1850. He studied about A tlantis in Britain. 

21. Ghillany, the City Librarian of Nuremberg: Die Menschenopfer 
bei den Hebraen (The Human Sacrifices Among the Hebrews). 
Braunschweig , 1842. He brings invaluable evidence of the former 
existence ofAtlantis and the continent as the origin of the Jews and 
their rites. A cornerstone scholarly work; much overlooked and 
needing more attention. 

22. Eginhardt: Atlantis. Oldersloe. 

23. Leo Frobenius: Atlantis. Jena. 

*7.) A good reproduction of these petroglyphs has been published by Volkwangverlag 
under the title: Schwedische Felsbilder von Goteboig bis Stromstad (Swedish Rock 
Drawings from Gothenburg to Stromstad); also in Lauritz Baltier's: Glyphes des 
Roches du Bohuslan (Rock Glyphs of Boh us lan). 


Chapter 6. 

The Idafeld of Atlantis. 

The climate of Atlantis was very pleasant, similar perhaps to 
that of southern Italy and the Atlantic Azores and Canary Islands. Of 
particular importance to us is the description of Atlantis by Plato as a 
large region surrounded by mountains, covered with fertile trees of all 
kinds, and open in its eastern area with a beautiful plain (see Figure 8.) 
which was called the Idafeld. Chapter 2 of the Bible also refers to this 
wonderful place. In his report, Plato describes this region of Atlantis as 
having a large river which flowed down from the mountains and was 
then divided into four streams which carried particles of gold and was 
irrigated by its peoples. 

In the relevant passages of the Bible, the Idafeld is referred to 
as “Earth”. Thus, Psalms 24 speaks of “from the Earth in the many 
waters”, and in other places speaks of the “King of the Earth”. 

Those who enjoyed fruit would have found themselves in the 
most desirable of climes for the growth of fruit trees. “All types of 
trees, pleasing to the eye and good to the taste” were found in this 
blessed climate in abundance: figs, plantains, breadfruit, oranges, 
bananas, apples and grape vines had all grown there. 

The Idafeld of Aias (Atlantis was also called Aias) must have 
been a beautiful sight to behold. It was a veritable Garden of the Gods, 
as it was, being in the middle of a vast fertile plain and covered with 
fruit-bearing trees and a magnificent forest. The sight of such a place, 
surrounded with glorious white, gleaming, snow-capped mountains and 
placed between active volcanoes that lit the night skies with magical 


fires, must indeed have been wonderful. Because they were in the 
middle of the known world, the Atlanteans used the name from the 
Edda, “Mitgard”, to describe the place where they lived. Their leaders 
and kings named it “Asen” and also “Asgard” (“Asgard” taken from the 
“Aesir-Garten” meaning “King's Garden” or “Royal Garden”). It is 
described clearly in Genesis Chapter 2 as the “Garden of Eden”, the 
legendary paradise of the Bible (see Figure 8.), as is also consistent with 
ancient American legends. 

Here, attention must be drawn to an important historical fact: 
wherever Germans have migrated in the world, they have named their 
settlements with reverent reference to memory of their northern 
homelands, just as they do today (for example Newfoundland, New 
Brunswick, Neukolln, New Berlin). Thus, one finds the traces of 
Germans in the spread of the name Troy (or “Troja” or “Truja”) 
throughout Germany, France (Troyes), Poland (Trojka), Greece and 
India; “Kermanscha” (“German Home”) is found in Persia; an Idafeld 
and Idagebirge (“Mount Ida”) is found in Asia Minor. A host of such 
examples are shown by Dollinger ( Baldr and the Bible ) and Dr. Stuhl 
(Das Arvallied - und Nordlands Untergang [The Arvallied - and the 
Downfall of the Nordland]). 

It is possible that the Germans named their most beautiful 
destinations as “home” (see Franz von Wendrin: Die Entdeckang des 
Paradieses [The Discovery of Paradise]). The name that the Danes gave 
to their farmlands was “Baradin” from “paradise”. The root word 
“bara”, is “farmers”, which we find also in the name of the river in 
Damascus, Barada. Through elaborate irrigation systems, the Germans 
turned large valleys into blooming gardens (“paradise”), such as those 
in the Nile, Euphrates and Indus valleys. One survey map of the Nile 


Della that is found on the Bohuslan petroglyphs is 50,000 years old (a 
figure kindly given to me by Franz von Wendrin) (see Figure 9.). 

Over the ages there have been several so-called “paradises”. 

Figtirg The Idafcld of Atlantis, according to Plato's description. Drawing 
by the author. 



Figure 9: The Nile Delta. Germanic map illustration done about 50,000 years 
ago, discovered by Franz von Wendrin.Plate 54, image 2 in Lauritz Baltzer's: Glyphes 
des Roches dii Bohuslan. 

Teylon shows the ever-green garden of paradise, called “Paradinyja”, 
from which Adam and Ever were expelled. The oldest of these 
paradises may well have been in Germany, the homeland of these 
emigrants, namely the one described in von Wendrin's book. Die 
Entdeckung des Paradieses (The Discovery of Paradise). From there 
came the “paradise-symbols” which followed the Germanic explorers 
and navigators in their quests around the world (see Wendrin, page 227) 
(see Figure 10.). 

The Germans controlled not only the colored races' (or the 
“human-like” creatures) cultures, but, according to the Edda, their 
languages as well. The oldest cultural language in the world is German. 
All of the languages of the world have borrowed from it. It would 
therefore not be surprising that our former settlement areas have 


Nordic-Gcrmanic sounding names rather than that of what the current 
misconceptions of an “Indo-European” race and language would lead us 
to believe. It is also quite natural and expected that these Germanic 
emigrants would have transplanted their ancient customs and traditions 
into their new homelands. Thus we also find in Atlantis the “Asen- 
Kings”, the “Holy Mountain” and many ancient German religious 
practices which, as we shall see, the lower-races eventually distorted 
into abominable versions. 

The immigrant Nordic Aryans were nourished only through the 
various fruits in this vast earthly garden. The killing of animals was 
forbidden by them and the animals therefore walked among them in the 
fields and forests without fear. They were not originally stained with the 
blood of animals; the lower-bred races, on the other hand, lived like 
beasts in the fields and were often not much less than predators 
themselves. Repeatedly we find in many of the eminent historical 

FtSV r ? IQ; The origin of the Henkelkreuze, the handle-cross. From Franz von 
Wendnn's: Die Entdechmg des Paradieses (The Discovery of Paradise), page 227, 
figure 38. 


accounts of antiquity that the Aryans were not meat-eaters but had 
subsisted entirely on fruits. Robert Springer has written on this subject 
in his very extensive and magnificent book *1.). Only through the 
increased mixing of the Aryans with these lower-bred races in Atlantis, 
and with the distress caused by increasingly colder temperatures, were 
the Aryans to become prone to turn to a carnivorous lifestyle. 

Atlantis, in the writings of the ancient ones, was called the 
“Island of the Blessed”. The immigrant travelers also called it “Idafeld” 
from “Ida”, “original mother” or “first mother”. The surrounding 
mountains were called the “Idaberge” (Ida Mountains) as reported by 
the sages of Troy. Since the mythologies of ancient civilizations 
primarily refer to the Idafeld as the original cultural starting point of the 
Aryan races, so too do ancient song and poetry. From these artistic 
sources we can also infer that it may have briefly been alternately 
named “Idda” or “Edda” or “Veda”. The name Ida can hence be found 
to be contained in the names of many geographic locations in Germany. 

*1.) Roberl Springer: Enkarpa. Kuhurgeschichte der Menschheit im Lichte der 
Pythagoraischen Lehre (Enkarpa. Cultural Histoiy of Mankind in Light of the 
Pythagorean Theorem). Hannover. 1884. 


Chapter 7. 

The Aias - Aria - Aryans as the “Holy Gods” 
and the “Sons of God” of the Bible on Atlantis. 

Hans Fischer (in Weltoenden) believes that the only accurate 
conclusion that can be drawn on the Nordic race during this period is 
that they had emigrated to this newly emerged continent of Atlantis 
during the beginning of the “moonless” era. It is most likely that they 
were first based in Europe in this moonless time in the area of modern- 
day Denmark, which at that time would have had a very mild climate of 
eternal spring. This region would at that time not have had the extremes 
of summers or winters; they would have been able to sow in January, as 
it would have been a climate comparable to that of southern Italy 
nowadays. Also, it is most probable that the White races would have 
moved north and spread further throughout Europe upon the melting 
of the glaciers. The Nordics' intensive cultural norms would have 
caused its peoples to resist settling in the areas of Europe which had 
suddenly become denser in population and they would have pursued 
emigration outward, into lands that were more open. Now' the Bohuslan 
petroglyphs tell us that the Germanic peoples were straining to set sail 
to distant horizons during these past millennia. Of course it would be 
very obvious that these people would first choose to emigrate to the 
virgin, lush, verdant and extraordinarily fruitful continent of Atlantis. 
Native American legends tell of a White race which had brought the 
culture of their forefathers with them from across the seas. 

According to these ancient legends, these seafaring Nordic 
emigrants had a leader or guide. It is also most likely that the most 


famous leader of these peoples was he who was named Wodan or Odin, 
because his name is still spoken among those Indians there. The Incas 
derive their descent from the Gods Votan and Odon, whose names are in 
fact identical and derived from Wodan and Odin *1.). 

According to old Nordic tradition, the Aias (or Aryans) 
dedicated this newly discovered land to the All-Father and therefore 
named it “Attalantis”, and became shortened to “Atlantis”, to be read 
literally as “Land of the Father”; “Atta” means “Father-Ancestor” and 
“Lantis” means “Land”. In the Gothic Bible, translated by Bishop 
Ulfilas, “Atta” is translated as “Father” and in the previous Lutheran 
Bible as “Abba” (or “Dear Father”). In different dialects we can still 
find this word in the words “Altig” and “Dada” or “Daddy”, as well as 
in the names of German places: the Attel River, Attelsdorf, Attenfeld, 
Attenhausen, Attenhofen and Attenkirchen. The name Atlantis is found 
in the names of the Atlas mountains and in the legendary Mexican city 
of Aztlan or Aztatlan. The Aztecs of Mexico claimed to have come to 
Aztlan from a single country, a country located far to the east of Mexico 
in the sea, that is, from Atlantis. 

The Nordic immigrants often bore the name of the Aia, the 
Aria, or the Arias (Aryans) in opposition to those of the lower races of 
man and in opposition to those of the beast-men. According to them, 
their land was therefore called Aialand. As they migrated across Siberia 
and into the south, the Aias are remembered there in the present 
geographical names of the region, in particular in the names of Asia 
(Asenland), the Syr Darya river, and the Himalaya (“Sky of the 
Aryans”). The word “Aia” is also found in the Edda, wherein the first 
human couple, Ai and Edda are spoken of. Homer also mentions the 
name Aialand. He allows Odysseus in his wanderings to reach Eia or 


Aia, located far to the west of the island of Circe. The island of Eia or 
Aiyaia and its entrance to the underworld, Hel, should lie in the West, 
where the sun sets, and where the sun goes down and into the Earth; it 
also should be located at that point at which the underworld is at its 
closest to the surface of the Earth, that is, where most of the volcanoes 
lie. Speaking of such a land, Homer could only have been referring to 
the island of Atlantis. 

From where come the “Aias”? Peculiarly enough, they had 
named themselves from the word “Ailig” which translated is “Holy”. 
Just as it is said that God had created “in his image”, so it is that the 
Aias saw all around them in the Earth the traces of the God-like and the 
good (hence the word “Good” comes from the word “Gote / God”). All 
was sacred to them and what was most high and noble were the 
family, freedom, law, fire, water, cattle, and their worship sites. Some 
of these worship sites were fortresses with from one to three rings 
of walls surrounding them. Some places on Earth still bear their 
name: Heiligenstadt (the “Holy Site”), Heiligenberg (the “Holy 
Mountain”), and Heilsbronn and Heilbronn (the “Holy Wells”). They 
called themselves the Ailigen (the “Holy”), whereupon also the same 
expression is found in the Revelation of John. For them all about their 
God was Holy, and to that extent it was strictly forbidden to make any 
image or allegorical reference to their deity. “Holy, holy is the Lord 
God, all of the Earth is full of his glory”: from even 12,000 years ago 
these words sang from the mouths of the Atlanteans on their holy 
“Mountain of God”. 

In the records of the ancient Indians (see Chapter 31), as well as 
in the Bible, the Atlantic Aryans are designated as “the Holy” and their 
rulers are called the “Kings of Light” (Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, 


Volume II, pg. 428); their country is called the “White”, in other words, 
as the White-inhabited island. The name of the Ayas is also carried on in 
the names of German cities such as Aystetten (“Place of the Ayas”) and 
Aiting (“Enclosure of the Ayas”). 

*1.) Gotten! is from Goten, Weifie (Gods is from Goths, White). 


Chapter 8. 

The Cultivation of the Idafelde. 

By the words of the All-Father, the Aias had multiplied: “Be 
fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the Earth, and subdue it.” (Genesis 
1:28). But their increasing populations could no longer be sustainable 
on simply the yield of its fruit trees; a carefully planned cultivation of 
the Land of the Gods became ultimately necessary. The plow was 
henceforth put to good use, as was the breeding of several useful crops 
which were known to the Europeans through their discoveries in the 
American continents. Professor Braungart’s investigations show that the 
Aryans had already possessed the agricultural use of grains in their 
homelands by the Tertiary period. The primary river of the land was fed 
by tributaries which trickled down from all sides of the mountain. It 
gathered and formed a giant canal which ran in rings around the plain of 
the Asenland. These rings of water formed channels that in effect 
trapped various ethnic groups together that had previously lived 
separately: the giants of the mountains, the lower-bred men and the 
bestial men were all now forced to reside together *l.). Over the entire 
plain, this current was divided into four main channels which were 
artificially irrigated (see Figure 8). These were the four streams which 
were referred to in the Bible as those that had flowed through and 
irrigated the Garden of Eden. Odin's advisor also spoke of these circular 
channels of currents in the Edda: 

“Ifing is the river 

That flows between the 


Realm of the Gods and 

The giants; It forever 

Flows openly, and 

Will never be covered 

In ice.” Wafthrudirlied *2.) 

These four rivers of the Bible, into which the main current fed, 
were referred to in the Edda as the four streams of milk that ran down 
from the udder of the cow Audhumbla. As a result of an abundant 
irrigation of these streams, there were two harvests of the Idafeld: one 
from the rains and one through its artificial irrigation. These irrigations 
were therefore so valuable to these residents of Mitgard, that they were 
looked upon as if they were streams of milk shed from the land itself, 
the life-force of its inhabitants. Therefore it is from Mitgard / Atlantis 
that these famed words of the Bible originate: “A land flowing with 
milk and honey.” Henceforth, the Aryan emigrants to the Nile, 
Mississippi and Euphrates valleys who founded the colonies there then 
created irrigation systems that were quite similar to those that had 
previously been made in Atlantis. Undoubtedly, the cultivation of the 
Idafeldes was carried out with great deliberation and consideration. 
This, then, is the place that the Edda refers to as the location where the 
Aesir created the Earth “from a skull”. 

We can imagine the excellent care that the Aias must have put 
into their fruit orchards, being as it was their primary source of food. 
The Greek myths *3.) spoke of those wonderful Gardens of the Gods as 
having golden apples (oranges), and that it lay to the west of Europe, on 
an island in the ocean. From there flowed the ambrosial springs of Zeus 
(the Urdarbrunnr, the “Fountain of Life”), and from there the Earth gave 


up its beautiful gifts of the Gods. That the old sagas are actually based 
on historical records is no surprise. The myths of the magnificent 
gardens of the Hesperides are nothing more than the descriptions of the 
sublime fruit gardens of the Atlantean Idafelde, otherwise known as 
Eden. According to the descriptions in the Indian Vedas, the Garden of 
Eden is located on an island, which again is most likely Atlantis. The 
Jewish authors of the falsified Bible, in their forgery, moved Eden on 
the map far off to Mesopotamia; it is entirely more plausible that the 
Jews came in a straight line from the paradise of the Asenland and the 
Aias. This misdirection on their part is instantly recognizable: in the 
Mesopotamian lowlands there are no four streams to be found, nor a 
current that would flow around a whole paradisical land of an Eden, nor 
even are the gold and gems that are spoken of to be found there 
(Genesis, chapter 2). 

The volcanic nature of Atlantis led of course to the land's great 
and abundant wealth of gold, silver, ores and gems. This description, 
from the narrator of the Bible's Genesis, chapter 2, is consistent with the 
lore of ancient peoples who had had a relationship with the island of 
Atlantis. The wealth there of precious metals and metal fragments of all 
kinds can partially be explained in the collapse of our prehistoric moon, 
Phobus, into the Earth. The metal core of this planetoid came down 
primarily in a band (from Fischer: Weltwende) which explains why 
Central America has always been so rich in precious metals; the same 
conclusion can be made about Atlantis. In any event, this abundance of 
metals in Atlantis helps to explain how it had developed such an 
advanced prehistoric civilization, as we shall further elaborate upon in 
Chapter 11 and following chapters. 


*1.) Concerning the presence of actual giants in ancient times, the reader is advised to 
refer to the great works of H.R Blavatsky and the ingenious research of Jorg Lanz von 
Liebenfels in his Ostara publication series, as well as Ernst Betha's Die Erde und 
unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors), 

*20 The listed quotes of the Edda herein are usually taken from the Felix Genzmer 

*30 Petiskus: Der Olymp (Olympus), Leipzig. 


Chapter 9. 

The 12 Asen. 

The 12 TVibes of Israel in the Bible. 

Just as it is in the northern Germanic and Baltic countries, 
Atlantis too was divided into districts. Originally the Aias had divided it 
into nine districts, but when its frontiers grew, it was expanded then into 
ten. These nine districts are referred to in this instance in the Edda : 

“9 worlds I knew 

9 branches there I knew 

of the mighty tree (the Ash-tree) 

rooted in the dust of the Earth.” Volstaga 

Then, in another instance in the Edda: 

“Once there arose, in primeval days, 

An all-powerful 
in the Ash-tree, 
a lord of the spears, 

bom by nine giant daughters (i.e. districts or provinces on Atlantis) 
on the edge of the Earth” (“Earth” meaning the Idafeld of Atlantis.) 

The Prophecy of the Seeress 

In addition, another stanza in The Prophecy of the Seeress speaks of 
nine homelands and empires. 

According to the aristocratic constitution of the Aias, their 


leaders and judges were selected from the best and the most able of its 
noble families and from those whose dignity was found to be hereditary. 
One called them “Asen”. “Ase” (in ancient Mexican as “Itza” or “Itze”, 
and in Chinese as “Itschi” or “Itzi”) was thus the title of the Atlantean- 
Aryan princes. During the time of the conquest of Mexico, the title of 
the princes there were “Kaziken” or “Cacique”. This word then perhaps 
was derived from the word “Aziken”, meaning “Asen”. The conquerors 
of Central America found, to their surprise, that many of the leaders. 
Caciques, of the conquered peoples were of light-colored skin and were 
often hardly distinguishable from European peoples. In them, no doubt, 
remained the traces of the Atlantean Aryans. This connection between 
the word “Kaziken” and the Aztec word “Cacique” is also to be found 
in other of our words for ruler: “Caesar” and “Kaiser”. The later Aesir 
who were worshiped as gods were called the “Parsen Ized”. 

The name Isaiah in the Bible is a forgery of the word “Ized” or 
“Itza” meaning “Asen”. The prophecy that a branch from the root of 
Isaiah will bear fruit however actually refers to the resurgence of Baldr, 
the son of the Asen, the Logos of the Greeks (Isaiah 11:1-12). The word 
“Isaiah” means, as will be shown in Chapter 32, nothing more than an 
“Ase of the Aias”. The Asen or Aesir are still remembered to this day in 
the name of the Germanic castle Aseiburg in Hesse. 

The expansion of the Aias' powers on Atlantis eventually made 
it necessary to select two more Aesir. One was charged with a mighty 
armada consisting of 1,200 war ships (triremes) *1.), and the other was 
in charge of the Heimdall, the country's armed forces, which included 
10,000 war chariots. Hence, the number of Aesir had risen to twelve. 

According to Plato, the Asen kings were cloaked in dark blue 
robes of the greatest beauty. And in its description of the Ase Odin, the 


Edda says that he wore a blue cloak. Blue was thus the body color of 
the Aryan princes and thus became the sacred color. Thus it is that the 
color blue is inextricably related to the character of the Nordic race, and 
indeed, bluish-white and gold are the colors of his soul; red, however, in 
contrast, is the favored color of the lower races *2.). In the eastern parts 
of Germany, the kings and high priests would hold court every Monday, 
which was also a public holiday, in sacred groves, wearing blue robes. 
A reminder of this is apparent in the vernacular term “Blue Monday”. 

One of the princes became the supreme ruling King; the other 
princes then came to occupy positions of ministers and governors. 
Psalms chapters 24, 92, 96, 97, 99, 103 and Isaiah chapters 2, 6, 9, 11, 
12, 24, 25, 26, 34, 40, 41, 42, 60, 61, and 66 should all be regarded as 
hymns to the Atlantean Asen, or as manifestations of the same. 

During holy services or high festivals, the Aryan princes would 
appear on white horses, wearing white, flowing robes and golden 
girdles; as a sign of their divine origins, they would bear the sign of 
God on their foreheads: a golden circlet crown or a golden frontlet with 
a cross, which eventually became the badge of all who were of divine 
birth (Ezekiel 9:4, and Revelation 19:11). The crowns and headbands of 
the German princes are still reminders of this. For discussion of the 
garments of the Jewish priests, see Chapter 30. 

Several of the Atlantean Asen had distinguished themselves in 
their reigns with great displays of wisdom and justice and with brave 
feats or deeds. So much so, in many cases, that the memory of their 
deeds lived on amongst their peoples for thousands of years, retold in 
legends and epic poems. Even up to the present day the feats of the 
Aesir and the Goddesses continue to be told by the Aryan people: those 
of Odin / Wotan, Baldr, Frigga, Freya and Vidarr. It is usual among the 


German folk to thoughtfully worship their heroes and holy fathers so as 
to preserve the grateful memories of men whose mighty hands have 
guided the history of the Aryan race. Through such traditions of careful 
contemplation, we ensure that the memories of their great deeds will 
never be lost or blotted out in posterity. Just as we today name our 
cities, streets and settlements after famous men, so too did our distant 
relatives in the naming of their colonies, rivers, mountains and hills 
with gratitude to their glorious ancestors. Graphic depictions of the 
Aesir Wotan and Thor can be found in the ancient petroglyphs of 
Bohuslan, tens of thousands of years old. 

One of the most famous of the Aesir was the well-known Greek 
god, Poseidon. In the oldest known images of him, he is shown not as 
the simple sea-god bearing a trident, but as a powerful ruler on a 
chariot. These images suggest that he was instead the king of a sea¬ 
faring race of a highly elevated and wealthy culture. Moreover, 
Poseidon was likely the king of a sea-bound country, identical to the 
one that the prophet Jeremiah refers to as a “king of the islands beyond 
the sea.” 

Names that are have their roots in Wodan (Wal, Wul, Will), 
Thor (Tyr), Baldur (Bal, Bel, Pol) are found today in Germany by the 
thousands. Undoubtedly, we are bom into an era which still pays tribute 
to the ancient memory of that glorious age of the Atlantean Asen, and 
will remain so throughout our lifetimes. 

*1.) See Kiefer: Der Bencht Platos Uber Atlantis (Plato's Account of Atlantis), Jena, 


*2.) See Dr. Harpf: Natur- unci Kunstschaffen (Natural and Artistic Creation), Jena, 



Chapter 10. 

The 12 Asen, Their “Signs” in the Sky, and 
the 12 Constellations of the Ecliptic. 

Our astronomers today practice the fine custom of naming 
newly discovered stars in the heavens after famous men. This custom is 
indeed an ancient one. Even tens of thousands of years ago, the 
constellations in the ecliptic order were named after the most famous of 
the Aesir and after their regal coats of arms, totems or tribal crests. 
Indeed, the symbols of the family lines of the Germanic-Atlantean 
princes can be even partly found in the signs of the Zodiac. The 
Atlantean warrior princes had the sign of Aquarius. Wotan's coat of 
arms is found in the Great Bear constellation, Ursa Major. The Milky 
Way is Odin's pathway and from this, the day Wednesday (in German, 
“Mittwoch”, “Wodenstag”) is dedicated in name. The constellation 
Orion is named after the Aesir, Arion being a king of the Aryans. The 
constellation Virgo, the Mother of God and Queen of the Heavens, is 
named after the Virgin Maja (Mylitta, Isis or Freya). The sun is the sign 
of Zeus / Theos / Zius / Tius. In Pollux, the prince Apollyon is indicated 
(Revelation, chapters 12 and 14). 

The custom of using a coat of arms or a family tribal crest was 
also gradually adopted by the colored races of the Atlantean-Americans 
through their increased miscegenation with Aryan immigrants. The 
Conquistador Cortez was surprised to find the Germanic crests and 
coats of arms of the eagle, the lion and the cross upon his expedition to 
Mexico. Readers of Native American history Will recall the important 
part with which their tribal marks of the eagle, the bear, the snake, the 


dragon and the black hand play in their stones of battle. 

Because the bastard races have taken many of their tribal signs 
from the Zodiac, it is not always easy to see that its origins are indeed 
proto-Germanic. Our ancient practice of naming the constellations after 
our family crests and the German-Atlantean princes was to honor the 
history of our ancestors by placing them among the stars. In this regard, 
the reader would be well-served to further extensively study the works 
of Ernst Betha (Die Erde md unsere Ahnen, pages 258 and following). 
His work is a valuable contribution to kindly help shed light upon the 
hidden history of Germanic culture. 

There were also signs for race which members sharing the same 
bore. In the Bible, we find these mentioned: the sign of God (Revelation 
7:2-3), and the Mark of the Beast; the Lamb, the Seal of God on their 
foreheads (Revelation chapters 6, 7, and 9:4), the Dragon, “that old 
snake”, the Mark of the Beast on the forehead or on the hand 
(Revelation chapter 14), the worship of the image of the Beast and of 
the White Horse. 

The Book of Revelation contains reports of the ancient history 
of Atlantis and its Germanic Asen, although it is often colorfully 
cluttered by those who have since counterfeited it. Though its stories 
have been transposed from the ancient past into the future, we can still 
extract some of the true accounts from it. 

The symbol of God, of the “Lord of Lords” (the Atlantean 
overlord or ruling monarch), was the ancient Germanic swastika. It is 
therefore often found on the statues of the Egyptian god Osiris, and on 
the ancient royal monuments of Easter Island and on many of the 
statues of the Buddha. This holy symbol was tattooed by the German 
ancestors on their foreheads or worn as a headband so as to differentiate 


themselves from the lower races, those referred to in the Bible as The 
Great Beast” and the “beasts” (see the Book of Revelation and Ezekiel 
9:4-6). According to Robert Philips Greg, in On the Meaning and 
Origin of the Fylfot and Swastika (Westminster, 1884), the Aryan 
swastika is the sign of the highest Aryan deity, and as such, was often 
marked on the forehead. This custom is still remembered in the 
religious practice of “making the sign of the cross” *l). For more on this 
symbol of God, see Dr. Heinrich Schliemann's works: Troy a, Ilios , and 
Tiryns *2.). The sign or crest that was worn by the Great Beast was, 
according to the Bible and to ancient star maps *3.), that of the snake, 
the dragon and the wolf. These symbols were tattooed on the hands of 
the followers of the Beast. 

The coat of arms of the Germans, then, was the Lamb, the 
symbol of goodness and of innocence (“patient as lambs being led to 
the slaughter”, and “calm, like a lamb before the shearer”). The symbol 
of the lamb is today quite appropriately fitted to the German people. It 
is the German people (Kelien / Thelden / Helden / Heroes) that the 
House of Israel refers to when they speak of lambs and sheep. Jesus 
wanted the lost sheep of Israel to once again be found, in other words, 
to be reunited in one kingdom. Indeed, the name “Israel” is itself an 
ancient Germanic designation for the various German tribes that existed 
long before any Jews came to live in Palestine. The name instead 
originally referred to the German tribes who had emigrated to this 
region of the Palestinian mountains and Mount Carmel. The Hebrews 
have appropriated this name in their maneuverings so that they might be 
viewed by others as belonging to a higher-bred race, and that they can 
be considered as God's “chosen ones”. The twelve tribes of Israel are 
the original twelve German tribes, and are not, as such, Hebrew. 


Not only had the symbols of the races differed from each other, 
but their clothing designated their race as well. Our German ancestors, 
the original chosen ones, differentiated themselves from the lower races 
that followed and worshiped the Great Beast by wearing white garments 
(Revelation 7:9). White being the color of innocence, righteousness and 
purity contrasted with the color of the lower races, red. To this day, the 
Teutonic peoples prefer the bright colors of the skies: white, blue and 
gold; the lower-bred races choose dark colors, especially red *4.). 
White, black and red are still very political colors. The cross and the 
swastika (as well as the variations of the sun-cross and the solar 
swastika) are the signs of the “lambs”, the German peoples, while the 
Hebraic Soviet star is the sign of the lower races. In 1914 the “snake” 
itself (Satan) was very active. It seduced the Gentiles (beasts and those 
of the lower-bred races) at every end of the Earth into its service in 
order to lead the Lambs and those of the Cross into extermination; it 
was an epic battle against Germanic blood, and its standard-bearers on 
Earth, the German peoples. As such, however, this was not the first time 
that this had occurred in the course of world history. Whoever thus then 
fights against the swastika is fighting against the German and is fighting 
as, or as an agent of, the lower-bred races under the sign of the Great 

The Germans honored their legendary heroes and Asen leaders 
in religious ceremonies. Respectfully we gaze upon their symbols in the 
constellations of the stars, just as the bold Vikings had when using them 
as guide-signs in their seaward voyages hundreds of thousands of years 
ago. A divine worship of them, however was out of the question. They 
were only to be respectfully remembered and honored through solemn 
contemplation in nature festivals and seasonal commemorations. 


The lower-races on the other hand, saw the Asen with their 
vastly superior size, strength, knowledge, wisdom and abundance of 
power, as being fearfully advanced and terrifying beings. And as such, 
in their confused minds, they came to instead worship and idolize the 
Great Beasts of the world and its bastardized leaders. 

When the Asen would appear before the public, they would be 
cloaked in white and would ride white horses (see the Revelation of 
John). The white horse was not only considered to be a noble horse, but 
was also used for thousands of years in sacrificial and divination 
ceremonies. Until only a few centuries ago, German queens still 
traveled exclusively on white horses. The white horse was also a tribal 
symbol, as is also shown in the Book of Revelation. 

The physical appearance of the Aesir is also described in the 
Book of Revelation *5.). Primarily, the pure Aryan's hair was whitish- 
blonde, the skin was as white as snow, and he had eyes that were 
transparent and bright. To the lower races they thus appeared as bright 
flames and their voices sounded as the thunder of the many waters (see 
Revelation 1:13-14, 14:1-3,19:5-16, and 20:11). For the anthropologist, 
the Aryan origins of the Aesir are without a doubt. In Revelation 
chapter 12, verse 1, we find the description of an Asen queen. The 
moon is at her feet, indicating a symbolic representation of Freya (who 
was eventually to be called Mary). The final remaining temple to Freya 
in Magdeburg was destroyed by Charlemagne. It is well worth noting 
that the depiction of the Asen queen often shows that her crown bears 
twelve stars, those of the twelve Germanic tribes. 

The Asen created an excellent set of laws for the state which 
were based upon the healthy and common sense rules of Blood and 
Soil. Since their soil had been consecrated as holy by divinity *6.), and 


was being used by mortal man for his working and dwelling, they 
believed that it should thus fall upon the state to act as its steward or 
guardian. Remnants of this old Atlantean-Aryan land-law can be found 
in Genesis 3:23. In the areas of Central America which were subject to 
the conquests of the Spanish and Portugese, such ideal Atlantean land- 
laws still exist. 

According to Plato, the laws of the state of Atlantis were 
reported to be engraved upon a brass column in the Temple of Poseidon 
buried in Walhalla castle. Correspondingly, the Edda mentions laws that 
are written on golden panels: 

“Then again the wondrous 
gold plates 

will be found in the grass, 
which in olden days 
they had owned.” 

The Prophecy of the Seeress 

Under the state laws of the Aryan Asen, the island nation of 
Atlantis flourished as no country before it had, and as no country has 

Anyone there could live peacefully beneath his own fruit trees, 
so it is quite understandable 'that the old legends speak of it as an 
“island of the blessed” or as an “island of the fortunate ones”. For more 
on this, also see Psalms chapters 104 and 107. 

*1.) Translator: Hence, making the sign of the cross is a bastardized or stolen version 
ofmaking the sign of the swastika. 


*2.) Trova (Tmy). pages 133 - 137, Ilios pages 389 - 397, and Thyns pages 110 - 112, 
all published by Btvckhaus in Leipzig. 

*3,) See also Betha , ontf following. 

*4,) For mo/v on /te subject, see the excellent investigations of Adolf Harpf Natur- 
und Kunstschqffen (Natural and Artistic Ovation), Jena 1910. 

*5.) See Revelation 4:3,14:1-3,19:5,19:11-15, and 20:11. 

*6.) See Psalm 24:1-2. The fact that these Psalms speak of the Earth, that is, of the 
ldafeld of Atlantis, is confirmed here that this place was "on the seas and in the many 
waters ” 


Chapter 11. 

“The Holy City of God” and “The Holy Mountain of the 
Biblical God in the Middle of the Sea” in Atlantis. 

After they had successfully established the Atlantean Idafeldes, 
the Aias next pursued another of the ancient Aryan customs: the 
construction of a place of worship for the “eternal and ineffable 
Godhead”. This sacred site was to be built at an elevation appropriate to 
distinguish its divinity upon the Holy Mountain of their God. This is 
described in Dollinger’s Baldur and the Bible. Such similar holy 
sanctuaries still stand by the thousands in Germanic countries. 

The perfect location for the building of such a place was in the 
middle of the Idafelde, located about 10 kilometers from the sea upon a 
small mountain. As was customary in the north, it was constructed with 
concentric walls that symbolized the circular orbit of the sun in its 
ecliptic path. The increasing settlement of populations on the Idafelde 
brought a corresponding and unprecedented manpower of hundreds of 
thousands of slaves who were all under the command of the Aias. This, 
combined with their extensive wealth, allowed the Aias to construct a 
“holy mountain of God” which was to become, over the centuries, a 
place of such splendor and exotic appearance that was unlike any other 
place to be found the world over. According to the account of Plato, 
several larger and smaller concentric rings were excavated in the 
mountain, three rings being filled with water and two rings being made 
of earth. The widest of these circular channels was 1,800 feet across. 
The next ring was of the same width of earth. The following canal was 
1,200 feet wide and was the same width as the next inner band of earth. 


Finally, the innermost channel that surrounded the central island itself 
was 600 feet wide. The central island of this Holy Mountain was 3,000 
feet in diameter. This island and its surrounding concentric bands of 
earth were fortified with large stone walls which were covered with 
plates of ore. These plates were reported to be of a fiery glowing 
bronze. The mountain itself bordered upon a number of the original 
Asen districts and was surrounded by seven terraces (see Figure 8). On 
the flattened summit of the Holy Mountain there then arose a proud and 
royal castle made of gold, silver, bronze and precious gems, a palace 
referred to in the Edda as Walhalla. The name Walhalla itself is still to 

figure 11: A reconstruction of the Holy Sanctuary of the Aryan-Atlantean age 
found in the south of Bavaria; similar, but built on a much smaller scale than that of the 
“Holy City of God” of Atlantis and their glorious “Holy Mountain of God” (see Fig. 

12). There are still rings of water-filled canals, an outer ring of earth, and a lowest 
terrace which compose this “Holy Mountain of God”. The upper layers of the canals 
have been contracted and built upon. Drawing by the author. 


be found today in many German place names: Wallheim, Wallburg, 
Wallberg, Walkirch, Kirkwall, Wallerstein, etc. They named it 
Himmelsberg, their Mountain of Heaven ( himmel) and their Mountain 
of Home ( heimat ). For the ancient Aryan man, the words himin and 
heim were once equated; for them, heaven also meant home. In the 
Edda it is called Himmelsburg. The name still echoes through our age 
in the German village names of Himmelstatt, Himmelsstall and 
Himmelsberg. The Himalayan mountain gets its name from the 
“Himmel of the Aia”, the Heavens of the Aryans. This Himmelsberg or 
Walhalla is the Mount Meru that is spoken of in Babylonian mythology. 
The shiny ores which plated the fortified walls and magnificent temples 
of the Himmelsberg, the castle of the Aesir (or Asenburg as it was 
called), is very reminiscent of the Acropolis of Athens except in that the 
Acropolis had no circular walls or any channels surrounding it. 
Furthermore, it is possible that this itself is the origin of the “Holy 
Grail” legend: an inaccessible treasure of bright gold surrounded by 
rings of three protective walls. These deep and wide channels created 
a strange enclosure around the city which was used to its benefit in 
its development as a city of commerce. Its huge harbor walls are 
remembered in legend and was the port through which Atlantis drew in 
its vast accumulations of wealth and goods from around the world (see 
Figure 12). These channels hid a huge and unseen merchant and naval 
fleet. A singular 6 mile long channel 300 feet wide and 100 feet deep 
brought the water and ships into its system of rings from the sea. High 
bridges linked the earthen rings, under which the tallest of their 
warships could pass. A bridge 100 feet wide and made of white, black 
and red stones joined the channels of this city with the royal temple *1.). 
In the Edda, this is the infamous Bifrost bridge. It is described in the 


Edda as follows: “it has three colors and is very strong and is built with 
more skill and knowledge than any other structures’'. The red and white 
stones and black bricks of lava from Atlantis still exist to this day... 
these stones were found by the inhabitants of the Azores Islands and 
have been used in constructing their buildings there. 

Yet Plato does not name this city. Most likely many have 
concluded its name from the Bible (Revelation chapters 17-19), as 
Babylon. “Babylon” is derived from the word “Papylon”, meaning “the 
castle of the All-Father”, with Papas or Papi meaning father and -Ion 
meaning castle. According to ancient Mesoamerican legends, the 
metropolis of Atlantis was actually named “Thule”, derived from 
Talheim , or home in Tale, home in the valley (or from dialect: Tul or Tol, 
meaning valley). Most likely, the ancient Mesoamerican city of Tula is 
named in homage to it, or as a daughter-city to it. Jordanes, in his 
Getica, the history of the Goths, mentions an island in the far west, at 
the end of the world, Thyle. The Tula of the ancient Mexicans and the 
Thule of the Edda are both most likely the great city of Atlantis. The 
Babylon of the Euphrates was undoubtedly also a daughter-city 
modeled upon the commercially successful capital of Atlantis. Since the 
Aias named their continent Atlantis, or Fatherland, it is obvious that 
they would select a similar name for its capital city and its main castle 
there. Thus, they adopted for it the sublime name of Babylon, the castle 
of the All-Father. The Nordic name of Jerusalem, along with that of 
Babylon, is falsely attributed to Atlantis, and is of a much more recent 
origin. “Jerusalem” means the happy home of Baldur, Jeru means 
Baldur and sal is happiness, and em or hem is from heim, or home. 
Until its capture, Jerusalem was once the capital city of the Jebusites, 
the Germanic tribe that had originally built and inhabited it 


Figure 12: '‘The Holy City of God”, “in the seas, in the many waters, between 
the oceans and the many islands”, “with the glorious Holy Mountain of God” in the 
middle; the place that old Teutonic sanctuaries were modeled upon (see Fig, 11). 
Drawing by the author. 

prior to its conquest by King David, king of the Jews. “Zion” had 
originally meant the castle of Zius (or Tius, or Zeus, the sky god of 
Mount Olympus / Atlantis). Melchizedek and Abraham both also 
mention a “Salem”, a home of happiness. This is a relatively new word 
taken from the Northern Germanic dialect. An example of its usage is 
“Upsala”, meaning the high home of happiness. Up- meaning high, 
salde meaning happiness and -a meaning home. Regardless, the name 
“Jerusalem” has been falsely attributed to Atlantis some time after 
the arrival of King David. The name “Babylon”, on the other hand, 
is an ancient Aryan term. It is still to be found in the following 
German village names: Bamburg, Bamberg, Babenhausen, Babelsberg, 
Popenhaufen, Popenlauer, and Pappenheim. “Lon” (often abbreviated to 
-on), is still to be seen in compositions of many place names: Arlon 
(castle of the Aryans), Ajalon / Avalon (castle of the Aias), and Ailun 
(castle of the Aias). 

* 1 .) Front Kiefer: Der Bericlit Platos uber Atlantis (Plato's Account of Atlantis). Jena, 


Chapter 12. 

The Urd-Spring (“The Well of Salvation”, 

“The Fountain of Youth”, “The Fountain of the Living 
Waters”, “God's Well”) of Atlantis. 

At the foot of the sky-mountain were two springs, a warm one 
and a cold one, that flowed with sacred and healing waters. The Biblical 
account of Atlantis calls these waters the “fountain of life” and the 
“fountains of living waters” which flowed from this Holy Mountain of 
God (Isaiah chapter 41, and Revelation 7:17, 21:6, 22:1, 22:17). Isaiah 
12:3 calls it the “wells of salvation”. See also Psalms 36:9, 65:10, and 
68:26. The Edda names these spring sources as the Urdarbrunnr, “the 
Well of Urdr”, and the Mimisbrunnr, “the Well of Mimir”: 

“Everything I know, Odin, 
because your eye remained, 
in the well-known 

The waters from this Urd-spring were considered sacred. One was 
consecrated upon touching these waters. The wonderful tradition of the 
sprinkling of the “holy waters” originated from these waters in this 
prehistoric era of the Atlanteans. This fountain was also called the 
“fountain of salvation”. German place names still reflect these holy 
wells of pre-history: Weihbrunn, Heilsbronn, Heilbrunn, and Heilbronn. 
In memory of this holy Urd-spring, the ill and infirm from all 


over the world have since sought the healing, regenerative and 
restorative properties that these legendary waters have brought. These 
legendary' waters continue in the legends of the fountain of youth and 
the fountain of life. A whole host of German place names yet exist 
which speak of these waters: Asabrunn and Osabrunn {the fountain of 
the Aesir), Dorsbrunnen ( the fountain of Thor), and Woisbrunn {the 
fountain of Wo! / Wodan). The springs at the chapel of St. Odile on the 
Rosskopf Mountain (which is also a Mountain of God, in the tradition 
of Atlantis and a sacred site for worship for the ancient Germanics) in 
the Alsace still stand as a destination for pilgrims seeking to wash their 
eyes with its healing waters *1.). 

In the Iliad, two spring sources are also mentioned, one said to 
be as cold as winter snow or hail, and the other as wann. The vapors 
which arise from the warm one are described as being as hot as the 
smoke of a burning fire. 

Since this Urd-spring was said to have healing and rejuvenating 
effects, the residents of Atlantis would use it to wash their newborn 
children. So here it was, on this beautiful continent of Atlantis, that 
began the respectful custom common to all Aryans, of baptism. It 
should be noted that the ritual of baptism was also used to wash off 
any impurities of the body and the soul that had been acquired through 
miscegenation. This wonderful and wise tradition had always remained 
strong in our Germanic prehistory, until the introduction of modem 
Christianity. Indeed, the Poetic Edda mentions this in the Rigsmal 
(Rigsthula 21): 

“Wetted was the child and... 

they named him.” 


In the Atlantean colonies of Peru and Egypt, a history of water 
baptism is also to be found. It is reported by the Holy Emperor Inca 
Roca that he had to fetch water for the baptism of his son from the holy 
Lake Titicaca. The Christian church has also adopted this Aryan- 
Atlantean tradition. The legends of the Urdarbrunnr are also sometimes 
utilized in the modem baptisms of children. Concerning the ancient 
holy springs of the Strasbourg Cathedral come many popular myths 
about children. 

The Urdarbrunnr appears in the sagas as a rejuvenating source, 
or as a fountain of youth. This comes from Wolf Dieterich's German 
heroic legends of the queen of a distant land (of Troy / Atlantis). This 
saga speaks of a queen who is baptized in the Urdarbrunnr where she 
there then sheds her rough and aged skin and emerges from the waters 
as a most beautiful young woman. It is through these springs that the 
queen Siegemine loses her low-bred appearance that she had acquired 
through miscegenation, and is reborn from the waters in a pure Aryan- 
bred form. The name “Siegemine” means the victory of Love, which 
speaks to her transformation into an Aryan which can only be 
accomplished through natural selection. As pure as the waters of 
baptism are, so too is the blood of the Aryans and those of the Aryan 
race. It is therefore a meaningful and symbolic practice. The Edda calls 
this Urd-spring the “Holy Water”. 

The warm Urd-spring must then have been similar to those 
geysers of Iceland which continually spout clouds of steam. The strong 
content of mineral salts and radioactive substances in its waters there 
have not only caused many of the sick to be healed and rejuvenated, but 
have also then led to the construction of hospitals and the establishment 
of public beaches in the surrounding areas. Just as the rising steam from 


these waters has kept the surrounding trees perpetually green, so too did 
the vapors of the Atlantean spring nourish the Gardens of the Aesir 
(Asgard), and keep them extremely fruitful (see Ezekiel chapter 47 
verses 1, 8, and 12, and Revelation 22:2). The Egyptian priests told 
Solon *2.) as well of the two Urd-springs: “the Atlanteans were availed 
to two springs, one warm and one cold, that both flowed in abundance 
and offered them waters that were delectable and suitable for any 
purpose. They planted trees about it and used its waters as bathing 
rooms which were partially open to the skies, and partially covered so 
that its warm springs could be used during the winter seasons. The 
Atlantean royalty had access to these waters separately from those that 
the public used... the flowing waters of these springs were channeled 
partly into the grove of Poseidon (an Asen himself, hence the term 
Asengarten or Asgard, meaning garden of the Asen), wherein trees of all 
kinds and of great height and beauty grew due to the enriched quality of 
this soil (see Ezekiel 47:12 and Revelation 22:2). Sometimes these 
waters were allowed to be channeled out into the surrounding outer 
ringing walls of Atlantis over which the Bifrost bridge spanned.” 
Undoubtedly, a temple was erected nearby so that these beneficial 
waters could flow at its threshold. One can compare this with the 
reports of the Egyptian priests' alleged prophecies, i.e. the Travels of a 
Chaldean Initiate (Ezekiel 47:1-12). Any doubt that this alleged 
prophecy is merely a description of an interest in Atlantis is hardly 
possible. The mention therein of trees that bore fruit every month must 
be a reference to fig trees. When fig trees are in suitable climes and are 
properly watered, they actually simultaneously bear green and ripe 
fruits and flowers on a monthly basis. Therefore, when the Indian 
legends speak of the “tree of life”, they are indeed speaking of the fig 



trees that grew in the grove of this Urd-spring. 

It was on these waters of the Urd-spring where the swans, 
mentioned in the Edda and in the Lohengrin legend, swam. According 
to this legend, a beautiful daughter of the Asen was kidnapped at the 
base of the Urd-spring by a mongrel (the High Priest Loki). The knight 
who frees Elsa of Brabant is an Asen. This pensive legend of Lohengrin 
and the Greek myth of the rape of Helen of Troy are both in fact the 
retelling of the story of the kidnapping of an Asen daughter by Loki and 
her subsequent rescue by the Asen princes. 

Hot springs are still to be found in the nearby Azores Islands. 

* 1 .) Rtihsel: Die Drei Nomen (The Three Norns), page 117 and following, Dresden, 

* 2 .) Kiefer: Der Bencht Platos liber Atlantis (Plato's Account of Atlantis), Jena 1909. 


Chapter 13. 

The World-Tree Yggdrasil: the “Tree of Life” 
in the Asen Garden of Eden. 

Over the Urd-spring stood the legendary tree Yggdrasil, which 
remained perpetually evergreen due to the warm vapors of these 

“An ash 1 know 
There is called Yggdrasil, 

The tall; cloaked in a light mist, 

From there come the dews 

That fall into the valleys 

For ever green it stands over the Urd-well.” 

Edda, Fragments / Voluspa 

“The ash Yggdrasil is the first of the trees.” 


In the Bible it is called the “Tree of Life” (Revelation 2:7, 
Revelation Chapter 22, Genesis 2:9). According to Karl Georg 
Zschaetzsch *!.), the word Yggdrasil means the “tree of life” or the “tree 
of the soul” from Ygg- / Egge- (harrow) / Eiche- (oak) and -si! / -seele 
(soul). The veneration of such a “tree of life” is remembered in the 
sublime Aryan tradition of the raising of the Christmas tree and 
decorating it with fruits of all kinds. The remembrance of the Yggdrasil 


is also found in the festival-tree of the modem church which is also 
hung with fruits and colorful ribbons, just as our Ancestors did in 
ancient times. These “trees of life” were originally erected in sacred 
Aryan places of worship in their Holy Mountains. The tradition of 
the Maypole is also a replication of the sacred Yggdrasil tree. 
Unfortunately, the wonderful customs of the preparing of the Maypole 
and the festival-trees are beginning to disappear. The Yggdrasil of the 
Aias on the Urd-spring was an apt reminder to them of their original 
Arctic home. It was there, in their ancient polar homelands, that they 
had first observed that the stars circled the Earth's axis and that it acted 
as a stable center to the universe. Thus, they saw the Earth's axis as a 
cosmic tree trunk with the rotating stars above as its golden leaves *2.). 

The attempt to unravel the true meaning of the world ash-tree 
Yggdrasil has been tried many times and has resulted in many different 
theories. Perhaps this, our theory, will make the most sense. The image 
of the Yggdrasil over the ages has often been shown with an eagle 
nested at the top and with a snake nagging at its roots at the bottom. 
This is an important aspect of the symbolism of the Yggdrasil for this 
particular depiction has been very popular throughout the ages in our 
ancestors' petroglyphs and drawings. This imagery may be interpreted 
as thus: the world ash-tree, the tree which looms over the entire world, 
is the Germanic world empire, which is indicated by the eagle sitting in 
his eagle's nest, just as is commonly found on the Gennan coat-of-arms. 
At the base of this world-tree of the Gennan empire and its people is the 
snake which gnaws at its roots. The serpent is the symbol of the lower- 
races, especially that of the Hebrews. Therefore, this image stands as a 
stem warning to the Gennan volk: by mixing with the lower-races and 
the bastardized races, Germanism will perish and the roots of the world- 


tree are conupted. The world-tree will thus wither and fall if not for the 
vigilance of the German peoples (see Chapter 34). 

Under the Yggdrasil tree at the Urd-spring the Aesir held their 
court sessions, according to the Edda. From here began this ancient 
Aryan custom, which has since been practiced among the Germans until 
the time of its conversion to Christianity. In the Rhdn Mountains, many 
of these sacred court sites have survived, as well as in the Wildflecken 
and SchOnderling regions of Germany. In these areas today you can still 
find many of these holy gathering sites, or “Thinge”, that still remain 
* 3 .). 

On the Yggdrasil tree Odin hung for nine days wounded, as is 
recounted in the runic saga of Odin: 

“I know that I hung on the windy tree 

Nine long nights, 

Wounded with a spear, dedicated to Odin, 

To myself, from myself, 

On that tree - which no one may see, 

From where its roots run... 

They offered me neither bread nor mead.” 

Havamal, Edda 

Thus, the Asen Odin was severely wounded in defense of the 
Asen castle there, and was hung on the Yggdrasil tree by his enemies. 
This is how the Yggdrasil, the “tree of life” has become to be shown as 
a crucifix in pre-Christian America. Upon their arrival, the Christian 
conquerors of Mexico found to their great surprise that several of the 
pagan temples in Palenque in the Yucatan peninsula contained the altar 


Figure 13: The Cross in the Temple at Palenque, surrounded by images from 
the Scriptures. On the left and right stand sacrificial priests. On the top of the cross a 
bird is perched. 

of the cross *4.). It is then here that we find the memory of the Aryan 
prince Odin, the prince who laid down his life for his people. Spiteful of 
the superiority of the Aryan peoples there, the lower-bred races had 
stormed Atlantis and crucified Odin to the Yggdrasil. Bastian tells us: 
“among the circumference of the Ulloa Island, Grijalva *5.) found the 
worship of a cross, upon which one had died, one who was brighter 
than the sun *6.). 

Even the temple in Memphis holds an altar with a standing 
cross, this “tree of life”. This explains the existence of the Aryan cross 
in ancient times. The principle gods of ancient Egypt also held the 


cross, the Ankh, in their hands, as their symbol of life and fertility * 7 .). 
Not only did the gods of the ancient Egyptians hold the Aryan cross, but 
the Chaldeans, the Phoenicians, the Mexicans, and the Peruvians all did 
as well. Indeed, every civilized nation of ancient ages report this story. 

The Ankh, or handle-cross, held by the goddess in Figure 14 
was not only found in the temples and the tombs of ancient Egypt, but 
was also found in large numbers in the crumbling ancient cities of 
Mexico and Central America. This symbol is cast on the chests of 
numerous bronze effigies which were discovered in the burial grounds 
of Juigalpa in Nicaragua and likely date back to the era of Atlantis. For 
more about its importance as a symbol of paradise, see Chapters 6 and 
8 . 

The chests of the high priests of Memphis were adorned with a 
gold cross on a gold chain, similar to that of the Bishops of the Catholic 
Church. Far back in the mists of history, before Christ, lie the lost 
origins of the sacred customs of the wearing of amulets and crosses and 
the adornment of grave sites with wooden stakes or stones in the sign of 
the cross. Perhaps the Yggdrasil, the grove of the Bible, is whence these 
customs originated. The swastika, the hooked cross, is found carved on 
the ancient temples of Tibet. Heinrich Schliemann has found crosses in 
terracotta in the oldest strata of Mycenae archeology, which would also 
date to the times of Atlantis *8.). For more on this, see Chapter 34 and 
also Dr. Ludwig Wilsefs Das Hakenkreuz (The Swastika). 

That the cross of the “Temple of the Cross” in Palenque could 
be a symbolic representation of the trunk of the Yggdrasil tree upon 
which Odin was hung is further corroborated by another circumstance: 

According to the sagas, upon the top of the Yggdrasil was the 


Figure 14: The Egyptian goddess Isis with the Ankh, the handle-cross, in her 
right hand. From Egyptian Hieroglyphics. 

nest of an eagle or a hawk. The cross in the “Temple of the Cross” of 
Palenque also has a bird at its summit (see Fig. 13), thereby confirming 
an unmistakable reference to that “Tree of Life” in Asgard. 

Just as well, this “Tree of Life” of Atlantis continues to be 
represented up to our current day: the Greek god Zeus was depicted by 
artists as holding a long staff with an eagle perched at the top. This staff 
is a replica or representation of the Yggdrasil with its eagle at its peak. 


Again the eagles are found in the symbols of the Roman Legion, and in 
the scepters of the Aryan kings as well as in the staves of the Egyptian 
gods and priests. The scepters of the Incas have a condor at the top. 
Again, the eagle is found in the coats-of-arms of both the German 
Empire and Switzerland. In general, it was the primary ancient custom 
of the Aryans to use such a bird as a symbol to represent their clans, 
tribes or their race in their badges and emblems. 

The symbol of the Germans was the Lamb (itself a symbol of 
both innocence and justice). The coat-of-arms of its eldest ancestors, its 
racial fathers, is the Sun, and the most powerful and famous of its kings 
have brandished the ancient German cross in all of its various forms. 
The cross was also their symbol of rule and can be found the world 
over, wherever the Germans have traveled and planted their flags (see 
Chapter 34). 

F i evre 15; nags of the Tlaxcala, one of which (on the bottom left) is adorned 
with the cross. 


The ancient Mexican civilizations seem to have propagated this 
custom since inheriting it from the prehistoric German noble families. 
Heman Cortes in his expedition to Mexico notes that the military signs 
and banners of the Tlaxcala were adorned with heraldic animals and 
eagles just as those of the Europeans during the Middle Ages. The 
banner of the Tlaxcala bore a golden eagle with its wings spread wide. 
Other battle standards of the heathens bore the symbol of the cross; it 
was in their coats-of-arms before they had even had any contact with 
Christianity (see Fig. 15). 

* 1 .) Karl Georg Zschaetzsch: Die Herkunft and Geschichte des Arischen Stammes (The 
Origin and History of the Aryan Race). Berlin, 1920. 

* 2 .) Dr. Biedenkapp: Der Nordpol als Volkerheimat (The North Pole as the Homeland 
of the Folk). Jena at Tostenoble. V.S. Reuther: Das Ratsel der Edda (The Mystery of the 
Edda). Sontra at Hesse, 1921, Verlag Deutsch-Ordensland. 

* 3 .) Translator: For more on the Thinge, see Karl Young’s Third Reich Pilgrim, chapter 
1. Hermitage Helm Corpus, 2012 . 

* 4 .) Tronau: Amerika, Volume 1, page 70 and following. Leipzig, 1896. 

* 5 .) Translator: the conquistador Juan de Grijalva. 

* 6 ,) Bastian: Die Kulturldnder des Alien Amerika (The Culture of the Ancient American 
Countries), Volume 11, page 375. 

*70 From Goll: Gottersagen und Kultusformen (Legends of the Gods and Forms of 
Worship). Leipzig. 

*80 See H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol 11. Leipzig. 


Chapter 14. 

The Himmelsberg / Himinbjorg / Asenberg or 
“Heaven's Castle” of Atlantis. 

Over the Urd-spring and the Yggdrasil arose the Himmelberg, 
formed of nine rings of terraces connected by stairways. Each terrace 
was dedicated to one of the original nine Asen. Each of these terraces 
was named as a heaven. From here are derived our referential terms in 
the Bible: “up in the 3 rd and 7 th Heaven”, etc. (see Fig. 8 and Fig. 12). It 
was thus that outside visitors to Atlantis could view and describe its 
glories while ascending the Himmelsburg: the mighty Babylon “in the 
great waters” and in the “middle of the sea” upon their “Holy 
Mountain” in the middle of the city. The Himmelsberg (actually smaller 
than the larger mountains in the distance. Psalms 68:16) was also the 
Asenberg. Recall the names of places in Germany named Asberg: high 
Hohenasperg, sacred mountain of the Aesir, Asenberg (Hasenburg), 
Asenkopf (“peak of the Aesir”), etc. A castle of the Hessian Chatten was 
called Asci-burgi / Asciburgium (Asenburg). And in ancient accounts, 
the Indians named the holy mountain on that so-called “white” island 
(Atlantis) that had sunk approximately 11,500 years ago as Asburj 
(Asenburg) (see H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, pages 425 
and following) *l.). 

* 1 .) Gronau: Amerika, Vol. I. see pages 404 and following. 


Chapter 15. 

The Asenburg on Atlantis. “The Holy Temple of God”. 
The 12 Chairs of the Aesir and the Holy 
“Throne of God” in the “Middle of the Sea”. 

Upon the summit of this “Holy Mountain of God” in the 
“middle of the sea” was the heavily fortified castle of the Aesir, 
Asenburg. Its walls were very high and were covered with brass plates 
which glowed with a fiery bronze sheen. The sight of such a glowing 
castle, enthroned as it was above and in the middle of this mighty and 
dominant sea-faring city, would recall the legend of the Grail; its legend 
must indeed have been enormous for it is spoken of consistently in lore 
and literature all the world over (see Ezekiel 27). 

And in the middle of this castle stood the palace of Walhalla, a 
place for the highest Asen, a splendid and consecrated temple of the 

According to the description of Plato, this temple was 600 feet 
long and 300 feet wide, with a corresponding height and a particularly 
strange construction design. All of the outer sides of the temple were 
covered in silver; its pinnacle was covered with gold. Inside, its ceiling 
was made of ivory. Therein was God himself, standing in his chariot 
and directing six flying horses; so great was this figure that he touched 
the ceiling with his head. All around him were a hundred sea-nymphs 
and dolphins. 

For the twelve Asen, their twelve chairs awaited them there in 
the temple. In the center was a chair for the “only” and “ineffable” 


Figure 16: The Babylonian winged Genie, with the body of a bull and the 
head of a man. The bull is a symbol of Baal, and emblematic of his vitality. 

God, the All-Father. His throne was made of gold, silver and precious 
stones which magnificently sparkled, surrounded by the twelve thrones 
of the Asen. The Bible describes this as well in Revelation 4:2-10, SH¬ 
IS, 19:4 and in Isaiah 6:1, 3:21, 57:15, 4:2, 5, 6. According to 
Revelation chapter 4, the throne of God shone like a rainbow and like 
that of an emerald. Around the throne sat 24 elders, dressed in the 
famous white robes of the Asen and wearing crowns upon their heads. 
The throne of God rested upon four animals as its legs, four animals 
“full of eyes (gems), front and rear”. “The first beast was like a lion, the 
second like a calf (see Fig. 16), the third beast had a face like a man 


(see Fig. 17) and the fourth was that of a flying eagle (see Fig. 18), and 
each one of these four living creatures had six wings”. Replicas of these 
images were found in the Atlantean sister-city of Babylon on the 

— gllrc ' 17: Anima,s With human faces used as a carrier (Babylonian). 

J ^ g urg 18 > w ‘nged Genie with the head of an eagle (Babylonian). 


Euphrates (Isaiah 6:1-2). An illustration of this throne of God with its 
animal bearers remains preserved on an ancient Babylonian cylinder 
seal (sec Fig. 19). These animals on the high throne of the All-Father do 
not appear remarkable. Yet all throughout history we find the chairs of 
kings adorned with representations of animal heads and animal feet. 
The ancient Germanic tribes and families adhered to the customs of 
using heraldic animals as their symbols; the properties of such animals 
represented the properties of each tribe or family. Thus, the four animals 
of the high throne of the All-Father are therefore to be interpreted as 
only heraldic animals. The lion was the symbol of the Egyptian god Ra, 
which was originally the emblem of the Aesir Odin 

Eisvrc 19; An image on a Babylonian cylinder seal, probably representing the 
Atlantean Priest-King on the "Holy Throne of God”. 


(and now the Royal crest of England), so it is likely that the Egyptian 
gods were replacements of, or direct references to, the Aesir. The holy 
bull was also originally the heraldic representation of the Aryans as they 
were the progenitors of the use of such animals in agriculture and 
farming. Such bulls and lions with human faces were used in Aryan 
heraldry and totems as striking imagery intended to express the degree 
of power that each of these kings and their tribal families possessed *l.). 
The eagle in heraldry is a replica of the eagle who occupied the top of 
the world-ash Yggdrasil and was also an emblem of the Asen and thus 
of the Gods that followed. Such subsequent gods are to be found, for 
example, in those of Egypt, who are depicted with the head of a hawk. 

This throne of the highest All-Father “in his sanctuary”, “on his 
Holy Mountain”, was initially described as being empty, so in the 
ancient Aryan customs and legends we have “neither an image nor 
a parable” of him. He was the “ineffable” (Revelation 4:8), the 
unspeakable, the indescribable. The ancient Aryan prohibition of image- 
worship was what the so-called “Ten Commandments” were originally 
based upon, and thus was already in effect for tens of thousands of 
years before the time of Moses. That which is spoken of as the “throne 
of God in heaven” in Psalms chapter 11 is indeed Atlantis itself. 

The northern Aryan Gennanics have built many tall and empty 
thrones for the All-Father in their mountains made from stone columns 
or out of the man-made hills. The truncated stumps found on the 
Hesselberg mountain at Wassertrtidingen (in Bavaria) were not designed 
as defensive fortifications, as was once erroneously claimed, but were 
instead thrones for the Asen, high seats for the All-Fathers of Brunhilde 
in the Palatinate (Pfalz) region. Likewise, the three man-made hills of 
the Emerald Mound near Selzertown, Mississippi *2.), are also to be 


regarded as such, as well as some of the stone pillars in the temple of 
Stonehenge *3.). 

Behind these thrones of the most exalted were the Seraphim. 
Each one had six wings. Two of their wings were used to cover their 
faces and two were used to fly. 

The saga of Hephaestus relates that the Aesir were masterful in 
the arts of mechanical and metal works. They had created a wheeled 
and self-propelled machine which were operated by their golden 
handmaidens *4.). Such machines were employed as well by the Greeks. 

According to the reports of Ezekiel chapter 1 and Ezekiel 10:7 
-22, the cherubim had wheels attached to their wings that could be 
directed to automatically turn with their movements. Yet these four 
cherubim had the appearance of earthly creatures. The first had the face 
of an angel, the second had that of a man, the third had that of a lion, 
and the fourth had that of an eagle. If the cherubim moved, then 
automatically “the wheels went with them: and when the cherubim 
lifted up their wings and rose from the Earth, the wheels went with 
them” (Ezekiel 10:9-19). Is the saga of Hephaestus not then a historical 
recounting of the legend of Atlantis, like that of Ezekiel? The 
similarities of both stories are striking. A description of the interior of 
the temple of Asgard and the four mechanical cherubim are also 
contained in Ezekiel chapter 1 and Ezekiel 3:13. For the holy word of 
God, it is quite remarkable that such descriptions and disclosures are 
issued here. 

In Revelation chapter 5 we hear of the “seven lamps of fire” 
that lie before the throne of God. According to Ezekiel, it was a seven- 
branched candelabrum (see the temple in Jerusalem). These seven lights 
are well-known to be a reminder of the Pleiades for the children of the 


first human couple. Like many, many other things, the Atlantean custom 
of using a seven-armed candelabrum was stolen by the Jewish priestly 
hierarchy after they had read the ancient accounts of this magnificent 
temple of Atlantis in Babylon. 

Figure 20: An angel with four wings (Babylonian). 

Also before the throne of God was a “glassy sea mixed with fire” 
(Revelation 15:2), perhaps a basin made of bronze, crystal and glass 


(in Jewish temples this is called the “Brazen Sea”) (Revelation 4:6), 
filled with the consecrated waters of the Urd-spring, that were used 
for baptisms and absolutions in their worship services. The Spanish 
conquistadors in Mexico found to their surprise that the Aztec priests 
there had aspergilla, just like the Catholic Church, which were used in a 
stoup to sprinkle upon the faithful. And so the Atlantic colonies of the 
Incas had carefully preserved these Aryan-Atlantean customs as well. 

When acts of offering were made (according to Revelation 5:8), 
they were made with golden bowls. The Egyptian priests told Solon that 
prior to the holy services in their temple, the Aesir would give offerings 
with golden goblets. They would drink from them and then would 
consecrate them as a gift to the temple of God. Such golden cups are 
used as well in offering rituals among the ancient Germans *5.), for 
example the golden bowls that were found among the many treasures of 
the ancient Eberswalde Hoard. German sagas tell of golden bowls that 
are buried in the abandoned interiors of old German mountain temples. 
Other German legends speak of golden bowls which may be found at 
the end of the rainbow. These are all references to the offering rituals in 
the holy temples of Atlantis. Thus the “Holy Grail” is often depicted as 
a bowl made of gold and crystal. 

The laws proclaimed in this temple were made famous by its 
heralds. Revelation chapter 14 calls these heralds “angels” {Engel 
meaning Angelois meaning Angeln meaning Germanen). 

Its priests and kings were strictly forbidden to drink wine. “You 
should only from the pure Aryan bloodline take and therefore take no 
widow and neither outcasts in marriage, but only virgins from the tribes 
of the Asen” (Ezekiel 44:21-23). Its priests and kings were charged 
with the responsibility to educate its people on racial differences and 


racial hygiene, so that as Aryans they would “know the differences 
between holy and unholy and between pure and impure,” that is, 
between the Aryan and the lower races. The most important of all of the 
Aryan laws on pure racial breeding were discovered by the Jewish 
priests and their scribes in their Babylonian exile and have thus since 
been applied relentlessly upon their return to Palestine. The observance 
of these Aryan racial laws have been of an enormous benefit to the 
Jewish people; since their applications in the present age, they have 
become the economic rulers of the world. 

According to Plato's reports, the Aesir would come together at 
certain times to form a State court. Revelation chapter 4 is most likely a 
reference to this. 

Only Aryans were allowed to enter into the sanctuary of Asgard 
and the temple of the All-Fathers. If one from a lower-bred race (called 
in the Bible as the impure or unholy) whom did not have the sign of 
God (the golden ring and the cross on the forehead) were to enter the 
temple, the temple would be considered to be defiled and desecrated 
(Ezekiel Chapter 44). From the biographer of the Bishops of Bamberg, 
we know that entry into the holy sanctuaries of northern Germany was 
forbidden to strangers upon the punishment of death. 

If an Aesir would appear before the lower-bred peoples, they 
would appear to them as superhuman beings or as gods. Thus this may 
also have been the case for the writer of the story of Atlantis in the 
Book of Revelation when he was in the Temple of Poseidon in Thule or 
when he saw the highest of the Aesir in Valhalla (Revelation 1:11-20, 
4:3,14:4, 22:5-6, and John 6:2,16:1-3,19:11-15,20:11, and Daniel 7:9- 
10, 11:5-6). It is known that the Native Americans regarded the Spanish 
conquistadors as Gods. According to Revelation 14:14, the Asen (or 


perhaps a later imitation of the Aesir) sat upon the throne of God 
wearing a golden crown upon his head and a sickle in his hands. The 
Greek god and former Asen Kronos is depicted as holding a sickle in 
his hands. Here we can see yet again that the so-called Revelation of 
John” is actually better to be regarded as a record of historical antiquity 
instead of some sort of vision of the future. The lore of ancient 
civilizations coincide with this view (see Fig. 19). 

The solar disc of the temple, which is spoken of in Plato's 
report, was only a symbol of divinity, and was not, in itself, an object of 
worship. When Plato writes that God himself was in the temple 
standing in his chariot and directing his winged horses, he is referring to 
the solar disc in its chariot which is pulled across the sky by the winged 
horses of the sun. Golden columns with the image of the sun were 
erected in the temple in honor of this deity. Thus in Atlantis were 
established the customary images of sun chariots, solar horses and solar 
pillars which now can be found in the Christian churches of Germany. 
The biographer of Bishop Otto of Bamberg writes that during the 
Christianization of the Pomeranian region, the image of the solar disc 
had been encountered in separate instances in the temples of Usedom 
and Vineta. 

Moreover, even today the sun plays a certain role during 
worship services in the Christian church. The images of Christ and 
Mary are always surrounded with the rays of the sun. Such use of light 
in the church points to a former worship of the sun and its rays. In the 
first Christian churches, the sun culls and light cults had still held a 
strong influence upon its worshipers (see Chapters 29 and 30). Since the 
Book of Psalms repeatedly emphasizes the “Holy Mountain of God” 
and the “Holy City”, it is safe to presume that it is indeed referring to 


the holy city of Atlantis and that some of these psalms date back to the 
time of Atlantis and were sung there in its holy temple (see Psalms 
chapters 87 and 46). 

Incense was also used in times of worship there (Ezekiel 8:11, 
10:4, and Isaiah 6:4 and Revelation 19:3, 15:8, 8: 3-5). We find that the 
same tradition followed in the Greek and Roman temples; and judging 
by the excavations in Wurttemberg, it was also used in the ancient 
Aryan churches of Germany. It is true that Man can be reminded of the 
sublime and the beautiful through fragrance. Perhaps the burning of 
incense was a way for the Aryan peoples to give an offering of thanks 
for the divine gift of fire which helped them survive the Ice Age and 
indeed had enabled the development of their cultures in the northern 
lands. Later, the Roman Church had also adopted this practice from the 
ancient Aryan cults. 

Fire was also the symbol of the eternal Godhead. Angels, or 
temple priestesses, were charged with being the guardians of the 
“eternal flames”. The Romans called these priestesses the Vestal 
Virgins. The ancient Germans practiced this custom as well, vigilantly 
keeping guard of such holy fires on the sacred sites of their mountains. 
Town and place names there still suggest as much: Famsburg / 
Fymsberg (fire mountain), Pyras (fire of the Aseri), Fyrstein (fire-stone / 
flint). This holy fire still echoes through the ages in the Catholic Church 
as the “eternal light”. 

Among the ancient Germans in the northern regions, they used 
harps, trumpets, whistles and drums as their musical instruments (see 
Fig. 21 and 22). 


Figure 21: Nordic Lurenblaser / Lur Horn. 

Figure 22: A stone of the King's Grave near Kivik, Sweden depicting a 
Nordic sacrificial ceremony with music. 

*1.) See Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors). 

*2.) Gronau: Amerika, VoL 1, page 40. Translator's note: Selzertown is now a ghost 
torni also sometimes also known as Selsertown or Sellerstown. 

*3.) Willy Pastor: Al(germanische Monumentalkunst (Ancient Germanic Monument 
Works). Berlin, 1907, at Werthen 

*4* *) Petiskus: Der Olymp (The Olympians). Leipzig at Omelang. 

*5.) Professor Gustaf Kossina: Die Deutsche Vorgeschichte (German Prehistory), 
Wurzburg. And also Professor Gustaf Kossina:. Altgermanische Kulturhohe (Old 
Germanic High Culture). Jena, 1918. 


Chapter 16. 

The Valhalla of the Atlantean Himmelsberg 
/ the Sky-Mountain. 

“Valhalla” probably literally meant the Hall ; it was the place 
where the princes and kings were to be chosen in those times. At the 
feasts of Valhalla, the Aesir would be found there sitting upon their tall 
thrones. Several palaces of the Aesir stood there upon the Himmelsberg. 
According to the Edda, these palaces reportedly consisted entirely of 
gold and precious stones (see also Revelation 21:10-21). Their lattice- 
work was made of the golden spears of its warriors. Upon the ceiling of 
Valhalla were suspended the shields of its heroes, shields that glowed so 
radiant and sparkling “that no light, not even the sun or moon were 
needed.” This is also mentioned in Revelation chapter 21, verses 11 and 
23. The palaces of the Aesir there were surrounded by beautiful 
evergreen groves where the Gods strolled after their feasts or after 
battle. Glaadsheim was the largest of the palaces there. In Valhalla each 
of the twelve Gods sat upon a throne of honor, but over all of them rose 
a thirteenth: that of Odin. Odin's palace was the largest and the most 
wonderful building in the world, being made inside and outside of gold. 
The other palaces of the Aesir were made of red gold and their roofs 
were made of silver. In the Vdluspa it is written: 

“A Hall I saw. 

Brighter than the Sun, 

Covered with gold, 


On Gitnils heights.” 

Consistent with the Edda and the Book of Revelation are the 
reports of the Egyptian priests to Solon that the consecrated palaces of 
the Acsir upon the Asenberg were abundantly adorned with silver, gold, 
ivory and precious stones. So were these, the palaces of the Aesir upon 
the Atlantean sky-mountain. When the brave Aryan warrior comrades of 
the Aesir would visit these palaces, benches were dragged to the walls 
of the festival halls. They united there in joyful feasts, the halls filling 
with distinguished guests from the many Atlantean colonies and from 
other states. The Valkyries served these esteemed guests there in the 
festival halls. 


Chapter 17. 

The Valkyries and the Norns. 

The Valkyries are the successors to the Norns. When the 
settlement of the Aryans there was still in its early days, three Noms 
lived there (see Figure 23): Urd {That which has become), Werdandi 
{That which will grow or change), and Skult {The Future). They lived 
beneath the holy Urd-spring, the Urdquelle. According to the ancient 
legends of the Aryans, the Noms were charged with maintaining the 
holy fires on the summits of the mountain. They were also there to 
nurse the sick, assist women during childbirth, and to provide wise 
counsel for those who were stricken with disease. They also practiced 
the ancient sacred traditions of baptism, such as was later done by 
the “wise women” of ancient Germany in places of worship before it 
had become thoroughly Christianized. “Emergency baptisms” are still 
performed by midwives there to this day. 

As guardians of the eternal fires, the Noms appear later again to 
the Romans as the “vestal virgins”. They are also called “temple 
virgins” in antiquity and in the Bible they are called “angels”. The 
Noms wore white robes and were both sacred and inviolable. In the 
Stone Age, they lived upon the holy mountains and in the pit-houses 
(see Fig. 24) like that of the Ipf Mountain in Germany. Whenever 
possible, they also lived near to sacred springs. This was an era when 
the “wise women” were greatly venerated by their people. But as the 
Roman Church began to take root in Germany, things inevitably 
changed. The Church sought to displace these wise women and treated 
them with suspicion and eventually pursued them as witches. But for 


Figure 23: The Three Noms at the Urd-spring. 

the Volk, their memory has not been entirely obliterated. They are still 
spoken of to this day as beings who wander the sacred mountains of 
their native homelands dressed in white cloaks *l.). When they appear 
as three, the Noms are referred to as the “Sisters of Destiny”: Einbett, 
Warbett and Wilbett. As holy and inviolable, the Noms were protected 


as such within the sacred ringed walls of Atlantis. No one was allowed 
to step within these consecrated walls upon the penalty of death; this 
custom was still in practice up to the year 1000 A.D. in Northern 
Germany, according to the biography of Saint Otto of Bamberg. Many 
German place names still remind us of the deeds of these wise women, 
the Noms: Numberg (Nomberg / Nomenberg, the local Burgberg of the 
Noms), Nomheim (in Swabia, the Home of the Noms), Nordstetten (in 
Gunzenhausen, Middle Franconia, the State of the Noms), and in 
Nordlingen (Norlingen / Nomlingen). Eventually, the names of the 
German Noms were replaced with Christian names: Walburga, Ursula, 
Einbet, Warbet, Wilbet, Maria, Ottilie. The large domain of their sacred 
sites and temples were eventually taken into possession and absorbed 
by the Christian church its monasteries. 

As the Aryan settlement on Atlantis grew larger, it was 
subjected to the same terrible racial conditions that we face now as 
well: the womenfolk came under a great distress because their Aryan 
men were substantially reduced in numbers from having to incessantly 
battle with the “beasts” (as the Bible describes the lower-bred humans). 
Simultaneously, the demand for these women to become nurses or 
nursing assistants grew. Increasingly, these unmarried and innocent 
virgins of the Asen bloodlines became devoted to the public services of 
health care and education, and worked in temples and in the royal 
palaces. The Aias had not only built hospitals, but had also built schools 
of great repute for the education of their Aryan youth. Remains of these 
were found in the Druidic schools in the Atlantean colonies of Western 
Europe and in the ancient schools of Northern Germany. This also 
includes the exceptional school in Hildesheim which was destroyed by 
Charlemagne. These Druids are still remembered in the place names in 


the regions there; for example the Druidenstein at Georgensgmund, 
Truisheim (a.k.a. Druisheim) in Swabia and Druidenstein in North 
Hcllcrbetgland. In the Edda, a hall in Walhalla is named Trudheim. 

For services in the royal palaces, only the most reliable, most 
loyal and most beautiful girls of the noble families were chosen. They 
are mentioned in the Gylfaginning of the Prose Edda; 

“Still others are 
Who serve in Valhalla 
To bring drink, 

To keep the table things and bowls.” 

The name Valkyrie therefore means those chosen virgins who 
have served in Valhalla. They rewarded the heroes and the Asen after 
battle by presenting them with the drinking horn. As for those 
nurses who tended to the wounded warriors on the battlefields, these 
also were of the Atlantean womenfolk. The Valkyries often brought the 
wounded and deceased soldiers back to the Idafeld and Valhalla on 
horseback. As Babylon on the Idafeld was a large city, it possessed 
droves of mongrels and those of the lower-bred races; a protective 
guard was necessary to watch over the great multitude of these young 
women who served as nurses, teachers and palace maidens. This 
protective guard was drawn from this group of young women 
themselves. They were the “Spear-virgins” or the Valkyries; they moved 
with the army and brought the wounded or fallen warriors back to care 
for in the hospitals at the Urd-spring or to be buried in Himmelsberg, in 
“heaven”. And as we have learned from our sagas, this division of 
Valkyries eventually came to join in the battle itself. 


Figure 24: The holy Ipf Mountain, that is, “Der Hohe” {the summit) near 
Nordlingen with the customary three rings of walls. The fourth ring served as a rampart 
to circumscribe the pit-houses that were used by the sacred and inviolable vestals. This 
explains their nearness to the Urd-spring located there. Seeing this mountain sanctuary 
from the north side in the morning sun leaves a very peculiar and unforgettable 

This explains some of the incidental reports about certain Amazonian 
warriors by the Aryan peoples of antiquity, for example those legends of 
the Scythians. The Iliad also mentions the activities of the Valkyries: 
Aprhodite, appearing as an Amazonian queen, this is, as the leader of 
the Valkyries, comes to save her wounded son Aeneas on the battlefield 
and is herself wounded. Still some of the various activities and 
dwelling-places of the Valkyries are remembered in the place names of 
various German settlements: Walkerszell (and Zella\ the “sanctuary of 
the Valkyries”, Walkersbronn / Walkersbrunn, the “spring of the 


Valkyries”, and Walkershof, the “court (sanctuary) of the Valkyries”. 

It is also understood that the Noms and the Valkyries inhabited 
buildings separate from others. This may be the origins of monasticism 
and of convents. 

Valkyries, exquisite in their beauty, piety and virtue, also served 
like the Vestal Virgins in cloaks of white before the throne of God in his 
temple on the Holy Mountain (Revelation 14:1-5, 15:2-4, 15:6, and 
15:8). They played the temple music there with harps, trumpets, drums 
and cymbals. Even those words, “holy, holy is God our Lord”, were 
undoubtedly heard from the lips of these beautiful women in the temple 
of the All-Fathers of Atlantis. The Germanic custom of solemn liturgical 
music, performed by young women, can be found on the sacred ancient 
stones of the King's Grave near Kivik, Norway (see Fig. 22). The sites 
of Engelstal / Engelthal ( Angel's Valley) and Engelsberg ( Angel's 
Mountain ) should also remind us of their place in tradition. These 
angels are personified in the ancient cults as the Genii * *2.) with four 
wings. The fluttering movements of their wings are the ancient 
representation of the winds themselves. According to the Book of 
Revelation, they are the four winds of the Earth which had devastated 
the paradise of Atlantis so often in the form of hurricanes and cyclones. 

*1.) A magnificent study of the Noms in Germany has been written by JosefRiihsel: 

Die Drei Nomen (The Three Noms). Dresden. 1920. 

*2.) Translator: plural of Genius, a divine protective spirit of ancient times. 


Chapter 18. 

In Heaven / In the Sky. 

Here in Germany, when we speak of those deceased who were 
good people, we have the saying: “he is going to heaven”. This speaks 
of a tradition which goes back tens of thousands of years to the Aryan 
paradise of Atlantis. According to the reports of the Edda, the dead were 
carried by the Valkyries into Valhalla where they were laid out. Later, 
the deceased were taken to their final resting place in grave chambers 
that were inside of the Himmelsberg, the Holy Mountain, and, just as 
we do today, they were accompanied by a procession of their relatives 
and friends. As the mountain of the sky was referred to as “heaven”, 
this is the origin of the informal phrase “going to heaven”. Depending 
upon the ranking of those who had died, they were buried at different 
levels of the sky mountain, from the First to the Seventh Heaven. The 
bodies of the kings and princes were embalmed and stored in such a 
way as to thoroughly preserve them, so that they would remain 
uncorrupted for centuries. Thus it was that their bodies were said to 
be “immortal” *l.). If the legends of ancient peoples speak of the 
“immortals”, then this term is likely a reference to the incorruptible and 
eternal bodies of the Atlantean princes that the lower-bred races revered 
as Gods. 

As we visit our dead in the cemetery, so too did the Aias come 
to pay their respects to their incorruptible dead in the grave vaults of 
their heavenly mountain. Homer mentions the custom of visiting the 
dead in their underworld of Hades. As the German sagas say, the most 
important of our princes continue to live on in the mountains: the Aesir 


Wotan in Watzmann, and Barbarossa in the Kyffhauser mountain in 
Thuringia. So too did the people of Atlantis believe that the Aesir 
continued to live there in Heaven and upon their resurrection would 
return. This era, then, was where the doctrine of the “resurrection of 
life” in the mythologies of the world’s ancient civilizations was 
originally based. Christianity has also adopted this belief. The Aryan 
peoples have then brought this custom of burial in temples and sacred 
mountains wherever they have traveled in the world through the great 
millennia. The oldest of the mummies found among the Egyptians had 
ginger hair and are over 8,000 years old. According to the Bible, the 
temple in Jerusalem was where the dead were held in chambers, and the 
bodies of Germanic kings and prophets have been recovered from the 
holy mountain in Palestine *2.). Excavations have shown that the holy 
mountains of Germany have been used to bury the dead and the ashes 
of the cremated, particularly those mountains with terraced stages there, 
such as Thalmassing (see Fig. 27). In fact, there are a great number of 
sacred mountains in Germany and Europe; and the cavities and 
underground passages of the mound-builders of North America attest to 
the similar traditions there of burying the dead and their concurrent 
liturgical services. In the passage of history there are many instances 
when the Roman missionaries have uprooted and destroyed the traces of 
Germanic Wotanism both root and branch, and have deliberately hidden 
away its many temple treasures. This is because the hidden or buried 
golden treasures in the cavities of these holy sites often are brazen proof 
that these sagas are true. The Christian church has extensively adopted 
this ancient custom of using underground chambers in holy places as a 
place to bury their respected dead. They have called these underground 
sites “crypts”. 


In ancient times many of the churches upon the sacred 
mountains had underground passages that led to other churches or even 
to other sacred mountains. This can be explained by the fact that many 
of the first churches were mostly built on top of the sacred shrines or 
temples of ancient solar cults as a means of usurping their powers. 
Even to this day the practice of burying the highest rank of the clergy 
within the church still exists. So therefore continues the ancient Aryan 
tradition unto this day, originally practiced more than thirty thousand 
years ago. 

*1.) See Dollinger: Baldur und Bibei 

*2,) The custom of embalming corpses is found among the various Atlantean colonies 
such as those of Egypt and Central America. 


Chapter 19. 

“In Hell”. The Judgment of the Dead. 
“The Last Judgment”. “The Book of Life”. 

It stands to reason that the most outstanding of the Atlantean 
Aryans, and those in its various colonies, wished to be buried upon their 
native soil and that their relatives wished the same. It is the same with 
us now: if any of our soldiers fall upon foreign soil, we shall endeavor 
to return their bodies and bury them upon the sacred soil of their 
homeland, whenever possible. Ancient American legends, Egyptian lore 
and burial ceremonies, and numerous mentions in the Edda and the 
Book of Revelation all speak of the practice of repatriation of the 
remains of the dead to the island of Atlantis. The Edda speaks of the 
ship that was used to thus transport the bodies of the fallen warriors 
back to Atlantis, the “Naglfar”, a ship composed entirely of the 
fingernails and toenails of the dead. The beliefs of the Egyptian Aryans 
caused them to search by boat for the world of the dead in the West. 
They said that the dead lived on an “Island of the Blessed” that was 
guarded by a giant serpent, or in other words, the navy of the 
Atlanteans. That “Blessed Island” was none other than Atlantis. 

Of course it was not possible that all of the Aryan dead of the 
Atlantean colonies could have a funeral upon the sacred island. The 
custom was limited out of necessity; the dead were transported only in 
cases where the fallen had previously distinguished themselves in 
special service to Atlantis, such as in great or heroic deeds, discoveries 
or inventions. A similar practice continues today in Germany with the 


creation of busts to honor our heroes at the Walhalla at Donaustauf. It 
follows obviously that in Atlantis and in its colonies, the names of its 
most famous citizens were registered in a book, and that this book 
verified which among the dead would be admitted to a funeral “in 
heaven”. Thus followed the Egyptian practice of setting up a formal 
Court of the Dead upon which the fates of the souls of the departed in 
their transmigration depended (see Fig. 25). Death was celebrated by 
the Egyptians as a reconciliation with Life and Osiris appeared to them 
as their Saviour, the one who had solved the riddle of existence. 
According to his depiction, Osiris is seated upon his royal throne and 
bears a scepter (the Yggdrasil), a whip and a crown (see Fig. 26). 
Beside him sits the hell-hound that guards the entrance to Hell. Behind 
the hound is the god Thoth who in the Court of the Dead makes his 
entries upon a tablet or the “Golden Book of Life” *l.). 

Behind them stood the god Anubis who weighed the good and 
the bad deeds of the deceased, holding the cross in his hand. Beside 
him, the goddesses of Truth and Justice stood by to observe. So it was 

Figure 25: Egyptian Judgment of the Dead / Court of the Dead. 


Figure 26: The Egyptian Sun-God Osiris. 

that the original institution of civil rights became the creed of the 
Egyptians. The Bible mentions this custom of the “Judgment of the 
Dead” and the entry of names into the “Book of Life”, among other 
things, in Revelation 20:12-15, and Revelation chapters 13 and 14 and 
in Daniel chapter 7, John 5:25-30, Isaiah 4:3, and in Luke 10:20. 
Whosoever was thus registered in the Book of Life could then be, 
according to his wishes, admitted into the “heaven” of Atlantis. He was 
from thence forward said to be “going to heaven”. All of the other 
deceased, those not registered into the Book of Life, were not to be 
buried upon this holy ground, but instead were to be cremated. For this 
purpose they were well-suited, for there were many neighboring 
volcanoes on Atlantis in close proximity. In these instances, they simply 


rendered their dead into the pit of these fire-breathing mountains in 
cremation into the “eternal fire”. The dead thus went to Hell ( Hel ), or, 
as is said in the Book of Revelation, “into the Lake of Fire”. 

However it also seems that evil-doers, those revolutionaries 
who had fought the Asen rule, were also cast while yet living into that 
terrible Lake of Fire (Revelation 14:9-11). There they would “bum with 
an eternal fire” according to the reports of the Bible. Thus the Biblical 
expressions of “Hell”, “Eternal Fire”, the “Lake of Fire”, and the story 
of Christ's “Descent into Hell” are all quite naturally explained in this 
historical context. 

In the teachings of the Persian religious philosopher Zoroaster, 
there is also a belief that the souls of the dead ascend after three days in 
the fires of Hell. In the Christian church, this belief has been adopted 
into the concept of an eternal “purgatory”. In most mythologies and 
scriptures there are such hints to be found for the historical explanations 
of this religious heresy. 

In the Gylfaginning of the Edda, we find the following 
historical reference: 

“...and all men shall live, 
such as are just in action, 
and be with him in the 
place called Gimle or Vingolf, 

But evil men go to Hel 
and thence down to the Nifel-hel 
and that is down in 
the Ninth world.” 


Vingolf is the shining golden hall on the Himmelsburg where 
the fallen heroes were carried by the Valkyries. Hel (or even 
Managarm) means the burning eternal fires deep within the bowels of 
the Earth. Greek mythology contains an even clearer commentary: the 
ferryman Charon brings the souls of the deceased to the Realm of the 
Dead, upon the four rivers of the underworld which include the rivers 
Styx and Acheron that flow through it. The kingdom of the dead is the 
Idafeld (Eden) with its four rivers. The great rivers that the ferryman 
Charon travels are the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. 
Charon loaded the souls on the western shore of this ocean. The Court 
of the Dead then decided upon which direction each soul should travel: 
to Elysium (the “Island of the Blessed” / “heaven”) or to Tartarus, to 
Hell / Hel. Those who were approved by the Court of the Dead would 
be united with his Aryan ancestors and were buried upon Atlantis, “in 
Heaven”. Those who were deemed to be evil would be sent to the fiery 
abyss of the “Managarm”, as it is written in the Edda, for cremation. In 
Tartarus, according to Greek mythology, the soul was sent to an eternal 
torment and suffering, similar to that of the Purgatory of the Roman 
Catholic Church. The Greek legends of the hell-hound Cerberus 
(Kerberos) and of the Obolus *2.), as well as the Indian legends of those 
dogs that were to attend funerals, all appear to give justification to the 
assumption that funerals were held at volcanoes and that they were 
guarded by someone who had one or more dogs with him. Regardless, 
it is clear that this was a dirty job and that the Aryans did not want to 
cast the dead or the condemned into the fiery maw of a volcano 
themselves. One may assume that this task was given to the lower- 
races, presumably Negroes whose raw numbness of spirit would not 
have taken offense to this gruesome trade. That is why all throughout 


history legends depict the devil and his minions in art as having all of 
the characteristics of the dark lower-races: black, with a small forehead, 
with a raw, animal-like expression, with animal-like feet and with tails 
like monkeys, so that physically and mentally they appear as a mixture 
of human and animals. The German word for devil, “Teufel”, comes 
from the vernacular “Tuifel” which means “in the Tuife”, meaning 
“created in the depth of the crater”. The Devil is the figurative 
expression in the Bible for mongrels or the bastard races, the polar 
opposite of the Aryan God-man. 

The Edda tells us that in the dominion of the Aesir, the fallen 
high priest Loki had three children: the Fenris wolf, the Midgard 
serpent (Jormungandr) and Hel (the ruler of the underworld). It seems 
as if the duties of the funeral services have been passed to Hel, who 
lives on in the German legends as the grandmother of the Devil. The 
business of being the guardian and overseer of this strange crematorium 
seems to have been amply rewarding, because according to many 
mythologies and legends, the bodies of the dead had to arrive bearing 
gifts and riches for the ferryman and for Hel. This practice continues up 
to our day in the Roman Catholic Church: through many prayers, 
generous gifts and donations, the soul of the deceased may be released 
from purgatory. Other historical events and Atlantean legends can be 
found in the beliefs and teachings of the church as well: disbelief may 
bring the punishment of eternal damnation and the torments of 
purgatory. The chosen ones go to Heaven, and the damned ones go to 
Hell. Christ comes back to the world to judge the dead; he shall set the 
sheep on his right and shall set the goats on his left. Those who come as 
the chosen ones and the righteous into their father’s kingdom shall shine 
like the Sun, but those who come into the eternal fire have their way 


prepared by the Devil and his angels * *3.). Here, the beliefs of the church 
are based upon those of the pagan Greeks: Zeus hurls the Titans and the 
Giants (a.k.a. those of mixed-races) who attempt to conquer the Atlantis 
in the sky (in Himmelsberg / Asgard) down into Tartarus. This myth is 
likely the reminder that those who revolted against the Aesir were often 
thrown into the maw of the volcanic crater. 

So it is that our religious beliefs date back 15,000 years into the 
history of the Aryan colonization of Atlantis. 

*1.) The monasteries in the Middle Ages had such a “Book of Life " in which the names 
were registered of those who had performed essential sendees or had made extensive 
donations. For example . the monaster)’ at Fulda, Germany, Such an ancient custom of 
the “Book of Life” recalls the so-called “Golden Book ", or visitor's book, which many 
old European cities once possessed. 

*2.) Translator: the Obolus urn the coin that was to be placed in the mouth of the 
deceased as payment to Charon for safe transport of the soul into the underworld. 

*3.) The Christian depictions of the future World Court are strongly reminiscent of the 
Egyptian drawings of Osiris' Court of the Dead and its “Book of the Dead ” / “Book of 


Chapter 20. 

Pyramids and Tiered-Mountains. 

Wherever the Germans have traveled throughout the ages, they 
constructed places of holy convocation as the cultural heart of their 
communities - these were larger or smaller, depending upon the size of 
their colony or lands that they lived on. All of these were built 
following the same traditional patterns and were usually made of from 
one to three circular or elliptical rings of walls or rings of steps. These 
sites were intimately involved with the worship of the sun; the same sun 
that had brought them an age of eternal spring following the thousands 
of years of terrible Ice Age. These circular or elliptical sites also served 
to represent the pathway of the sun when they appear in the regions of 
their ancient Nordic homelands (see Figs. 8, 11 and 12). Conversely, in 
the hot and searing southern lands, people often did not appreciate the 
sun for its benefits and instead fled from its burning rays; in these areas 
the round and elliptical shapes of the holy mountains instead gradually 
came to form square shapes and its peoples created square-based 
pyramids and square stepped or tiered mountains. 

These were therefore originally meant to be sanctuaries from 
the sun, but also often served as temples and observatories. 

Only later on did a strange custom begin to creep in. Due to the 
massive expansion of the Atlantlean colony, it became no longer 
possible to inter all of the bodies of its respected leaders into the private 
crypts of the Holy Mountain of Atlantis. This, then, was the purpose of 
the pyramids whenever they are found in the colonies of the Atlantic 




Figure 28: The stepped-pyramid of Cholula in Mexico with its temple. 

empire. It is well-known that the Egyptian kings built their pyramids as 
burial sites. This purpose then we can deduce as having been in effect 
for great periods of human history. 

Not only are the pyramids themselves positioned by the 
compass, but also all of their exact dimensions, angles, corridors and 
chambers. They are built according to figures and ratios that require an 


extraordinary knowledge of astronomy and the history of the 
movements of the stars. Everything that we have studied points to 
Atlantis as being the headquarters of pyramid architecture. It is 
noteworthy also to point out that most of the pyramids we have found 
are in the Atlantean colonies of the Central American lands. 

The custom of pyramid-building was handed down until the 
time of the Incas. The enormous pyramids that the Caciques had 
constructed as residences were destroyed by the Incans of the Chimu 
Empire and were instead used as crypts for their dead, composed of 
numerous passages, chambers, niches and vaults. At the same time, they 
were used to hold the treasures of the Caciques and their temples. From 
one of these pyramids alone, the Spanish conquistadors in 1567 took so 
much gold and silver that they could pay their government 4 'A 

Figure 29: The two artificially created step-pyramids or temple mountains of 
Teotihuacan. The larger one consecrated the sun and the smaller one the moon. 


million Marks just in taxes alone. Some of these pyramids were up to 
70 meters high. Their peaks most often served as sites for their temples 
* 1 .). 

The most magnificent of these pyramids are especially to be 
found in Itzamal (Izamal) on the Yucatan peninsula; one of them aptly 
bears the name "the face of the sun”. 

All of these structures show the link of the ancient cultures with 
that of Atlantis, and with Atlantis as being the mother of these. 

These pyramids in the Atlantic colonies are square, of a three- 
square or four-square design, and deviate from the original model of 
Atlantis. The Himmelsburg / sky-mountain of Atlantis was instead 
erected as a true reflection of their primordial sanctuaries in the polar 
regions and was intended to serve as a symbolic representation of the 

Figure 30: The four-sided artificial earthen “Burgstall” pyramid in Kissing at 
Augsburg. Its tower hill at the peak is built upon an elliptical half-ring which has an 
advantageous western upstream view. 


circular path that the sun makes when it passes through the sky 

The pyramids of Northern Europe were replicas of the 
Atlantean sky-mountain and thus show their closeness in origin by their 
circular or elliptical shapes. These sanctuaries of the Aryans were 
maintained up until the beginning of the Christian era (see Figs. 11 and 
24) and now lay abandoned and in disrepair. Those square pyramids in 
the southern regions prove that the image of the solar cycle, as their 
ancestors in the northern polar regions had once observed, had 
disappeared from the memory of those Aryans who had migrated south 
(see Fig. 29). The circular and elliptical shapes of these Aryan 
sanctuaries, of which thousands still remain in Northern Europe, are 
very ancient and some are older than even the tiered mountain of 
Atlantis (see Figs. 11, 24 and 27). The earthen pyramids of America that 
have been discovered date back to an era in which man still lived 
among the mammoths and mastodons and had just begun the transition 
from processing stone to the processing of copper. This, of course, leads 
us to assume that there must have been an extensive period of time in 
which pyramid-building had existed as a culture. This may not be 
surprising though if we accept the many countless discoveries that 
prove that man has previously existed both on the lands of North and 
South America in the Tertiary Period where he fought with raw stone 
weapons against antediluvian animals. It is thus that the beginnings of 
human culture in the Americas can be traced back even further, to 
perhaps a million years ago. That the pyramids as such were 
expressions of the earlier Atlantean culture shows that the traditions of 
the Atlantic Aryans undoubtedly stretched back into a very early era. 
The annular structures of the Atlanteans, as well as the terraced features 
of their sky-mountain and their religious attitudes, all reveal that these 


Aryans called Northern Europe as their original homeland. Thus the 
view’s of those, such as Karl Georg Zschaetzsch *2.), who claim that the 
Aryans originated at Atlantis, are in error. Atlantis was just one of the 
many settlements of the German peoples, but as such it stands as the 
most significant one for Germanic world culture. 

In Egypt, only the princes were interred in the tombs of the 
pyramids; other mortals were given tombs carved into the rocks of the 
mountain ranges of the Libyan desert, west of Egypt. Following an old 
tradition from Atlantis, they carried the bodies of their deceased over 
the ocean, across the river Nile (or perhaps an artificial lake there) to 
the west where the sun sets. Thus, a strange custom is quite naturally 

Those readers who are interested in visiting a well-preserved 
man-made pyramid may have already visited the one near Augsburg in 
Germany. One hour away from the Kissing-Augsburg train station lies a 
very noticeable “Burgstall”, or castle hill, in Kissing (see Fig. 30). This 
was an ancient pyramid-shaped sanctuary with an ecliptic / elliptical 
shape that had an upstream view of the river it was on. Strangely similar 
to this structure is the American earthen pyramid “The Great Mound” 
(a.k.a the “Miamisburg Mound”) in Miamisburg, Ohio (see Fig. 31) 
which apparently is also derived from an ancient Aryan era. Among the 
untold thousands of man-made earthen pyramids existing in America is 
the Kissinger pyramid which was built with an underground passage. 
Whether or not it is also constructed with a grave chamber in the style 
of those who built the Atlantic Himmelsberg and the Egyptian stone 
pyramids will only be determined through further investigation. We 
believe however that this is most likely the case. 

Two earthen pyramids with a truncated conical shape can also 


Figure 31: “The Great Mound” of Miamisburg (a.k.a. the “Miamisburg 
Mound”). From an American woodcut print. It was 22 meters high and 266 meters in 
circumference with a mass of approximately 30,000 cubic meters. 

be found on the Hesselberg in Middle Franconia, Germany. They were 
previously mistaken for Roman defensive fortifications, but tellingly 
they have that traditional great ringed wall of ancient Germanic 
antiquity that have nothing to do with fortification. 

Magnificent pyramids from the proto-Germanic Atlantean era 
still stand in Austria, particularly the tumulus of GroBmugl and the 
tumulus of Deutsch-Altenburg. There are also large step-pyramids to be 
found there that have an astonishing power to transport the wanderer far 
back into the depths of history: the Gotschenberg, a stepped pyramid on 
a circular base, and the Hausberg of Lower Austria which stands on a 
square base of 12,000 square meters. The latter bears two pyramids at 
its peak, one with a circular base and one with a square base. 

Even a brief consideration of these pyramid temple mountains 


can serve to instruct one on the strange religious character of this 
prehistoric culture. In Chapters 24 and 25 we will provide evidence of 
the actual existence of these. 

Figure 32: The Tumulus of Deutsch-Altenbuig in Lower Austria, 

Figure 33: The GStschenberg of Deutsch-Altenburg in Lower Austria. 
(Images from Myihologische Landschaftsbilder, page 36, the Guido von List Society, 

*1.) From Gronau: Amerika, VoL /, page 87. Leipzig, 1896 . 

*2.) Zschaetzsch: Die Herkunft und Geschichte der Arier (The Origin and Histoty of 
(he Aryans), page 71 and following. Berlin , 1920. 


Chapter 21. 

The Age of the Aryan Colonization of Atlantis. 

As should be readily apparent from the preceding pages, the era 
of the Aryan settlements and its culture covers an immense period of 
our history. 

The chronological reports of the Egyptian priest and historian 
Manetho provides the distant ages of Egyptian culture as dating to 
approximately 27,000 years ago. And according to the records of the 
Egyptian priest, Atlantis was to have been swallowed by the sea in 9564 
B.C., about 11,500 years ago. 

We are also given information on the age of the Aryan culture 
of Atlantis through the oral traditions of the peoples of Central America. 
According to them, Atlantean history is composed of four eras in which 
injurious and grave natural disasters befell the land after the demise of 
each of the Aias. The final era concluded with the total destruction of 
the sacred island itself. From the Mexican legends, Alexander von 
Humboldt calculated that the duration of these four major Atlantean 
eras totaled as being 18,028 years. With the fall of Atlantis at 11,500 
years ago, we can therefore estimate from this that the Aryan culture of 
the Atlanteans dates to an era of about 30,000 years ago. In reality, the 
Atlantean-Germanic culture itself goes back in time for hundreds of 
thousands of years as evidenced by the rock drawings of Bohuslan. 
This view is also shared by Hanns Fischer in the conclusions of his 
profound work, Weltwende , which we have previously mentioned. 


Chapter 22. 

From the History of Atlantis. 

Along with the legends of Central America and the ancient 
civilizations of the Mediterranean, the Edda, Homer and the Book of 
Revelation all unanimously speak of an Atlantis that was beset by many 
terrible natural disasters which are partly reminiscent of the plagues of 


Across the Earth, between the two tropics, exist a broad belt of 
volcanic regions that are constantly threatened by severe earthquakes. 
Recently, we have received reports back from these zones of the 
destruction of entire tracts of land, as well as cities and even mountains. 
Indeed, it was not so very long ago that the island of Krakatoa sank into 
the depths of the Pacific Ocean with 85,000 people. And the great 
earthquake of Japan is still fresh in our minds. Deep-sea research 
decades ago has noted that the ridge of the tectonic plates on the floor 
of the Atlantic Ocean is far more extensive than was previously thought, 
and that, being situated at the former site of Atlantis, it was subjected to 
huge volcanic disturbances over a measurable period of geological 
history *1.). 

The remains of Atlantis, the Azores and the Canary Islands, still 
experience lively volcanic activity. It is therefore credible to repeat the 
old legends and sagas which speak of the many instances when Atlantis 
was afflicted with earthquakes: 

“Garm howls loudly 


before Gnipahellir, 

He breaks his fetters, 
the wolf runs free.” 


Thus the Edda describes the earthquake on Atlantis. Garm, 
within the crater, howls and breaks free. The wolf is the lava that bursts 
forth from his bondage within the crater walls and thus devours the land 
around him. The Revelation of John also tells us in different verses of 
the large earthquakes that shook Atlantis. According to Revelation 
11:13, a massive earthquake killed 7,000 people in the 10 th district of 
the Atlantean Babylon. Other reports of such large earthquakes are also 
found in Revelation 6:12 and 16:18. The latter quake, the largest, was 
described as being “such as was not since men were upon the Earth”. 
The great city was tom into three pieces and the region containing the 
volcanic mountains where the heathens, that is the low-bred and half- 
bred, lived, was utterly destroyed. 

Revelation chapter 8 depicts one of the numerous volcanic 
eruptions of lava as follows: “as it were a great mountain burning with 
fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; 
and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, 
died; and a third part of the ships were destroyed.” In Revelation 
chapter 16, these natural events are presented as if the angels (the 
Angelois ) have poured the plagues out of their bowls. This is 
reminiscent of the Greek myth of Pandora's Box, out of which come the 
evils and suffering that mankind must overcome. 

The tropical belts on both sides of the equator, however, not 
only suffered from frequent earthquakes; they also were the 


playgrounds of devastating storms, typhoons and cyclones that ruined 
everything in their paths. In the Sahara, these cyclones are known as the 
terrible simoom. Towns and villages are so often destroyed from these 
cyclones; large forests are leveled and hills are eroded and re-shaped. 
The horrible violence of these winds were often experienced by the 
residents of Atlantis as well. These winds were often symbolized as the 
movement of the wings of the angels. Accordingly, the four primary 
directions of the wind were from the four angels (or cherubim) that 
were behind the “throne of God”. They should, from Revelation 7:1, 
“hold the four winds of the Earth, that the wind should not blow on the 
Earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree”. Of course this will not help 
much on this beautiful creation. But faith will bring salvation. A 
reminder of the dangers of these winds are most likely symbolized by 
the pylons *2.) that can be found at the entrance to many of the temples 
of Egypt, Assyria and Central America. 

Revelation 16, verses 8 and 9 tell of how the fourth angel 
poured her bowl into the sun and thus burned mankind with its fires. 
Thus were created the great plagues of heat which drove men nearly to 
insanity and caused them to blaspheme the name of God. These heats 
were likely that which caused the great stream of the Idafeld and its 
inigation systems to eventually dry up. Such droughts often still occur 
in the blessed lands of India. 

What ensues is the same for Atlantis: famine and plague, the 
latter of which is reported in Revelation chapter 11. In man, the plagues 
would originate in the glands and would appear outwardly as painful 
boils. Increasingly, these plagues afflicted the lower-bred races there 
because of the unfavorable hygiene of their living conditions and 
because their blood had been corrupted from miscegenation. This is 


indicated in Revelation 16:10, according to which a fifth angel pours 
out a plague upon the throne of the Beast, that is, the animal men, the 
mongrels and those of the lower-bred races. The famine and the 
subsequent rise in the prices of grain are described in Revelation 6:6. It 
is symbolized by the rider of the black horse in Revelation 6:5 who 
holds the scales of judgment. This was followed by the pale horse: 
famine is followed by death by starvation, mutual killings and the 
various rampages of the evil beast men. This fourth horseman comes to 
the people of Atlantis in Revelation 6:8 through these means. We also 
read of these various plagues upon Atlantis in Ezekiel chapter 5 and in 
Ezekiel 14:21. 

The rule of the Aryan race and of the Asen is symbolized there 
by the “white” horse. The one who sat upon it wore a crown and held 
the bow and rode victoriously forward (Revelation 6:2). Under the rule 
of these conquering Asen, the people of Atlantis lived happily and 
contentedly beneath their wise dispensation of justice and law. 

Since the Atlantean Aryans existed in numbers far less than 
those of the red, yellow and black populations, so it was that 
miscegenation, with all of its concomitant ill effects upon health and 
hygiene, became inevitable. The mongrels who bore the stigma of 
miscegenation were met with an unrelenting hatred by the highest of the 
Aias, just as any who had violated the laws of nature would be. Yet, as 
they still possessed a bit of Asen humanity and energy, they cast 
themselves whenever possible as the leaders of the lower races. The 
Bible calls these mongrels as “false prophets”, “beasts” and “dragons of 
great power”. This power was derived from the fallen bit of Aryan 
blood that yet coursed through their veins. They found great things to 
speak of: they blasphemed against God, against his name, against his 


sanctuary on the Hinnnelsberg, and against Heaven (Revelation 13:5— 
6)... in other words, they hurled their blasphemies against the history of 
the great residents of the city of the Asen. And so it was that even back 
in the depths of history the mongrel mob has cried out for “freedom” 
and “equality”, and has sought to presume a mastery of the entire world 
and has claimed to be just as good “as one of us” (see Genesis 3:22), 
that is, as those highest classes of Aryans who had created this 
civilization. Thus we find that already in the times of Atlantis this sad 
spectacle that has for thousands of years and in a hundred different 
forms spread out across the world, just as it has again spread in 
Germany in 1918. The dregs of the peoples, the miscegenated mob, 
seized the reins of the government and overthrew its “holy God”, the 
Aias. To the lower races the "power was given” (Revelation 13:7) “over 
all kindreds, and tongues, and nations”. “And all that dwell upon the 
Earth (Atlantis)” and those “whose names are not written in the Book of 
Life” worshiped this terrible “dragon”, i.e. they followed their new 
tyrants through thick and thin, just as in Germany during the 
revolutionary period of 1918-1924, and praised their new-found and 
marvelous “freedoms” and “equalities”. 

As for us, these revolutions with their freedoms and equalities 
only in fact lead to our populations strangling each other. Revolution is 
depicted in Revelation 6:4 as a red horse. Indeed, it is very strange that 
already thousands of years ago, in the historical account of Atlantis, 
the color red was adopted by those of the lower-bred races as the color 
of revolution. Today it is found as the color of the Atlantic theocracy, 
of world Jewry, of the Roman world church, of Freemasonry, of 
International Social Democracy and of many bloody revolutions. Ever 
more, it has become a symbol and the color of the globalists and their 


aspirations, of their subversive institutions, and of those who go against 
the blood of the nation. It continues to this day, as it has been for 
millennia, the color of the enemies of the Aryans, the color of the lower- 
races; while the favored colors of the Aryans from time immemorial 
have been white (innocence), blue (loyalty) and gold (purity). 
Therefore the angels of the Aesir wore white dresses and the national 
colors of the Nordic countries are white, blue and gold. 

The reign of these low-bred animals on Atlantis must have been 
a very tyrannical one. They carried marks or symbols of their new 
freedoms, as was done during the French Revolution. Those who did 
not worship these symbols were killed. Those who did not bear the sign 
of this revolution on their right hand or on their forehead were 
ostracized and forced into economic hardship (Revelation 13:15-17). 
As such, this vividly recalls the days of the revolution in Germany 
when many were forced to wear the red revolutionary badges of 
Communism; when the ancient Aryan swastika was tom from the breast 
and when wearing the swastika could lead to assassination *3.). 

Among the altars in the temple of the All-Fathers was an 
entrance to the passages and the grave vaults in which the murdered 
Aias were taken (Revelation 6:9-10). Revelation chapter 7 depicts the 
final deliverance of those of holy blood who yet remain on “earth” 
(Atlantis), and God's revenge against those of the lower-races who have 
committed murder. From Revelation 6:11 it is apparent that the Asen 
peoples wore white clothes to distinguish themselves from the low-bred 
races. The beast-men still to this day prefer to wear flashy clothes with 
loud colors *4.). Revelation 12:7 shows the successful fight of the Asen 
population there to regain control and rule. Revelation chapters 12 and 
13 as well as Daniel 12:1 all mention that Michael (the Asen king) and 


his angels (the Aryan people on Atlantis) had a conflict with the dragon, 
that is, with the lower races. Revelation 12:9 and 19:20 then show the 
terrible judgment that befell these blasphemers. These “false prophets”, 
i.c. these agitators for mob rule, were the leaders of the lower-bred races 
who carried the “sign” of the revolutionaries, the mark of the Beast. 
They were cast while still living into the “lake of fire” and were 
“burned with brimstone”. In other words, they were undoubtedly 
thrown into the burning crater of the volcano. 

The lore of the Americas report to us the same as that of the 
Bible and the Greek myth of Pandora's Box concerning the plagues that 
came to the Atlantean world; they are called plagues of fire and water, 
plagues of hunger, and plagues of the winds. These plagues of Atlantis 
are also referred to in different parts of the Edda. 

*1.) According to Eduard Suess: Das Antlitz der Erde (The Face of the Earth), Leipzig, 
1888. And Professor Wegener: Die Entstehung der Kontinente undOzeane (The Origins 
of Continents and Oceans), Braunschweig, 1920 . 

*2.) The pylons at these temple entrances are most likely themselves representations of 
the wings of the angels, 

*3.) Translator: The author here is referring to the Munchener Geiselmord. the Munich 
Hostage Murder of 1919 when Communists in Munich took hostages and murdered 
eight of them on April 29, 1919. 

*4.) The reader will find further evidence of this in Harpf: Natur- imd Kunstschaffen 
(Natural and Artificial Creation). Jena, 1910. 


Chapter 23. 

The World Conflagration. 

Here, I must sincerely ask the reader to accompany and 
understand me for the following short venture into the field of 

Occasionally, when one is contemplating the shimmering 
splendor of the starry skies in the silent night, one may chance to see a 
brilliant streak that quickly flashes, perhaps emerging from a cloud, and 
then, just as suddenly, disappears. We have just witnessed the passing of 
a shooting star. 

Sometimes such a fireball may explode in a thunderous roar; 
then its remains can be found as a stone on the ground, melted with 
intense fires from its searing, rushing passage through the atmosphere. 
Such is the phenomena of the meteorite. One must marvel at the great 
speeds at which these objects fly through the air. In one second it can 
travel 80-100 kilometers, about the distance from Nuremberg to 
Bamberg and back again, faster than the fastest cannonball. This of 
course can sound a bit frightening when one considers that these 
meteorites are not soft like snowballs, but are instead very dense objects 
made of iron, nickel and cobalt and that they are incandescently bright 
from the extreme heat of its rushing flight through the Earth's 
atmosphere. Thus, if one can imagine a hailing rain of such searing 
stones, so too can one imagine the gruesome consequences. 

Meteors are often pieces of comets, which consist of millions 
and myriad bits of both small and large stones, as well as a vast amount 


of cosmic dust. Their paths are often highly irregular due to its violent 
spinning motions which are quite variable. Comets consist of a tail and 
a spinning head that contains countless meteorites. The diameter of 
these comets’ nuclei is usually quite formidable: the head of the Great 
Comet of 1811 was alone 140,000 miles, or about 25 times the size of 
the Earth. *l.) These comets travel at speeds of about 73 miles per 
second through space. This is a speed that would be similar to traveling 
from Lake Constance to Berlin in five seconds. 

Now, if the orbit of the Earth were to come into the path of a 
comet and it were to collide, we would bear witness to an extremely 
beautiful and yet deadly spectacle; that is, provided of course, that we 
survived such an event. Passing through a cloud of millions of fireballs, 
the huge falling meteors would cause the parts of the world that came 
into contact with it to go up in flames; all living things there would be 
engulfed in a massive conflagration and die. As is most often the case, 
however, we are only given a faint image of such shooting stars and 
meteors; statistically speaking, they are most likely to be seen on 
August 10 th or November 12 lh . 

On their 1799 expedition, Alexander von Humboldt and Aime 
Bonpland observed a four-hour shower of thousands of fireballs and 
shooting stars while on the coastline of Venezuela. Humboldt wrote: 
“right at the beginning of this phenomenon, there was not a section of 
the sky three lunar diameters in size that was not swarming at every 
moment with fireballs and shooting stars.” The collision with a comet 
would therefore have exceeded the terrible bombardments of the Battle 
of the Somme in both appearance and effect. It is quite understandable 
then that the coming of the comet would strike people with fear. The 
frightening sight of the comets was described with anxious care in 


ancient and medieval times. Often they were said to be like flaming 
swords drawn for battle or as fire-breathing dragons and the like; their 
appearance were often an omen for all types of mishaps or disasters. 
Pope Clement VII spoke about the arrival of the 1533 comet as an 
anathema which he hoped would spare Christendom and instead 
be cast upon the Turks. In all of the Catholic and Protestant churches 
of the times, special comet sermons were given with an organized 
ringing of the bells. This tradition continues in part, albeit without an 
understanding of its roots. Until relatively recent times, sermons were 
given on the occasion of the emergence of comets. In 1665, Duke 
Eberhard of Wurttemberg ordered three penitential sermons upon the 
appearance of a comet then. Fortunately, the chances of a collision 
between our Earth and a comet is still very small. 

In the aphelion of its orbit, the comet usually has no tail. 
However, the closer it gets to the sun, the greater it will be. It then 
rapidly grows larger as it nears the sun. Sir Isaac Newton observed a 
comet in 1680 that had a tail that grew from 30,000 miles in length to 
56 million miles over the period of three days. Occasionally, the drag of 
a comet will draw its tail over a third of our visible skies. Sometimes 
the tail will become bent and as the middle section protrudes less, it will 
appear as if the comet's head has two horns. Sometimes it may also 
appear that the comet splits as it approaches the sun and it will seem 
that there are two comets. 

Now, if one will read Daniel chapter 8, as well as the 
corresponding parts of the Book of Revelation, it appears beyond a 
doubt that these passages are referring to the arrival of a comet over 
Atlantis. It then describes its growth in size, its collision with the Earth, 
and the subsequent terrible consequences. Daniel speaks of this 


appearance and growth of the comet as follows: he appeared on the 
horizon “of the water” (i.e. the ocean), and had a “bent tail with two 
horns, one higher than the other, and the higher came up last.” *2.) 
These horns pushed westward, northward and southward; in other 
words, they spread out allacross every part of the skies. Its head was in 
the east then, just as we are sometimes able to see comets coming for 
ten years from the east. The comet's tail (“the Beast”) naturally grows 
as it approaches the sun and the Earth and partially covers the 
constellations. Apparently, the comet split into two or else created a 
doppelganger which also grew in size (Daniel 8:5—8). Then came its 
terrible collision with the Earth. The “Beast”, i.e. the comet's tail, grew 
to the heavenly host; a third part of the host and the stars were then cast 
down onto the Earth. It “stamped” upon the Earth and devastated the 
homes of the Aesir and their sanctuaries on Atlantis (Daniel 8:5, 10- 
11). The same is confirmed in Revelation 6:12-17. The stars of heaven 
fell upon the Earth like a fig tree that casts off its unripe figs when it is 
shaken by the great winds (Revelation 6:13). At the same time, there 
was a solar eclipse and a great earthquake. “And the heaven departed as 
a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were 
moved out of their places” (Revelation 6:14). A shower of meteorites 
and fire was “cast upon the Earth: and the third part of trees was burnt 
up, and all green grass was burnt up” (Revelation 8:7). “The third part 
of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part 
of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day 
shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise” (Revelation 
8:12). So, in other words, the comet's tail came into contact with the 
Earth in its orbit and hence a terrible rain of shooting stars occurred; 
this all happened at the time of an eclipse, most likely during the spring 


equinox. This took a third of the day and a third of the night, so ail 
together it took place over a period of about eight hours. For all of those 
who dwelled on the Earth, that is, those who were the survivors living 
on Atlantis, there was much great lamentation (Revelation 8:13). This 
same event is found described again in Revelation chapter 12. Here the 
comet is called a “dragon”. “His tail drew down the third part of the 
stars of heaven.” “Michael *3.) and his angels fought against the dragon 
and his angels” (Revelation 12:7). “The great dragon”, “that old 
serpent”, i.e. the comet, was thrown to the ground and his tail threw 
“the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the Earth” 
(according to Hanns Fischer in Weltwende, these scriptures are 
specifying the collapse of the ancient Phobus moon and the capture of 
our current moon into the Earth's orbit). 

Of course, the fall of the meteorites upon both the Idafeld and 
Atlantis had terrible consequences. Because the Earth was turning 
during these eight hours of contact and collision with the comet's tail, 
the same devastation would be expected to extend to a third part of the 
Earth, hence the message in Revelation 8:7 that the third part of the 
trees and grass were burnt up. Revelation 6:15 and 16 note that the 
kings of Atlantis as well as the rich and the mighty all hid from this 
catastrophe in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains (see also 
Isaiah 2:10 and 19). Safety and protection indeed would have been 
accorded to but a select few people there. 

Revelation chapter 12 tells us of an Asen queen who was 
adorned with a bright sun disc and wore a twelve-pointed crown. She 
fled from the comet / dragon as he threw his weapon (i.e. his fireballs) 
at her. This Asen woman succeeded in time to take refuge in a cave. 
The Earth covered her and “swallowed up the flood which the dragon 


cast out of his mouth.” In this cave she gave birth to a son, "who was to 
rule all nations,” i.c. the lower-races, "with a rod of iron”; this was then 
the birth of the future Asen king, Baldur / Jesus (Revelation chapter 12). 

This birth of an Asen son in a cave is reported by Egyptian, 
Persian and Greek mythologies (the Mithraic Sun-God, Dionysus, Zeus, 
Adonis, Hermes, Horns and Jesus). In their processions, the ancient 
Cult of Dionysus carried images of a divine virgin mother giving birth 
to a child (the birth of Jesus) in a cave. The Biblical stories of Lot, as he 
hid from the rain of fire with his daughters in a cave, and of Elijah, who 
is "passed by” with winds, earthquakes and fires in his cave on Mount 
Horeb, are probably both simply variations on this ancient story. Elijah 
wears the cloak of Wodan and creates a sacrifice on Mount Carmel by 
calling down lightning from the sky (I Kings 18:38). He drives the fiery 
chariot of Thor across the heavens; he is in actuality a legendary Aryan 
hero, most likely that Asen son who was spoken of as being bom in a 
cave. His name, Elia / Helios (Sun God) already suggests this. 

Now, those with an orthodox and non-scientific bias may, of 
course, wish to scrutinize my interpretations of the Bible to dispute my 
claims. But if I have succeeded in presenting evidence of much older 
historical records and legends than the Bible itself, what does this then 
say? One cannot simply call these events coincidental, but must instead 
acknowledge that all of these traditions speak of a common massive 
single catastrophe, of the world in flames. 

Greek mythology as well speaks of such a world conflagration 
in the legend of Phaethon. The young Phaethon (Wodan) hears that his 
father Helios (Elia / Helle / the bright / the blonde) is the Sun God. In 
order to confirm this, he gets permission to steer the Chariot of the Sun. 
However, he is unable to control these horses of the sun (the meteorites) 


and they subsequently lit everything upon the Earth on fire. 

The following passage in Ovid's Metamorphoses (Book II) 
refers to the Atlantean world on fire: 

“It was then that the Negro horde 
first became blackened, 
from the blood rising boiling 
in their pores; 

The fields of Libya became a desert 
where all of its moisture was devoured in fire.” 

The Egyptian priests also spoke to Solon of the legend of 
Phaethon, saying that the true core of this story was that the movement 
of a celestial body *4.) that was orbiting the Earth had suddenly 
changed and had thereby brought about the destruction of the entire 
world in a massive fire. This points to the astronomical probability that 
this conflagration that had consumed the world was caused by this 
dragon / comet that had unfortunately been drawn out of its usual orbit 
by a star constellation. This comet subsequently brought these fires that 
had rained down upon the Earth, according to the writings of these 
Egyptian priests of approximately 13,500 years ago. Legends passed 
down to the priests of Central America tell of the “third age” of the 
Earth, the Age of Fire. At the end of this age, the God of Fire looks 
down upon the Earth to destroy it and a lone human couple takes refuge 
in a cave. 

There is no doubt that the following passage in the Voluspa of 
the Edda relates to these meteor showers and the world on fire: 

“The sun knew not what seat he had, 

The moon knew not what might she had, 


The stars knew not what stead they held.” 

The sacred texts of the Avesta, centered upon the Aryans, also 
speak of a battle between the heavenly bodies and the comets, just as is 
written in Revelation 12:7-9. It tells of the Lake Vourukasa, from which 
shooting stars fall, from the sky unto the Earth. 

The stones that fell from the sky were usually burned to black; 
these stones were revered as sacred for long periods of human history. 
The Greek myth of Cybele, the woman who had been rescued from the 
rain of fire, existed two centuries before Christ; the Romans held large 
celebrations beneath a black stone in her temple that was worshiped as 
divine. From this stone that they claimed had fallen from the sky was 
found the image of Cybele. The worship of such sacred meteorites is a 
custom that has its roots in deepest antiquity. This probably also 
includes the sacred black stone of Kaaba in Mecca, revered by all 
Muslims; it was allegedly brought to Earth from heaven by an “angel”, 
and hence is likely one of these fallen meteorites from that worldwide 
conflagration. We find this comet that had seared the Earth again 
mentioned in Daniel 2:35 as the stone that “filled the whole earth”; i.e. 
the comet that demolished the entire civilization of Atlantis. 

The Biblical account of the rescue of the Asen royalty before 
the comet / dragon can even be found in other primeval legends. 
According to ancient American writings far older than the Revelation of 
John, one human couple was saved from these fires by finding refuge in 
a cave. The Younger Edda carries a similar message: while the world 
was perishing from the burning fires of Surtr, two people were kept 
alive, Lifthrasir (“life-lover”) and his wife Lif (“life”). They hid in the 
forests of Hoddimimir. Both were then the root parents of the new man. 


parents of the new race *5.). 

According to Greek mythology, the Titan Reha fled from 
Kronos with her newborn child Zeus to a cave on Mount Dikti after 
Kronos had eaten his previous five older sons; that is, the comet had 
devoured the stars, and a daughter of the Asen had fled with her child 
from its destruction to a cave. The boy was suckled there by the goat 
Amaltaa. This tale is reflected in the legend of the goat Heidrun in the 
Edda and in the tale of the she-wolf who suckled the twins Romulus 
and Remus for their mother Rhea Silvia (Reha). The newborn child 
Zeus, the Asen, is also the Indian god Indra, the Sun God Osiris of the 
Egyptians, and the founder of the city of Rome. This Asen king, 
mentioned in the Bible, took refuge in the cave at the Urd-fountain, 
where he lived upon the “Tree of Life”, i.e. the Yggdrasil. According to 
Indian legend, a fig tree arose over the warm vapors of this Urd-spring 
and was spared the flames of the world conflagration. 

Now for some questions. How is it that these legends of ancient 
civilizations and the Bible's magnificent portrayal of the conflagration 
of Atlantis both so strikingly match each other? Shouldn't the ancient 
legends of the Germans, Indians, Mexicans, Egyptians, Babylonians 
and Greeks of earlier centuries and millennia then have been written 
before the Bible? This, of course, is not spoken of. The only remaining 
possibility is that these Biblical passages are an edited, and yet more or 
less faithful, compilation of existing historical legends of the epic 
disaster of this world-conflagration. The fact is that the Revelation of 
John was in its essence the historical report on the Atlantean Aryans by 
the evangelist St. John of Patmos; a report that was subsequently 
falsified by the Jewish Kabbalist Johannes and turned into a “prophecy” 
and a “revelation” (see Chapter 30). Presumably, this Aryan-Atlantean 


rapporteur, most likely a Sumcrian-Atlantean priest, would never have 
dreamt that his historical and astronomical documentations * *6.) would 
eventually be transmogrified and read from the pulpits one day as a 
“prophecy” of the terrible events that were to come in the future; 
“prophecies” that have since instilled unnecessary fear and dread into 
countless numbers of people world-wide and have plunged not a few 
into religious delirium and madness. 

For the sake of the theologians and teachers in all of our schools 
who have been exposed to such excited questions, we now feel that it is 
necessary for us to provide a detailed assessment of this topic, lest they 
themselves want to be accused of supporting such a literary forgery and 
thereby aid in the unconscionable betrayal of our people *7.). 

*1.) Translator's note; I cannot find any other references to this comet being of such a 

*2.) Translator's note; the author says here that it is a 4, tail with two horns ” but the 
King James Bible says it is a ram with two horns. 

*3.) In the secret language of the Bible,"Michael " means Saturn. 

*4.) Or, conversely, that the Earth had changed position. H.P. Blavatsky, in her Secret 
Doctrine, speaks of ancient Atlantean Aryan records that the Egyptian-Indian initiates 
cite as proof of a recurring change in the position of the Earth's axis which has created 
drastic astronomical and geological consequences for the planet. 

*5.) According to Johannes Minckwitz: Der Tempel Die Mythologien der 
Vorzuglichsten Kulturvolker (The Temple. The Mythologies of the Greatest Civilized 
Nations). Leipzig, 1880. 

*6.) These documentations were subsequently found by the Assyrian historian Schmidt 
on cuneiform clay tablets and, amusingly, have been read as a divine revelation of the 
Epistle on the St. Michael's Day Mass. 

*7.) See Hans Lienhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke und die 
Intemationalcn Emsfen Bibelforscher (A Massive Crime Against the German People 
and the International Bible Students). Weissenburg, 1921. 


Chapter 24. 

The Economic Development of Atlantis and 
the Four Kingdoms of Daniel. 

I surmise that the Germans had brought certain elements of 
their culture when immigrating to Atlantis. This is supported by the 
presence of the annular rings which form its sanctuary there. 

If one considers this evidence from the view that man has lived 
in the Tertiary Period, before that of the horrific Glacial Period, and had 
indeed lived among the animals of the Tertiary Period such as the 
mammoths and the mastodons *1.) (who then became completely extinct 
in the Ice Age), then it becomes obvious that the culture of the Aias 
goes back a long ways, perhaps to several hundreds of thousand years. 

Professor Otto Hauser, in his research in Southern France, 
found a circle-shaped sanctuary *2.) there that dated back to 30,000 
years; this sanctuary had been built upon the same architectural and 
astronomical principles as those sacred circular walls of Atlantis. 

If one accepts Fischer's very credible reasons for the view that 
human culture was already present in the Tertiary period (even before 
the collapse of the Vormonde), and also considers Hauser's findings in 
the Vezere valley that are dated to this time period of the high tidal belt 
of the Vormonde, then one must assume that the age of this sanctuary 
dates back an immense period of time and that those European 
fortifications with such similar ringed walls must originate here. 

The extraordinarily rapid cultural developments on Atlantis, 
compared to what was happening elsewhere in Northern and Central 


Europe, was encouraged by various circumstances: 

The very fertile and virgin soil of Atlantis was in a mild climate 
of eternal spring and required little effort of its people to grow fruits and 
herbs of all kinds. The cultivation of his former European homelands 
required much more work from the Teuton. As he was now not bound to 
the earth to ensure his survival day-to-day, he was more free on Atlantis 
to pursue his cultural growth; and as was also the case in Egypt, a vast 
army of slaves was available to work the land. The Northern European 
lands also held a relative paucity of usable metals to work with whereas 
Atlantis contained an enormous natural wealth of ores, rocks and metals 
of all kinds. 

Upon their initial immigration to Atlantis, the Aias experienced 
a most blessed era. Their activities there were accompanied by, and 
characterized by, a great knowledge and use of metals and stone. It is 
impossible to visualize just how our culture would have progressed 
without these advances. Our knowledge of metal processing comes 
from Atlantis and is also signified in the Four Ages of mankind: the 
Golden, the Silver, the Bronze and the Iron Ages (Daniel 2:32). 

Just as Central and South America were characterized since 
ancient times as places with a great natural wealth of gold, so too was 

Genesis 2:11 and 12 state that the Pison River, which had 
irrigated the Idafeld, contained a good amount of gold. In fact, it 
contained such an abundance of gold that it could be collected without 
much effort. This is what initiated and gave rise to their skills in gold 
processing. It is natural then that they also followed the flow of the river 
to look for gold in the mountains themselves. The development of the 
Stone Age relied heavily on their discoveries of important minerals 


there such as nephrite, jadeite and obsidian *3.). These stones were used 
in the production of tools in the Stone Age and are found in all of the 
parts of the world where the Atlantic Viking ships have penetrated. The 
extremely sharp obsidian knives used by the Aztec priests in their 
ancient sacrificial rituals were still in use when the Spanish 
conquistadors came to Mexico. As many of the stone tools that were 
found in European graves of the Stone Age seem to have originated in 
either Atlantis or Mexico, it can be assumed that even the entire 
industry and trade of the early Stone Age relied upon these stone tools 
of Atlantis. The Atlanteans also brought their tools to Easter Island, as is 
indicated by the enormous stone pillars there that were formed into long 
faces depicting the Aryan Atlanteans and their giant prehistoric 

It is obvious that the initial metals that they worked with and 
processed were of a high quality and purity. The mountains of South 
America, Central America and Atlantis were all rich with veins of 
silver; the mining and production of silver soon followed that of gold. 
All available reports of Atlantis speak of an immense wealth in its lands 
of gold and silver and precious stones; the royal castle of Asgard is also 
said to have held great treasures of gold and silver (see Chapter 16). 

It may well be worth considering whether or not the wealth of 
gold in prehistoric Germany, as praised by Professor Kossina in various 
publications, is not somehow related to Atlantis and its international 
trade expeditions. 

A large spike in the cultural growth of life on Atlantis was made 
with the discovery of copper ores there. Heavy, high-purity blocks of 
copper have been found in the ancient mining tunnels of Lake Ontario 
in North America. These tunnels were abandoned at one time and then, 


presumably upon (he sinking of Atlantis, were suddenly re-opened 
by its miners. Such copper may have been first processed in large 
quantities by the mound-builders of the Mississippi River alluvial plain 
where, in the Chalcolithic Period, such copper tools would have almost 
been a necessity. This then certainly closely associates the ancient 
peoples of the Mississippi River delta with the Atlanteans * 4 .). The 
extraction of copper and its processing still is firmly set in the Early 
Bronze Age. 

The discoveries of bronze and the possibilities of mixing copper 
and tin exerted an enormous influence upon world culture. According to 
Plato's report on Atlantis, the wealth of bronze held by the Aias must 
have been quite immense, otherwise it would have been impossible that 
they could cover their castle walls with bronze plates. The Egyptian 
priests told Solon that all of the necessities of life on Atlantis were 
supplied through the mining of high-quality or forged ores. This 
included a particular type of brass which was found in many parts of the 
island, that, next to gold, was the most highly prized metal of the Aias. 
This brass had a certain fiery color to it that thereby gave birth to the 
enthusiastic ancient reports about the shining golden gates and walls of 
this “Holy City of God”. This “golden” shining city of God is also 
spoken of in Ezekiel 27:10 and 11, and in Zechariah 9:3 and in 
Revelation 17:4 and 18, and 18:16 and 21:18. The weapons and shields 
of the Aryan armies were also said to have been made of bronze. About 
the processing of ores under the rule of the Asen, the Edda (in “The 
Seer's Prophecy”) tells us: 

“On the Idafelde the mighty Asen met, 

shrines and temples they timbered high, 


forges they set and they smithied ore, 
tongs they wrought and tools they fashioned.” 

The priests of Sais told Solon that the state of Atlantis even 
traded much of its ore to foreign countries. The invention of bronze not 
only brought about a new and rich cultural age but also made the 
construction of merchant ships possible. A large merchant fleet was thus 
created on Atlantis that traded and brought ores to the nations around 
the world; the industrial and commercial Babylon ’in the midst of the 
sea' continued to flourish and grow. In the ancient legendary golden city 
of Ophir in South Africa, numerous gold mines have been found 
(around 60,000 of them) that were most likely originally developed by 
Atlantean entrepreneurs. Leo Frobenius has proven that Atlantis also 
had a trade connection with West Africa in the regions of Senegambia 
and Nigeria. He also has shown that the tall, light-colored Yoruba race 
of the ancient holy city of Ife (in modern-day Nigeria) is the remnant of 
the Atlantean colonial populace there who had miscegenated over time 
with the blacks of Africa * 5 .). The discoveries of Schliemann also prove 
that the Atlanteans were involved in global commercial trade. 

The industry of Atlantis received a tremendous boost that 
brought it very nearly into our modem age with the discovery of iron 
there. Both Atlantis and its colonies began their use of iron very early 
on in their histories. The invention and utilization of iron there had such 
a far-reaching significance for their culture that the Aias adopted and 
settled upon the name Asen, which is strikingly similar to Eisen, the 
Gothic Indo-Germanic name for iron. The Egyptian priests told Solon 
nothing about the use of iron on Atlantis, but Ovid referred to it when 
he spoke of the evolution and development of time through the Gold, 


Silver, and Bronze (Brass) Ages into the Iron Age. The reports in the 
Bible that speak of Atlantis and the Atlantean era already use the word 
'iron' in them, such as Revelation 19:15 and Revelation 12:5. The use of 
iron on Atlantis thus would have dated to about 12,000 years ago. The 
Atlantean civilization is thus perhaps one of the best examples of the 
disparity that can occur in the growth of separate cultures around the 
world; the rapidity of the development of world cultures often vary 
widely for each continent and country depending upon circumstances 
and conditions. 

So if we now know that Atlantis was already working with iron 
then it will not come as a surprise that the Egyptians also had worked 
with it during their first dynasties. The Atlanteans also brought this 
knowledge of iron to the many of the other countries that they visited. 
An iron pagoda was built in the Chinese city of Jainge-Anfu about 
4,000 years ago that weighed nearly one million kilograms. Stainless 
iron has been found in India that dates to 900 BC and cast steel has 
been found that dates to 3,000 years before Christ's time there *6.). In 
Palestine, a hot-air blower for the preparation of iron has been found. 
The excavations of the lowest layers of the Mesopotamian and Egyptian 
civilizations have revealed similar iron-working equipment and tools. 
And according to the reports of the Bible, pre-Jewish Canaan was 
already very rich in iron and iron ores * 7 .). 

With its discovery (iron) and subsequent production of metals, 
Atlantean industry and culture reached an apex of development 
equaling, if not surpassing, our modem age in many of its great 

One can see the remnants of this Atlantean culture among the 
Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayas and Incas, as well as in the civilizations of 


Babylon and Egypt. 

According to Christian Karl Josias von Bunsen, the Aryan 
builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza 20,000 years ago had a thorough 
and admirable knowledge of statics and mechanics. It has been 
discovered that the number pi has undoubtedly been used when its 
builders calculated the plans for the pyramid. The unmistakable 
relationship of the pyramid with the solar calendar and with the 
processions of day and night has also been remarked upon. 

The ancient Egyptians were even enlightened to the laws of 
electricity and to the conduction of electrical currents. Copper wires 
have been found in Egyptian temples that undoubtedly served these 
purposes. An inscription has been discovered as well that states that 
their temples were once studded with masts 100 feet high on their 
facades that enabled them to catch lightning. Their obelisks and copper 
domes were also surely made for this purpose. 

The creation of the ancient artificial Lake Moeris by the 
Egyptians was done with means that indicates that they employed 
mechanical aids and utilized a type of knowledge which we are still 
unaware of to this day. 

The Egyptians also had a sophisticated knowledge of chemistry 
that we have not been able to unravel today despite all of our modem 
advances and ingenuity. Egyptian dye and pigmentation chemistry also 
remain unequaled to this day. 

Even prior to 1600 BC, Egypt was well-known for its powder 
and paper production capabilities (although paper-making technology 
was also known in the Meso-American civilizations). The aqueducts 
which Solomon had built to supply Jerusalem (Thron. 30-32) with 
water is one of the greatest engineering feats of all time, and seems to 


have been done by using hydraulic laws that still remain unfamiliar to 
us *8.). 

Glass has been found in the lowest strata of the excavations of 
the Mycenaean civilization, who lived in an time that was undoubtedly 
within the Atlantean era. The cross, in all of its forms, has surprisingly 
been found in ancient Peru as an ornament on its many handicrafts, 
textiles and ceramics. The cross motif is also found in areas of South 
America that radiate outward from this originating focal point of Peru. 
Crosses, doves and fish were some of the most popular ornaments for 
these Indians. Their amphorae and urns were repeatedly decorated with 
doves and crosses (some examples of these can be found in the 
Frankfurt Vdlkermuseum) *9.). 

Just as in Egypt, silk and cotton fabrics can be found in the 
grave chambers of the Peruvians. According to the tales of the Indian 
tribes there, the Peruvians’ chief deity had come to them from a land 
overseas; this god of theirs had a very gaunt appearance and wore a 
long beard. 

That which we praise in our modem societies as great 
achievements are often nothing more than a historical repetition or 
rediscovery of ancient Aryan inventions, the original knowledge of 
which was indeed limited to a small circle of wise-men of the Aryan 
master race. With their extinction and the passing of the great Aryan St. 
Bartholomew (see chapters 27-29), most of this sacred knowledge has 
been lost. 

If one considers the extreme similarities of the sophisticated 
prehistoric cultures of Europe, Egypt, Asia and the Americas, the 
conclusion must be made that they all owe their existences to the same 
race, the Ario-Germanic race. If we are to once again come to equal the 


greatness that those ancient Aryans had spread across the entire world, 
we must ensure the racial purity of the Aryan race. 

To this end, let us present some evidence: found among the 
constructions of the ancient mound-builders of the Mississippi Delta 
was a highly unusual religious structure (which Gronau in “Amerika” 
describes in great detail no.)) (see Fig. 34). This so-called Great Serpent 
Mound of Ohio was made of molded stone, clay and ashes and was 
crafted with an effigy of an enormous twisting serpent on its surface. 
This serpent is 313 meters long and is fashioned with an open jaw that 
measures 23 meters wide that appears to be devouring an egg; this egg 
is 40 meters long and 18 meters wide and is composed of the same 
material that is shaped with a ridge in a ringed formation. This effigy is 
the pictorial representation of the ancient Aryan belief that the northern 
sun will be dragged down into the underworld by a large dragon where 
it will be imprisoned for three months during the winter season. The 
Egyptian god Khnum (Knuph) was also designated and illustrated in 
this manner in hieroglyphics. According to Egyptian myth, the egg was 
a representation of the world and out of the mouth of the snake (the god 
Khnum) all things emerged and all things grew. Although it may seem 
quite strange that the artistic sculpture of the Great Serpent Mound is in 
Ohio, this is indeed one of the oldest representations of this myth; the 
Egyptian depictions are in fact the younger representations. Both of 
these depictions however prove to indicate that America and Egypt 
were indeed culturally related, somewhere in the mists of prehistory, 
through their common ties to Atlantis. Another such snake mound can 
be found at Argyleshire in 


Eigyrc 34; The sacred, man-made serpent mound at Adams County, Ohio. 



Bizarre things are also found in the cultural history of the Incas. 
Fortresses have been found there made of immense stones weighing up 
to 14,000 kilograms. How these monolithic stones were manipulated for 
the purposes of construction remain inexplicable to this day. Even for 
the scientists of modem times it is quite a mystery how a 200-ton 
monolith could be carried for 40-50 miles to be erected in the 
construction of the solar temples of Lake Titicaca, during such an 
ancient age as that of the Atlanteans *11.). It is assumed that the Aias had 
knowledge of anti-gravity technology to accomplish feats such as these. 
This is the only plausible explanation for the formations of the Logan 
Rocks that are found in Chile, Peru and German Austria *12.). Perhaps 
these were also the constructions of the prehistoric giants whom the 
ancient Aryan scriptures of the Bible consistently speak of. 

It is also then natural to assume that the Atlanteans were not 
only familiar with the volcanic materials that were plentiful on the 
Idafelde such as sulfur, saltpeter and petroleum, but that they also had a 
knowledge of how to process them. Egypt, as a colony of Atlantis, also 
had a fabric-dyeing industry that far surpassed ours in terms of the 
beauty and durability of its colors. Using sulfur and mercury in their 
productions, they showed a fondness for the color vermilion. Sulfuric 
and nitric acids must also have been used in the chemical industries of 
the Atlanteans. As the Greeks seem to have taken most of their 
knowledge of fire and firework chemistry from the ancient Egyptians 
and Chinese, in a mixture of sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal, we may well 
assume that this technology originated in the Aryan mother country of 
Atlantis. It can then also be said, with a high degree of probability, that 
the Aias had previously known the applications and uses of these 


explosive powders *13.)- Just to be clear, this has strangely enough been 
shown to us in the different parts of the Book of Revelation's historical 
accounts of Atlantis. According to Revelation 9:14-21, the Aesir had a 
type of cannon, and three of these were in the shape of horses and 
snakes (the Skald Serpents of the Middle Ages and the Serpents of 
Moses may also be a reference to this cannon). “Out of their mouths 
issued fire and smoke and brimstone”, which killed a third of the low¬ 
bred men and created much destruction. Undoubtedly, the Aesir's 
mastery of gunpowder technology would have been put to use in their 
battles with the hordes of beast-men who had greatly outnumbered them 
on all sides. Revelation 20:9 reports that the Asen were beset upon by 
armies that had surrounded the “camp of saints” and the “beloved city” 
and that the Asen then loosed the fire from the heavens to consume 
these enemies. It is even likely that the animal-men themselves came 
into possession of this weapon through the dealings of a certain priest 
*14.) who was traitorous to the Fatherland; the possession of this secret 
technology was then subsequently used against “God's holy ones”, the 
Aryans of Atlantis (Revelation 13:13). Revelation 9:1-11 seems to 
further describe these cannons (see also Psalm 46:6 for more on this). 

All of the sagas of antiquity are more or less the faithful 
historical records of a people. So when a mythology of an ancient 
civilized peoples tells us that a God (Thor / Zeus / Jupiter / Indra, etc.,) 
carried “lightning” in his hand, it serves to underscore the fact that one 
of the Atlantean kings (Thor) possessed the technology of firearms or 
cannons and had used it in his struggles against the pagans. 

As all of our expert Egyptologists have confirmed, the 
mythologies of the Egyptians were already fully complete at the 
dawning of their civilization. This then can only be explained if Egypt 


was a colony of the Germanic Atlanteans; these Atlantean Aryans had 
transplanted themselves to Egypt during the height of the Atlantean 
culture, just as the British and Germans had transplanted themselves to 

In the years 1851-1854, archaeological drilling tests at a depth 
of 20-25 meters in Memphis and Heliopolis found bones, bricks and 
pottery with an estimated age of 18,000 to 40,000 years old. Diogenes 
Laertius sets the date of Egyptian astronomical calculations back to 
48,863 years ago and Martianus Capella wrote that the Egyptians had 
studied astronomy for over 40,000 years. Furthermore, the rock art of 
Bohuslan *15.) tells us that the Teutons had already established a lively 
sea traffic to Egypt 45,000 years ago. 

Considering the great age to which the ancient Egyptian culture 
had grown makes one then appreciate how much greater its motherland 
of Atlantis must have grown. And considering the high levels of culture 
that the Egyptians had attained, knowing electricity, lightning rods, 
glycerine, paper, glass, perfume, soap, beer and oils of all kinds, it 
makes one then appreciate how much higher the levels of technology 
must have been in its mother-country of Atlantis! 

Since our modem anthropologists and racial scientists have 
proven that the Germanic peoples are bom farmers, gardeners, and 
animal and plant breeders, then Plato's claims about the very highly 
developed levels of agriculture and gardening on Atlantis would be 
quite credible. 

Upon that majestic isle, the breeding of domestic animals 
blossomed, especially that of the noble horse. It is not for nothing that 
Poseidon is described as a god who traveled on a horse-drawn chariot. 
According to Plato, the lords and kings of Atlantis held horse races at 


their stadium in the "holy city”. 

Various cereals, particularly maize, as well as bananas and the 
native Peruvian potato were all likely to have been grown there by the 
Atlantcan Teutons. Bananas actually seem to answer a large part of the 
riddle of Atlantis: as a seedless fruit, their breeding must have required 
a vast amount of time to successfully complete. Since it can only be 
propagated by cuttings, could it be possible then that it had been 
transplanted from Africa to America? This is most likely ruled out for 
two reasons: first, that the banana has also found to have existed in 
America before the continent was discovered, and second that the 
Negroes are not by any means known to be plant breeders. The opposite 
would actually have been the truth: the banana was originally grown 
and bred on Atlantis and was subsequently introduced to its many 
colonies in Africa and America. 

Also originally found on Atlantis were some of our best crops: 
the potato, the grapevine, the coconut, fruit trees and oranges (the 
“golden apples” of the Hesperides). Atlantis was not only the mother of 
our culture, but was also the primeval garden of the ancient world. 

Plato also tells us that an dignified and admirable royal 
authority existed on Atlantis. 

In the ancient times on this strange state of Atlantis a unique 
type of writing already existed. It was a pictorial script (pictograph) 
similar to that found in the Atlantean colonies of Egypt, Sumeria, China 
and Central America. We can still see the remnants of these writings in 
the hieroglyphics of the Hittites and the ancient Mexicans, as well as in 
the manuscripts of the Mayas. It is however not impossible that this 
runic writing emerged at an earlier date since the Edda attributes the 
invention of the runes to the Asen Odin, when he was wounded by 


spears and hung on the wind-swept tree (the Yggdrasil) for nine long 
nights. Archaeological discoveries in Portugal have taught us that the 
hieroglyphics that Strabo studied in his critical work Geographica were 
to a very high degree of probability more than 6,000 years old. 

According to the reports of the Egyptian priests, Atlantis had a 
highly sophisticated educational system. The occult Indian scriptures 
speak of the great libraries that once stood on Atlantis. In The Secret 
Doctrine, volume II, page 731, Blavatsky says that the Atlanteans' 
records were “traced on the tanned skins of gigantic antediluvian 

In the tales of the Saga of Wieland *16.), and in those 
corresponding Greek myths that match with the Bible's reports on 
Atlantis, we have been told that the Aryans of Atlantis also held the 
knowledge of the art of flight, namely in that of the glider. 

With the development of industry on Atlantis, both their 
transportation and trade advanced in equal measures. Given the location 
of Atlantis, colonization was a perfect prospect. It was literally, as the 
Bible says, “in the midst of the sea on the many waters” and “in the 
middle of the Earth”. Numerous waterways led from “the islands in the 
midst of the sea” and the “isles of the heathens” to Central America and 
Europe and Africa. A lively trade industry began with raw materials of 
all kinds pouring out of the abundantly fertile and laden lands of 
Atlantis. Its merchant fleet grew to immense proportions: from Plato's 
reports they were escorted by a naval admiral who commanded 12,000 
warships as their security across the seas to distant lands everywhere. 
Two giant sea-borne fleets formed three protective rings around the 
Asen nation island as a secure enclosure. The sight of Atlantis itself, 
being such an active and wealthy land, must have indeed been stunning: 


its ports were piled high with the riches of the merchant princes from nil 
over the world. And according to Plato's reports, it was a beautiful and 
sprawling city full of temples, palaces, shipyards, sacred groves and 
schools of all kinds, surrounded by glowing bronze walls, traversed 
with shimmering canals and topped with the golden, shining Asen 
mountain. It truly must have impressed its visitors as a magical and 
beautiful land, adorned as it was with palm groves and with its giant 
snow-capped mountains and smoldering volcanoes providing a strange 
and striking background. According to ancient lore and manuscripts, the 
Atlantean merchant fleet sailed to the shores of the Mediterranean, 
Africa, India, America and Lemuria. A vivid description of this world 
trade capital, its riches, its merchant fleet and their trade throughout the 
world can be found in Ezekiel chapter 27, Isaiah chapter 41, and in 
Revelation chapters 18 and 21. This Atlantean capital is even referred to 
in Psalms chapter 87. It is indeed strange that so many have overlooked 
the simple fact that the biblical description of this place does not fit 
with those of Tyre in Phoenicia nor Babylon on the Euphrates. The 
indication that it was the “city in the midst of the sea” and “in the many 
islands” as well as its depiction as having a very active commercial 
naval trade can only refer to the Babylon on Atlantis. 

Those falsifiers and counterfeiters of our ancient geographic 
and historical records were yet so careless that they left some of the 
strongest evidence for Atlantis still remaining in these texts. And when 
the pictographs of Bohuslan in Scandinavian Germany tell us that even 
as far back as 200,000 years ago the Vikings sailed the world over in 
stately, heavily-built boats that were oared by ninety men, then we can 
see that Plato's brilliant descriptions are not merely products of a poetic 
imagination. The Egyptian priests have passed on to him the historical 


facts from their ancient libraries, from which presumably the Bible was 
for the most part derived. On this, the traditions of the Chaldeans and 
Central Americans unanimously agree: their culture was brought to 
them by the White Gods from the sea, from Atlantis. 

The developmental history of humans everywhere is subject to 
the same laws and the Aryan settlements are no different. With its focus 
on the growth of their trade and commerce industries, the Atlantean 
civilization struck out in the wrong direction, just as many of our Aryan 
states are doing today. 

A state that strives towards industry and trade invariably carries 
the seeds of decay within itself; agrarian states, on the other hand, can 
last indefinitely. 

Addiction to gold and wealth is ultimately ruinous and deadly 
for a nation and a folk. It leads to the quest for domination of other 
countries and peoples which in turn lays the foundations for endless 
wars for world power and allows for the opportunity for miscegenation 
to creep in. The knowledge of the pernicious effects of gold runs like a 
red thread through the text of the Nibelmgenlied. 

Alas, even Atlantis greedily struck out to expand its political 
powers. According to Plato's report as well as in Isaiah chapters 41 and 
42 and Revelation chapter 17, the Atlanteans made bids for control over 
many of the other islands as well as parts of the mainland continents. 
Moreover, their powers were wielded over the lands of Libya and 
Egypt, throughout Europe, down into Italy, and even as far as Sumeria. 
The Egyptian priests at Sais told Solon that Atlantis had even made the 
attempt to subdue prehistoric Greece. Even so, at this point in their 
history they were for the most part still the noble liberators of all of the 
lands within the borders of the Mediterranean. Atlantis at one time held 


a world-ruling position similar to that of Rome or England during its era 
of seaborne dominance. It was thus, during its prime, the cultural focal 
point of the entire world. Their massive naval fleets dominated the 
world's oceans under the banners of the Lion and the Eagle. 

The influx of mongrels and lower-bred races from its many 
colonies and their amassed pool of slave labor eventually led to a 
detrimental effect upon the blood of the Aryans of Atlantis, as is 
ultimately the same with all sea-faring nations. These circumstances 
inevitably follow the laws of nature to slowly seal the fate of nations: 
the history of a nation's miscegenation will inevitably become its legacy 
and political history. 

*1* *) See Gronau: Amerika, Vol L 

*2.) Otto Hauser: Der Mensch vor 100,000 Jahren (Man 100,000 Years Ago). Leipzig, 
1917. La Micoque. Leipzig, 1916. 

*3.) Matthaus Much: Die Heimat der IndoGennanen (The Homeland of the Indo- 
Germans). Jena, 1904. 

*4.) Gronau: Amerika, VoL I, page 30 andfollowing . 

*5.) Leo Frobenius: Und Afrika Sprach (And Africa Spoke), Vol. 1, Berlin, 1912. 

*6.) Kramer: Weltall und Menschheit (The Universe and Mankind), Vol. 5, pages 108 
and following. Wien. 

*7.) Dollinger: Baldur und Bibel, chapter 4. 

*8.) According to Kramer: Weltall und Menschheit (The Universe and Mankind), Vol 
5 . 

*9.) See Alois Heim: Kreuze, Hakenkreuz und Unnotivische Wirbelornamente in 
Amerika (Crosses, Swastikas and the Primal Vortex Motif Ornaments in America), 
Vienna . 1891. Also see the writings of Pierre Saintyves (aka Emile Nourty) about the 
crosses of the mound-builders, the Gaspe Indians, and the Indians of the Dakotas, 
Ojibwas, Navajos and California tribes. 

*10.) Gronau: Amerika, Vol. I, page 39. 

*11.) Gronau: Amerika. Vol 1, page 82 and following. 

*12.) Guido von List: Mythologische Landschaftsbilder (Mythological Landscapes), 


Guido von List Verlag, Leipzig, 

*13.) For more on this, see W, Scott-Elliot: Atlantis, page 76, Leipzig, 1903, 

*14.) Translator's note: the Beast who had horns like a lamb but “spoke " like a dragon 
(Revelation 13:11). 

*15.) Wendrin: Das Entdeckte Parodies (The Discovery of Paradise), page 235 . 

*16.) Richter: Got ter und Helden (Gods and Heroes), Leipzig 


Chapter 25. 

The Prehistoric Aryan-Atlantean World-Culture. 

When comparing the many different cultures of the nations of 
the world, we find that the stamp of the Germanic peoples is found 
more or less everywhere. Germanic technology, art and science has 
steadily progressed throughout history in a triumphant march across the 
world, determining the cadence of the engine of global advancement. 
So it is then that we are justified in many respects when we speak of the 
Germanic world-culture of our modem age. 

It is of a much higher degree however that we must speak of the 
prehistoric Germanic-Atlantean world-culture. 

In regards to the cultures and arts of the ancient civilizations of 
the Americas, the Middle East, Egypt, Etruria and Iberia, the following 
has been confirmed by archaeological excavations: Hundreds of 
thousands of years before these known civilizations of the ancient 
world, a previous one had already firmly existed with common features 
that point to a shared cultural origin. These cultural commonalities are 
unique to the Aryan race. The highest and most advanced cultures have 
always exclusively been created by the Aryan peoples; when Aryan 
blood is spilled, these cultures likewise disappear. On this point, all of 
our anthropologists are very clear *t.). 

According to the collected data of Joseph Francis Rock in the 
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft (Communications of 
the Anthropological Society) of Vienna, the calendar, the star worship, 
and the worldview of the Toltecs indicate that there was indeed a 


seamless connection between the spiritual cultures of Western, Central, 
Eastern and Southern Asia with those of ancient Mexico. 

The civilizations of Central America, Yucatan, Honduras, Peru, 
Egypt and Chaldea all had engineered structures in ancient times that 
indicated their position in an extraordinarily advanced age. These 
civilizations are all related in that these structures have similar features, 
similar design and similar art forms. “In several areas of Mexico, 
Yucatan, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua, we find ruins of such 
form and beauty that would make the engineers of Thebes proud, and 
could stand confidently along side the magnificent structures of 
Persepolis and its many other comparable counterparts of the ancient 
world” *2.). 

Some of the ornaments on some of the temples at Chichen Itza 
on the Yucatan peninsula resemble elephant heads and thus give rise to 
speculation that these structures are related to those of India, or else are 
of an era in which the mammoth roamed in America. Other similar 
discoveries in North America would suggest the same. 

Oddly enough, in the ancient structures at the lowest strata of 
the archaeological excavations in Sumeria and Mycenae, one finds the 
same Aryan Nordic swastikas, solar spirals, key shapes and meander- 
forms that have been found in the ancient palace and temple ruins of 
the Americas. Among the ruins of the massive terraced pyramids, we 
also find evidence which indicates that they had originally *3.) been 
engineered upon a common model, the stepped Himmelberg of Atlantis 
(see Figs. 8, 11, 12, 24, 27-31, and 35-40). Additionally, the pyramids 
of the Americas are constructed upon the same rules of proportion as 
those of the Egyptians. Therefore the measurements used are the same. 
At various points, the temple at Palenque in the Yucatan bears both the 


Egyptian ankh and the solar cross; these symbols were held by Egyptian 
deities in their representations and placed on the chests of their dead. 
The cross is also found on the Atlantean statues of Easter Island, in 
Centra! Asia, and in pre-Christian Sweden *4.). 

In 1923, various pyramids, along with quite a few stone 
sculptures, were rediscovered among the Marieta Islands. Near Mexico 
City, a 35-meter tall pyramid was found buried beneath a hill of 
volcanic ash, an ancient architectural masterpiece. In the Mexican 
province of Sonora, a pyramid measuring 50 meters high with a base 
perimeter of 1,450 meters (14 hectares base area) was found after 
having been long forgotten in the depths of the jungle there. This 
pyramid is similar to the Egyptian ones, covered with smooth granite 
slabs. Even the internal arrangements of the corridors and chambers of 
the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, Yucatan and Peru are identical. During 
his travels in British Honduras, Frederick Mitcheli-Hedges found a 300- 
foot tall pyramid in the midst of a ruined city there. Accompanied by 
the archaeologist Dr. Thomas Gann, the same explorer found the ruins 
of an ancient city in 1924, in the interior of British Honduras. These 
ancient ruins occupied an area of several square miles within a valley. 
3,000 feet above this valley stands another towering stone pyramid. 

In the Incan Empire, there were also obelisks to be found; the 
Mayas had bells crafted from metal. 

Figures on the temple at Palenque have a strong resemblance to 
those in India. The technical and methodological values of the Maya do 
not differ from those works of the classical states *5.). 

The writing characteristics of the Hebrew and the Aztec have 
very many similarities. 

The excavations of the lowest layers of the Sumerian and 


Egyptian civilizations have revealed tools made of iron. Now when 
these iron tools have been demonstrably found to have come from lands 
and times before the historical period that they were supposedly used in, 
what does this tell us? This curious fact indicates to us with all certainty 
that they originated in an earlier cultural period that was most likely 
suddenly destroyed by some type of disaster and that from this point the 
civilizations of mankind had to rebuild anew. 

In the earliest archaeological strata of the civilizations of the 
Mycenae, Greeks and Asia Minor, huge buildings made of cyclopean 
masonry have been found. Oddly enough, the cyclopean masonry of 
Central America follow the same layouts and are often constructed in a 
manner that is inexplicable to scientists and technicians of our day. 
Already, long before the time of the Incas, such massive cyclopean 
constructions have been found in Peru which mirror those in Mycenae. 
When the conquering Incas victoriously crossed the plateau at Lake 
Titicaca, they were astonished by the sight of gigantic constructions of 
the highest caliber there at Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco). There is no 
technical explanation for how some of these giant stone monuments 
were erected. The grandeur of the ruins at Tiwanaku is made all the 
more remarkable by the large number of monoliths found there. These 
stones measure up to 12 meters in length and weigh up to 400,000 lbs, 
and stood at regular intervals, reminding one of the ruins at Stonehenge 
* 6 .). 

Even for the modem engineers, it is inexplicable how those 
builders of this unknown culture were able to use their laborers to raise 
such massive stones that weighed on average 200,000-300,000 lbs each 
for their constructions. Instinctively, one comes to the conclusion that 
the technicians of this lost civilization must have succeeded in 


Figure 35: A tiered pyramid on a South Sea Island. 

Figure 36; A tiered pyramid of the Sahara in Egypt from the Atlantean era. 

suspending the laws of gravity and utilized laws of physics which we 
are currently unaware of. This, again, points to a civilization that must 
have been obliterated by some sort of disaster. Lubke comes to the 
conclusion *7.) that sometime during the transition from the Stone Age 
to the Bronze Age, the development of ancient German art came to an 
abrupt and violent stop. 

All of the structures in this ancient cultural period are covered 
with hieroglyphics that we have not yet been able to decipher, and the 
similarity between those hieroglyphics of Central America and Western 
Asia and Sumeria are indeed quite surprising. It is also remarkable that 


thirteen of the characters of the Mayan alphabet exhibit a very clear 
relation to the thirteen characters of the Egyptian hieroglyphs for the 
same letter and that the language of the Mayans of Yucatan is one-third 
purely derived from Greek. The Mayas, Toltecs, Aztecs, Incas, Hittites 
and Sumerians had all used pictographs or hieroglyphics; it can thus be 
safely assumed that these strange symbolic characters date back to the 
Atlantean era of civilization. As adopted by these various groups of 
peoples, this writing style was only further developed by the Sumerians 
and Egyptians. On the Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio plains, there are 
an estimated 1,300 structures that were built by the so-called “mound- 
builders” *8.). These mostly come in the form of man-made sanctuaries 
of terraced hills or stepped pyramids, and were created in the Copper 
Age, that is, in the time of the Atlanteans. They also have a strange 
resemblance to those sacred terraced mountains and stepped pyramids 
of Germany (see Figs. 36 and 37) that have been established as having 
originated in the Atlantean era, and they also are often built with 
underground tunnels and have grave chambers just like were in the 
Himmelberg of Atlantis. Recently, it has been found that the activities 
of these Mound Builders spanned across an extremely wide period of 
time, perhaps up to 100,000 years, and that these builders had suddenly 
abandoned these areas, most likely due to a great catastrophe that had 
befallen them there. One could well imagine how the sinking of Atlantis 
would have created an immense tidal wave that would have wrought 
untold destruction around the globe. The subsequent weeks of torrential 
downpours that this disaster would have created would also have 
devastated those countries that bordered on the Atlantic Ocean. The 
conclusion that one may draw from this then is that the neighboring 



Figure 37: Ancient Germanic holy hilltop sanctuary at Obergansemdorf in 
Austria. A three-terraced stepped-hill pyramid. 

Figure 38; The enigma of Tegemsee. A holy hill of the Aryan-Atlantean era. 


Atlantean—Aryan colony of North America would undoubtedly have 
been destroyed as well in its lowest plain regions by this disaster. It is 
then quite noteworthy that upon the discovery of America, members of 
the Dakota and Ohio Indian tribes were found who had reddish brown 
hair and blue eyes. These tribes were most likely the degenerate and 
miscegenated remnants of that original Aryan-Atlantean colonist 
population. Another vestige of these Aryan colonists may have been 
found in 1920 when Dr. Rice discovered a race of giant white-skinned 
Indians near the fountainhead of the Amazon river, a race whose 
language was quite distinct from the other Indians of the continent. 

Heinrich Schliemann was said to have found artworks from 
Atlantis during his excavations. That archaeologists must come to 
expect to find the remnants of very ancient civilizations, much older 

Figure 39: The three-tiered holy mountain at Mousson in Eastern France. 


than originally thought, has been proven by the excavations of Sir 
Arthur Evans at Crete. The lowest stratum of culture that he had 
unearthed, upon the hill on which ancient Knossos stood, contained 
beautifully colored earthenware that was estimated by him to be 9,000 
years old. 

The history of Mycenae is reminiscent of those disasters that 
befell Atlantis. However, even before this cultural period, which is 
called the Mycenaean Era, there was another civilization that cannot 
simply be attributed to the ancient Greeks, and thus belongs to another 
people. Today we know these people as the Atlantean Aryans. 
“Unfurling before our eyes is an astonishing culture full of extensive 
palaces of all kinds; these palaces were hung with rich decorations and 
wall-paintings that were done by highly skilled artists who had a sharp 
observation of nature; some terrible catastrophe must have put all of 
this to an abrupt end” *9.). We now know what this was: the sinking of 
Atlantis. “Even so, we also find that there is a strange thread that links 
all of these monuments”, says Liibke, “and that is the question of 
nationality. The race and culture of the people who have produced these 
artworks makes it all the more controversial.” 

How very strange it is that the ancient palatial ruins of Central 
America are adorned with the meander-form and Greek key designs (as 
well as decorated on their staves and containers); the picturesque sight 
of these facades cannot help but bring to mind those very similar 
elements found on the ancient monuments of the Egyptians, Greeks and 
Romans *10.) (see Fig. 41). Just as striking is the complete similarity of 
the structures of the Egyptian and Mesoamerican temple gates (Fig. 41); 
again in 1923 two such temples were found in the jungles of a Mexican 
island that seem confusingly similar to the ancient Egyptian temples. 


Figure 40; The pyramid of Stronegg in Lower Austria. A holy hill with a base 
area of 12,000 square meters, the largest pyramid construction in Europe, dating to the 
Atlantean-Aryan epoch. (Image front Guido von List's Mythologische 

Figure 41: Egyptian temple. 


And among the ruins of Mitla in Oaxaca, an effigy of the head of Isis 
has been found. The ornamentation on the column capitals of the local 
ruins there bear an amazing resemblance to those in the ruins of 
Dendera, Egypt. 

Yucatan is the Egypt of the ancient world. It contains over forty 
mega-cities that are full of the ruins of many magnificent temples and 
palaces. Here was an ancient Atlantean civilization that was most likely 
destroyed upon the sinking of Atlantis by a giant tidal wave, just like 
the civilization of the Mound-Builders of America. 

Even to the unlearned man, it must now be apparent that these 
civilizations were united in their racial heritage and that the world- 
spanning culture that they created was suddenly destroyed in a massive 
catastrophe. The circumstances upon which they disappeared should 
also be considered as a connection. On Lake Titicaca in Peru, the 
conquering Incas found grave towers there with niches and chambers 
that each contained 20-100 corpses buried standing upright together. It 
is strange that such towers can also be found in Iberia, Sardinia and 
Asia Minor. From these examples, it is quite evident to see the 
continuance of the tradition of the burial of noble or eminent persons as 
was practiced on the Himmelsberg of Atlantis. 

All of the monuments and structures of the ancient Aryan 
civilizations indicate that they were sun worshipers; this culture has 
been preserved throughout antiquity in the cults of many nations. 
According to the report of Plato, the Atlantean temples contained huge 
solar discs made of pure gold that were erected as a symbol of the sun. 
Such solar discs have been found in ancient Egypt, in pre-Christian 
Northern Germany *11.), and in the temples of Central America (see Fig. 
44). The ancient Aryan custom of furnishing their temples with solar 


discs was later adopted by their successors in Central America. Cortez 
himself plundered a golden sun-disc the size of a wagon wheel from a 
temple in MesoAmerica. 

The following facts tell us of the undeniable connection 
between the Atlantean-European culture and the Germanic civilizations 
of prehistoric times: 

Both in America (e.g. in the Incan state of Lake Titicaca) and in 
the Northern European lands of the Germans are found strange stone 
circles that were intended for astronomical observations and were based 
upon the dimensions of the prehistoric foot (where 16 feet equals 4.616 
meters). These stone circles, such as those at Stonehenge and Avebury 
in England and Odry near Danzig have long been proven by researchers 
to have served as a type of stone calendar. Is it possible that anyone can 
still believe that these same constructions of stone circles on separate 
continents are simply a random coincidence? 

During the conquest of Mexico, an Aztec stone calendar 
weighing 42,000 lbs was found (now immured in a Mexican cathedral). 
This calendar tells us that the year is composed of 18 months of 20 days 
with 5 additional leap-days (or 16 months of 20 days, 1 month of 23 
days and 1 month of 22 days = 365 days). Its accuracy equals that of the 
Julian and Gregorian calendars in every way. So how is it that the stone 
circles of Odry at Danzig, erected in the late Stone Age or early Bronze 
Age, appear at nearly the same time *12.) as this Mexican stone 
calendar? It cannot be denied that these two prehistoric cultures are 

It is most likely also the case that the enigmatic discoveries on 
Easter Island in the Pacific are somehow related to the culture of the 
Atlanteans; the riddles of this island will probably only be solved 


through finding its link to Atlantis. 

Undoubtedly, Easter Island is the remnant of the larger sunken 
continent of Lemuria, also known as the kingdom of Rapa Nui. Just like 
in the lands of the Incas, there are mighty cyclopean walls and terraces 
to be found there, piled high out of stones that often weigh several tons 
each. The purpose of some of these constructions however remains 
unexplainable; even more puzzling are the questions of how these giant 
stones were transported from great distances and how they were erected 
and perfectly placed into position. As with the ancient cyclopean 
structures of Peru, these giant stones are not bound together with 
mortar, but are dovetailed and skillfully fitted together in a tight pattern 
that effectively forms a solid unit, reminiscent of the temples of 

Eigyn? 42; The giant statues (royal busts) of Easter Island. From Fischer, 
Weltwenden , page 143. 


On the giant terraces of Easter Island, several hundred 
enormous statues stand in groups of four, each one weighing thousands 
and thousands of pounds. They are on average the height of a house, 
with the largest one measuring 80 feet, found lying unfinished in a 
nearby quarry. The long faces of these stone pillars are chiseled with a 
noble nose, a well-rounded chin, and exhibit a very spiritual appearance 
reminiscent of the Aryan type; these are by no means representations of 
the negro or Papuan peoples. Also very striking is that these monuments 
are decorated with the Aryan cross. How is it that this ancient Aryan 
sign of the covenant has come to appear on these statues? 

It appears as if a massive work of art was being created here but 
was never brought to completion. Of the 500 statues there, only a third 
had been erected, and just as many were still being crafted and worked 
upon in the quarries; many as well are scattered across the island as if 
their transport was suddenly interrupted. 

The existing walls and partitions here are very peculiar also; 
these structures are many thousands of years old, and, along with the 
walls of the quarries, are covered with strange hieroglyphics, wall- 
paintings and geometric drawings. These are all suggestive of a 
pictographic writing style similar to those of prehistoric Europe and 
America; these scripts are just as indecipherable as those from the 
continental cultures and are most likely a product of the dominant 
Aryan race of that age. 

Strangest of all of the sights on this island are the quarries 
themselves: faces are sketched out or prefigured in the rock walls there 
but are not hewn. All about lay both partially and completely finished 
statues that tell a terrible tale: these sculptors and laborers had abruptly 
dropped their tools, their work suddenly and horribly interrupted. 


Figure 43: A section of a tablet from Easter Island. From Fischer, Weltwenden , page 

What sort of terrible catastrophe could have befallen these 
workers to so unexpectedly interrupt them from these tremendous 
projects? Presumably, the sudden sinking of Atlantis had created a 
gigantic tidal wave that flooded the coasts of every continent including 
that of which Easter Island was originally a part of. Those highly 
advanced residents of this land who lived at sea level likely died a 
gruesome death from this unexpected deluge. Those who were able to 
flee to its mountain peaks, that which comprises what we now know of 
today as the entirety of “Easter Island”, were the few who survived. Yet 
it seems most likely that these survivors soon after disappeared into 
extinction as well. 

If one wishes to solve these questions of the origin and 
relationships of an ancient culture that was so suddenly changed by an 
unforeseen catastrophe, then one must also be willing to dig for its 
solutions in the fields of anthropology. Anthropology tells us the truths 
of mankind that are bound by natural law: similar cultures with similar 
art forms have as a precondition that they originate in the same race 
of peoples. Accordingly, it seems most likely that this lost civilization 
with its sacred mountains, ringed fortresses, stone circles, monoliths, 
pyramids, terraced hills, meander-forms, and spiral and swastika motifs 


all exclusively originate in the Aryan peoples. And it then thus follows 
that this inexplicably eldest of cultures certainly dates to the period of 
the Atlantean Aryans, a civilization that was abruptly interrupted from 
further development with the sinking of Atlantis. The art forms of these 
ancient Aryan peoples were carried on and had their place solidified in 
history by those who had survived this calamity and had inevitably 
mixed with the American, Asiatic and Egyptian peoples; although these 
traditions and teachings were perpetuated, they were unavoidably 
distorted and diluted over time due to this miscegenation. Nevertheless, 
we stand in amazement and admiration of this ancient and most high 
culture and can only guess at the greater heights that it could have 
attained had this disaster not occurred. Thus the accumulated findings 
of our anthropologists appear to us in a new light: the Egyptian gods 
(the Aesir) are depicted with an Aryan physique, and the 
Mesoamericans have described the men who brought their culture from 
over the seas as being “white” and “bearded”, and the Indian gods of 
the Vedas are described as having blond hair and blue eyes. It thus 
seems doubtless that the creators of the Atlantean culture were of 
Germanic origin. This too is confirmed in the pictographs of Bohuslan. 

As we contend, and as we feel has been firmly established, the 
culture created on Atlantis and on the Atlantean colonies is thoroughly 
Aryan-Germanic. This is further confirmed by the fact that white 
Germanic people were seen and described by voyagers upon the 
“discovery” of America. White “Indians” have also frequently been 
seen by explorers in South and Central America, as well as in Alaska. 
The success of the Marsh American research expedition across the 
Darien Gap in Panama in 1924 resulted in the discovery of a mysterious 
blond-haired and blue-eyed “Indian” race of people. These peoples 


were described as being white and covered with a white, downy hair. 
Although the existence of such peoples had been spoken of in fables 
throughout the centuries, this expedition was the first to confirm the 
reality of their presence among us. Simultaneously, these explorers also 
discovered the traces of a corresponding ancient civilization. It is here 
in these white “Indians” where one may find the remnants of the Aryan 
racial culture of Atlantis-America. What a terrible catastrophe this must 
have been, obliterating an entire people and their culture from the face 
of the earth! 

*1.) The reader will find evidence of this, among many other things f in the relevant 
anthropological works of Ludwig Woltmann, Arthur de Gobineau, Karl Penka, Jdrg 
Lanz von Liebenfels, Ludwig Wilser, Otto Hauser and Matthaus Much. 

*2.) Gronau: Amerika, Vol. L 

*3.) See Dr. Heinrich Hein: Das Geheimnis der Grofien Pyramide (The Secret of the 
Great Pyramid). Zeitz, 192 L 

*4.) H.P Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 11, page 58. 

*5.) Dr Karl Maria Kaufmann: Amerika und Urchristentum (America and Primitive 
Christianity), Munich, 1924. 

*6«) Gronau: Amerika, Vol. I, page 81. 

*70 Wilhelm Liibke: Die Kunst des A Iter turns (The Art of Antiquity), page 13. Stuttgart , 

*80 Gronau: Amerika, Vol. 1, page 30. 

*90 Wilhelm Liibke: Die Kunst des Altertums (The Art of Antiquity), page 115. 

Stuttgart, 1904. 

*100 Gronau: Amerika, Vol. 1, page 465. Leipzig. 

*1L) See Wigalois: Der Tempel von Rethra (The Temple of Rethra), Berlin, 1905. 

*120 For more on the stone circles and the orientation of the Aztec stone calendar, see 
Kosmos, issue 12, 1913; issue 7, 1916 ; issues 2 and 10, 1921; and Gronau: Amerika . 
Vol. 1, page 203. 


Chapter 26. 

The Expulsion from Paradise. 

All of the political events that befell Atlantis were the 
consequences of a state that had experienced a rapid increase in 
miscegenation, and had thus strongly acted against natural law. 
Although the ancient Atlanteans had banned interracial mingling, 
clearly recognizing its destructive effects upon a people and their state, 
their efforts were ultimately in vain. (See the Indian racial laws of 
Manu and the racial laws of Joshua, Joshua 23:12-13 and the final 
Commandments of the Ten Commandments.) 

The biblical story of the expulsion from Paradise is likely a 
description of the historical events of Atlantis that followed this terrible 
world-conflagration. In Genesis 3:22, the deity of the Bible uses the 
words “one of us”. God does not say that Adam should become like 
“me”, but instead as “one of us”. Thus he is referring to himself as a 
plurality of beings, of beings equal to God. 

The only ones who could be considered to be “equal to God” 
were the white, shining Aryans. They were called the “Children of God” 
(the Goten / the Goths) in the Bible (Genesis 6:1-2), that is, being bom 
of a higher nature. On the other hand, the “Children of Men” lived like 
animals, and had no culture or knowledge of their own; their nature and 
appearance resembled that of the beast, for they were dominated by 
animal instincts and behavior. We are still reminded of these ape-like 
human animals today in the most primitive peoples of the world: the 
negro Africans, the dwarf Africans, the Australian Aborigines, and some 


of the Mongolian tribes. Instead of having a high Aryan forehead, they 
have a low forehead and a skull covered with ingrown hairs. Their dark, 
round eyes remind one of animals who live the lives of cannibalistic 
predators. And given all of this, it is evident that there is no trace of 
religion or culture within their being. Their entire spiritual lives are 
hopelessly plunged into a empty blackened darkness. To the Aias they 
naturally appeared as “animals”. The Aryans of India summarily called 
the native peoples there “monkeys”. 

The lower races are therefore most contrary to the Aryan 
“Children of God”; the Bible curtly refers to them as “men” (Genesis 
chapter 6) and as “beasts”, “animals” and “pagans” in the Book of 
Revelation. Unfortunately, the insidious ways of blood-mixing were 
introduced to the Aryans and elements of these human-looking animals 
were slowly instilled in their offspring: men with no soul, men with no 
sense, men without intellect or reason, men without a spiritual life, and 
men bom without an Aryan appearance. Obviously, this racial mixing 
came at their own expense, for the resulting lower-bred races are 
according to natural law the mortal enemies of all higher-bred beings. 
The Edda describes this as follows: 

“Then from the throng, did three come forth 
From the home of the Gods, the mighty and gracious; 
Two without fate, on the land they found, 

Ask and Embla, empty of might. 

Soul they had not, sense they had not, 

Heat nor motion, nor Goodly hue; 

Soul gave Othin, sense gave Honir, 

Heat gave Lothur and Goodly hue.” Edda, Voluspo 


This means that when the Aesir came from the northern lands to 
Atlantis, they found before them on the sea shores there two humanoid 
creatures that they named Ask and Embla. The Asen assisted them and 
bestowed upon them the benefits of their culture; through a small 
amount of miscegenation they gave this animal-like human species a 
more beautiful face and a more beautiful skin color. This effect can be 
seen today: when one traces the appearance of various Indian tribes of 
the Americas and the African Negro through time, one is able to mark 
the date and the degree to which it has mixed with Aryan blood. The 
slave-based economy of the Aias, which was in effect throughout 
antiquity, compounded by a metropolis that was a center for world 
trade, made widespread miscegenation on Atlantis all but inevitable. 

Some of these mongrel offspring could pass as Aryans to the 
untrained eye; they looked like “one of us”. These mixed breeds 
however considered themselves to be equal to the Aias and perversely 
insisted on occupying districts of Atlantis that were intended solely for 
the Asen; they even walked in Asgard, the garden of the Asen, a place 
prohibited to the lower-bred races. Despite the strict laws on racial 
breeding, it may not have been very rare that they attempted to seduce 
or rape the daughters of the Asen. Furthermore, there existed higher- 
bred women there, as is often the case, who were willing to throw 
themselves and their heritage away for the lower-bred races. These of 
the bastard races even dared to eat from the “tree of life”, as if they 
were one of the Aesir. Thus originates the fable of Adam and Eve in the 
Bible. God, the highest of the Asen, had discovered that Adam and Eve 
had eaten from the tree. Adam, a mischling, and the “worse hand” *1.) 
Eve, the daughter of an Asen, were caught and subsequently cast out 
of paradise. Thus it was that the racial law was passed forbidding 


mischlinge and lower-bred races from access to Eden and Asgard; even 
the “woise hand” women (those women who had commingled with the 
beasts) and their children were banned and expelled. According to 
Revelation 7:2-3, only those of Aryan descent who have “the seal of 
God”, that is, the Aryan swastika, “on their foreheads” will be allowed 
entrance into Eden and Asgard. Those who violate these laws, as in 
Revelation 14:9-11, will be thrown into the burning crater. Even not so 
long ago, it was punishable by death for any foreign race to enter a holy 
mountain in Germany *2.). 

Thus a protective guard was established for the purposes of 
watching over and guarding Asgard and Eden. The Asen Heimdall was 
its commander. The Gylfaginning of the Edda describes this prohibition 
of the mongrel from entering Asgard: 

“The Hrimthursen and mountain giants (the mongrel) 
would to heaven ascend, 
if everyone who wanted 
could cross the Bifrost.” 

Concerning Heimdall, the Edda (in the Lokasenna ) says: 

“Be silent, Heimdall! 

In days long since 

was and evil fate for thee fixed; 

with back held stiff must thou ever stand, 

as warder of Valhalla to watch.” 


Fipure 44: Nordic sun chariot with solar horse. 

More about this protective guard was reported in the Grimnirlied : 

“Five hundred doors and forty there are, 

I ween in Valhalla's walls; 

Eight hundred Einheijer 

through one door fare 

when to war with Fenrir they go.” 

Edda, Grimnirlied 

With the large losses of its fighting men through their various 
struggles, the Aryans ultimately found it necessary to introduce a 
custom that in time would eventually become adopted in many Aryan 
kingdoms: the Atlantean authorities selected guards from other Aryan 


lands or colonies. According lo Ezekiel chapter 27, some of these 
soldiers came from even as far away as Persia, Lod and Arvad. This 
shows that even the mighty nation of Atlantis, weakened by the losses 
that they had suffered in their many battles, had to in this way expose 
the secrets of their power and resources. This operational tactic of 
seeking out troops from foreign lands originates here in Atlantis; it is 
a method of military organization that became a common practice for 
the Roman and British Empires. According to Revelation 9:14-20, 
Revelation 13:13, and Psalms chapters 11 and 18, a type of cannon was 
installed upon Atlantis as a defensive measure, as has been described in 
previous chapters. As follows the laws of nature, revolts among the 
low-bred races are not uncommon, and this occurred on Atlantis as 
well, as is described in the Revelation of John. Then, as today, those 
who led the bastardized races in revolution against the Germanics were 
mongrellized Aryans. For more examples of this, see the Greek myths 
of the War of the Titans. 

As for Eve, the fallen daughter of the Asen, two special 
punishments were imposed upon her according to the Bible: first, she 
was cursed that she would give birth to children “with pain”. In other 
words, while childbirth between those of the same races goes easily and 
is without much suffering, for those higher-bred women who looked to 
mix races, childbirth for them was fraught with great dangers and 
agony. Secondly, the fallen Asen daughter who marries the lower-bred 
husband will in effect become a subject to a heartless and materialistic 
tyrant who treats her as a slave. Conversely, marriages between Aryans 
tend to instead be harmonious relationships where the wife is respected 
as a higher being and is treated on equal terms as a companion and a 


Of the lower-bred races, it was said that they should “eat their 
bread in the sweat of their brow”, meaning that at one time they were 
more subdued and did slave labor for the Aryans; they worked the 
arable land and sweated by the brow in order to earn their meals. The 
Aryans however soon learned just how dangerous it was to be in the 
company of these beast-men and that they were not easily elevated out 
of their animalistic state. It was thereby determined that these animal 
men should be expelled from Paradise and that they should return to 
eating the earth as they had before (earth-eating is the custom of some 
Negro and Indian tribes). Once expelled, these beast men will return to 
their primitive ways of crawling on their bellies *3.), that is, to return to 
their ape-like pose, as these human-like animals do not have the 
beautiful upright posture of the Aryan man. Since the beast and the 
animal-men in his care had disappointed him so greatly, this God of 
Eden, the highest Asen, thus created an enmity between them and the 
Aryans. He told the serpent that the Aryan (Baldur) will bruise his head, 
that is, that both he and the lower-bred races will be eradicated, but that 
he will bruise the Aryan's heel, that is, the serpent's venom will enter the 
Aryan bloodline, thus degenerating his stock. 

According to the pictographs of Bohuslan, those expelled from 
Paradise were the Hebrews, the mixed race from Atlantis. This is 
confirmed by the research of the learned librarian of Nuremberg, 
Friedrich Wilhelm Ghillany *4.). These facts also go a long way to 
explain why many of the ancient reports of Atlantis in the Bible have 
been falsified and forged. 

*1.) Translator: The "worse hand" is an archaic designation for the lower-classed side 


of an unequal civil marriage. Such designation was conferred to prevent the passage of 
title and privilege to the childtvn and lower-class half ofsuch unequal marriages. 

*2.) Sec Wigalois: Der Tempel von Rethra undSeine Zeit (The Temple of Rethra audits 
Age). Berlin. 

*3.) Genesis 3:14 

*4.) Friedrich Wilhelm Ghillany: Die Menschenopfer bei den Hebraern (Human 
Sacrifice Among the Hebrews), Niirnbeig, 1842. 


Chapter 27. 

The Fall of Asgard on Atlantis. 

The Gotterdammerung of the Edda and the “Thousand 
Year Rule of God on Earth” according to the Books of 
Daniel, Ezekiel and the Revelation of John. 

Concerning the fall of Asgard and the Gotterdammerung, the 
Edda relates to us the following: the Gods (the Aesir) with Odin at the 
summits were those who preserved and protected the universe. As long 
as they survived, the world would survive. To protect against Loki and 
the giants, they made a wall around Asgard and vigilantly guarded the 
Bifrost bridge (see Figs. 8 and 12). In Ragnarok, this is where Loki is 
bound and where his three children are destroyed. The downfall of 
Asgard is, however, inevitable: great wars are ravaging the earth, and 
people everywhere are reduced to terrible suffering, and poverty and 
fornication run rampant; it is the age of the wolf and the age of the 
sword *1.). The Fenris wolf is freed from his magic grotto and runs wild 
with jaws open wide and calls upon the Mitgard serpent to fight with 
him against Asgard. Led by their lord Surtur, the sons of Muspell come 
riding forth from their lands in the south. These sons of the fiery regions 
cross the field of Wigrid (Vigridr) on the Idafelde and the final battle 
wit the Asen begins. As Heimdall sounds the Gjallarhom, the Asen 
awaken and take up their arms and ride out fully armored from the 
many hundreds of gates of Valhalla with the brave army of Einheijer, to 
the battlefields beyond. Odin leads the way, wearing a majestic golden 


suit of armor and holding the infallible Gungnir spear. The Fenris wolf 
lunges at Thor who is then struck down by Surtur *2.). All Asen, except 
for Vidarr (Widar) and his brother Vali will fall in combat. Surtur pours 
fire over the Earth and Asgard bums. 

The sagas of Troy report similar events. These too were 
originally stories about the fall of Atlantis that were eventually changed 
to reflect the later Greek battles against Ilion. 

The historical course of events of the demise of Atlantis and the 
downfall of the Asen kingdom is described in the narrative of the Edda 
as follows: 

As indicated in the previous chapter, the results of multiple 
races interacting on Atlantis led to a rapid growth in miscegenation. 
Just as everywhere, this was due to the development of industry and 
commerce, as is noticeable today in all of the industrialized nations of 
the world. The low-bred races rapidly multiplied according to 
Mendelian Law, and the numbers of the Aias crumbled. The racial 
purity of the Asen was weakened because the blood of the animal-men 
now flowed in their veins; the snake had bitten them on the heel. 
Through racial miscegenation, these violent half-breeds (often called 
“tyrants”, “giants” or “titans” in ancient sagas) rose in strength and 
attempted to seize both the political power and the wealth of the Aryan 

“Fast move the sons of Mim, and Fate 
Is heard in the note of the Gjallarhom; 
Loud blows Heimdall, the horn is aloft, 
In fear quake all who on Hel-roads are. 


“Yggdrasil shakes, and shiver on high 
The ancient limbs, and the giant is loose; 

To the head of Mim does Odin give heed, 

But the kinsman of Surt shall slay him soon. 

“How fare the Asen? How fare the elves? 

All Jotunheim groans, the gods are at council; 

Loud roars the dwarfs by the doors of stone, 

The masters of the rocks: would you know yet more? 

Edda, Voluspo 

Out of the mouths of the mischlinge came “unclean spirits like 
frogs”, the spirits of devils and of darkness. “They spoke blasphemies 
against the Aesir and their holy names”; they spoke against the ruling 
Aryan race, against all who “dwell in heaven” and incited the proletariat 
against the propertied Aryans (Revelation 13:6 and Revelation 16:13 — 
14). Thus the Aesir were continually involved in battles against these 
revolutionaries in the provinces. As always in the history of the world, 
the leaders of the Fenris wolf (the symbol of the low-bred races) were 
those who were of mixed Aryan blood, such as Attila the Hun. The 
Greek legends of the War of Zeus against the Titans and the Giants is 
the historical memory of those battles on Atlantis that took place 
between the Aesir and these mischlinge and beast-men. 

With the rise of miscegenation, the base spirits of selfishness, 
degenerate sensual pleasure, fornication and mammonism grow. Every 
nation that is exposed to such bastardization will continue on this path, 
for the mongrel always inherits the worst characteristics of his mixed 
parents. The Asen tried to put an end to such savagery through the 


institution of wise racial laws, but such evil power could not simply be 
stopped by the rule of law and a crushing tidal wave of miscegenation 
thus flooded Atlantis. 

“Brothers shall fight and fell each other. 

And sisters' sons shall kinship stain; 

Hard is it on earth, with mighty whoredom: 

The axe-age, the sword-age, shields are sundered, 

The wind-age, the wolf-age, 'ere the world crumbles; 
Nor ever shall men each other spare.” 

Edda, Voluspa 

Racial and economic disparities were still used as tools to incite 
the masses even this far back in the ancient mists of time. 

The “great beast” and the “false prophets”, i.e. the cunning and 
power-hungry mongrels of Atlantis, agitated both in secret and out in 
the open against government order, against the monarchy, and against 
Aryan law. They cast themselves as the alleged defenders of “human 
rights” and “universal human dignity” and preached for “equality” and 
“freedom” and demanded the death of the Aesir and the Aias. In 
particular they called for the death of Baldur, the wisest of the Asen. 

Mixed blood had penetrated into even the royal families there; 
its character became corrupted and feelings of brotherhood with the 
Aias became stifled. Noble patriotism was thus slowly smothered and 
an ugly selfishness grew larger. These degeneracies were particularly 
present in Loki, a High Priest of Atlantis who was married to a giantess 
(that is, the descendant of a mongrel) and had three half-breed children 
bom by her. Just as this mixed race polity had become selfish and 


hostile, so too was Loki in his treacherous goals to overturn the state of 
his Fatherland. In this respect, he sought nothing less than the expulsion 
of the Aesir, the overthrow of the Atlantean state and its conversion into 
a theocracy or papal state run by priests. With the cunning and duplicity 
of the Vanir, Loki rightly sensed that he could only achieve his plans by 
relying on the brute force of the masses; he flattered them and made 
open and broad promises to them, freely heaping democratic slogans of 
“freedom” and “equality” upon them. Loki was the first democratic 
priest and his political party constantly grew from his coaxing of the 
base and lowest instincts of the masses. He also studied the defensive 
weaknesses of his homeland and incited its people to rise up against 
their rulers (see the Edda's Lokasenna). The wise Baldur, however, saw 
through the diabolical games of the mongrel Loki and had him arrested. 

“One did I see in the wet woods bound, 

A lover of ill, and to Loki like; 

By his side does Sigyn sit, nor is glad 
To see her mate: would you know yet more?” 

Edda, Voluspo 

But the sown seed will give rise to the weeds: Loki had many 
accomplices to further carry out his devious plans. The poisons of the 
Spartacists and the Communists seeped deeper and deeper into the 
populace. The Fenris wolf greedily locked his jaws on the Aesir and the 
cries rose up for the elimination of the monarchy, the destruction of the 
Asen and the expulsion of the Aryan aristocracy. 

To the dismay of the Aesir, Loki broke free from his bonds. 
Thus in earnest did he begin to bait those members of the heroic Aryan 


race. Compared to the lower races, the Aesir and the Aryans were 
decidedly more heathen; their free-minded spirit put them at odds with 
this growing religious state. The Aryans were thus accused of being a 
godless and anti-religious people and these religious agitators called for 
the wrath of the heavens to be brought down upon them. Slogans were 
created by the selfish and cynical priest caste for the raging masses to 
fanatically shout in their revolts: “equality”, “the rule of the people”, 
and “equal status with the Aryans and the Asen”. So it was that Loki 
won over these great masses of peoples on Atlantis. Loki however knew 
that this itself would not be enough to overthrow the well-organized 
military might of the kingdom of the Asen fathers. He thus sought out 
allies who would agree to recognize and support his kingship and 
military rule should he gain it. To make these overtures, he sent his 
messengers out across the world, bearing great glittering treasures and 
gleaming gold. 

Most of Loki's recruits came from the East, from the Atlantean 
colonies in North Africa and from the Mediterranean lands; indeed, 
many of them were from the same lands that the Atlantean mercenaries 
and Aryan bodyguards (Ezekiel 27:10) came from in the northern and 
western parts of Africa. 

“From the east comes Hrym with shield held high; 

In giant-wrath does the serpent writhe; 

O'er the waves he twists, and the tawny eagle 

Gnaws corpses screaming; Naglfar is loose. 

“O'er the sea from the north there sails a ship 

With the people of Hel, at the helm stands Loki; 


After the wolf do wild men follow, 

And with them the brother of Byleist goes. 

“Surt fares from the south with the scourge of branches, 
The sun of the battle-gods shone from his sword; 

The crags are sundered, the giant-women sink, 

The dead throng the Hel-way, and heaven is cloven.” 

Edda, Voluspa 

The bloodthirsty naval fleets of these colonies sped to the 
following uprising and Loki's sons recruited those Aryan relatives who 
were willing to turn and do battle against their own. And just as today, 
members of the clergy were only all too eager to maliciously set 
German against German. Loki, this false priest and pope of Atlantis, 
thus brought together armies from all parts of the world that were allied 
to put Asgard into his hands. 

The day of the Atlantean world war was fast approaching. "The 
helmsman comes from the east / the dragon rises from the sea” (The 
Edda, Voluspa), that is, a formidable war fleet appears in the harbor of 
the Atlantean Babylon, most likely Viking ships with a dragon 
figurehead at the bow and a dragon or serpent insignia on the sails. The 
arrival of these ships was the signal for the gathered racial mongrel and 
proletariat to storm down from their mountainous dwellings into 
Asgard. Heimdall had awakened the Asen with his battle hom Gjalar 
and startled they rushed together to fight. The Bifrost bridge collapses 
beneath the weight of all of its combatants; the decisive battle ground 
then becomes the large field of Vigridr. The Aesir fall one by one to the 
last; Odin's beloved son Widar (Vidarr) *3.) is one of the few Asen left 


standing. The bronze-plated walls of the Asenburg are stormed and 
Surtur sets fire to the same: the “heavens” are on fire, the city of Troy is 
in flames, this city of the mighty spear-bearer Priamos (Odin). The 
treasuries of King Priamos, filled with gold and ore and innumerable 
herds of sheep, cattle and horses, fall prey to his rapacious enemies. All 
of those within reach of their swords are massacred. A terrible 
bloodbath followed throughout the city (an ancient version of the St. 
Bartholomew's Day massacre) and in the surrounding fields. Aryan 
children were slaughtered in the streets and Aryan girls were snatched 
up as loot by these animalistic warring hordes and the brainwashed 
proletariat. Any remaining Aias who survived were put into slave chains 
(Nahum 3:10). Any who were still able to flee, fled. 

The sagas of Troy relate the flight of an Aryan prince, Aeneas 
(an ancestor of the Asen) into the mountains surrounding the Idafelde. 
These reports are consistent with that of Ezekiel 12:11-16. The fall of 
Asgard and its gods is reminded to us in the teachings of the Buddhist 
Brahmins: the gods do not eternally remain, but perish after walking the 
earth for a number of years and thus sink back into their primordial 
essence. According to ancient Indian scriptures, the Atlanteans fled to 
India under the leadership of the great Adepts, one of which was 
Vaivasvata Manu * 4 .). 

The foolish masses of Atlantis (as symbolized by the blind 
Hodur) found out only all too late how they had betrayed their 
Fatherland by assisting the traitorous Jesuit Loki. Alas, for this they 
received their just rewards. 

The history of the modem world has nothing new to teach us. 
When miscegenation is allowed, historical events play out that always 
end the same. This is in accordance with natural law. Just as the best 


Aryan blood was spilled in France during the wars against the 
Huguenots and during the French Revolution, so too was the Aryan 
blood greatly wasted during the revolutions on Atlantis and these world 
wars of 12,500 years ago. The Aryan kingdom was destroyed and the 
pathological priest Loki arose triumphant, just as Lenin and Trotsky did 
upon the extermination of the Aryans in revolutionary Russia. 

The allies of Loki, the proletarian agitators and the traitorous 
priest caste, were given a wealth of booty including the Asen estates to 
use as their residences and lucrative government positions for an easy 
life. The Asenburg was rebuilt from the ruins; a new castle and a new 
town was constructed. And, as described in Ezekiel chapters 40 through 
48, a “new temple” emerged there from the ashes. 

Loki and his priestly henchmen tore down the Asen kingdom 
and established an Atlantean priest-state; this began about 3,500 years 
after the world conflagration, or about 1,000 years before the mighty 
city collapsed into the midst of the sea. This tightly organized theocracy 
is announced in the Bible in Daniel 2:44 with the following words: “in 
the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom”. 
Revelation 14:14 also refers to this empire. This alleged kingdom of 
God is referred to in Revelation chapter 20 as the “thousand year 
kingdom of God on Earth”, i.e. on the Idafelde. 

As those of us in Germany and Russia are well-acquainted with, 
the proletariat is the worst to suffer under the rule of these “false 
prophets”. The same was true on Atlantis. This priesthood ruled as a 
dictatorship with unlimited powers that were often exercised with the 
bloodiest of rigor. This was the time when “that old serpent” of 
Revelation chapter 20 was bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand 
years: the lower-bred races were forced back into their former positions 


of slavery and were abducted with the utmost ruthlessness when they 
did not comply with this theocracy. Those who opposed the rule of 
these priest-kings were unceremoniously thrown into Tartarus, “into the 
lake of fire”, i.e. into the crater of a volcano (see the Revelation of 

Only through such a reign of terror and constant brainwashing 
could these priests maintain this state of tyranny. To distract their 
subjects from insurrection, they kept them busily occupied with endless 
war. According to Plato's report, these wars were attempts to subjugate 
the many other powerful settlements of the civilized world. To preserve 
their rule, these priests also did away with the public educational system 
and denied these same people that they had once tempted through 
slogans of “freedom” and “equality” of their basic rights to knowledge. 
The priests sat upon the thrones of the Aesir; their leader, the Atlantean 
pope, had himself worshiped by these dulled masses as their almighty 

The Book of Ezekiel (Aasaki-els) was obviously written as a 
report by an eyewitness. This narrator, according to Ezekiel chapters 1- 
4, was a visitor to Atlantis who was guided on a tour of the city where 
he was privileged to see this Atlantean pope sitting on the throne of the 
All-Father (Ezekiel 1:26-28). Ezekiel was told there to illustrate this 
new priest-city upon a tablet (Ezekiel 4:1) and to take it to the Atlantean 
colonies and to ask these colonies to pledge their loyalty. 

Those residents of Atlantis were now bred in their ignorance to 
be fearful of these abominable gods but yet were barely able to endure 
the iron fist of this tyrannical pope. Just as the Roman papal state was in 
the years to follow besieged by uprising after uprising, so too were 
these Atlantean priests eventually undone by their heavy-handed rule. 


The Atlantean papal state too was eventually defeated by the same 
weapons with which they had destroyed the Aryan kingdom and 
monarchy. The new leaders of the Atlantean peoples again called for 
military assistance from foreign nations and the Idafelde was once again 
stormed by the armies of the entire world on the blooming fields that 
surrounded this “beloved city of God”. “The nations which are in the 
four comers of the earth” and “Gog and Magog” in the North and Baltic 
Seas, whose numbers were like the grains of sand in the sea, went up 
“on the breadth of the earth” and surrounded “the camp of saints” and 
“the beloved city” (Revelation 20:8-9). Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 tell 
us of the wars with Gog and Magog “in the midst of the earth” on that 
great day of Armageddon. According to Ezekiel chapter 39, the 
invading foreign troops must have suffered a terrible defeat. Plato tells 
us in his report that even the ancient Athenians were involved in this 
battle. It seems, however, that neither side was given the joy of victory, 
for, according to matching legends, all participants were surprised by 
the massive earthquake that sunk Atlantis, and only a very few were 
likely to have escaped with their lives. 

* 1 .) The Poetic Edda, Voluspa. 

* 2 .) Translator: H. Wieland is mistaken here, the Fenris Wolf attacks Odin, and then is 
killed by Odin's son, Vidarr. 

* 3 .) Edda: Voluspo. F. Genzmer Edition, Vol.lI.Jena, 1920. 

* 4 .) H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 11, page 443. 


Chapter 28. 

The Atlantean State as a Robber State. 

The people of Atlantis were at this late stage the bastardized 
result of thousands of years of animal-men who had bred with the 
Children of the Sun (Theos), of the lower-bred races who had bred with 
the Germanics: “man's heart is evil from his youth”. The subsequent 
human-like creature who had been infused with the blood of the Teuton 
was thus in effect an intelligent red beast. As the Germanic man is less 
occupied with earthly goods and more concerned with spiritual matters, 
the opposite is Ime for the lower-bred races. From this red Atlantean- 
American also originates religious Judaism, whose most prominent 
characteristics are a rapacious and animalistic cruelty combined with a 
complete lack of conscience. 

When the red and colored races had finished destroying the rule 
of law on Atlantis, it became in effect a robber-state, plundering and 
preying on all of its neighboring lands. In time, many other such notable 
robber-states were to follow due to the predominance of dark blood in 
their rulers: Carthage, Phoenicia, Rome, France and England. 

The reports of the priests of Sais in Plato's account tell us that 
this corrupt Atlantean empire made several raids into the East, and in 
particular into Greece and Europe. Irish legends tell us that both they 
and the Germans were put under great duress from the inhabitants of a 
nearby island that lay to the west, but that they eventually turned these 
invaders back and defeated them. The Eastern Iberians, who boast of a 
history 6,000 years old, told the Greek geographer Strabo that they had 


Figure 45: Images of the Atlantean sea-king Poseidon with his trident as 
shown on ancient coins. 

Figure 46: King Poseidon with trident. 

made a tremendous migration from the “ends of the world” to Europe. 
This was the invasion of the red race into Europe. 

One of the Atlantean military Icings seems to have been 
Poseidon, whom the Greek sagas speak of. His image is frequently 
found on the coins of antiquity. The fact that the symbol of his army, the 
trident, has been found in all of the countries of the Mediterranean and 
even as far away as India and Mexico, goes to prove that his bold 
voyages took him all around the world. It also seems apparent that he 
fought with the Red tribes against Germany. His symbol was found by 
Sven Hedin even as far away as in Lop Nur in China (see Figs. 45-48). 

The towering ruins of the ancient cities of Central and South 
America, as well as those structures of the Mound Builders of North 
America, tell us that in distant prehistoric times the Atlantean-American 


Figure 47: Poseidon, as symbolized by fish and tridents on ancient coins. 

empire must have indeed been quite vast, and that it was likely 
possessed by a great mass of red peoples (see Gronau: Amerika). 
According to Plato, at the time of its sinking, Atlantis had no fewer than 
60 million residents. It is also obvious that favorable conditions and 
circumstances led to the overpopulation of this island nation and that 
their degenerate masses soon flooded into Africa, Asia and Europe with 
savage predatory raids that were said to have been done with a genuine 
Indian brutality. He who has learned a reasonable amount of racial 
history will be aware that the robbery and plundering done by these Red 
armies are always done with the utmost cruelty and result in the worst 
imaginable atrocities. The leaders of these savages likely had a higher 
percentage of Germanic blood in their veins in order to efficiently direct 
these teeming masses. Those who have led the wars of the lower races 
against the Germans have always historically been of mixed German 
blood. This is true of the historical leaders of the Romans, Mongols, 
Huns, and Czechs, who have largely been Germanic mongrels *!.)• 


Ernst Betha, with great diligence and thoroughness, has now 
provided us with the evidence *2.) that these Atlantean-American hordes 
did indeed engage in devastating raids into Asia, Africa and Europe. 
These invading foreigners came partly from Tarshish, the Toltec lands 
of Tula and Uphaz / Ophir (a land whose symbol was the snake). In 
written cuneiform records this country was called Amuru. The reddish, 
cannibalistic Mangbetu of Africa (as well as some of the other Negro 
tribes) are still regarded as the likely descendants of these invaders. 
Egypt, in particular, was repeatedly ravaged by these red villains. The 
colored murals on ancient Egyptian buildings faithfully depict these 
savages as having black hair and red skin. 

Some bloodlines of these red robber hordes are found in today's 
Jews and Gypsies. Evidence of this has been sufficiently provided to us 
in Gunnar Sungaard's Das Jiidische Staatsgeheimnis (The Jewish State 
Secret ). Among the Jews and the Indians we find many of the same 
characteristics: the gypsy migratory impulse, an international outlook, 
animal cruelty, aversion to physical labor, an inclination and propensity 
for thievery and murder (50 percent of all criminals in New York City 
are Jews), dishonesty in commerce, immorality and cannibalism *3.). 

According to Betha, a massive military campaign which was 
composed of a mixture of Negroes and Asians, was launched from 
North Africa into the lands that now comprise Italy. In this ancient time, 
before the capture of our current moon, the tidal waters of the oceans 
were at a lower level and Africa was contiguous with Germany, which 
at that time comprised the entirety of Europe. In their warpath, these 
Aztec-Atlanteans left a wide swath of burned down forests and towns 
in their wake. Betha provides as evidence of this the many 


Figure 48: The various signs of the Atlantean-American tribes in their battles 
against the Eye (the Germans). 

treeless areas of Italy that still remain to this day. 

Anyone who is familiar with the insidious animalistic cruelty of 
the Indians and their bloodlust and their propensity for robbery will get 
a faint idea of just how much havok these Aztec-Atlanteans must have 
wrought on Germany. 

Fear, horror and terror accompanied these savage Hebrew— 

Aztec hordes whose tribal symbol was the “dragon” or the “serpent”, 
both of which are mentioned often in the Bible (in the Revelation of 
John and in the legend of the Garden of Eden). We also find the legends 
of these brutal armies of beasts recounted in the ancient Sibylline 
Books. Indeed, their atrocities were more gruesome than those of the 
Huns and the Mongols. 

Forests and homes went up in flames and they raped both 
women and girls along the way. And just as today *4.), they sacrificed 
curly blond-haired children through cannibalism or as “burnt offerings” 
under their ancient Indian-Mexican-Hebraic rites to honor their god 
Jahowa / Jehovah (the Devil). These sacrifices were done according to 
their ancient superstitions in order to obtain a long life or great earthly 
possessions - “that it may go well with thee... and that thou may prolong 
thy days on the earth” (Deuteronomy 4:40). 

The primary characteristic of these Atlantean-Hebrews was 
their bloody human sacrifices and cannibalistic rituals. The crude and 
cruel ceremonies of their so-called sacrificial feasts were simply 
gruesome and base cannibalism, as is still practiced to this day in their 
secret societies in Asia, Africa and America. 

These times of terror are remembered in the Germanic lands of 
Mecklenberg where the White races (the Angelois / Engel / Angels of 
the Bible) had to suffer beneath the rule of the Atlantean-Hebrews. An 
ancient song of the Harz mountains recalls this savage Red Indian— 
Hebrew predator: 

“Um deine Berge weht ein Sang, 

Der Sturmwind selber ist sein Trager: 

Er faust und braust von einem wilden Jager, 


Gewaltig, grauenvoll wie Donnerklang.” 

“To your mountains blow a song, 

The storm-winds themselves it will carry: 

The fist and roar of this savage hunter, 

Enormous and dreadful, a sound like thunder.” 

This perhaps also refers to the legendary great liberating Battle 
of Birkenbaum *5.) (of which Lenin also prophetically spoke) when 
armies under the leadership of the Gennanic King Michael (the 
Archangel of the Bible) fought beneath the banner of the star and drove 
the Atlantean-Hebrews, the “dragon” and the “snake”, out of Germany. 
This terrible war for the liberation of the angels (the “Angelois” of the 
Germanic Bible) from the reign of “Satan” (the Atlantean Hebrews) 
must have lasted for many years (see Chapter 34). 

The decisive battles in this struggle were mainly in Northern 
Germany, the principle stronghold of the Hebrews in Germanic history, 
and in particular the supremely important city of Goslar. The great 
warriors who fought against this “snake” were named Michael, Feridus, 
George, and Orion (Aryan). Remembrances of the warriors King 
Michael and George live on in the sainthoods of St. Michael and St. 
George. The various depictions of their battles against the dragon are 
well-known in art history. 

Still found to this day in the main church of Goslar is a very 
curious object: the so-called Krodo Altar. According to Betha, this was 
the work of the red Taifals, the red Devil-worshipers. This strange 
Krodo Altar is very unusually stylized and is cast in bronze. Betha has 
concluded that this is in fact the ceremonial sanctuary, or ark, of the 


exiled Hebrew-Atlantean Devil; indeed, it served as a portable bronze 
oven in which the poor victims of these hordes (Germanic infants and 
young boys and girls) were burned alive. In the madness of these 
Hebrew-Atlantean low-bred mongrels, this bronze altar was then 
carried ahead of their military processions as a fetish object containing 
the bones of their “burnt offerings”. 

figure 49: The Krodo Altar in Goslar. 


Decades of oppression and terrible tribulations of all kinds were 
likely to have preceded the eventual expulsion of these red devils. 
According to Franz von Wendrin *6.), the Scandinavians were likely to 
have come to the aid of the Germans and their intervention turned these 
battles in the favor of the Germans. Wendrin has detennined this from 
the Swedish rock pictographs that describe events that took place 
approximately 60,000 years ago. Emst Betha, in Die Erde und Unsere 
Ahnen has come to a similar conclusion. Just as we have learned from 
observing nature that vermin such as rats and mice multiply rapidly and 
numerously, so too can we thus imagine how these red Atlantean 
populations burst forth from their banks and rushed outward, swarming 
the adjacent continents with raids of immense numbers. 

The complete expulsion of these red Atlanteans from all over 
Europe seems to not have been entirely successful. This seems to be 
most apparent in Western and Southern Europe where the White male 
population was killed off in great numbers; their wives were thus 
abducted and they were subjugated and forced into breeding with these 
mongrels. Only the larger German population appears to have been 
successful at protecting their blood from being polluted. Remnants of 
this degenerate bloodline can be found now and then in Germany, but 
not very often, and usually it has returned to a purer Aryan stock over 

The descendants of these exiled mixed-race Atlanteans reside in 
larger numbers in the southern, eastern, and western areas of Europe. 
The blood of these cruel animals and enemies of civilization still lives 
strongly in the extremely mongrelized Frenchmen, the faithless Italians, 
and the filthy Czechs, Croats and Southern Slavs. It is most particularly 
found in the Hebrews whose worship, as Gunnar Sungaard has 


Figure 50: An ancient Hebrew performing sodomy intercourse upon a pig. 
Discovery of Franz von Wcndrin, From Lauritz BaltzeFs Glyphes des Roches du 
Bohuslan (The Rock Glyphs of Bohuslan), plate 55, figure 4. 

flawlessly proven *7.), is entirely a continuation of the grisly blood cults 
of those Atlantean-Aztecs, to whom they are in fact blood brothers 

According to the historical reports that have been passed down 
to us in the Bohuslan pictographs, these Atlantean invaders must have 
truly been monsters. They have even sexually mingled with animals 
such as dogs, sheep and pigs. This is why they were called swine: Ebrer 
(“Boar”) = Ebraer = Hebraer (Hebrew) (see Figs. 50 and 51). The 
adopted the name “Jews” for themselves as it was taken from the words 
“Guten” (“Good”) and “Goten” (“Goths” or “Godly”) (it is spelled with 
a “j” since in the Nordic languages the letter “g” is also spoken as the 
letter “j”; for example “Jutland” is “Gutland” is “Gotenland”). They 
have named themselves in this way, as well as by stealing the name 
“Israelites”, which was originally a collective name for the ancient 
German tribes, as a cunning and fraudulent technique to detract and 
avoid being recognized as Hebrews, or swine. For the Hebrews 
themselves, these facts are all very well known and have been 


historically preserved in their scriptures. Even though the vast majority 
of people arc unaware that they were known as animals and swine, their 
own scriptures speak of this without seeming to have much concern 
over it. It was thus in the Great War that the Germans were resolved to 
spread the truth about their true nature and their real name to the rest of 
the world. The Hebrews do not hate or fear any other nation around the 
world more than they do the German peoples (the Sons of the Gods, the 
Asen). This is because they are, in each and every way, in body and 
soul, in manners and morals and religion, and in outlook and 
worldview, the very antithesis of the German. According to the Bible, 
they are the Children of Darkness and the Children of the Devil, 
whereas the Germans are the Children of the Light and the children of 
the benevolent All-Father, Christ. These low-bred people embody the 
animal-man whereas the Germanic peoples embody the Godly-man. 
This is why we fight for our holy soil: for Christ commands the 
extermination of these Children of Darkness. 

The decisive battle over the paradise of Germany (there have 
been several German paradises over the course of history), this war 
between the reddish-black creatures on one side and the Whites on the 
other side, still has yet to be decided, and thus continues to rage unto 
this day. We know from the legends of the priests at Sais that the great 
Germanic legions themselves fought with the red Atlantean-Hebrews on 
Atlantis even as the island trembled and sank into the sea. These battles 
with the Atlantean mongrel and their mixed-race descendants in France, 
Italy, Russia and Asia have gone on all throughout history and up to our 
present day. The Teutons have had to ceaselessly resist and repel the 
brutal predatory raids of these swarming descendants of the Atlantean - 


Aztecs, whether they be from the Roman Empire, the French, the 
Mongols or the Huns, all throughout history. An unspeakable 

Figure 51: A Hebrew from Egypt, depicted as a hound-head, perhaps being 
that most notorious “Lord" of the Hebrews. From the Museum of Upsala. 

amount of the best blood of the Sons of God has trickled in these 
incessant struggles, blood lost in vain at the hands of the Devil's 
children. All of this is sadly the result of our having forgotten the 
ancient teachings of our leader Esus, who had once taught us that we 
must exterminate these Children of Darkness once and for all (see 
Chapters 37 and 38). 

It is indeed the ultimate folly to regard these Children of 
Darkness and Children of Satan as our “brothers”; it is upon their hands 
that we have forfeited the World War. It is under the leadership of the 


Hebrews that the entire animal-men of the Earth were gathered together 
to make war upon the Children of God. Will we once again become like 
King Michael and win these desperate battles as he did 11,500 and 
60,000 years ago, or will we perish? 

It is obvious that through the commingling with the dark blood 
of these invaders, the White race (originally completely white in both 
skin and hair) has absorbed much misery; the race of the gods has been 
infected with sickness and the corruption of its morals, it has been 
struck down with perversions and superstitions. These distressing 
events of tens of thousands of years ago led the Germans to follow the 
rules of science and nature and to thus initiate strict racial laws that 
protected and maintained a pure race through careful breeding practices. 
The ancient eastern Indian racial laws of Manu (“the Man”) are 
probably derived from the same. It is very questionable whether or not 
the rescue of the German race from complete bastardization or 
annihilation at the hands of these massive hordes of the Allantean beasts 
would have been possible if not for the destruction of the island itself in 
that enormous planetary catastrophe. The demise of the Great Babylon 
(Atlantis), “the great whore on the sea” (i.e. the cursed land of the 
mixed races), should then be of the utmost importance for the White 

*1.) See Otto Hauser: Rasse und Politik (Race and Politics), 1922. 

*2.) Ernst Belha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors), 1913. 
*3.) Gunnar Sungaard: Das Jiidische Staatsgeheimnis (The Jewish State Secret). 

*4.) Translator: the author is referring to the practice of Jewish Ritual Murder as was 
common knowledge during his time but has been since hidden and obscured in more 
recent times. 

*5.) Translator: The Battle ofBirkenbaum is the prophecy of a final battle that will end 
all wars; it will take place and end beneath a birch tree in Westphalia. From Oskar 


SchwebeTs Tod und Ewiges Leben; 

“Stands a lonely birch tree on the hearth. 

Fanned by raging storms that rise from the east. 

As a sign that shows us the great danger, 

That threatens from the east to the Prussian Eagle. 

Barbaric hordes thus began wildly flooding, 

Without the benefit of resistance, no weapons, no defense! 

Our crops devastated, our towns incinerated, - 
O God, have mercy on our countiy. 

On the lonely birch the final battle, 

A bloody stmggle for honor and power. 

Corpses upon corpses pile up all about; 

Already (hive times again beneath the sun's path . 

And finally we escapes from the Slavic brood, 

They depart, beaten by our Prussian courage. 

The winners rejoice: we are free. 

Now comes an eternal peace, our golden agel" 

*6.) Franz von Wen dr in: Das Entdeckte des Parodies (The Discovery of Paradise), 
Berlin, 1924. 

*7.) Gunnar Sun guard. Das Jiidische Staatsgeheimnis (The Jewish State Secret), 


Chapter 29. 

The Sinking of Atlantis and the “Holy City of God”, in 
“the Midst of the Sea”, and “Between the Islands”. 
The “Doomsday” of 11,500 Years Ago. 

The Babylon on Atlantis was the capital of world commerce in 
that ancient era and it exported its culture throughout the entire planet. 
Because the trade and goods of all of the nations of the world flowed to 
this commercial center of Atlantis, the many varied peoples of the world 
also flocked there in great numbers. The world trade center of Atlantis 
soon became a colorful mixture of many races which grew worse 
century by century until eventually utter racial chaos erupted during this 
thousand-year reign of the theocratic state. Because these priests drew 
their power of rule from the bastardized masses who were subordinated 
due to their lack of racial cohesion, all of the previous Aryan racial laws 
were abolished. So it was that Babylon became little more than an 
exhibition and menagerie of mongrels and cross-breeds. All mated as 
indiscriminately as rats and mice. It is in all likelihood that this place 
was worse than all of the centers of world commerce of our present day. 
The famous anthropologist and literary historian Otto Hauser has very 
vividly and harrowingly portrayed the cause and effects of this grisly 
miscegenation which must have occurred on Atlantis in his massive and 
epic eponymous work *1.). He has independently come to the same 
conclusions as this author. 

According to Genesis 6:2, “the sons of God saw the daughters 


of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they 
chose.” But miscegenation always brings out a boundless corruption of 
character, for half-breeds as a rule inherit the worst side of a parental 
couple. Genesis 6:5 clearly states that “the wickedness of man was great 
in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was 
only evil continually.” The Aias no longer adhered to the ancient Aryan 
racial laws. The Edda thus describes the resultant moral corruption 
which is consistent with various other biblical prophets: 

“Brothers shall fight and fell each other, 

And sisters' sons shall kinship stain; 

Hard is it on earth, with mighty whoredom; 

...Nor ever shall men each other spare.” 

Edda, Voluspa 

Thus the Bible compares Babylon, “on the waters in the midst 
of the sea”, quite rightly as the great whore (Revelation 17:1 and 
17:18). Had Atlantis continued to exist, it would have spread its 
boundless miscegenation and moral corruption all over the world and 
the purpose of Creation would not have been fulfilled. That is why “it 
repented the Lord that he had made man on Earth”, and that he had 
brought the animal “man” into the culture of the Aias and permitted 
them to mix. God wanted to destroy the “people” (the human animals!) 
that he had created with every beast of Atlantis; “the earth also was 
corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence... for all flesh 
had corrupted his way upon the earth” (Genesis 6:4-13). The “great 
whore Babylon” on Atlantis was “the habitation of devils” (the human 
animals), and became “the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every 


unclean bird” (Revelation 18:2), i.e. fall of immoral mongrel and low¬ 
bred human beasts. 

* * * * 

Plato, in Critias, describes the Germanic Atlanteans before and 
after their racial mixing with the animal-men in this way: 

“For many generations, as long as the Divine (the higher racial 
blood) remained alive in them, they were obedient to the law and were 
devout to the divine to which they were akin. They lived peacefully 
amongst themselves and endured the fates that they encountered with a 
wise and prudent disposition. For the sake of virtue, they considered all 
earthly things as low and looked upon wealth, money and worldly 
possessions as a burden. They did not intoxicate themselves with high 
spirits in wine, but lived soberly, for they saw that virtue and goodwill 
bound men together and that all things grew and prospered out of this. 
However, if one too eagerly pursued or overvalued his goals, he would 
destroy himself and perish alone. So long as they adhered to such 
sentiments and as long as the divine nature (the Godly nature) remained 
alive in them, all things prospered and they were healthy and powerful. 
But when they fell away from God (by mixing with the colored races) 
and the divine portion of them became weakened by an admixture of 
mortal stock, the lower traits (from the low-bred blood) then became 
predominant in them and they became vicious and depraved and God 
destroyed them!” 

* * * * 


According to Fischer in Weltwende and Horbiger in Das 
Deutsche Weltbild, the sinking of Atlantis was caused by the following 

The moonless era on Earth was a time of geological tranquility 
and the world's cultures could develop in a relatively undisturbed peace. 
The sudden appearance of our current moon, Luna, created many 
terrible planetary catastrophes which abruptly altered the Earth and 
destroyed many of its cultures. The planetoid Luna had spun through 
space for millions of years; when it neared the Earth, it became trapped 
by its gravitational pull and was drawn into its orbit around the sun. 
This former star thus appeared to earthlings in approximately the same 
size that it is today. The sudden and beautiful spectacle of the moon 
however was a very calamitous and deadly event, especially for the 
inhabitants of the southern latitudes. The immense gravitational 
attraction of the approaching moon pulled the ocean waters away from 
the polar regions and thus flooded the warmer latitudes so that areas 
like Atlantis and Lemuria were covered by the seas (see Fig. 6). 
Simultaneously, a great transformation occurred to the spherical shape 
of the Earth itself: the polar regions became flatter and the equatorial 
regions bulged outward, creating a planet with a more oval shape. It is 
therefore self-evident that this would at the same time create many 
extremely violent earthquakes. These are the theories that Fischer and 
Horbiger share. 

Under the pull of this new moon, the Earth's axis suddenly was 
titled into a different position, as astronomers of antiquity also confirm 
*2.). This then gave rise to drastic planetary changes of all kinds, 
including shifts in the distribution of water and massive tectonic 
movements and the deterioration of the climates of the temperate 


Figure 52: The capture of the lunar moon that caused the sinking of Atlantis. 
From Fischer’s Welhvende, page 79, figure 19. 

latitudes. The capture of the moon and the subsequent devastating 
floods are told of in the ancient Chaldean (Celtic) flood saga of 
Xisuthros (Sisuthos), and corresponds to the time of Jesus. According 
to the calculations of the Chaldeans, the time before the flood was 18 
SAR *3.); with each SAR being 3,600, meaning that 64,800 years had 
passed. The total Saren moon eras all together total 432,000 years. 

The capture of the moon Luna was of particular importance for 
Europe: it created a much harsher climate *4.). The most profound 
impact of this was that the former land bridge that had connected 
Europe and Africa was now flooded and submerged under deep waters. 
The Mediterranean Sea, which had once consisted of two separate 
bodies of water, were now combined into one. Thus, a geological 
barrier was created that prevented the easy incursions of these red and 
black invaders into Europe, thus allowing the Germanic race to further 


develop without violent interruptions. 

According to geological findings that match the reports of the 
Egyptian priests and the secret teachings of the eastern Indians, the 
disappearance of Atlantis occurred over different periods of time, and 
not all at once. 

Without a doubt, the sinking of Atlantis would have been an 
eerily beautiful spectacle, full of terrible grandeur, a sight that could 
only have been made by its omnipotent Creator. Like a drunken giant, 
the Earth would have trembled at every joint and would have 
incessantly swayed back and forth. The mountains skipped up and down 
like lambs (Psalms chapters 107 and 114) and crumbled in size. A dull, 
eerie and constant thundering would have rolled over the island as it 
collapsed into many different cavities. Sheaves of fire would have rose 
to the heavens from the creation of these craters. Ancient earth was 
exposed and the new earth was swallowed up before the horrified eyes 
of the observers. Glowing gasses and spumes of water and sulfur would 
have filled the air, darkened the sky and the sun (Isaiah 13:10) and 
made the day turn into night. Lightning flashed constantly in the clouds, 
joining the thundering of the trembling earth. 

As the crater walls of volcanoes collapsed, the devastation of 
the red wolf (volcanic lava) would have rolled through the streets of 

“Above her crowed the bird of the forest, 
Hahn, fair and crimson did Fjalar stand, 
Then to the gods crowed Gullingambi, 
He wakes the heroes in Odin's hall; 

And beneath the earth does another crow. 


The rust-red bird at the halls of Hel.” 

Edda, Voluspa 

“Hahn”, the rooster, was their name for the volcano. 

“Now Garni howls loud 
Before Gnipahellir, 

The fetters will burst, 

And the wolf runs free.” 

Edda, Voluspa 

“Garm” means the volcanoes, plural. The fetter breaks, i.e. the 
crater walls split, and the Wolf, the lava, flows freely outward. 

Heaven (the Himmelsberg) bursts open. The mummified dead, 
interred within, are cast out of their crypts by the earthquakes, to the 
horror of the living (Revelation 20:13). The radiant gold temple on the 
Himmelsberg collapses and buries both the multitude of worshipers and 
the Atlantean Pope who is sitting on his “holy throne of God”. Houses 
crash into one another. This massive city becomes a pile of rubble and a 
sea of fire, in which thousands upon thousands find a horrible grave. 
Those who are able to escape flee with a blinding terror. Millions plead 
to the heavens for mercy and salvation (Psalms chapters 104 and 107). 
But it is all in vain. Those who have felt that they escaped and left death 
behind are attacked from the front with a tenfold force. Many seek 
refuge by fleeing the island on ships but the high swelling waves crush 
these vessels like glass. 

In the space of a few terrible days and nights, the All-Father 
destroys his wayward creation much as how a child would his toy. The 


Earth's crust sinks and bursts open. The waters of the seas rush in and 
“the fountains of the great deep are broken up” (Genesis 7:11). The land 
appears to descend as it becomes covered by the oceans. The waters that 
surge into the open crusts of the earth rush to its core and turns to steam 
and giant fuming clouds blast into the skies. “The heavens burst”, i.e. 
the supersaturated steam in the atmosphere becomes a dreadful and 
incessant downpour which hammers the earth for days and days and 
days (Genesis 7:12 and 7:19-24). The mountains steadily continue to 
crumble and erode, becoming smaller and melting like wax (Psalms 
97:1 - 5, Isaiah 40:4, and Micah 1:4). Finally, all of the highest hills are 
covered with water and “all flesh”, humans and animals alike, “went 

In one hour (Revelation 18:17), the culture of tens of thousands 
of years was lost to the murky and smoldering abyss of the oceans; the 
waves rolled over the graves of 64 million people. The horrified few 
who were rescued by ships were witness to this dreadful spectacle 
(Revelation 18:17) and mourned the massive loss of life and prosperity 
(Psalms chapters 18 and 107). 

At the highest point of Easter Island, lying west of Chile, stands 
a tall stone pillar chiseled with a somber face that looks northward. 
According to ancient legend, this stone visage has been set there in 
gratitude to the gods who rescued them. 

Even Ezekiel speaks of the sudden sinking of Atlantis (Ezekiel 
27:36 and 28:19). Since these chapters tell of the “city in the midst of 
the seas”, “whose boundaries are in the middle of the seas” (Ezekiel 
27:4, 27:25, and 28:8), whose prince “sat in the seat of God, in the 
midst of the seas” (Ezekiel 28:2), “upon the holy mountain of God” 
(Ezekiel 28:14), and that this city is explicitly then called “the garden of 


God (Eden / (he Idafelde / Paradise)’’, and in “every precious stone was 
thy covering’’ (Ezekiel 28:13), then it can only be meant that this was 
Babylon on Atlantis and no other place. We must therefore be grateful 
that the falsifiers of our history have thoughtlessly left these portions of 
the Atlantis saga intact so that we may yet be able to decipher its story. 
Just like the Revelation of John, the book of the prophet Ezekiel seems 
to primarily deal wit the historical events of Atlantis. We must keep in 
mind of course that these ancient reports have still often been altered, 
edited and mixed with insertions from these falsifiers. 

A report on the sinking of Atlantis was written about by the 
Mayas of the Yucatan about 3,500 years ago. These sagas still exist in 
the form of the Troano Manuscript * 5 .) found in the British Museum in 
London. According to its inscriptions, the sinking of Atlantis happened 
as follows: “in the 6* year Kan and ll ,h Muluk in the month of Zac, 
terrible earthquakes took place that continued without interruption until 
the 15 th Chuen. The region of muddy hills, the land of Mu, was its 
victim: it was heaved upward twice, and then suddenly disappeared 
overnight. The sea was continually agitated by volcanic forces; as a 
result, the lands of the countries repeatedly heaved and sank at various 
points. Finally, the surface of the earth eventually gave way and “ten 
countries” (!) were tom apart and scattered. Unable to withstand these 
mighty opposing convulsions, the land sank with all of its 64 million 
inhabitants, 8,060 years before the writing of this text.” The treasured 
sagas of ancient Persia, which also contain the story of Atlantis, have 
also made the pronouncement that Atlantis had sunk around 11,500 
years ago. A similar statement can be found in the sacred texts of India 
(according to research by H.P. Blavatsky). 

These reports are consistent wit the remaining flood sagas of 


other ancient civilizations and agree with those of the Gauls and the 
British. This is quite understandable: for thousands of years no other 
historical event would have made such an indelible impression upon 
mankind as the destruction of the focal point of the world's culture and 
civilization. Likewise, there can be no doubt that those eyewitnesses 
who were rescued on sailing ships would have spread the terrible news 
of this global catastrophe all across the world, especially to the 
Atlantean colonies of Egypt, Troy, Sumeria, Iberia, Italy, America, and 
to the lands of the Nordic Aryans. These stories have taken different 
names throughout time in different cultures. In some ancient legends 
it is the story of the Ark (boat), to the Swedes it is the Atlantean 
named Belgamer, to the Chaldeans it is Xisuthrus, to the Hindus it is 
Vaivasvata, to the Chinese it is the sea-faring rescuer Peirun *6.), and to 
the Greeks it is the Atlantean priest Deucalion. 

It is also conceivable that the wise Aryan astronomers foresaw 
these coming cataclysmic disasters and had time to take refuge on ships 
that sailed away from land prior to these events. Thus the legend of 
Noah and his ark is easily explained. He was a wise man who loved his 
family; for many months prior to this global disaster, he stocked up a 
ship with provisions, animals and seeds. Psalms chapters 18 and 33, 
42:7-8, and chapters 46, 65, 67, 89, 93, 96-99, 103 and 107, many 
of which include clear references to the sinking of Atlantis, are 
undoubtedly songs of thanksgiving from a survivor of this catastrophe 
for his salvation. This biblical story of the rescue of a family (Noah) 
from a deluge is found in all of the mythologies of ancient civilizations, 
including the Greek, and were therefore in place long before the 
emergence of the Bible. In the Greek sagas, Deucalion and his wife 
Pyrrha escape a great flood and become the progenitors of a new human 


race. Among the many deluge mythologies of the world is also found 
the Bavarian saga in which a lone human couple is spared on the 
Watzmann mountain * *7.). 

Even though some areas of Atlantis and Lemuria are only 75 
meters below water, a re-emergence of these continents is no longer 
possible. Recent prophecies concerning this happening in the coming 
years do not match with astronomical facts. What will rather take place, 
according to Fischer and Horbiger, is as follows: over time, our current 
moon Luna will slowly spiral closer to the Earth and break up, crashing 
once more into our planet approximately 1 million years from now, just 
as the previous moon had (as described in Chapter 2). This will create 
the same phenomena that had afflicted the Earth aeons ago, such as the 
devastating Ice Age. This will create vastly larger amounts of water on 
the Earth and will considerably reduce the amount of livable space for 
mankind. Although these large bodies of water will be gravitationally 
redirected to certain areas, this new moonless era will still greatly 
eliminate many land surfaces of our planet. 

Presumably, the slow submergence of land around the areas of 
Helgoland and Hadeln on the North Sea (that have been measured as 5 
centimeters in 100 years), as well as the slow rise of water levels in the 
Rhine and North Sea ports, although barely perceptible, are due to this 
slow approach of our current lunar moon. This will inevitably cause 
another flood in a belt-like swath around the Earth. Thus the slow 
reduction of the revolutionary speed of the Earth is also related to this. 

Perhaps one day, advances in science and technology will 
discover a means to prevent this lethal approach of the moon. 

* 1 .) Otto Hauser: Atlantis. Weimar. 

* 2 .) H.P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, Vol. II, page 421. 


* 3 ,) Translator . “SAR” is the Babylonian / Sumerian designation for a unit 
measurement of3,600. 

*40 For the basis of this theory, see Hans Fischer's Weltwende . 

*50 Translator: aXa. the Madrid Codex or the Troano Codex, a "copy" of which is 
currently on display at the Museo de America in Madrid, Spain . 

*60 H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, page 818. 

*70 Dr. Sepp: Altbayerischer Sagenschatz (Treasury of Ancient Bavarian Sagas), 1876 . 


Chapter 30. 

The Consequences of the Sinking of Atlantis. 

The sinking of Atlantis was an irreparable loss for world 
civilization that had repercussions for many millennia. However, it is 
hard to folly determine whether this was detrimental for the Aryan race 
in the long run, for even the racially purest of the Aryan tribes were 
affected by the outwardly emanating waves of miscegenation of 
Atlantis. The vortex of Atlantis sent corruption outward into even the 
farthest of northern regions. It is indeed possible that if Atlantis had 
continued unhindered on its degenerate path through time, the purpose 
of God's creation would have eventually become completely lost. 

The significance of the sinking of Atlantis for the civilized 
world is difficult to gauge or imagine. From Ezekiel chapters 26, 27 and 
28 and from the Book of Revelation, we can, to some extent, see what a 
huge economic importance Atlantis had for civilization's first major era 
upon the Earth. A weak comparison for its importance may be that of 
Carthage, Rome, the British Empire, or modem-day America. The 
downfall of most of our contemporary cultural centers would certainly 
be felt by all, but by no means would they be irreplaceable; the world 
would quickly recover from such a heavy blow and other cultural focal 
points would soon compensate for the loss. Yet how different it must 
have been when Atlantis was lost. For a proper analogy of this 
fantastical metropolis with its world-spanning cultural influences, one 
can compare this “city of God in the midst of the sea” to a spider in the 
middle of a web whose every motion controls the threads at the ends of 


the world. Suddenly the web is destroyed at its center, the net is broken, 
and only a few shreds of this ancient civilized world remain dangling at 
its fringes in the form of Egypt, Sumeria, Italy, Western Asia Minor, 
America, Western Africa, India and Europe. 

With the death of the spider, the chance to re-link these tom 
threads disappeared. It was not until this, our current age, when these 
various lost traces of the first golden age of the Aryan race may once 
again be gathered and pieced together in order to establish a cohesive 
and sublime image of this magical culture. 

With the disappearance of Atlantis so too went the light of the 
entire world. The discoveries, inventions and insights that the Atlantean 
Aias had held closely as secrets were thus carried with them to their 
watery grave. The remnants of this occult knowledge were only 
preserved by the Aryan priest caste of the Egyptians and the Sumerians. 
With the sinking of Atlantis and the subsequent destruction of portions 
of the adjacent continents by the immense tidal waves that followed, not 
only was a considerable fraction of the Aryan population on Earth 
wiped out, but it also set in motion the disappearance of Aryan power in 
both their homelands and in their colonies. Their suddenly reduced 
numbers directly led to desperate fights for survival and control in lands 
that they had previously easily ruled. Contributing to this was the fact 
that large masses of troops from the Aryan countries of Gog and Magog 
(i.e. from Northern Europe) had been sent to Atlantis for that final battle 
and had thus also perished upon its sinking, gone to a ghastly death in 
the watery depths. The sinking of Atlantis therefore had grave 
consequences for the Aryan peoples; the loss of such large amounts of 
the best Aryan blood was felt for millennia across the world. Therefore 
that enigmatic lament of Isaiah 4:1, that “seven widows are looking for 


a man” is now more easily understood. 

The destruction of Atlantis was immediately felt the world over. 
That “great city of God in the midst of the sea” had produced goods that 
were exported to every comer of the Earth, from stone axes made of 
nephrite to the finest golden jewelry, from the most beautiful fabrics to 
the best tools available. With one shuddering blow, the primary source 
of the world's provisions was obliterated. Only through many laborious 
efforts did the surviving colonies step up to replace this loss, and even 
then their goods were mostly poor imitations. And just as the fertile and 
creative blood of the Aias had fallen, so too did world art and culture; 
advances in world art remained essentially frozen in lime for millennia 
and its sensibilities became coarsened and primitive. In many countries, 
a palpable relapse into a barbarism of the ancient past was unmistakably 

Only in this way do the ancient legends of a sudden global 
catastrophe explain the great loss of an art and culture that had existed 
for millennia before those of the ancient Egyptians, Americans, Greeks 
and Etruscans *1.). 

As Atlantis held such a monumental importance for the ancient 
world, it is no wonder that its legends have lived on through the 
centuries in the sagas and legends of the world’s civilized peoples. The 
horrific catastrophe that brought it to a sudden and violent end was thus 
forever seared onto the minds and souls of the peoples of the entire 
world. The learned men of the world recorded these events by the 
customary pictographs to deliver this story to future generations. These 
historical documents were then kept in state temples and palace libraries 
as precious treasures to be carefully guarded. The libraries of the 
Sumerians, as well as their successors, the Akkadians, the Babylonians 


and the Medes, were evidently full of such ancient legends and 
historical accounts. These histories were written on soft clay tablets that 
were then baked to prevent their deterioration. It seems that the author 
of the Book of Ezekiel was sent to Atlantis in order to get a detailed 
report on its castle, city and temples (see Ezekiel chapter 4). According 
to Ezekiel 4:1, the rapporteur is even directed to carve a plan of this 
capital city of Atlantis in this usual way on a clay tablet. The most 
valuable of the historical records on Atlantis were kept in the Egyptian 
temple libraries *2.), particularly the one at Sais; without these, their 
priests would not have reported to Solon those accounts that most 
accurately match those of the Edda and other historical legends. Other 
excellent reports on Atlantis can unquestionably also be found in the 
records of the Mayas of Central America in the form of the Troano 
Manuscript. Unfortunately, massive amounts of Mayan documents were 
burned by fanatical monks and bishops after the conquests of Pizarro. 
The Jesuit Diego de Landa destroyed 27 of the Mayan Codices (that 
were written on deer skins), as well as 197 other manuscripts of varying 
importance. Only four of the Mayan Codices survive; these are 
currently among the most precious treasures of the libraries of Dresden, 
Paris and Madrid *3.). 

Most significant for us have been the records of the Sumerians 
and Egyptians that have come to us through the following historical 
events: in 588 BC, King Nebuchadnezzar became uncomfortable with 
the Jewish kingdom and subsequently conquered Jerusalem, deporting 
many of their leaders, scribes and priests to Babylon where they were 
thrown into prison. Eventually, some of these scribes and priests learned 
the Chaldean language and writings and managed to attain influential 
positions which allowed them access the Chaldean libraries. Here they 


found some of the strange historical records about Atlantis. One of these 
scribes, Ezra, formulated an ingenious plan that he carried out with a 
well-known Jewish insolence; this is brought to fruition with the 
assistance of many other Jewish scribes from the following generations: 

Their rabbis are to construct a Jewish theocracy that would 
mimic the Atlantean priest-state; along these same lines they will then 
refer to their capital city of Jerusalem as the “holy city of God” of 
Atlantis, and will call the Asen castle of Asgard on Atlantis as “Zion”. 
In Jerusalem they will construct a temple in accordance with the 
information specified on the clay tablets to copy the ancient temple of 
the All-Father on the Himmelsberg of Atlantis. Instead of the Aias, the 
Jewish people instead are to be called the “chosen of God”; the famous 
Asen Baldur is turned instead into a promised future Jewish “messiah”. 

Since being thrown out of Egypt, the red Hyksos (Hebrews / 
Ebraer) had only left a history full of filth behind them. By stealing the 
histories of the Aias and the Asen kings, the Jewish race falsified their 
own history, portraying their nation as having a commanding, powerful 
and divinely favored past; this provided their peoples with a false 
national pride that would prove necessary to propel them with an 
imperative to achieve world domination. The history of the 12 Asen was 
thus forged into a story of the alleged 12 Hebrew tribes; the 12 Asen 
thrones were thus forged into a representation of the 12 tribes of Israel. 
The rabble and gypsy people of the Jews suddenly became the people of 
“Israel”, the “holy” and the “chosen” people of God. 

In addition, the history of these Jewish predators who had been 
kicked out of Egypt was falsified as well: they were now said to have 
“immigrated” to Egypt as the “twelve sons of Jacob” from Canaan, 
although we know from a careful study of history that they were instead 


a rapacious mob who had invaded Egypt and brazenly settled down 
there. To prove the alleged Aryan descent of these gangsters, the 
pedigrees of their purported patriarchs Jacob, Isaac and Abraham were 
misdirected back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden of Atlantis; 
thus the ancient traditions and prophecies of the Aryans were falsely 
attributed to them. The ancient Aryan historical sagas of the creation of 
the world, of Paradise, of its fall, of the flood, of Atlantis, and of the 
Aryan messiah Baldur were thus all perversely altered to be presented 
as revelations from a Jewish god of the desert; their state idol of 
Yahweh was instated and the noble and wise “unnameable” and 
“eternal” All-Father of the Aryans was forgotten. Apparently on behalf 
of this deity, Moses hurls the most abominable known anathemas 
(Leviticus chapter 26) and yet claims that his Jewish cult is modeled on 
the Atlanteans (Leviticus chapters 25 and following, the Book of 
Numbers); it is assumed then that they would claim that their temple 
money lenders, their practices of bribery and extortion, and their 
disgusting human sacrifices (all quite common to these red’ races), all 
stem from their supposed ancient Aryan ancestors. 

It is indeed quite strange that no one has yet taken the trouble to 
examine the biblical passages that we have cited here in detail. By now 
it should be an obvious point of contention that when the Bible refers to 
the “holy city of God in the midst of the sea” (Ezekiel 27:4 and 27:25), 
“upon the many waters” (Revelation 17:1), “between the seas on the 
glorious holy mountain” (Daniel 11:45), whose “borders are in the 
midst of the seas” (Ezekiel 27:4), “the throne of God, in the midst of the 
seas” (Ezekiel 28:2), “in the many islands in the sea”, “in the garden 
paradise of God”, “with the fountain of God” (Ezekiel chapter 47, 
Psalms 46:5), that it then cannot be referring to Jerusalem in Canaan, 


because (hat place does not have fountains, nor a paradisaical garden, 
nor is it upon the islands in the waters, nor a sea. Any clear-headed 
observer would immediately note that the description of a high “holy 
mountain of God”, “in the midst of the sea and the many waters” does 
not fit with Mount Zion, but rather that all of these descriptions instead 
accurately apply to the Atlantean capital with its Himmelberg. Just as 
well, one has to question where these “islands” (Isaiah chapters 41 and 
42; Ezekiel chapters 26, 27 and 28) that the Bible refers to actually are. 
The falsifications in the Bible are often done so clumsily that they are 
easily discovered; the original texts have in many places been edited 
and forged, people and places have been renamed, and texts are often 
excised and re-inserted into other areas. Thus it is that Zechariah 2:5 is 
a reminder of the fiery bronze walls of the Asen fortress; Zechariah 9:9 
- 10 is a passage on a report from an Atlantic king to his daughter 
colony, etc., the Book of Revelation is itself only a small fraction of 
“revelation”, perhaps only one to three chapters; the vast majority of 
this book is nothing but chaotic and scrambled reports about Atlantis 
and its history * 4 .). 

Many researchers have been working for several years on the 
question of the origin of the books of the Old Testament. The English 
Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie is at the forefront of these efforts, for 
he has come to the same conclusions through his excavations as the 
experts who have studied the Assyrian cuneiform: namely, that the Old 
Testament scriptures partially originate in Atlantic and Chaldean- 
Median sources, that is, from Atlantean-Aryan sources. Even Houston 
Stewart Chamberlain in his Foundations of the Nineteenth Century 
comes to the view that “the Jewish people are an entirely fictional work 
of art, of mediocre conception, and with an immensely complicated 


religious and cultural history that was forced upon them as a hallowed 
tradition by purposeful men.” This present work provides sufficient 
evidence for this assumption *5.). 

The Jews have distorted, falsified and fictionalized our ancient 
Aryan history. They have denigrated our Germanic sagas, poetry and 
legends and have attempted to bury them so that they can instead insert 
their lies and immoralities *6.) and thus create a fictitious and stolen 
story of an alleged “chosen ones”, a “holy Jewish people”. So gradual 
and persistent has this concerted effort been on their part that this fraud 
has successfully held sway over our nations for 2,500 years; it has 
served these parasites well in their efforts to ruthlessly exploit and 
exterminate their host nations under the protective cover of being the 
“people of God”. Woe to Judea when this 2,000 year fraud is discovered 
by the Christian nations! 

The historical reports of the “great city of God on the many 
waters and the sea” and its temple have been falsified into prophecies of 
a re-emergence of Jerusalem and the construction of a second temple 
there with a glorious future for the Jewish peoples. The saga of the 
return of the Asen Baldur has been brazenly replaced with a grandiose 
prophecy of a world-conquering messianic Jewish king; this prophecy 
is currently being disseminated by the Jewish-led “International Bible 
Students” *7.) in the interest of the Jewish world-domination of our 

Their ingenious schemes have been put into action with much 


Returning to Jerusalem, Ezra and Nehemiah went to work 
counterfeiting and falsifying the works of Aryan literature in order to 
compose their own alleged “books of the Old Testament” and 


“Commandments" (Nehemiah chapters 8 and 9); undoubtedly these 
were drafted in captivity along with a plan to mark every Jew with the 
“sign of the old covenant”, circumcision (circumcision, as still practiced 
today by various low-bred peoples as a religious ceremony, is likely a 
continuation of a hideous form of phallic worship, an invention of the 
sexually degenerate lower races and as such has been called a “symbol” 
of their covenant with God, as opposed to the symbols of the Asen that 
were introduced by the Atlantean priests *8.)). The temple that they built 
was modeled upon the temple of “the holy city of God and the holy 
mountain of God in the midst of the sea and the many waters” and the 
clothing of their priests imitated that of the Atlantic priesthood: they 
wore robes of white linen and wore “bluish purple” just as the Aesir did 
(see Chapters 6 and 7). Their high priests then even were adorned with 
the same golden coronet that the Aesir wore, emblazoned with the 
words “Holiness to the Lord”. On their chests they wear a golden chain 
made of the most diverse and precious gems and they bear a gold velvet 
breastplate with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel to simulate their 
supposed descent from the twelve Atlantean Asen (Exodus chapter 39). 

Miscegenation is prohibited by them in accordance with the 
Aryan racial laws that they have also stolen (Ezra chapter 9, Nehemiah 
10:30); to prevent racial mixing and to keep the Jewish blood uniform, 
they have separated themselves from the world in such a way that it 
inspires in them a hatred of patriotism and nations that feeds their 
criminal lunacy and breeds a boundless self-conceit. Because the Aryan 
laws and sagas that they have stolen and forged have now been falsely 
related to their Jewish prophecies, they have come to fully expect to 
achieve this world domination that they so desire. 

With their characteristic unrelenting sharpness, the Jews have 


applied the ancient Aryan racial laws to their own peoples; the net effect 
of this over the centuries is that they have secured a most powerful 
leverage that ensures the permanent livelihood of the peoples and 
uniquely positions them for world domination. To secure that these 
racial laws only benefit themselves, the Jews heap endless and vacuous 
slogans upon the Aryans such as “human equality”, “international law” 
and “universal brotherhood”; concepts which they themselves would 
dismiss out of hand as not applying to them *9.). 

To date, this vile, monstrous and blasphemous fraud has been 
quite effective. The Jews appear to the Christian nations as “holy”, 
“untouchable” and as “God's chosen people”. These labels though are 
devised by the Jewish people themselves (not by “God”) in order to 
obtain economic world domination and freedom from criticism; thus far 
it has successfully given them enormous global powers. 

At this point it should be explicitly stated that the Jewish 
community itself is very well aware of these truths of history and of the 
criminal counterfeiting that they have been involved in for the past 
centuries. They themselves are in fact in possession of the supreme 
German Weistiimer *io.), and the most important records of Aryan- 
Germanic history and culture. These Aryan historical documents of 
antiquity are kept secret and carefully guarded in three of their primary 
synagogues, while their subservient tools (of which the Roman Catholic 
Church must certainly rank as the highest member) have in the ages 
past deliberately destroyed the ancient libraries and Germanic Irmanen 
and Armanen schools that had held similar documents. Thus indeed it 
has been ensured that no ray of truth may light the way for the deceived 
German nation and that they will never be granted the opportunity to 
free themselves from the chains of spiritual and economic slavery that 

are held by Judas. 

“Christianity”, as it is known today, has emerged from the 
dogmatic side of Judaism, whereas original Aryan Christianity was 
without dogma. The Christian communities of the first centuries were 
mostly Jewish, whose members laid the emphasis for their religious life 
on dogma. A Jewish philosopher of the time, Philo Judaeus, emerged 
with a desire to put the Bible in accordance with Greek philosophy. To 
this end, he created the dogmas of the resurrection and the Logos. The 
Jewish philosophers and rabbis in the Christian community used all of 
their ingenuity to expand these dogmas in their newly established 
Jewish sect: Christianity. The Christian Church, in its infancy, was 
quickly Judaized *11.) and has in effect ever since been a Jewish 
instrument for the Judaization and enslavement of peoples across the 
world in the service of Jewish capitalism. None other than the 
economist Professor Wemer Sombart (himself certainly no opponent of 
the Jews) has assured us that “in the Jewish religion (and thus in 
Christianity), the same guiding principles” are to be found that are 
characterized by Capitalism; indeed it appears that these two ideas have 
a common origin. The early church Father, Origen Adamantius, has 
confirmed this, by saying that many of the people (Jews) did not 
hesitate to make additions to or to edit out sections of the holy texts of 
the Gospels. For further evidence of the falsifications done to the Bible, 
the reader is advised to consult Pastor Friedrich Andersen's Der 
Deutsche Heiland and Dollinger's Baldur undBibel. 

From the vast literary treasures of the library of Alexandria and 
from the well-known traditions of the time, it should have been very 
obvious to these Christian Jews that forgeries were being done to the 
ancient Aryan writings in order to cast a positive light on their people. 


But since nationality stands above all else for the Jews, even including 
any sense of fairness or justice for the Aryan people, they were content 
to feign ignorance of these deceptions and a new forgery was made: 

A literary sleight-of-hand was allowed to pass unchallenged to 
make it appear that the revered Germanic Jesus was a scion of the 
Jewish King David and that, as such, he was the promised savior of the 
West, carrying the “sins of the world”; thus it was that he was portrayed 
as the son of the Jewish god Yahweh. The Books of the Prophets and 
the apocryphal Book of Enoch which speak of the Asen Baldur and 
Atlantis are also falsified in order to appear that they are prophecies of 
the coming Logos, the “Messiah”, and of world events to come. The 
reader will find further evidence of their use in the deception of the 
German people in Baldur und Bibel (chapter 2) and in Hans Lienhardt's 
Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke und an der Christlichen 
Kirche und die Internationalen Ersten Bibelforscher *12.). 

So perhaps then it is not so surprising that the Catholic Church 
forbade the faithful from studying the Bible and that Pope Pius VII 
cursed the Bible Societies in 1814 and called them “the plague of 
Christianity”; the Jesuits on their Council to Chiari called the Bible “a 
crawling snake”, “from whose eyes sprays fire” *13.). It was decided 
that the discovery of the original sources of the Bible, in the form of the 
Aryan and Germanic texts, would of course cause grave damage to their 
counterfeiting efforts and that consequently they should not be revealed. 
For their purpose was to make the German people remain as their 
slaves, just like the Aias had become in the post-Atlantean priest-state. 

* * * * 

With the fall of Atlantis, not only did the industrial and 


commercial center of the world disappear, but also its financial capital; 
this is perhaps not surprising if one considers all of the vast stores of 
gold and silver that were held on Atlantis. The destruction of Atlantis 
thus brought an unprecedented financial disaster upon the entire world. 
Financial crashes occurred in quick succession in all of the developed 
industrial and commercial cities of the world and their impacts were felt 
even in the smallest of economic relationships. Trade and industry 
shuddered to a halt due to lack of capital. The result was a huge and 
unprecedented world inflation. Revolutions raged across the civilized 
nations of the world and inevitably ended with the slaughter of Aryan 
populations in those countries where they were the minority. It should 
be obvious that these drastic changes in economic and climatic 
conditions would have a large-scale mortality on their populations. The 
resultant financial poverty also halted any possible revival of world 
culture. This is confirmed by even the most informal of excavations that 
have been done in the oldest cultures of the Orient: a catastrophe had 
suddenly befallen the Earth that had interrupted the progress of the 
major world civilizations. (Perhaps a small version of the Atlantean 
flood disaster can be seen in the great earthquake of Japan in 1923. The 
results of such similar episodes have been recounted throughout Japan's 
history: countless deaths, cities easily and quickly broken and burned, 
immense tidal waves destroying numerous coastal villages, warships 
and merchant fleets, island groups disappearing without a trace with all 
of their citizens beneath raging ocean waters, and the industrial regions 
utterly leveled with massive damage to state capital and credit. These 
misfortunes in Japan have triggered revolutions in the political map of 
the Far East and first found their expression in the sudden prohibition of 
Japanese immigration across America.) Had the entire Aryan peoples 


perished with Atlantis or had they been totally eradicated soon after, 
then the history of human culture would have come to a sudden end and 
mankind would have again sunk back into the animal state from which 
it came. The correlating sagas of ancient civilizations tell us that the 
Aryans were uprooted and dispersed throughout the world by revolution 
and by the mixing of their blood; if this dispersal would have been more 
complete then mankind would have been cast back into the primordial 
darkness and God's creation would have all been in vain. 

Mighty was the beautiful Asen world-tree that had culturally 
nourished the entire Earth; although it had fell, crashing horribly to the 
ground, its root stock still remained full of life and eventually timid 
signs of re-birth appeared in several places across the world. After 
millennia these shoots and sprouts opened to the warmth of the sun and 
a new Aryan culture was finally allowed to blossom once more: an 
Aryan tribe arose, the European Germans, who had luckily been 
unaffected by the downfall of Atlantis. It thus fell upon these blonde 
Germans and the Vikings of the former Atlantean colonies of southern 
Europe, Asia Minor, Babylonia and Egypt to accept their ordination and 
to bring a new springtime to the Earth. From the blood of these 
awakened few, the dying old cultures of the world once again breathed 
with a new life. 

From the oldest cultural histories of the Middle East and 
Assyria then did a new Germanic civilization originate and arise (from 
approximately 6,000 years BC until about 1,000 years AD) *14.), and 
thus began a second flowering of Aryan culture. From the rubble of the 
ancient world, a new and verdant ivy grew and entwined to give new 
life to old ruined walls. Here begins the history of the Germanic Gaal- 
Scythian tribes, who are portrayed in the writings of Aeolus and in the 


Gaelic yearbooks *15.). 

This second Aryan cultural flowering however was soon 
destroyed when these culture-bearing peoples eventually mixed with the 
multitudinous lower races. 

At the beginning of our modem age, the Aryan blood that had 
once flowed in the veins of those of the traditional cultures of the 
southern Mediterranean countries was now so far corrupted that the 
same basic conditions were in place that had once prevailed upon 
Atlantis during the time of the uprisings of the mongrels and lower- 
bred races against the Aias. Once again, in the early centuries of the 
Christian era, the lower-bred races quickly overpopulated and swarmed 
those nations that had been nourished with Aryan culture; the net result 
was that these civilized countries of the Mediterranean became rotted 
from the inside out and their relatively small Germanic populations 
were easily overwhelmed and crashed by these hordes without much 
difficulty. So it was that this lamentable cycle was once again repeated 
for the third time: the degenerate and decaying Roman-Oriental 
mongrel nations fed upon the blood of the Aryans and thus gained new 
life. The center of this third cultural blossoming of Aryan culture had 
shifted northward, following to Germany, where the basis of the purest 
Aryan populations remained. Ever since this time, the face of world 
culture has thus been a German one. So it then sadly follows that for 
2,000 years this Germanic world culture, and indeed the entire German 
peoples, have had their existence threatened. Incessantly the low-bred 
and two-headed “beast” works to overthrow Aryanism; the latest blow 
against the fortress of Germanic blood and against the Asgard of 
Germany has just now occurred in 1914. (For more on this see Chapter 


* 1 .) Liibke: Die Kwist des Alter turns (The Art of Antiquity), VoL L Stuttgart, 1904. 

* 2 .) See Chapter 31 . 

* 3 .) Gronau: Amerika, VoL I, page 70. 

* 4 .) See Chapter 31. 

* 5 .) For more on the relationship between the Old Testament and the writings of the 
ancient Babylonians, the reader is advised to consult Professor Arthur Ungnad's Die 
Religion der Babylonier und Assyrer (The Religion of the Babylonians and Assyrians). 
Jena, 192L 

* 6 .) See Otto Hauser: Weltgeschiclite der Literatur, (World History of Literature). 
Leipzig, 1910 . 

* 7 .) Translator: The International Bible Students are a millenialist Bible organization 
associated with the Jehovah's Witness. 

* 8 .) This conclusion has also been reached by the anthropologist and literary historian 
Otto Hauser in his remarkable and immense epic Atlantis, der Untergang einer Welt 
(Atlantis , the Sinking of a World). Leipzig, 1920. 

* 9 ,) See Chapter 35. 

*100 Translator: Weisttimer is the ancient "Thing": German customary laws that were 
previously handed down orally from time immemorial and were only in relatively recent 
times written down. 

*110 The valiant Protestant cletgyman Pastor Friedrich Andersen has reported in 
detail on this Judaization of the Church and the German people in his magnificent 
work: Der Deutsche Heiland (The German Savior). Munich, 1921. 

*120 "A Massive Crime Against the German People and of the Christian Church and 
the International Bible Students ” Weifienburg, 192L 

*130 Vincenzo Gioberti: Die Geheimen Plane der Jesuiten der Neuzeit (The Secret 
Plans of the Jesuits of the Modern Era). Eger, 1909. 

*140 The reader will find more evidence for this in Friedrich Dbllinger's Baldur und 
Bibel and in Dr. Kaspar Stuhl's Nordlands Unteigang (Nordland's Downfall). 
Perlebeig, 1921. 

*150 L. Albert: Die Urbibel der Ariogermanen (The Original Bible of the Ario - 
Germans). Berlin, 1921. 


Chapter 31. 
Atlantis and the Bible. 

From these preceding chapters we can readily see how there has 
been a very close relationship between Atlantis and the Bible. 

To further confirm these connections, the following discourse 
will help to demonstrate the origins of the Bible in brief, clear and 
intelligible terms. 

Our research thus far has shown that the science and culture of 
the Aryan Atlanteans was extremely advanced and rich. 

Just as the fruits of German knowledge spread across our world 
in the present day, so too did that of the Aryan-Atlanteans in the ancient 
age. So it was that the ancient Indian literature of the Brahmans spoke 
of a learned astronomer, astrologer and mage from Atlantis named 
Mayasura; he has left works in India that Brahmin scholars have used 
for chronological and computational tasks. According to the epics of 
Indian literature, the Asura Maya was one of the oldest astronomers in 
the Aryavarta (“the cradle of the Aryan peoples”). It is from him that the 
Egyptian priests gained their knowledge of the Zodiac. In southern 
India, immensely ancient literary fragments have been found whose 
authorship is said to be from Mayasura *1.). Mayasura was said to be 
the pupil of Surya, who himself was called the Sun God; it is in this 
way, in the secret language of the ancients, that the Aryans are referred 
to, as the Sons of the Gods. In his works he frequently mentions the 
Atlantean islands. The learned Jesuit, Athanasius Kircher, after studying 
the spoken and written languages of the Orient, came to the conclusion 


that all of the legends of Atlantis were essentially the naked revelations 
of a great truth. 

Undoubtedly there have been literary works of the Atlanteans 
that made their way into the libraries of the Assyrian-Babylonians, the 
Egyptians, and the Central Americans. In this respect, there are still 
many surprises to be found. It may safely be assumed that the Chaldean 
and Persian mages were themselves Atlanteans or the descendants of 
Atlanteans; the same may be said of the Celtic and Germanic druids. 

When the persecutions of the Aryans began on Atlantis, the 
Aryan-Atlantean scholars were expelled from the populace by the low¬ 
bred races; in leaving, they kept their sacred knowledge secret, and 
shared it only with those other Aryans that they deemed worthy to be 
their disciples or the confidants of ancient Aryan wisdom. It thus 
became imperative for them to cast a veil of secrecy over their 
historical, scientific and religious knowledge in order to guard it from 
being profaned by the lowly or the untrustworthy. Apparently the 
terrible events of Atlantis had taught these Aryan sages that it would be 
tantamount to suicide for them to continue to supply the “beasts” and 
the “pagans” with knowledge that could eventually be turned against 
them in the many wars of extermination against the Aryan peoples. The 
German people today can attest to such similar experiences during the 
Great War. Even Goethe keeps his knowledge partially hidden in his 
works, particularly in Faust. Christ warns against “throwing pearls 
before swine”, and thus conceals many of his true teachings in parables 
and imagery. In the field of racial science, the findings of our Aryan 
researchers has remained even more so hidden and taught in secret, out 
of necessity. Today, in areas where the lower-bred races prevail, the 
public expression of thoughts on racial realities and breeding must be 


carefully avoided in order to escape the inevitable bloody repercussions. 

Thus these initiates of Aryan wisdom formed a vast worldwide 
brotherhood in which to pass down this sacred knowledge. Typically, 
they would be the high priests in the temples and the teachers in 
initiator}' schools. These secret schools were held in special locales: in 
the ancient temples on holy mountains, in sacred grottoes and groves, 
and in pyramids throughout the world. On this, I will elaborate and 
show more evidence in a separate volume. 

Among these initiates of Aryan wisdom were the Irmanen and 
Armanen of Germany: the priests, teachers and keepers of the ancient 
Aryan Weistums, oral traditions and laws. Just as Germany today is the 
world center for scientific knowledge, so too in the earliest times was it 
the focal point of esoteric Aryan wisdom. And just as it is so despised 
today in this regard, so too was it made to be the target of Charlemagne 
in his crude destructive rampages against the Irmanen and Armanen 

To become an adept in these secret unions, members were 
required to pass through various stages of initiation that involved 
particular customs and rites before they were allowed to be brought 
before the Hierophant for the revelation of sacred knowledge; these 
ceremonies have partially been adopted and preserved in their more 
profane forms by the Freemasons and the Church. So it was that the 
novices of ancient Egypt were required to lay inside the sarcophagus of 
Porphyry within the Great Pyramid after passing through a series of 
severe trials. This was the baptismal font by which the neophyte would 
be reborn and become an adept. The sites where the inaugurations took 
place were originally in giant monoliths, towers, ringed-wall structures, 
stone circles and tiered-mountains (see Figs. 24, 27-31, and 34-39); in 


later years they took place in desolate and abandoned worship sites: in 
the underground tunnels and crypts of the solar temples and upon the 
lofty and secluded peaks of holy mountains *2.). 

In the course of a few millennia, the knowledge and sacred 
traditions of these Atlantean-Aryan sages had powerfully increased. In 
a mysterious pictographic language seemingly known only to them, 
they wrote down descriptions of their monuments, temples and grave 
works; the varying sources of these writings are understandably quite 
similar. As they immortalized their Weistiimer in sacred writings and 
carefully guarded their traditions, their numbers gradually increased 
until they became an enormous organization. The vast scientific 
knowledge that these writings contained that must have been held in the 
now-ruined temple libraries of Assyria, Chaldea, Babylonia, Persia, 
India, Egypt, Gaul and Central America would have indeed been 
invaluable. From the following numbers of these volumes that we are 
currently aware of, it may be possible to glean some idea of their 
enormous stores of knowledge: Caesar burned down the massive library 
of the Celtic Druids (descendants of the Atlantean Aryans) in Alesia, 
France; Leo the Isaurian destroyed 300,000 manuscripts in the siege of 
Constantinople; the Roman Emperor Diocletian destroyed the esoteric 
works of the Egyptians and their books on alchemy in 296 AD; and in 
389 AD, a Christian mob at the instigation of the Jews and the Christian 
Archbishop Theophilus destroyed no less than 700,000 rolls of text in 
the world-famous Library of Alexandria (the remaining texts were 
destroyed later by conquering Muslim annies). The scientific and 
cultural losses for the world are therefore incalculable. All of the 
immense intellectual and cultural discoveries and inventions that these 
Aryans had documented in those writings must therefore be laboriously 


rc-leamcd by us again, piece by piece. 

Fortunately for us, there are still many undeciphered Aryan 
teachings which remain in the form of temple and grave inscriptions, 
and the numerous clay tablets of the Assyrian-Chaldean libraries, and 
particularly in the papyrus scrolls of the ancient Indians and Egyptians 
which still remain carefully encoded to this day. New papyri are being 
continually discovered; only a few have been partially deciphered, and 
then only with much difficulty. This veil of secrecy that has been 
deliberately cast over the ancient mists of time may one day begin to 
reveal itself. 

The most well-known of these extant writings of antiquity are 
the following: the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the texts of the Assyrian- 
Babylonians (that were written on cuneiform tablets and cylinders), the 
Rig Veda (the oldest of the Aryan reports on the history of the Aryan 
peoples which span back into the darkest recesses of the ancient past), 
the Indian Upanishads (secret teachings), the Mahabharata, the Puranas, 
the Persian Avesta, the teachings of Lao-Tzu and Confucius, the books 
of the Greek sages, the sagas of Homer, the laws of Manu, the massive 
Baylonian creation mythos epic Enuma Elis (Inuma Ila), the Edda, the 
Aeolian yearbooks *3.), and the Babylonian creation history of Berosus. 

The contents that are common to all of these vital texts are 
briefly noted here: the formation of celestial bodies and the creation of 
the Earth; the origin of the organic world, of man and beast; the history 
of the human races, of the peoples and of the Earth; geology, cultural 
history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, astrology and also 
medicine; the meaning and application of secret and occult spiritual 
forces, hypnotism, magnetism and magic; the immortality of the soul; 
the origins of the gods and their true meaning; the “true” knowledge of 


God, i.e. that nature is in all things and is a living, creative work that 
acts according to eternal and divine laws and forces, thus becoming “the 
One, the Unnameable, the Eternal, and the Immutable”; advice to guide 
human life to be in harmony with God and the laws of nature; morality; 
worship of the eternal Creator and his principles; and the religious 
practices, prayers and hymns with regard to the rites of initiation into 
the Mysteries (occult and secret teachings). 

The rituals of religious worship were, for the vast and ignorant 
masses, the actual religion itself; however for those who were 
enlightened (the initiates, the adepts and the Hierophant), it was merely 
the protective outer shell. The true knowledge that was imparted by rite 
and worship was the protected Aryan Mysteries and wisdom that had 
been passed down for thousands of years and entrusted to them. These 
ceremonies and rituals were accepted by the masses as the essence of 
religion; but for those who knew, it was only the carefully guarded outer 
appearance. So it was that there was an external (or exoteric) religion 
that was specifically for the masses, and a secret (or esoteric) one for 
the initiated. This is true for all of the religions of the White peoples of 
the ancient Aryan civilizations. 

This helps to explain why the religious teachings and worship 
practices of the ancient Aryan cultures around the world were so similar 
and why the Conquistadors found a well-established Catholic-like cult 
already in existence when they sailed to Mexico in 1520. 

In order to prevent this exalted Aryan wisdom from falling into 
the hands of the rabble, it has not been passed down in a literal form in 
these ancient scriptures, but instead is shown in fables and parables, in 
allegories and with words whose true meaning would only be 
understood by those who had been initiated. Only those who hold the 


key to these ancient secret Aryan writings (cipher texts) will understand 
the intended and profound messages that were carefully well-hidden 
within them. To those who do not hold the key, these fables will only 
appear as absurd, ridiculous and childish tales. 

One brilliant woman, Helena Blavatsky, has managed to find 
this secret key after years of studying the ancient Aryan-Indian and 
Persian writings. She has laid out the findings of her research in a multi¬ 
volume tome that gathers together an incredible array of knowledge of 
world literature, all done with a rare diligence and acumen *4.). The 
learned Cistercian priest, Dr. Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, has indeed 
independently come to the same results as Madam Blavatsky, although 
by other means, mainly through the study of classic Greek and Latin 
texts and the scriptures of the fathers of the Christian church; these 
church elders that von Liebenfels has studied the writings of, such as 
Origen Adamantius and Clement of Alexandria, were themselves 
initiates and had knowledge of this hidden key. 

Those who know this secret language of the initiates of ancient 
civilization and the content of those ancient Aryan writings will be 
greatly surprised when in comparing them to the Bible (apart from its 
many falsifications and editing); they will find that the Bible is little 
more than portions and extracts from these ancient Aryan secret 
writings, and that it contains an abundance of Atlantean-Aryan wisdom. 

This venerable Catholic theologian Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels 
has provided irrefutable proof of this and has thankfully recorded this in 
his long-running series of Ostara publications *5.). I therefore refer the 
reader to these published works for their exceedingly rare level of 
erudition, knowledge of literature, and comprehensive grasp of the 
stranger scientific treatises of theologians, anthropologists and racial 


researchers. Here the reader will not only find the secret language of the 
Bible explained, but will also be provided with dictionaries of secret 
languages and an extensive bibliography of the literature that he has 
consulted as sources. More such evidence will be found in the writings 
of H.P. Blavatsky. 

For now, these following facts will suffice: 

It is quite well-known that the founding fathers of the church 
and the Jewish rabbis have said that the true meaning of the Biblical 
scriptures is quite different than as has been taught to the masses. 
Accordingly, the Jewish philosopher Maimonides advised that the true 
meaning of the Bible be guarded with strict confidentiality. In this 
regard, the Hebrew philosopher Philo Judaeus has said, “the literal 
phrases (of the Bible) are fables; in the allegory (or in imagery) we will 
find the truth.” The Jewish Kabbalists themselves know very well what 
the true meanings of the biblical narratives are and they fully expect, in 
their cold-blooded ways, that we Christians will believe its most literal 
interpretations. And we are struck with much more to ponder. For 
example, the dimensions that the Bible gives as that of the structure of 
Solomon's Temple indicate that a lazy Jewish falsifier of the Bible has 
simply copied the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Cheops *6.). Just 
as well, the father of the Church, Origen Adamantius, expressly admits 
that much of the Bible scripture was merely fable and that it could only 
be understood symbolically. Even the Apostle Paul, himself another 
initiate, says (in Galatians 4:22-31) that many of the stories of the 
Bible, for example the story of Abraham and his sons, were only an 
allegory. Even the Christian Gnostics themselves (“Gnostic” meaning 
“knower” or “knowing”) were well aware that the Bible was in fact 
written in a secret and symbolic language. As an initiate himself 


(Matthew 12:39), Jesus also knew the secret language of the Bible. So it 
is that he cites the fable of Jonas being swallowed by a fish as only a 
symbol. The fathers of the Church were also well aware that the true 
contents of the Bible are identical to those of the ancient Aryan 
scriptures; they themselves have indicated this. 

So where docs the Bible come from? 

All of the ancient Aryan tribes share common teachings about 
the creation of the world, about the history of the Earth, about mankind 
and the races, and about the sinking of Atlantis. These were all put 
down in writings that were kept in the libraries of the Chaldeans, 
Akkadians and Egyptians, as well as in the writings of the Greeks. 
About 500 years before Christ, the scribe Ezra began making revisions 
and falsifications to these texts which were further completed by many 
Jews following him. It is thus a historical fact, according to the 
confessions of the Jews themselves, that Ezra edited the Chaldean 
writings from the time of the Persian King Artaxerxes and compiled 
them into the Jewish biblical books in a way that made them appear to 
be in harmony with the Jewish race and their own creation story *7.). It 
can thus be supported by relevant data that the pseudo-personalities of 
the Bible and their stories have been borrowed from Aryan myths and 
sagas *8.). According to the research of von Liebenfels, certain parts of 
the Old Testament have been stolen from the works of the Greek writers 
Musaeus and Orpheus. The Jewish biblical story thus is nothing more 
than a crude collection of historical stories that have been stolen from 
other peoples and nations and dressed up in Jewish garments in order to 
make the Jewish Chandala-folk appear to be the first and foremost, the 
holiest ones, and the “chosen ones” of God. In the end it is a completely 
worthless literary theft, fraud and forgery that has been done by Jewish 


priests and scribes! These Jewish counterfeiters have thus saturated our 
ancient Aryan writings with a filth that has severely demoralized our 
Germanic peoples for millennia. 

Even the Book of Job itself is not the product of the Jewish 
mind. It is in fact taken from a very ancient text which speaks of 
animals that are now long extinct and that lived during the Tertiary 
Period *9.). 

According to II Kings chapter 22, the Hebrew high priest 
Hilkiah found an ancient book walled up within his temple that was of 
another language that he was not able to read. Apparently it had been 
written in the language of one of the ancient Teutonic tribes that the 
Hebrews had conquered and had to be given to the scribe Shaphan, who 
was the only one that could translate it. So it came to pass that the 
German scriptures fell into the hands of the Hebrews. 

The Old Testament is rife with texts that a reader with a critical 
eye will easily be able to discern as crimes of literary theft and 
counterfeiting by Jewish hands. These are further corroborated by the 
results of archaeological excavations in the Orient that cannot be denied 
or hidden by the Jews and their orthodox clergymen. 

But what about the New Testament? 

Jesus himself had been an initiate of the ancient wisdom of the 
Aryan-Atlanteans. He did not carelessly waste his teachings on the 
general public, but instead expressed them only in parables, fables and 
allegories to his most trusted followers *10.) (Matthew 13:10-35, Mark 
4:10, Luke 8:9); he therefore exhorts his disciples: “ye shall not throw 
pearls before swine” (Matthew chapter 7, Mark 4:2-12). He therefore 
also explicitly forbade them from telling the masses that he was a 
“Christos” (i.e., an “adept” or “initiate”) (Matthew 16:20, 12:16, 9:30, 


and Mark 3:12, and Chapter 4) and that he was initiated with occult 
knowledge and possessed magnetic healing powers. According to the 
Clementine Homilies, the Apostle Peter had said that Jesus had ordered 
his disciples to guard his secrets with confidence for his sake and for 
the sons of his house (the Aryan nations). 

Apparently, Jesus also had knowledge of the ancient Book of 
Enoch, for the Gospel of John has many such similarities in it. This 
now helps to explain the remarkable similarities and partial likenesses 
of the highly moral doctrines of the works of Confucius, Lao-Tzu, the 
Buddha, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Book of Psalms: these 
works were all common property of the Aryan initiates and their 
contents are therefore substantially similar. Since the Hebrew priests 
were frightened that Jesus would tell the truth and put an end to their 
deceptions, he was condemned to die (John 11:50). Paul saw in Christ 
only the embodiment of an idea. How these allegorical words should be 
actually interpreted, is best explained in the writings of Jorg Lanz von 

The Book of Revelation of Saint John, one of the Christian 
Church's so-called “holy” Jewish Kabbalists, is simply a translated and 
altered version of the Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch is an 
apocryphal (i.e., secret or hidden) book of the later Christian Church, 
and as such is not accepted as a part of the Bible; as the initiates and the 
Jewish Kabbalists are well aware, however, this book is a Chaldean 
copy of a much more ancient Aryan text. Chapter 12 of the Book of 
Revelation and the celebration of the Feast of St. Michael (Michaelmas) 
both no doubt come from the legends of the Babylonians; this story has 
also been found related on the fragmentary clay tablets that were 
discovered by the Assyriologist George Schmidt *ll.). The Book of 


Enoch also contains portions of the Gospels, and describes the history 
of the chosen “Aryan” peoples, of whom the Jews fraudulently claim to 
be; it also explicitly refers to those initiated Atlantean Aryans as well as 
describing the punishments for those who sinned against their racial 
laws. It also portrays the sinking of Atlantis. The Apostle Jude and 
many of the Church fathers mention it as a holy book and the very first 
Christians accepted it as part of the holy scriptures. According to H.P. 
Blavatsky *12.), the Book of Enoch is Indian in origin and portions of it 
date back to a time before the destruction of Atlantis. The alleged 
“prophecies” of the Book of Revelation are in fact nothing more than 
the ancient secret teachings and history of the Atlantean-Aryans which 
was diabolically altered to be written in a future tense. 

This is why the Book of Enoch is not included among the 
collection biblical books and why the public has been forbidden from 
reading it in the Bible: so that the people will not discover the truth. The 
Church has thus acted as a degrading tool for Judaism in order to 
prevent this, and has therefore assisted them to achieve their plans for 
world domination. This is why the Church has everywhere destroyed in 
the crudest manner possible any ancient literary works with Germanic 
Ariosophical content and has condemned them as “heathenistic” and 
as “works of the Devil”; this is also why massive numbers of the 
irreplaceable manuscripts of Central America and Spanish Granada 
were destroyed: so that no ray of divine light may ever fall upon the 
slaves of this Jewish-Roman Catholic Church. 

For evidence of this Jewish falsification of the Bible, here is 
some documentation: 

Acts 15:5 - 11 reports that during the time of the Apostles, a 
Jewish attempt at the forgery of the Bible had already begun. Again and 


again the great masses of baptized Jews strove as “zealots in the Law of 
Moses’’ to pervert the religion of Christ with that of Judaism. Certain 
complaints and remarks of the Apostle Paul (II Corinthians 11:26, 
Philippians 1:15 and 3:18) indicate just how greatly the influence of the 
Jews had risen and that they had gained an upper hand. And it was not 
for nothing that Jesus explicitly and repeatedly angrily warned of the 
Pharisees and Sadducees (Matthew 16:6). And he was well aware (Acts 
chapters 6 and 7) of why these Jews were becoming baptized: these 
very dangerous Jews knew that Christianity would be made harmless 
through this Judaic falsification of the Bible; when these Christians had 
become thoroughly Judaized, they would in essence become mindless 
tools of the powers of global financial Jewry and their plans for world 
domination. In this, the devil has succeeded all too well. Our churches 
know' this, yet they “cannot find the strength and courage to give honor 
to the truth” (Adolf von Hamack). 

The Church father Origen Adamanlius (bom in 185 AD) has 
confirmed that many of the people (Jews) had no hesitation to edit, alter 
or add to the holy texts of the Gospels. 

The well-known professor of theology, Adolf von Hamack, has 
given us the following historical facts in his works on the Greek 
Marcion of Sinope *13.): 

The Christian Greek Marcion has proven, as is consistent with 
what has just been explained, that in 144 AD, in the first Roman synod 
after Christ's death, the presbyters assembled in order to concoct a 
massive Jewish conspiracy against the truth. Through techniques of 
obfuscation and contradiction, they decided to falsely make it appear as 
if Christ was not only delivering Jewish teachings and tradition, but that 
he also had fulfilled and consummated Jewish law for the entire world. 


They also furthermore conspired to make it appear as if the entire Old 
Testament had nothing to do with Christ and that the four Gospel 
accounts, as well as the letters of Paul, the Book of Acts, and the Book 
of Revelation, were to be presented under the names of his Apostles and 
disciples, and that as such, they would be entirely falsified to appear to 
endorse Judaism and thus twist the Christian Church into a subdivision 
of Judaism. 

Great was the success of Marcion with these revelations. The 
Judaized church was therefore in incredible danger. With boundless 
energy, they gathered together to destroy these ingenious writings of 
Marcion and to obliterate his churches. 

The reformer Dr. Martin Luther, certainly a trustworthy witness, 
even for an orthodox clergyman, rendered his judgment that the Jews 
were the “real liars and bloodhounds”, and that they have “continually 
perverted and falsified all of the Scriptures with their deceitful 
commentaries from the beginning until the present day” *14.); he asked 
the “Ebraisten” (the Hebrew researchers) to “for God's sake” “cleanse 
the holy ancient Bible of its Jewish filth and to return to reason.” 

Senior Pastor Friedrich Andersen of Flensburg has said in his 
book, Der Deutsche Heiland, that the counterfeiting of the Gospels was 
so “highly Judaic, crude and superstitious”, that one turns to the Syrian 
Codex Sinaiticus (an original Syrian version of the Gospels) with a 
relieved sigh to find that even in the first part of the 5th century there 
was still an honest reading of Matthew 1:16, “Joseph was betrothed to 
the Virgin Mary and had fathered Jesus *15.). Andersen believed that 
Jesus and Mary were of an Aryan bloodline and appealed against “the 
brazen attempt to make Jesus appear to have had a racial relationship 
with Judaism and even to audaciously claim him for themselves as a 


son of David” *16.). 

We now know that the Old Testament was compiled by Jews 
from the ancient Aryan books in order to serve their political aims and 
that the New Testament is ancient Aryan-Germanic wisdom that has 
been interwoven with coarse Jewish falsifications and forgeries. 

Our ignorant Christian priests hide the truth from our folk, and 
the most learned of our Christian scholars announce religious “truths” 
and “revelations” to us which are instead nothing more than mere 
allegories, symbolism, fables, parables and forgeries. All of this has 
been forced upon our peoples, even by means as hideous and cruel as 
the Inquisition. We are forced to accept as truth and divine revelation 
that which is only a poetic cloaking of fundamental realities or the 
brazen counterfeiting work of an international criminal syndicate. Thus 
our people are made to remain blindfolded and are given the exoteric in 
place of the esoteric; we are given the shell instead of the core. The 
original rites of the Church were created to symbolically impart our 
sacred and traditional Aryan wisdom and were themselves formed from 
the Mysteries of our ancient religion; this has now instead been 
perverted and doled out to our folk as dogma and “revelation”. For 
these purposes our Catholic and Protestant churches support the efforts 
of the Jewish Bolsheviks in their bid to overthrow the world by 
crushing the truth and by designating the Jewish people as the “chosen 
ones”. We level these same accusations against our schools. 

Those who have read the historic statements of our clergy in 
Baldur und Bibel *17.) will know this very well: thousands of them have 
known the truth and have awaited the day when it could be spoken 
aloud; a day when truth will be given its freedom and thus liberate our 
folk from these monstrous lies. Without this, the danger remains that 


our people will throw away the core with the shell. However, if the 
Bible can one day be interpreted in accordance with its true and hidden 
meaning and thus freed from its Jewish falsifications, then it will, as 
will be shown in the final chapter, finally be recognized as an enormous 
treasury of human history and world origins. Thus it will be rightly 
elevated as the most holy book of our Ario-Germanic wisdom and 
racial policy and ethics whose proper Godly application to the German 
people will not only once again align them with the laws of nature, but 
will also give them a shining resurrection and guarantee them an eternal 

*1.) HP. Blavatsky; The Secret Doctrine, Vol 11, pages 53 and 54. 

*2.) H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol II. 

*3-) A facsimile of the original text is published in L. Albert’s Urbibel der 
Ariogennanen . Berlin, 192L 

*40 H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, German translation by Norbert Frobe. 

*50 Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels: Ostarabiicherei (The Ostara Newsletters). Vienna, 1905 
-1917, and 1926- 1931. 

*60 H.P. Blavatsky>: The Secret Doctrine, Vol III, page 274. 

*70 HP. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol III, page 173. 

*80 Paul Koch: Die Arischen Gnmdlagen der Bibel (The Aryan Principles of the 
Bible). Berlin, 1914. 

*90 Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors), page 

118 . 

*100 Even Goethe, of course, had to hide the tme meanings of his texts out of fears of 
death-threats by the Illuminati and the Jesuit Orders. Of this, one can read more in the 
horrible revelations of Rector Hermann Ahlwardt in Mehr Lichtl (More Light!), 

Dresden, 1910. 

*110 HP Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol II. page 401. 

*120 HP. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, page 84. 


* 13 .) Adolf von Harnack: Neuc Studien zu Marcion (New Studies of Marc ion). Leipzig , 
1923. And Marcion: Das Evangelium vom Fremden Gott (The Gospels of the Stranger 
God), Leipzig 1924 . 

* 14 .) Martin Luther: On the Jews and Their Lies (Von den Jiiden und Iren Liigen), 
1543. Page 120\ 

* 15 .) Friedrich Andersen: Der Deutsche Holland (The German Savior). Munich, 1921 . 
Page 47. 

* 16 .) It is nothing less than an immense atrocity to claim that this Son of God who had 
been sent as our savior was a member of the most shameless, immoral, mendacious, 
predatory and “blood-thirsty” (Luther) people in the world, these Indian-Gypsy people 
of the Jews. According to Christ, the Jews were Children of the Devil (John 8:44 - 45): 
if one asserts that Jesus was a Jew, and that God and the Son are one, then God and his 
Son and the Mother of God are all Children of the Devil. Thus one can easily see how 
stupid, contradictory and blasphemous this heresy of the Jewish descent of Christ truly 

* 17 .) Friedrich Dollinger: Baldurund Bibel, Niirnbetg, 1920. 


Chapter 32. 

Baldur's Death. His Descent into Hell and 
His Ascension. His Second Coming to Judge and 
the Prophecies of Jesus in the Bible. 

With the death of the wise and brave Baldur and the demise of 
the rule of the Aesir, so too passed that which gave this land of Atlantis 
its glory and luster, that which bestowed its beauty and power and that 
which graced it with calm, peace and justice. When the golden age of 
the Aryans had passed and Atlantis had fallen beneath the whip-hand of 
its tyrannical priests, it no longer stood as an “island of the blessed” but 
instead became a most wretched place. It is no wonder then that the 
glorious time of the Asen rule never disappeared from the memory of 
later generations, especially those who had been beloved by its people, 
such as Baldur. Indeed, their sagas have formed a crown that blesses our 
people up unto our present day. And when the sagas speak of an Aesir 
who returns to us as a savior of the world, it was always meant to be the 
mighty Asen Baldur of Atlantis. 

Of Baldur, the only son of Odin and Freya, the Younger Edda 
most earnestly speaks. It describes his character as follows: “of him 
there is nothing but good things to be said; he is the best of them and is 
praised by all. As for his appearance, he is so beautiful and white that he 
radiates brilliantly. From his face beams a bright glow that flows all 
about him as an aura. He is the wisest and the highest among the Aesir 
and is considered the most handsome and the most gracious. If he is to 


pass judgment, his decisions are always so righteous and fair that no 
one can dispute them.” 

Baldur is spoken of in nearly identical terms in the Bible. 
Several scriptures describe his appearance as white and his eyes as 
gleaming and bright (Revelation 1:13-16, Revelation 19:11-16). 

The book of the prophet Isaiah also tells us quite a lot about 
Baldur, the Asen of the Aias. Most of this supposedly “prophetic” book 
is instead the sagas of Baldur that were transcribed by the Sumerian- 
Chaldean or Egyptian priests. It also seems as if the Jewish literary 
thieves who have edited this book for their own purposes have left its 
title unchanged so as to further falsely associate themselves with the 
Aesir; “Isaiah” meaning nothing other than “Es-Aia” or “As-Aia”, the 
“Asen of the Aias”. The additions and manipulations that they have 
made to these texts are difficult to recognize. 

The other so-called “prophetic” books of the Bible that are 
named as such for the alleged prophecies of Christ that they supposedly 
contain, also bring us evidence of this Asen Baldur. Thus, we find 
“Haggai” means “Aggai” means “Agg-Aia” means “Aegir (Asen) of the 
Aias”; “Zechariah” means “Sacharia” means “Sa-Aria” means “As- 
Aria” means “Ase of the Aias”. It is quite telling then that these other 
alleged prophets, the Jews named “Malachi”, “Joel” and “Daniel”, are 
associated with being Aryan. 

According to Isaiah 4:2, Baldur is the wisest, the fairest and the 
kindest. His governance was said to have been the most just and the 
most peace-loving (Isaiah 9:6-7, and Isaiah chapter 11). Under such a 
wise and powerful government as this, peace and tranquility will reign 
throughout the land and among the great empires (Isaiah 2:4 and Isaiah 
chapter 41); no one seeks his law and peace in vain (Isaiah 2:3, Psalms 


chapters 72 and 110). 

It thus stands to reason that his people would have depended 
both heart and soul upon such a wise and just ruler. His mortal enemy 
was the known mischling Loki, the high priest of Atlantis. Loki's goal 
was the establishment of a theocratic rule and the elimination of the 
Asen kingdom. The ultimate barrier to these aims was the mighty 
Baldur. With devilish cunning, he thus set to work, to undermine and 
destroy the reign of the Asen. His initial efforts were to slander these 
Aesir, and in particular Baldur, before the eyes of the gullible public 
(Isaiah 53:1 - 3). The Edda shows these diatribes of Loki under the title 
of Lokasenna (“Loki's Wrangling” / “Loki's Taunts”). 

With a silent anger, Baldur endured the insults of Loki and the 
subsequent contempt of the masses (Isaiah 53:3), but indeed, just as our 
General Ludendorff and General Hindenburg, he stayed true to his 
duties. Baldur fought valiantly for the cause of his people (Isaiah 53:4— 
8) but was struck down by the treachery of his fellow countrymen. 

“Hodur thither bears 
That high famed branch; 

He shall the bane 
Of Baldur become, 

And steal the life 
Of Odin's son... “ 

Baldur's Dreams 

“I saw Baldur, 

The bleeding God, 
The Son of Odin, 


By mischief doomed: 

Famous and fair 
In the lofty fields 
Full grown in strength 
Stands a sprig of mistletoe... “ 

“He was the branch 
So slender and fair, 

Came a harmful shaft 
That Hodur would hurl, 

...And Frigg did sorely weep 
In Fensalir, 

For Valhalla’s woe.” 


In the Nibelungen sagas, Baldur is represented as the blond 
Siegfried and Loki as the black Hagen. According to the Edda, Loki 
prepares a terrible fate for Baldur: he leaves the severely wounded 
Baldur in the Lake of Fire (the burning volcanic crater) and thus casts 
him into hell as the greatest possible insult to his honor (Isaiah 53:9). 

This mischievous Atlantean pope Loki is thus triumphant. The 
Asen rule that he so despised was broken and the “holy God” of 
Atlantis appears to have fallen. All of the Atlantean citizenry thus 
submits and wears the symbol of Loki in order to avoid any suspicion 
of having been a scion or a friend of the Aesir. 

Thus the Asen state was eliminated and replaced with a 
theocracy that was run by a despotic priesthood. Those who did not 
acquiesce to the demands of these priests were thrown alive into the 


burning craters of the volcanoes. Those well-kept Asen schools were 
spared and preserved in order to better serve this theocratic system in 
the brainwashing of their subjects. Those defeated members of the 
Atlantean populace who did not unconditionally accept the teachings of 
this priesthood or who dared to criticize them were accused of being 
heretics and were summarily executed. In such a priest-state as this, the 
citizenry were without rights and the protection of law, just as was true 
in the early Roman church-state. A rapid decline in the economic well¬ 
being of the common man also soon followed. More and more, the rule 
of the Aesir appeared in retrospect to the masses to have been an 
exceedingly fair, mild and wise one. 

With the defeat of the Aryan dominion on Atlantis, the 
remaining Aias fled and were scattered among the nations of the world, 
just as how our noble Saxon families had to escape to the Slavic lands 
and to Iceland, Poland and Sweden following the terrible Papal- 
Imperial Thirty Years’ War and the exterminations of Charlemagne. 
Understandably, the great longing of these Aryans who have been 
scattered all over the world (see the Books of Isaiah and Haggai and the 
Revelation of John), is to one day return together in brotherhood and to 
create an Aryan nation-state where the Aesir can reform and reign again 
once more. 

All too late, the people of Atlantis realized the grave error of 
their ways and yearned for a return of the just and mild rule of Baldur 
over that of this tyrannical priesthood. Various visitors from the 
colonies of Atlantis have recorded descriptions of this land that have to 
some extent been passed down to us in the biblical books of the 
prophets. Among the Aryans of Northern Europe the memory of the 
mighty Aesir Baldur still lives on (in places named with the prefix 


variations of Pol-, Bol-, Bui- and Bel-). Numerous such place names 
still stand as testimonials to his legacy: Bollweiler, Hilpoltstein (“sacred 
stone of the light-god Bol / Baldur”), Bolzingen, Bolstatt, Bolsta (a 
prime location of ancient runestones), Bullnheim, Bela, Belgrade, 
Baldem, Baldersheim, Baldingen, Belsheim, and etc. 

Just as the German people cannot accept the death of the great 
Barbarossa and tell us in legends that he continues to live in Kyffhauser 
until the time when he will return to form a new Gentian Reich, so too 
do the sagas of Baldur announce that he does not lay dead forever. He is 
brought back to us from Hel's kingdom, that is, he will arise from the 
dead once more (Revelation 1:7, Revelation chapter 19, Revelation 
22:20, Isaiah chapters 32 and 35, Isaiah 42:7, Ezekiel 11:15, and 
Ezekiel chapter 25); he will assume the throne of God (Odin) and will 
rule again with all of his power, glory and majesty (Isaiah 51:4-5 and 
Isaiah chapter 11). Naturally, Baldur is from the bloodline of the Aesir 
and the Book of Isaiah refers to him as such, as the son of Isais (of the 
Izeds), that is, of the Asen. 

The resurrection and coming rule of Baldur will also bring 
peace to the nations of the Earth (Micah 4:2-4, John 5:25-30). He will 
make all of the gods on Earth and all of the “isles of the pagans” (!) to 
worship him (Zephaniah 2:11). 

“There comes on high, 

All power to hold, 

A mighty Lord, 

All lands he rules.” 

Ed da, Voluspa 

“Then comes another, 


A greater than all, 

Though never I dare 
His name to speak; 

Few are they now 

That farther can see 

Than the moment when the All-Father 

Shall meet the Fenris wolf.” 

Edda, Hyndluljoth 

Baldur is the holy God (Aryan) who will righteously judge the 
world and will collect together the “animals” and the “pagans”, i.e., the 
mischlinge, the lower-bred races and the bestial humans, and cast them 
into the Lake of Fire. Isaiah 11:3-5,42:1-10, 45:18-25, 59:16-21, 61:1 
-2, Isaiah chapter 32, Zechariah 9:10 and Revelation chapter 21 all 
unquestionably relate to Atlantis and Baldur and expressly speak of 
Atlantis as belonging to the “islands”. That the Bible has been falsified 
in order to refer to Palestine is obvious in that Palestine has no islands 
and has no significant contact with the sea. 

Baldur shall create a new Earth and a new heaven (Isaiah 
65:17). According to the Edda, this new “earth” will beautifully emerge 
out of the green seas, and its virgin fields will bear fruit; the surviving 
Asen will live again upon the Idafelde, reunited with Baldur who rises 
again from the kingdom of Hel. The grasses of the earth will again 
become the golden chessboard that the Aesir once possessed. The fruit 
of the earth shall be glorious and bountiful once again beneath the gaze 
of the sacred Gods, i.e. those who are listed in the Book of Life (Isaiah 
4:1-2, Luke 10:20). 

“Now do I see the earth anew 


Rise all green from the waves again; 

The cataracts fall, and the eagle flies, 

And fish he catches beneath the cliffs. 

The Asen on the Idafeld meet together. 

Of the horrible world-serpent they speak. 

And of the mighty past they call to mind. 

And the ancient runes of the rulers of the gods. 

In wondrous beauty once again 

Shall the golden tablets stand in the grass 

Which the gods had owned in days of old, 

Then unsown fields bear ripened fruit. 

All ills will ease and Baldr returns; 

Baldr and Hodur dwell in Valhalla 

Glad, the mighty gods - would you know yet more? 

Honir will raise the prophetic wand, 

And both sons and brothers abide 

In wide Vindheim - would you know yet more? 

A hall I see, brighter than the sun, 

Covered with gold, on Gimle it stands: 

There shall the righteous rulers dwell, 

And joy prevails for all time. 

From below the dragon dark comes forth. 


The glowing snake of the dark canyon. 

He flies over the field: bearing with wings 
The bodies of the dead: now he will fall.” 

Edda, Voluspa 

The “Fountain of Life” (the Urdbrunnr) flows once again on the 
Idafeld (Revelation 22:1, Isaiah 12:3, Joel 3:18) and those who thirst 
will freely take of these “waters of life”. And on both sides of this 
fountainhead where emanates this “stream of life”, the “tree of life” (fig 
trees!) will once again grow and “bear fruit twelve times a year” 
(Revelation 22:2). 

This “new earth” and this “new heaven” are spoken of in 
Revelation 21:1, Isaiah 2:4, 11:6-10, 52:7, 65:17-25, and Isaiah 
chapters 35 and 41 *l.). 

Isaiah 43:2 promises that there will be no more conflagrations 
nor will floods ever again beset the lands. All will finally live in peace 
amongst each other (Micah 4:3). Baldur will destroy all of the gods, and 
“all of the isles of the pagans” (those Atlantean islands in the midst of 
the sea) will come to worship him (Zephaniah 2:11). The promises of 
the Bible and the Edda mirror each other in that Baldur will make 
everything “new” once again (Isaiah 44:1-7, 65:17, Revelation 21:5— 
6). A new city of God will arise (Revelation chapter 21, Zechariah 14:8, 
Ezekiel chapter 48) with 12 gates (three ringed walls with four gates on 
each one), and ringed walls gleaming like pure gold will once again 
surround it (these bronze-plated walls, Zechariah 2:5); only those whose 
names are honored to be in the Book of Life will be allowed to live 
within (Revelation chapter 21, Zechariah 14:8, Daniel 12:1). 

Baldur shall bring peace to the world and “from the tabernacles 


Of his palace between the seas" on the "high holy place” (Isaiah 57:15) 
he shall create a “new heaven” (the Himmelsburg and the holy 
mountain of God) (Isaiah 57:15, 11:9, 52:7, Isaiah chapter 65, Psalms 
chapter 72). At the foot of this sky mountain a new “fountain of life” 
will flow (Revelation chapter 22, Isaiah 1:3, 12:3, Revelation chapter 
16. Revelation 22:9, Joel 3:18, Zechariah 14:8) and a new “tree of life” 
will spring forth (Revelation chapter 22). 

Running like a thread through all of the biblical accounts of 
Baldur is one common theme: he carries a heart-rending message and 
an unshakeable belief that a bright and glorious future awaits the Aryan 
race even after falling time and again at the hands of the hordes of the 
lower-bred animals who surround us on all sides. Baldur shall gather all 
of the Aryans, the Arier, the “holy gods” together again in one single 
country > so that they can assume their rightful place as the highest 
among all of the races (Isaiah 35:8-10, 51:11, 60:21-22, 62:11-12, 
Ezekiel 34:11-31, 36:24-27, Daniel 12:1, 12:7, 7:27). “He shall wipe 
away the tears from all of their faces” (Isaiah 25:8, Revelation 21:4). 
All of the scattered Aryans of the world shall be brought together as one 
great nation (Isaiah chapters 11 and 60, Ezekiel 11:15 - 21). It is though 
this prophecy was specifically written for the shattered “holy gods” of 

Isaiah chapter 60 verses 5 and 9 explicitly speak of Atlantis on 
the seas and of Baldur (also see Micah chapter 4 and Ezekiel 11:15— 
21). For the Aryans, a great nation will be built (Isaiah 60:22) and 
Baldur will infuse them with a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26-27, Ezekiel 
11:19). Baldur shall be the savior of all of his peoples (Isaiah chapter 
49). He shall trample the non-Aryan peoples and the “pagans”; he will 
eradicate the “animals”, the lower-bred races (Isaiah 63:2-6, Revelation 


21:8). He shall throw them into the fiery pit. He shall rule the nations 
with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15); he shall break them with an iron 
scepter (Psalms chapters 2 and 72). Psalms chapter 72 expressly refers 
to Baldur and the Atlantis “between the seas”, “from the Hiddekel River 
unto the ends of the earth.” (This Psalm was thus written for Solomon 
with a cold intent!) The nations will beat their swords into plowshares 
and their spears into pruning hooks (Micah 4:3). All law will issue forth 
from out of Zion (Asgard) and the word of God will come from 
Jerusalem, i.e. from the holy city of God on Atlantis (Micah 4:2). 

Aryan wisdom and education will once again flourish under 
Baldur’s just rule (Daniel 12:3). He will exterminate every type of 
idolatry, thus dooming the lower races for all time (Zephaniah 2:11). To 
the holy people of the Aias all of the power in the world will be given 
(Ezekiel 7:27). Our savior Baldur shall build a new temple (Isaiah 

The historical significance of the personage of Baldur has 
incomparably more weight than all of the famous men throughout time. 
His name was on the lips of all humanity throughout history. His praise 
has been spread by all of the Aryans who have been scattered across the 
world. It is little wonder then that he is placed on high in heaven and 
that the various religions of antiquity describe him as God, as the Sun- 
God, and as the Savior of the World! (for further details, see Chapters 
33 and 34) 

Among the legends of the ancients that dealt with Baldur, those 
of the Persian religions are particularly worth mentioning. The Avesta, 
the sacred book of the Persians, has, according to Otto Hauser *2.), the 
same ending and the same savior myths and teachings as the Bible But 
as the Avesta is 1,000 years older than the Bible, these thoughts and 


teachings of a biblical savior apparently then originate from the Avesta, 
i.c., are taken from Aryan literature. In Judaism, the words of the savior 
were only transcribed during their time in Babylonian-Persian captivity; 
the purpose of this has been outlined in Chapter 30. The extent to which 
the Bible has been modeled after the Zend-Avesta of the Persians is thus 
best illustrated by the following simple example: the Avesta teaches that 
when the Redeemer (savior) comes, the righteous will then ascend to 
heaven: the wrongdoers will be cast into a fiery stream (Purgatory) 
which consumes everything unclean and purifies them before they will 
be allowed to enter the eternal kingdom of light. For comparison, see 
the teachings of the Catholic Church. 

The wars of recent world history are nothing more than the final 
campaigns of extermination against the Aryans by the low-bred men. 
From everything herein that we have so far learned, the following 
statements of the Bible have been firmly established and shall serve as 
our proclamation: 

The Bible refers not to the Jews as the “chosen ones” and the 
“holy people of God”, but instead to th e Aryans. 

The entire world belongs to us. 

The Aryans shall not mix with the low-bred races but shall 
strictly separate from them. 

For our own preservation, we shall unite in a single country, in 
one great nation. 

Our future king should ruthlessly exterminate the bestial lower- 
bred races in order to preserve and protect the Aryan race. 

These words of the Bible stand out the sharpest. 

Unlike the Aryans, the low-bred races have waged their 
campaigns against us in an endless barrage of false concepts: “human 


rights”, “charity”, “the equality of all peoples”, “international peace”, 
“the League of Nations”, and a “brotherhood of nations”. These 
contrived deceptions have been calculated to paralyze the strength and 
advancement of the Aryan peoples and to enable the lower races to gain 
world domination. 

The Bible has provided the Aryans with their proper command 
for the coming times when they shall face their final battles upon earth: 
the ruthless eradication of the lower-bred races is a goal that has been 
proclaimed by none other than Jesus himself (on this we shall provide 
more evidence in Chapter 37). 

A voice calls to us from out of the ancient mists of time: it is 
our great King Baldur who speaks to us with a truly heart-touching and 
deeply moving message. Though we have been broken by the endless 
devious acts of the lower-bred races, he holds an unwavering hope for 
us, the Aias, and he maintains this hope that we shall rise above the 
untold miseries that these “beasts” and “pagans” have heaped upon us 
from time immemorial. 

This bleak situation is currently seen in the plight of the 
German folk, whose fates thus far have proceeded quite similar to those 
whom we have spoken of in ancient days (see Chapter 36). 

Who shall this savior of our people be? Who shall this redeemer 
of misery and death be? Who will be our Baldur, the one who shall 
“smite the surrounding pagans with a rod of iron”? 

This savior will be none other than Christ - the true Christ - as 
we will soon identify him in Chapters 34 and 37. 

* 1 .) This is entirely consistent with the astronomical and geological observations of the 
Aryan~Atlanteans: these are reports on the effects of the periodic changes to the 
position of the Earth's axis wherein massive alterations occurred in the structure of the 


Earth's crust and its climates. 

* 2 .) Otto Hauser: Weltgeschichte der Literatim (World History of Literature). Leipzig, 


Chapter 33. 

Baldur and His Worship as a God. 

The reasons why the Atlantean priests were elevated to heaven 
and the Atlantean Asen Baldur was particularly revered as a god 
throughout history have sufficiently been discussed in Chapter 32. The 
Heavenly Father Odin, the Heavenly Son Baldur and the Heavenly 
Mother Freya have all played vital roles in the many religions of the 
world under various names, from the fall of Atlantis up until the present 
day. The particular focus that the cults of ancient civilizations have had 
on Baldur has generally been very consistent, with only variations on 
his name and the nature of his worship changing from religion to 
religion *l.). 

In Egypt, Baldur was revered as the Sun God Osiris, and his 
godly mother as Isis (see Fig. 14). Osiris (Fig. 26), who passed down 
noble law and spread morality throughout the land, died in accordance 
with Egyptian doctrine, at the zenith of his powers. His death was 
commemorated in Egypt with extravagant funeral feasts. In the opinion 
of the Egyptians, Osiris did not lay dead, but arose in resurrection. This 
resurrection is celebrated each spring in lavish festivals. 

The worship of Osiris / Serapis and the devotion to his holy 
mother Isis (called Maya in Babylon), occurred under the Roman 
emperors at the same time as the emergence of Christianity. Here we 
should draw particular attention to the similarities of these two cults. 
The immoral and racially degenerate Romans sought to attain some 
measure of atonement and purification through the adoption of the 


superficial customs, feasts, processions and temple visits that would 
mimic those of the cult of the Goddess Isis. Participants in the cults of 
Osiris and Isis wore a secret mark, as a sign of their covenant, in the 
form of an amulet that was worn as a necklace; this sign was namely 
that of the cross (!!), the ancient Aryan-Atlantean symbol. The reader 
can assess for themselves just how much these cults of Isis and Osiris 
have carried on in the Roman papal church of today *2.). 

According to the teachings of the sacred books of the Indian 
Rig Veda, Vishnu (Baldur) will reappear at the end of our present age 
upon a white horse (!) to reward the righteous and to exterminate the 
sinners and to initiate the creation of a new world that will be built upon 
the ruins of the old. (see Revelation 6:2 and the reports in the Edda 
which are similarly worded.) 

The figure of Vishnu-Baldur is also represented in the Indian 
Fire- and Sun-God Agni. To honor him, his followers unite in a 
communal banquet consisting of a meal prepared from flour and butter 
pastries and the ritual drinking of Soma. It was thought that Agni 
resided invisibly within both substances. As one partook of this bread 
and drink he would enter into a holy communion with Agni, with the 
body and blood or their God. It was also thought that God attended this 
ritual feast in order to witness who those were that consumed his body 
and blood. These same sacramental customs are also found in Western 
Asia, Palestine and Rome. As this ritual of receiving the blood and body 
of the Sun God through a sacramental meal was also found by the 
Conquistadors upon their voyages to Central America (and in the local 
cultures there by the Catholic priests that followed), it well justifies the 
conclusion that this religious practice originated in the Atlantean papacy 
and was thus later passed down to the lower races. This then explains 

the ancient cannibalistic traditions of the races of bestial men: they are 
the misunderstanding of the rites of communion. In their dim-witted 
ways, these animalistic races took these rites of communion literally 
and partook of the flesh and blood of both their elders and their enemies 
in order to absorb their strength and spirit. These horrible customs of 
ritual murder done for these purposes are still commonly found in 
Africa *3.). The lower-bred races who became the priests of Atlantis 
took up this practice and added it to their worship services to thereby 
mediate their powers: the consecration of bread and wine during Mass 
was to be eaten as the body and the blood of the Sun-God. 

Throughout Asia Minor, Baldur was worshiped under the 
various names of Adonis, Tammuz, Attis, Dionysus, and Marduk: in 
each instance he is described as a beautiful young god who is killed 
but revived in death by nature and gloriously resurrected. The feast of 
this resurrected god was celebrated annually in the springtime, and 
especially in Antioch, the favorite city of the Apostle Paul. It was there 
that his image was solemnly and ritualistically buried to the laments of 
the women and then celebrated the following day in resurrection with 
the joyful cries of “the Lord lives! Adonis has risen again!” His image 
was thus pulled out of the grave and elevated into the air by means of a 
pulley, similar to the way it is done today in the Catholic Church *4.). 

Other Middle Eastern cults hold similar ritual celebrations for 
the resurrection of the god Baldur for three days, or they begin their 
commemorations on the third day after his death. How strangely similar 
this sounds to the biblical account of the death and resurrection of 

Is it not then conceivable that the Christian missionaries have 
forced their Christ upon the pagans of the Middle East as a replacement 


for their gods Adonis, Tammuz, Attis, Dionysus and Marduk? They 
only needed to add that their god had become a man (Christ) and had 
offered himself as a sacrifice for the atonement of mankind in order to 
give their new Christian religion a very broad appeal to the great 
masses. And consider this strange fact: Paul, who had successfully 
merged the legend of Baldur with the idea of Christ, had himself never 
met nor knew anything about the historical personage of Jesus. 

Jesus, as a simple yet powerful Aryan man, could never have 
dreamed that his image would one day be so worshiped at the divine 
temples of Baldur, Adonis and Attis. This great leader, who explicitly 
referred to himself as merely the “son of man”, and who was against 
any superficial forms of worship or outward appearances, and who 
sought only a religion of the spirit, would have vehemently resisted 
such paganistic worship! 

Even before the time of a belief in a crucified and risen Christ 
messiah, there existed a so-called “Chrischna” or “Chrestos” in Jewish 
religious circles. This religious conception was borrowed from the 
Parsee religion and the doctrines of its god Mithra by the Jews during 
their time in captivity. As with the worship of Adonis and Mithra, so too 
were blood sacrifices made by certain Jewish sects in the worship of 
their dead and risen messiah. Recent judicial investigations into Hebraic 
ritual murder *5.) have confirmed that their religion is still apparently 
based upon these pagan superstitions. 

And consecrated meals of pastries and wine are also found in 
the Jewish sects that existed before Christ; they were offered to the 
Queen of Heaven and other gods just as with the Indian and Mithraic 
mystery cults (Jeremiah 7:18, 19:13, 32:29, and 44:17). As is well- 
known, the Essenes and other Jewish sects have also practiced this 


ancient custom of the sacred meal. 

The previous existence of this sacrament means that these 
Jewish sects had also worshiped Baldur and the Holy Mother and that 
they had created their version of Christianity out of these. 

In Persia, Baldur appears as the Sun God Mithra. His veneration 
there was usually done in secret caves. By the time of Christ, his 
worship had become wide-spread, even into the Western world, and 
particularly into Rome. 

In the sun cult of the Middle Eastern god Attis, an animal, most 
often a lamb, was slaughtered; this was done by this Mithraic cult for 
purposes of atonement or rebirth. These followers believed that the 
sacrificial blood of the lamb would give them a new life by washing 
away all of their sins and would thereby cleanse and heal their souls. 

The history of human sacrifice in the Mithraic cults should not 
be overlooked. According to the reports of his biographer, even the 
Roman Emperor Commodus had been stained by committing sacrificial 
murder in the name of Mithra. 

As strange as it may now seem, in the first century of the 
Christian Church, the lamb was solemnly slaughtered and its blood was 
collected in a chalice, just as had been done in the Mithraic cults. The 
lamb as a literal object was eventually assimilated into the Christian 
Church as the symbolic representation of light and life and of Christ 
himself. This is why Christ is also called the “Lamb of God” who 
“bears the sins of the world”, and why he is then also called the “Light 
and Life”. 

In the first centuries AD, the image of the lamb was primarily 
associated with the popular church symbolism of light and fire and was 
thus conventionally portrayed in pictorial representations. The lamb is 


also closely associated with the cross; the head of the lamb is often 
portrayed as being surrounded by the glowing rays of the sun. Even 
today, one finds much of the imagery of Christ, and his symbol the 
lamb, as being surrounded by rays of the sun. This then shows the 
pagan origins of this custom and of the close association of Christ as the 
Sun God. The ancient Church father Quintus Tertullian knew this very 
well: “many believe with all likelihood that our worship is that of the 
sun worship.” And many popes and fathers of the Church long after still 
remained well aware of the fact that the cult of Christianity originally 
came from the Sun Cult and that Roman ecclesiasticism had developed 
out of the Parsi cult of the Mithraic Sun God, i.e., from Atlantean- 
Oriental paganism. The Christians of the first centuries believed that the 
depiction of Christ with a glowing oval halo about his head was a 
symbolic reference to the solar ecliptic (the path of the sun) and was 
thus also in reference to the Sun God Mithra. The ancient Church 
fathers however fought against this worship of Christ as being a Sun 
God with all of their might. Exhaustive evidence for this has been 
provided by Professor Andrzej (Andrzey) Niemojewski *6.). They 
prayed to “our Lord, the Sun”, until the 6 ,h Century, at which time it was 
changed to “our Lord, the God.” *7.). 

The Roman papacy as well thought as much about Christianity. 
Here are some examples. Pope Leo X once said to Cardinal Pietro 
Bembo: “how much to us and our predecessors has this fable of Christ 
brought to us, as all the world knows! *8.), *9.).” The debauched Pope 
Alexander VI, living in incest with his beautiful daughter Lucrezia, 
often laughed about the Christian faith and was known to Prince 
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola as a non-Christian. He was said to have 
characterized the best religion as the stupidest religion *9.). King Philip 


of France accused Pope Boniface VIII as having said the following: “it 
is absurd on one hand, and three-times as absurd to believe in God. As 
for Maria, I think as little of her as a donkey, and of her Son as a 
donkey's colt. Maria was a virgin, just like my mother was. Sacraments 
are farces... etc. *9.). 

Through the rites of baptism and the sacred feast, and through 
its doctrine of the resurrection of the body and through its external 
representation by a Mithraic papacy in Rome until the 5" 1 Century AD, 
the Mithraic cult has exhibited a very remarkable resemblance to what 
would eventually become the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman 
papacy. With very clever calculation, the Christian Church also moved 
the birth date of Christ to December 25 lh , i.e. to the same birth date of 
the invincible Sun God Mithra. The cult of Mithra and of the Holy 
Mother has thus played a significant role in the early centuries of the 
Christian era in Rome. It arrived there particularly at the beginning of 
the reign of the Antonine Dynasty; the Emperor Septimius Severus and 
his sons made the cult of Mithra the official state religion there. At the 
beginning of the 5"' Century, the Christian poet Paulinus wrote of the 
“black caves of Mithra.” This Mithraic cult was thus associated with the 
gruesome ritual activities that took place in the darkened caves of the 
Etruscan cults of Italy; many Roman emperors and popes have indeed 
visited these sites as well *10.). Only gradually did the Christian Church 
gain a foothold in Rome. But, as theologian Adolf von Hamack notes, 
Christianity, with all of its many priests, sacrificial rites, and sacred 
mysteries could already compete with the most pompous pagan cult 
even by the 3 rd Century AD. 

When and how the cults of Isis and Mithra had merged with the 
Roman Papal Church, we cannot say for certain, as this valuable 


historical information has been carefully concealed by the Church. So it 
is that we must truly give thanks that we have these following facts to 
stand on: Pope Hormisdas (514-523 AD) bore a Persian name 
(Hormisdas / Ormuzd / Ahura Mazda) that he kept even into his papacy. 
This Holy Father was called the “Papa” of the Persian, Central 
American and Atlantic Papacy. He sat upon the sacred Vatican throne, a 
throne of the holy Mithraic papacy that was decorated with symbols of 
the Zodiac. He also wore the Atlantean papal tiara on his head that bore 
the sign of Mithra. His bishops held the staves of the Egyptian gods in 
their hands and his Catholic priests cut their hair (as is still done today) 
in tonsure, in the manner of the Egyptian priests of Isis. The Basilica of 
St. Peter, where the Roman Catholic Pope now offers his Holy Mass, 
stands on the same Vatican Hill where the pagan Mithraic pope once 
celebrated the resurrection of Mithra-Baldur in bloody sacrifices of 
atonement for the faithful and where once stood the palatial estate of the 
Parsi popes *11.). 

So it is that the Roman Catholic Church appears to be merely a 
continuation of the pagan cults of Mithra, Osiris and Isis. Just as well, it 
seems as if the “Christians” have borrowed the Aryan Christ only as an 
afterthought or as a supplement to their religion. Despite all of the 
undeniably great cultural achievements that our civilization has made 
over the centuries, it still exists as a poor shadow of what it could have 
been: this Atlantean papal theocracy, that has been hostile to both 
Aryans and culture itself, has kept mankind ignorant and enslaved with 
its papacy and its dark, primitive paganism for many thousands of 

Even though the Roman Church has reduced the numbers of 
their gods, they still allow the faithful to worship a myriad of saints and 


patron saints, as well as the Mother of God, just as the pagan Slavs pray 
to a “holy trinity” of deities *12.). 

* 1 .) For more on this see the following sources: Dr. Johannes Minckwitz: Der Tempel: 
Mythologien der Voniiglichsten Kulturvolker bis zum Christentum (The Temple ; 
Mythologies of the Civilized Nations throughout Christianity), Leipzig, 1880. - 
Hermann God: Gottersagen und Kultusformen (Legends of the Gods and Forms of 
Worship), Leipzig . 1875. - August Petiscus: Der Olymp, Leipzig, 1878. 

* 2 .) For more on how Christianity was created from the Egyptian pagan religions 
through the involvement of the Jews from Alexandria, see Dr. Hermann Schneider's 
Kultur und Denken der Alten Agypter (Culture and Thought of the Ancient Egyptians), 

Leipzig, 1907, pages 549 - 554. 

* 3 .) Leo Frobenius: Und Afrika Sprach (And Africa Spoke), Vol I, page 46 and 
following. Berlin, 1912. 

* 4 .) According to Arthur Drews: Die Christusmythe (The Christ Myth), Jena, 1910 . 

* 5 .) Albanasius Fern: Judische Moral und Blut-Mysterium (Jewish Morals and Blood- 
Mystery), Leipzig , 1920. The facts set forth herein are both appalling and incontestable. 
* 6 .) Andt'zej Niemojewski: Astrale Geheimnisse des Christentums (Astral Secrets of 
Christianity), Frankfurt, 1913 . 

* 7 .) H.P. Blavatsky: The Secret Doctrine, Vol III. 

* 8 .) Translator: commonly quoted as “this myth of Christ has served us well." 

* 9 .) Otto von Corvin: Der Pfaffenspiegel (The Cleric's Mirror), Rudolstadt, 1869. 
* 10 .) Albert Griinwedel: Tusca, Leipzig, 1922. 

* 11 .) According to Otto Hauser: Die Germanen in Europa (The Germans in Europe), 
pages 110 and following. Dresden, 1916. 

* 12 .) The first Christian Church denied the divinity of Christ: in particular. Bishop 
Paul of Sdmosata at the Council of Antioch, Bishop Arius at the Council ofNicea, and 
three hundred bishops who attended the Council of Milan , Even until 358 AD, the 
Council of Ancyra decreed, as was confirmed by Pope Liberius, that the Son was not 
equal to the Father. 


Chapter 34. 

The Historical Jesus. 

From the previously demonstrated facts, there indeed can no 
longer be any doubt that the legends about Baldur in the Edda and the 
so-called messianic prophecies of the Bible of the son of a Germanic 
Aesir have the same historical background. Even so, there can be no 
doubt that these sources speak of the same person, a person who is 
clearly a most historically significant one: a Germanic king or the son 
of a Germanic king. These sources are related not only in their content, 
but also due to the fact that the so-called prophetic books of the Jewish 
Bible are actually our historically falsified ancient Atlantean-Germanic 
sacred books and records that have been reworked for their own 
diabolical purposes. 

There is no perfect evidence that Jesus lived in Palestine 1,900 
years ago. In fact, a number of well-informed theologians and historians 
even deny his existence and thus relegate the entire Jesus biblical story 
to the category of legends and fables. Professor Arthur Drews (Die 
Christusmythe ) refers to the whole history of Jesus as a myth or saga, 
based upon his many detailed investigations. And Andrzej Niemojewski 
in his thorough two-volume scholarly discourse *1.), refers to it as an 
“astral myth” or “star legend” (wherein Jesus stands as symbolism for 
astral constellations). 

Yet with all of these learned studies of Jesus, there are perhaps 
still a number of issues that have not been sufficiently recognized. 

As we have outlined in previous chapters, the most important 


elements of Catholic ritual and the most fundamental parts of their 
teachings were already in place thousands of years before Christ in the 
Atlantean world-religion and for thousands of years before the 
existence of our calendar in the cults of the Central American Indians 
and various Middle Eastern religions. The first missionaries of the 
Christian Church to Tibet had recognized bit by bit pieces of their own 
Roman cult in the paganism of the Tibetans, much to their amazement. 
Their Dalai Lama (i.e. the Tibetan Pope) made offerings of bread and 
wine in small quantities and distributed both food and drink for 
communion (i.e. “the Lord's Supper”). The Dalai Lama even wears a 
tiara (the three-tiered papal crown) just like the Pope in Rome. 
Likewise, he carries a crazier, keys and a bell *2.). To this end, the 
Tibetans also have monasteries, altars, monks and nuns, incense and 
holy water, and holy relics and rosary, just like the Catholics do. They 
also practice celibacy, do confessions and recognize the concept of the 
forgiveness of sins. The explorer Sven Hedin, having himself visited 
Tibet, saw these similarities and thus evinced a coming catastrophe for 
the church. 

Baptisms of water and fire were common in the Egyptian cults, 
long before the time of Christ. Ancient Egyptian illustrations have 
sufficiently proven this (see Figs. 53 and 54). 

When entering a Mithraic temple, the faithful had to undergo 
certain ceremonies which were called sacraments. First, the entrant was 
to be baptized beneath the kindling of lights, i.e. he was dipped into 
water and had the sacred symbol of the hooked-cross, the swastika 
(according to the reliable reports of the church father Tertullian) 
tattooed upon his forehead; this holy symbol was also found drawn 
upon sarcophagi and portraits of the early centuries as well as 


Figure 53: Egyptian illustration of the ancient customary practice of baptism. 
Figure 54: Egyptian baptisms of fire and water. From the Temple of Set I at 
Abydos in Upper Egypt. 

emblazoned on the bonnets of the 8 th Century bishops. The practice of 
“crossing” oneself is also an ancient Aryan-Germanic custom of 
expressing the swastika. Paul himself wore such a cross upon his body 
and boasted of it (Galatians 6:17). The hooked cross, in the form of an 
amulet made of gold, silver or bone worn around the neck or tattooed 
on one's forehead, neck or chest, or woven into the fabric of one's 
clothing, was in the Mithraic religious congregations of Attis or Adonis 
a recognition and sign of the covenant which carries on into the present 
day (Fig. 55). That Paul wore such a cross may not have been 
particularly noticeable since his hometown of Tarsus was precisely the 
headquarters of the cults of Adonis / Attis and Mithra in Asia Minor. 

After this baptism, the entrant partook of a sacramental feast 
wherein the priests blessed his cup and his unleavened (!) bread (that 
bore the sign of the cross) with sacred words. Today we still celebrate 


Figure 55: Hooked cross / swastika on a bishop’s miter of the 8* Century. 
From Michal Zmigrodzki's Historia Swastyki. 

Figure 56: The Egyptian Annunciation to the Mother of God that she will 
soon bear a son. From a bas-relief illustration in Thebes. 

such communions in remembrance of the last supper of the Sun God 
before his ascension *3.). 

How can the sacraments of baptism and communion have been 
created for a Jesus of Palestine 1,900 years ago when they were 
already in place as a custom long before he existed? How can Jesus 
have been the founder of the Christian Church when its primary beliefs 
had already existed long before his birth? 

As is readily apparent, the Christian Church is nothing more 
than a continuation of the Near Eastern cults of Attis, Adonis, Mithra 
and Osiris . “The teachings of Jesus are nothing more than a luminous 
and beautiful embroidety of materials taken from foreign Mysteries 
* 4 .). 

This confirms no less than the words of Saint Augustine of 
Hippo: “that which is now called the Christian religion already existed 


among the ancients, and was never absent from the beginning of the 
human race until Christ became flesh (likely meaning that he was an 
incarnation of a man who had previously lived). Ever since then, people 
have begun to call the one true religion which had always existed as 
'Christianity' ” *5.). 

Thus, according to the clear witness of St. Augustine, the 
Christian Church had already existed long before the biblical Jesus 
arrived: only the name of the religion itself had changed. 

Concerning the fact that the life story and teachings of Jesus 
were already in place long before 1,900 years ago , we will refer the 
reader to some specific documents: 

The story of the Mother of God, including the annunciation of 
the birth of her Son, his conception, his birth and worship, and the flight 
of the Mother of God upon a donkey, can all be found, according to 
Niemojewski, in the previously existing pre-Christian sagas of the 
Egyptian, Indian, and Middle Eastern religions (see Figs. 56 to 58). 

Figure 57: Conception of the Queen Mother by placing a cross beneath her 
nose. From a bas-relief in Thebes. 

Fifiwe Upper row: the birth of God's Son. Bottom row: the newborn Son 
is honored. From a bas-relief in Thebes. 


Paul Koch, a great expert on Indo-Germanic mythology, has 
come to the following conclusions after thorough investigation in his 
Die Arischen Grundlagen der Bibel *6.): “the life story of Jesus is 
remarkably similar to and consistent with those of all of the other Sun- 
Gods; the only difference is the Jewish influences on the mythical 
stories of the Old Testament and his prophecies (i.e. Jewish forgeries - 
H.W.)” (page 158). “The miracles of Jesus are no different than the 
actions of the other Sun-Gods and can thus be proven as ancient 
legends” (page 167). Those who seek for more evidence from Koch 
should read his text starting from page 158 onward. 

Also common to many pre-Christian cultures is the worship of 
the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God who is portrayed in a 
manner that is strikingly similar to the Virgin Mary. 

The famed Salisbury Cathedral of England has a church seal of 
a figure that is difficult to discern as being either the Virgin Mary or the 
goddess Diana of the Ephesians. Both bear a cross on their heads and 
both are depicted as having the sun, the moon and the stars to the left 
and right of them. Most often, the Queen of Heaven is shown as having 
the moon at her feet (Revelation 12:1) (Fig. 67). It is thus very 
significant that the pre-Christian Germanic goddess Freya is also 
depicted in this way. German history tells us that Charlemagne 
destroyed a heathen temple in Freiaburg (a.k.a Magdeburg) where a 
beautiful portrait of the goddess Freya once stood. This image was 
destroyed because it looked exactly like that of the Virgin Mary: she 
stood with the moon and a snake at her feet, had a crown of stars about 
her head, and carried an apple in her hand. 

Likewise, we must consider the very strange fact that the Greek 
Mother of God and Queen of Heaven also has the same name as the 


Figure 59: The Babylonian Mother of God, Ishtar with the Son of God, 
Tammuz (i.e. Adonis, Adon = Herr = Lord), 

Figure 60: The Egyptian Queen of Heaven Hathor with her infant son Osiris. 
Figure 61: The Heavenly Queen Juno with her infant son Mars. 

Figure 62: The Queen of Heaven Demeter with her infant son Bacchus / 


mother of Buddha: Maja / Maya. Maja is also our Germanic spelling for 
Maria / Mary. 

Stranger still is the fact that in some places (such as in 
Annaberg in Upper Silesia), a Madonna is worshiped who has two 
children. This is, in fact, the pagan queen Latona / Leto who seeks 
refuge from the “snake”. In some of the Christian portrayals of the 
Madonna, the second child is hidden (Fig. 68). 

Here once again we are able to see how the Christian cult of 
Mary is only a continuation of the ancient pagan cult and that it is a 
reference to events that occurred deep in the ancient mists of time. 

£igll^.63j The Indian Queen of Heaven with the Son of God, surrounded by 
rays of the sun and the ecliptic and bearing symbols of St John and St. Mark. 

Figure 64: The Carthaginian Queen of Heaven with the moon and the sun in 
her hands. 


Figure 65: The Queen of Heaven Diana with the cross on her head, a star to 
her right, and the moon to her left; this is quite similar to the Virgin Mary of the 
Salisbury Cathedral. 

Fieure 66: The image of the Mother of God on a church seal in the Salisbury 
Cathedral; this is quite similar to the representation of the goddess Diana as the Queen 
of Heaven. 

This cult of the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God Maja / 
Maya / Mylitta / Isis was intimately linked to those of her son's cults of 
Buddha / Adonis / Attis / Osiris, The death (Fig, 82) and resurrection of 
this son, long before the Easter ceremonies of Christianity, was 
dramatically illustrated along with his descent into Hell, in Syrian 
Antioch, where the first so-called “Christian “ community was formedl 
This depiction is on one of the most beautiful grave sites in the Valley of 


Kings, Biban-el-Muluk, in Upper Egypt . 

Researchers, including Rudolf Seydel *7.) and Gustaaf Adolf 
van den Bergh van Eysinga *8.), have claimed that the life story and 
teachings of Jesus and the Buddha almost completely coincide , 
although Buddha had lived 500 years earlier. The Buddha even taught 
seven of Jesus' nine beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount *9.). In the 
histories of Buddha and Krishna we find the life of Christ 

The Buddha, who was himself the son of a king, is a thoroughly 
incredible figure, who, like Christ, also rejected the hoary times that he 
lived in. In his writings, Ernst Betha gives evidence that he lived in a 
time before the great flood. 

With these facts in mind, one cannot maintain the fiction of the 
Christian Church that Jesus lived 1,900 years ago. Any alleged 
historical evidence for this has been proven to be forged ’ 

So then can it be possible that Jesus, whose teachings were able 
to exert so much influence on the cultures of the world from the very 
beginning of our era, had never lived at all? If one were to believe this, 
then one also must believe that the Hebrews have been chasing a 
phantom when they curse and swear at Jesus in their so-called holy 
books. The Jews themselves thus know perfectly well that this is indeed 
a historical personage. 

So are the Gospels, if correctly understood as a work of 
immense scope and very high moral significance, then the poetry of any 
specific peoples? Are they they poetry of the Jews? Impossible! The 
high moral spirit that shines from the Gospels, and of which Goethe 
could not boast of enough, could simply not have sprung from the brain 
of a Hebrew, as our racial researchers can rightly testify. It is certainly 
guaranteed that these Ebraer, the Hebrews, would have also thus taken 


ereat care to ensure that these teachings of Jesus, which are in fact 
diametrically opposed to the world-view of the Jews, never be allowed 
to be claimed by the German world which they so thoroughly despise, 
lest they themselves be flung to their demise. 

Absolutely not! Jesus was not one of theirs with their endless 
schemes of world-subversion; the teachings of Jesus instead come from 
a deep knowledge of nature and a doctrine which espouses the 
extermination of the weeds of humanity (see Chapter 37). This spirit 
could never have come from the Jew; it could only have sprouted from 
the Germanic, the spirit of a Son of God (the Goths). The abysmal 
hatred of Jesus, and his teachings and the cross are all manifested in the 
blasphemous “sacred” writings of the Jews *10.); this undoubtedly then 
has some sort of historical background to it. This Jesus must then have 
been a Germanic personality of an intensely singular importance to 
have thus given such a commanding guidance the Germanic world for 
tens of thousands of years. There can be little doubt then that he was 
one of the brave few to have pointed out the terrible dangers of mixing 
with these Children of the Devil and one of the brave few to thus 
demand their extermination during times of trouble for the Aryan 
peoples. Thus he must also have been one of the valiant few to stand 
and enter into combat against them and their bloody sacrificial rituals 
and customs. It is thus quite an obvious fact that he must have been 
persecuted with a limitless anger and pursued with hatred by the Ebraer 
of the entire world. 

Jesus and his teachings have therefore not originated from 
Judaism. Those who would deny this then also must deny all political, 
natural and racial science and truths. 


Figure 67: The Virgin Mary as she is depicted in Magdeburg, standing on the 
moon and a snake. Taken from Franz von Wendrin’s Die Entdeckung des Paradieses, 

page 130. 

Who was Jesus? Let us summarize the answer to this question 
by facing the following facts: 

The Germans practiced the custom of piously honoring their 
glorious ancestors, heroes, Asen and kings by naming constellations 
after them (to place them in the starry skies; to send them to “heaven”); 
from this practice eventually arose the worship of the gods by the 
lower-bred races. Thus, when Niemojewski declares that the entire story 
of Jesus is an “astral myth”, he is not mistaken, it is only that he has 
overlooked that it is based upon the facts of an underlying historical 


Through the paths of their colonizations, the Germans have 
brought the history, legends and news of the great deeds of their 
ancestors across all of the lands of the world, even into India and the 
Atlantean Americas. 

Because legends themselves are indeed faithful stories from 
history, these personages who have been identical to Jesus, such as 
Baldur (the white, the brilliant, with Bal / Bel meaning white / shining / 
shimmering), Osiris, Adonis, Attis, Marduk, Krishna, Buddha, etc., are 
all indicative of an early high Germanic personality who must have 
greatly influenced and shaped the destinies of the Germanic peoples 
through his teachings and his great deeds. 

Figure 68 : The goddess Latona with two children. Taken from Franz von 
Wendrin's Die Entdeckung des Paradieses, page 130, Figure 10. 


Let us now turn our discussion back to the cradle of the 
“Christian” church, back to Asia Minor and Palestine. 

Since 1,000 years BC, there has been a continuous stream of 
German folk who have immigrated to these lands and have established 
settlements there. This is why Asia Minor is a primary source for the 
origin of the Germanic swastika * 11 .). 

To their great surprise, the Crusaders found blond, blue-eyed 
inhabitants among the mountains of Lebanon who spoke a Gemanic- 
sounding language. The Celts (Kelten / Chelden / Helden meaning 
Hellen, blond) have historically migrated en masse throughout the 
entire Middle East and especially the northern, fertile areas of Palestine, 
leaving abundant traces of their native culture, their religious customs, 
legends and history behind *12.). These Celts were also called the Chatti 
/ Cheti / Gedi (Goths) and Chaldeans. 

Most particularly venerated among their ancestors was their 
King (God) Esus, who was subsequently adopted by the cults of Mithra 
and Adonis in their religious ceremonies. The “cup of blessing" and the 
“communion of bread" (i.e. the Old Germanic Agape Feast) was thus 
not new for them. 

What then could have been more natural than to have the name 
of their King Esus / Jesus come to take the place of Adonis? The old 
cult thus remained, and only the name itself was changed! 

To the true Biblical scholar, the name “Jesus” in itself is not 
uncommon. A Jesus ben Sirach / Jesus Sirach is also to be found in the 
Book of Sirach / Ecclesiasticus (49:14, Latin vulgate), yet another 
document that has predictably been falsified by the Hebrews, which 
was presumably originally a collection of proto-Germanic proverbs. 
The name “Jesus” has been known throughout antiquity as representing 


Figure 69: Grave of Osiris, the Son of God, at Dendcra, Egypt. 

one who is a “bringer of salvation” and a patron of physicians, and, as 
such, bears a remarkable resemblance to the historic presentation of the 
Christian Jesus. 

Not only has the name “Jesus” been taken up by the Christian 
Church, but also his tribal symbol: the Lamb, as it is associated with the 
proto-Germanic cross in its various forms. 

The proto-Germanic tribal and racial symbol of the swastika 
was found not only on the aforementioned bishop's cap, but also in the 
ancient Christian churches such as those in Lellenfeld, Bavaria and the 
Viborg Cathedral as well as among the so-called “Christian” crosses at 
the Vamdrup church near Kolding, Denmark. 

These were associated as being the symbol of the Son of God 
already one thousand years before the time of Christ (Fig. 72 ). 

The tribal sign of the ancient Emperor Theodosius (as well as 


his father) was the sun, a symbol that is often found associated with 
other symbols to denote the royalty of the bearer. Thus we find in the 
Christian Church the association of Jesus Christ with the Germans 
through his representation in his coat-of-arms as a proto-Germanic 
cross combined with the symbol of the sun, or even more directly as the 
symbol of the German people themselves, the Lamb. He therefore must 
be considered, according to his representation by ancient family-, 
tribal-, and racial-coats of arms as a Germanic king. Of this, there can 
be no doubt (Figs. 70 - 73). 

Figure 70: A lamb-sphinx version of Jesus on an early Christian bronzework. 
This image combines the Germanic tribal symbol of the Lamb with Jesus' sign of the 

Figure 71: The god Hermes shown carrying the Lamb. From the Louvre. 


Figure 72: The Egyptian god Osiris and his association with the Cross. From 
the Louvre, Paris. 

Ei gure.73: The Lamb on the Cross. The combination of the two Germanic 
tribal symbols. 

Ejgure 74: Jesus with a cross on his head as illustrated on a sarcophagus in 



Through the name of this Celtic-Germanic King (God) Esus / 

Jesus, and his symbol and his sign as the Lamb, we have 

determined that he must have had a Germanic lineage. These elements 
are also present in the history of the Buddha. The Buddha came from 
the tribal lineage of the Caken or Saken (Cakja / Caja). In the hymns of 
India, he is referred to as Sakhymuni, i.e. as a man of the Saken. We 
know, however, that the original ruling caste of Indians were immigrant 
Germans *13.). This distinguished lineage / race from which Buddha 
arose were also the Germanic Saken, whose original ancestral home 
was in Northern Germany. The surname of the Buddha similarly 
identifies this: “Gautama” (Got-hama) likely means “from the Goten- 
heimat” (“from the Homeland of God”) or as in “from the Goten- 
geschlechte” (“from the lineage of the Goths”). His mother carried the 
Old Germanic name of Maja (Maya / Maria) as well. In Greek 
mythology, Maia, the Mother of God, is said to be the daughter of Atlas, 
i.e. the daughter of a Germanic-Atlantean Asen. Where we find the 
statues of Buddha, we also find the totem (or crest-of-arms) of Jesus 
himself: the swastika. So then it is hardly surprising: Buddha is a fabled 

personage who has been crowned with the swastika totem of the 

Chaldean King Esus (Jesus). This symbol is the first to have guided our 
peoples upon the correct path. 

It is also thus quite understandable that the Celts and Suevi 
(Suebi) who had immigrated to Galilee (“the land of the Galatians / 
Celts”) were driven to worship their great ancestors in their many 
communities there and that their history was gradually reflected in the 
place names where they had settled. Thus we frequently find places 
there with names that indicate their original homelands, such as Tabor, 
Jerusalem, Jericho, Capernaum, and Nazareth, which is named after 


Nassereith in Tyrolean Austria *14.). 

As Hieronymus tells us, there once was an old grove and 
sanctuary of the god Attis located in Bethlehem. Attis means “father” 
and Adonis means “father of the Dans” / “father of the Danes”. As their 
usage overlapped, the two names were gradually combined to form the 
name “Esus”. It is thus quite remarkable that the Christian Church can 
even allow that Jesus was bom in this place. 

Mount Calvary was also an ancient worship site for those 
Canaanite Germans who were subjugated by the Hebrews; Golgotha, 
this “place of the skull”, then does not need any connection with the 
evangelical Jesus in order for it to be considered as a site where 
miracles take place. 

For the Germans of Palestine, Jesus was known by varied 
different names. He was called the “divine Son”, the Messiah or the 
Christus (“the anointed one”), which designated that he was from a 
royal bloodline. He was also called the Archangel Michael, or even 
Joshua, which meant “help from God”, “savior” or “redeemer” *15.). 
The Canaanite Essenes and the Jesaer named themselves after Jesus or 
as such after the “branch from the root of Jesse”, i.e. after the king of 
the tribe of Esus. These Essenes were related to the Nazarenes 
(Nassereiths) and were perhaps the same peoples. Epiphanias has 
testified that this tribe had existed long before the time of Christ. They 
were called the Nazarenes or Nassereith because they revered the divine 
Son as their guardian and watcher (in Syrian they are called the “Nas 
Arpa” or “Asen of the Aryans”). Jesus was however one of the noblest 
of this sect of Nazarenes, and these are referred to as his first followers. 
The Nazarenes wore their hair in the same manner as the Essenes and 
the Germans, long and free, as a sign of their nobility and liberty. Jesus 


is also most often depicted this way throughout history. 

The Revelation of John can shed much light on the events of 
ancient history as well. It contains bits of information on astronomy and 
our geologic and racial history. Some of its depictions are based entirely 
on star charts and the ancient Zodiac; these Zodiac symbols are very 
ancient tribal crests and coats-of-arms that speak of racial and folk 
history from the depths of time. 

Those who do not properly understand the Revelation of John 
will mistakenly see this book as a jumble of fantastical and absurd tales. 
In actuality, they are historical sagas that were encoded in order to only 
be understood by the initiated. Thus, when it speaks of the seven 
trumpets and the enigmatic fire-breathing animals, it is in actuality 
referring to the coat-of-arms of the predatory Atlantean-American 
robber-tribes that had invaded the lands of the Lamb (the Aryans, the 
Elohim / Hellenes) *16.). And the so-called “seals” of Revelation are in 
reference to tribal crests; the first and the sixth seals (in Revelation 
chapter 6) are in reference to the tribes of Orion / Arion / Jesus (Israel) 

The white horse symbolizes the White race, the red horse the 
Red race, the black horse the Negroes, and the pale horse the 
Mongolian race. All of the horsemen then fell upon the Aryans (the 5* 
seal), i.e. the godly ones, the Children of Israel, and murdered them. 
The name “Israel” was originally the collective name for the Germanic 
tribes and was stolen by the Jewish Bible falsifiers in order to make the 
Hebrews appear to be the master race. 

The time when Jesus (Buddha / Krishna) lived was also the 
time when the Antichrist, i.e. that old serpent, Satan, lived. This was 
also the time when the colored devil-peoples (“Teufel” meaning “devil” 


meaning the Taifals) of Atlantis-America-Asia conducted their 
swarming raids of devastation across Europe. The Revelation of John 
thus praises the Son of Man (Esus) as the savior of the Lambs (the 

With time, the Galilean and Samarian Gentians began to 
increasingly mix with the Jews from the south; this unfortunate 
circumstance gave the opportunity for the Hebrews to get their hands on 
the historical records and the sagas of the Gennans. In addition, these 
hostile Jews blended themselves into the Germanic communities of the 
Middle East through the rites of baptism in order to obtain a more 
direct and dominant influence over them and their worship of then- 
ancestor Jesus. These deceptive Hebrews then gained access the the 
histories and legends of Esus andfalsified both them and the genealogy 
of Jesus so as to make it appear that he was the offspring of the Jews. 
Thus these snake- and dragon-peoples were made to appear as the 
“holy and chosen ones of God”. This was indeed a diabolical political 
move of the first order, one which has brought disasters of eveiy kind in 
its wake to the Germanic peoples. 

* * * * 

If this account is indeed correct, then the legend of Jesus must 
have originated in Germany. Absolutely! The ancient, treasured and 
secret traditions, that I will now relate, tell us that a German Prince 
named Esus / Jesus was tied to a tree and tortured in Goslar (Idarvalla- 
Joruvalla) in a time before the great flood. The same is reported to us in 
the legends of Thuringia *18.). 


Figure 75 : St. KUmmemis (Kummonus) on the cross with the tribal symbol 
of Jesus on his chest and the coat-of-arms crest of the fleur-de-lis. 

Amongst the most purely Germanic peoples were an ancient 
tribe called the “Cimmerians” (or Cimbri / Kimmerians of Chiemgau / 
Kimmgau) that lived to the north of Homer. It has been established that 
these folk had already worshiped a crucified primordial royal ancestor 
in their pre-Christian era *19,). 

The images of the crucified u St. Kummemis” still reminds us of 
them. It is quite significant that this martyred figure wore a crown of 
royalty and wore a cross (the coat-of-arms of Jesus) on his chest; he 


also wore a fleur-de-lis, a Germanic (Frankish) tribal sign, which is still 
found today in areas of France. What does this image supposed to 
mean, telling us that the name of this bound figure is called “Kymini”? 
We know that "Kimmini” means “King of the Cimmerians” or “King of 
the Cimbri”. The medieval legends of this “St. Kummemis” seem to be 
absent of any reference to the historical significance of this figure. 
Have these been deliberately falsified as well in order to mask his true 
story? One would be inclined to accept the latter, particularly when 
we leam that many of the images of this proto-Germanic Kymini have 
been allowed to quietly “disappear” during the last few centuries. The 
consequences of the discovery of the actual historical truth may prove 
to be too terrible for many who have much to lose in this matter. At 
the Vatican, into whose library many Germanic historical documents 
have disappeared during the Christianization of Germany, they are well 
aware of these historical truths, as well as the fact that their Roman 
Catholic Church had its origins in the pagan cults of Mithra. 

In Italy, during the time of Dante, one could still hear the cries 
of “St. Volto, help me!”. In Aosta, Italy, the triumphal Arch of Augustus 
bears his name, “St. Voult” (Vul / Volto). This is the king and the 
crucified one whose famed legend and image we have received from 
the deepest depths of time. The Revelation of John calls him the 
crucified Lord; he lived before the time of the great flood (which was 
probably the last flood of the rising tidal waters associated with the 
capture of our current moon) and was named after the flood of Vul. 

The saga of Odin also belongs to this legend. The saga of 
Baldur, as well, contains some references to Christ, according to Sophus 
Bugge in his work, Studier over de Nordiske Glide- og Heltesagns 
Oprindelse *20.). 

Figure 76: St. Volto / Vul / Kymini or Kummemis in Wintherthur, with arms 
outstretched in the form of a cross and with the tribal sign of the cross on his chest 

Osiris was wounded by Set-Typhon (i.e. Satan / the Satanic 
Hebrew) and was thus marked on his body just like Jesus was. 

Remnants of the life story of Esu are also found in the 
manuscripts of the Gothic Gospels. According to Ernst Betha, the 
Heliand, the Old Saxon Genesis and the manuscript of Adam of Bremen 
are not paraphrasings of the Gospels, but are instead Germanic poetic 
versions of older German sagas. 

These tell us that the emergence of all of the Christian churches 
began precisely in areas that were the most densely occupied by 
Germanic immigrants (the Celts, Trier, Galatians and Galileans) and in 
places where the cults of Attis-Adonis-Mithra were most zealously 
maintained. Christology, the study of the life of Christ, was practiced as 
well, even in times before his supposed birth of 1,900 years ago. 

The sagas of Baldur and Adonis are also completely related as 
well. Baldur and Adonis were both the sons of a king and were both 


wounded by a boar (the Ebraer / Hebrews) and martyred upon a stake 
(the image of which was later replaced by the tribal symbol of the 

crucifix C). 

An ancient image of a high personage who is bound with 
ropes to a tree and martyred, shot with arrows, still exists in Goslar 
*21.). According to an ancient reading of the legend, Jesus' cross was a 
tree, a green wood *22.). 

Ancient, pre-Christian illustrations in a Mexican manuscript 
portray him likewise. 

There exist, from before the time of Christ as well, drawings 
from Mexico that depict a crucified one who is being attacked by 
Indian-Egyptian vultures; standing behind him are a wolf and a flying 
serpent, which are totems of the Indian tribes. 

Fieure 77: Image of the crucified one attacked by Egyptian vultures. From an 
ancient American drawing. 


In the Madrid Codex of the Mayas (a.k.a the Troano Codex) 
one finds the image of a deer spiked to a tree. The deer, indeed, as with 
the lamb, was a symbol of the Hellen (the blond) and of Esus and 
Orion. Thus it was that the Indians crucified and martyred the King of 
the Whites with a lance onto a tree. 

Revelation 5:6 (and following verses) speaks of a seven-homed 
Iamb, i.e. the deer-totem of the Teutons. 

A bronze amulet in the Vatican museum depicting the birth of 
Jesus with the three Holy Kings also has the image of a deer beneath it, 
the tribal sign of Jesus. 

A Germanic Aesir deity (king) with deer horns on his head can 
be found on the famed silver Gundestrup cauldron. This king (Esus?) is 
shown strangling “that old serpent” (the Hebrew) (see Fig. 78). 

Figure 78: Celtic deity with deer antlers who is crushing the serpent. From 
the silver cauldron of Gundestrup. 


Stones bearing ancient Germanic runes and drawings of deer 
have been found in the Alvao dolmen of Portugal (see Fig. 79), proving 
just how far back in time the tribal symbol of the deer and its story 
dates. The deer is shown to be kicking the serpent. This means that the 
crucified Germanic king will one day crush the snake (the Hebrew 
people). These drawings, or perhaps put more correctly pictographs as 
written documentations, are irrefutable evidence from ancient times that 
attest that this crucified one was in fact a German king. 

On the ancient Gosforth cross in Cumbria, England, one finds 
the image of a crucified man wearing a belt and bearing a horn; 
according to the symbolic language of the constellations, this is a 
reference to Orion (Arion), the King of the Aryans. In this carving, 
Orion is beset upon by two sea serpents, the symbol of the armies of the 
bastardized Atlantean kingdom. The Revelation of John also portrays 
the “Son of Man”, Jesus-Esus, with a belt and a horn; Orion-Arion is 
also depicted in this way in the ancient star charts of our ancestors. 

In Swiss cemetaries, bronze buckles have been found with 
images of wolves (the German symbol for hostile tribes) biting a man in 
the feet who is either bound or crucified. Other ancient pictorial 
representations from the Magdalenian era show a horseman (most likely 
Esus) who is bitten on the heel by a snake (the totem of the Red tribes, 
“that old serpent” of the Book of Revelation). The Indian god Krishna, 
who is another version of Baldur-Esus, is often shown as being struck in 
the heel by an arrow. All of these examples are memories from 
Germanic history *23.). 

In the Judaic lodges of Freemasonry in America and France, 
images of the crucified Christ being pierced in his side with a spear are 
abundant; the Masons of the higher degrees also wear the image of the 


burning cross on the soles of their shoes so that they can blasphemously 
step upon the tribal symbol of Jesus when they walk. These Jews know 
very well the historical background for this hatred of the “carpenter's 


In the Anglo-Saxon poem, “Satan”, Jesus is depicted as being 
wounded by arrows. This is reminiscent of not only the Indian methods 
of torture at the stake, but also of the age-old image of Jesus in the town 
hall of Goslar where he is shown as martyred, covered head-to-toe with 
arrow wounds. Perhaps then it is more than just a coincidence that the 
legends of Attis and Adonis tell us that this son of a king was struck by 
arrows and a lance. 

There is an ancient bas-relief that depicts a strange scene of 
beasts (the tribal symbols of the Red peoples) attacking an eye, i.e. 
attacking the symbol of the Teutons. This is the sign of the Germanic 
ancestral King Theos / Tius: an eye in a triangle which is surrounded by 
sunbeams and clouds; this image still appears to this day on Christian 

Figure 79: The Germanic tribal “sign” of the deer as connected with the 
ancient Celtic runes on the dolmen stones of Alvao in Portugal, 


altars and tombstones (see Fig. 48). 

One is also reminded of the painting of Prometheus Bound in 
which Prometheus is wounded in the side by a vulture. 

Jens Worsaae has brought us an image from an ancient amulet 
*24.) which depicts Christ crucified beneath the symbolic “hand” of the 
Indian-Mexican, the foe of the White race, which implies that he had 
fallen by their power. 

Figure 80: The crucified one as illustrated on a Nordic amulet. At his feet is 
the sign of the dragon and above his head is the hand of his murderer as well as the 
moon and the oblique cross. Image from Worsaae, Nordiske Oldsager, figure 510a. 


Jesus was also called the Conqueror of the Mountain Giants on 
the Urdabrunnen (the Urda Fountain) *25.). 

This holy histoiy is ancient. Ancient coins inscribed with the 
words “ d'Esu ” on them have the depiction of a kneeling woman on the 
reverse side. This God and King of the Celts was none other than Jesus. 
The name Esus is found on the ancient stones of the Notre Dame 
Cathedral in Paris where he is illustrated as an ancestral deity that the 
Celts called “the Brave”. 

He and his disciples spoke Galilean, which was a Celtic 
dialect, and his story was originally transcribed into the Celtic- 
Germanic language (according to Betha). That the Gospel manuscripts 
were usually written in Greek can be explained by the fact that Greek 
was the predominant language of Asia Minor at the beginning of our 

Jesus came into the Bible from the Germanic tribe of Jesse / 
Esus, theAesir, theAsen. 

The sagas of Sigurd and Siegfried also contain ancient sacred 
histories *26.) as well. It is quite significant that they tell us that the 
sun's son, Siegfried, was killed by a spear thrown from a bastardized 
one (Hagen). 

All throughout the vast field of mythology we are extensively 
taught the history of our savior Jesus: 

— Baldur fought against the Dragon 
— Siegfried fought against the Dragon 
— Marduk fought against the Dragon / Snake 
— Jason fought against the Dragon / Snake 
— Adonis (Esus) fought against the Boar / Eber 
— Osiris fought against Seth / Satan 


- the Archangel Michael fought against Satan / the Dragon 

- Christ fought against Satan and the Knight / St. George 
slayed the Dragon (Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 27:1, Revelation 12:7 
-9, Matthew 4:8-11, Mark 1:12-13, and Luke 4:1-13). 

Mary / Maja, the heavenly queen, often appears in her Christian 
or pre-Christian representations as having victoriously crushed a snake 
(or worm) beneath her feet. 

As we have learned from the thorough investigations of Ernst 
Betha, the hand, dragon, snake, worm, star, moon and boar (Eber) were 
all the different tribal signs of the evil armies of the Asian-American- 
Atlantean predatory peoples who had invaded the formerly Germanic 
Europa and had destroyed everything in their path (see Chapter 28). 
Who could forget the Chinese dragon that has so often devastated 
Germany in many gruesome ways in the form of the Huns and the 
Mongols? And who could forget the Soviet star, the symbol of the 
Hebrews, that has been carried on their banners and has been worn by 

EifiMre?!; Marduk, the Son of God and the Sun God, battling the Dragon / 



Figure K2. The Death of Adonis (“Lord”), the Son of God, after he was 
mauled by an angry boar (Eber / Ebraer / Hebrew). Image from an ancient Greek 

their troops for 2,000 to 60,000 years? 

The coat-of-arms of the Hebrews is the serpent, which Moses 
himself raised in the desert and even allowed his followers to worship. 
Carved in the stones of the Extemsteine, below the image of the cross 
of Jesus, are the images of the flying dragon and the snake, damning 
them as the guilty culprits in his death. These Hebrews and Mongolians 
were his murderers. His mother, Queen Latona (Fig. 68), has been 
depicted as fleeing from this “snake”, the Hebrew people. 

Accordingly then Jesus had to fight against the Jews and their 
many allies (the demonic and Satanic races) back in the old grey depths 
of time; he thus also then had to suffer by them, but this was not in 
Palestine: this event most likely took place either on Atlantis itself or in 
Germany (translator: most likely in Goslar). Paul, who himself bore the 
symbols of Jesus tattooed upon his body (Galatians 6:17), even tells the 
Galatians that Jesus was crucified “among them”, i.e. in Gaul. 

In 1916, Bartels in Berlin published a remarkable work: Eine 


200-Jahrige Pivphezeiung fiber den Welfkreig: Ans der 1717 
Gefertigten Handsclmft eines Tiroler Monches aits dem Kloster 
Waldrast, 1821 Gefunden bei dem Bauern Purtscheller im Stubaitale 

The contents of this alleged prophecy are similar to that of the 
Vaticinium Lehninense *28.), which are none other than the portrayal of 
the many years of struggles that the Lamb and the Cross have had with 
the Dragon, Snake, Star, Moon, Trident and Hand (as mentioned in 
Chapter 28), and of those many more struggles to come. 

The following brief summary of this historical document will 
lay out those portions of the text which are of the greatest importance to 
us (the explanatory additions in brackets are by this author): 

“From the morning-lands (the East) and the evening-lands (the 
West) and from the South, the nations of the world rose up against our 
people, so we lived in the middle-lands (of Europe, in Germany) and in 
the midnight lands (the North). Evil and mischief will thus rage against 
us from all sides and from all comers. We will be haunted by frightful 

Figure 83; The racial symbols of the Central American tribes, including the 
star sign of the Hebrews. 


A — 

punishments and miseries and lamentations will be heard everywhere. 
Nine kingdoms of the East and West will be set in battle against the 
“naked country of the bearded peoples (Germany).” 

“The war will be sparked by the malice, wickedness and slander 
of a small people (presumably the people of the serpent, the Hebrews), 
who will assassinate a noble Prince and his wedded consort (Latona) 
and will malign him and his folk. Even his own friends, who he had 
been very generous towards, will act against him and slander and betray 
him, probably due to the incitement of these small people against him. 
It seems, however, that the cruel murder of this Prince and his royal 
spouse will only have been supposed, because he will become healthy 
again and will arise once more to be named the victor in all of the 
following battles to come.” 

“Beneath the war cry of With God Before Us!, and with the 
Cross (their coat-of-arms) on his chest, he will lead his white-robed 
army (see Revelation 19:11 - 20) from the helm in a decisive battle 
against the entire peoples of the world (Satan and all of his armies of 

“A terrible war will then break out from one sea to another, one 
like the world has never seen before and will never see again.” 

“The seas will be stained red with blood (from many naval 
battles), and there will be war everywhere, from the highest mountains 
to the depths of the oceans.” 

“The Lord of the Seas will be beaten with his pagans and his 
Moors and his country (Atlantis) will fall into deep misery. His own 
people will rise against him and the Princes of the Desert (Africa) will 
press their sword-edge against him (this probably means that they will 
probably use the subjugated peoples of Atlantis in a revolt against the 


Sea-King in order to defeat him. See Chapter 27). His ships (the 
dreaded Atlantean fleet) will bum down in flames and his allies will 
desert him. The monsters of the deep will rise up and devour his stores 
of grain and fire-breathing dragons will bum all of his treasures. The 
country in the West (Atlantis?) will be devastated and the Children of 
the East (the Mongols / the Dragon) will be forced into exile; many will 
die from hunger on the way (to escape) and wolves and flames will feed 
upon them.” 

“The final ferocious battle will be fought between four cities 
with four identical towers, where a cross stands between two lime trees 
(compare this with the Lehninense prophecy). The winner will wear a 
cross on his breast (the sign of Jesus) and will thank God for his victory 
with outstretched arms.” 

“The war will begin in the fall and will end in the spring. The 
Prince (the Germans) will make a covenant to protect the world for a 
hundred years of peace and will be the rulers over all of the lands and 
the seas. The kingdom of God (the Reich of the Goths / the Lamb) will 
grow to new powers and a greater glory!” 

And so it was that the cross will be triumphant over the 
dragons, the wolves and the trident. This is a wonderful description of 
the glorious time of Jesus and rings true with the representations of him 
that we have previously shown in Chapter 28. 

These so-called prophecies *29.) however are undoubtedly re- 
workings of ancient Germanic knowledge and lore; these monks had 
very likely possessed in their monasteries the ancient manuscripts of 
the Teutonic peoples that their churches had stolen during the 
Christianization of Germany. It is thus also most likely that these 
historical documents and sagas were incomprehensible to these monks. 


These ancient sagas were easily manipulated and falsified in the 
Revelation of John in order to depict a future prophecy as well, when in 
actuality they were the completed histories of our distant past. We can 
only hope that one day we will by chance be led to further literary 
discoveries and historical truths that have been previously carefully 
veiled from our sight and that these works will be revealed in a 
heavenly beam of light! 

Whether Baldur was martyred by the Aztec-Hebrews on 
Atlantis or Jesus in Germany, or whether they are the same person, must 
be the subject of a research that goes into much greater detail. In any 
case, these personages were both martyred in the same way, just as 
countless others have been, by the Hebrews and their allied demons of 
Satan. Thus we have only the story of the murder of one powerful man, 

According to all of the information that we have previously 
accumulated, we can place the following facts back into the light where 
they belong and we can firmly say this: 

A high-minded Germanic Lord named Esus / Jesus (most likely 
also Baldur and the Messiah of the Bible) has indeed existed, and lived 
in a time before the great flood, before the sinking of Atlantis. This 
personage lives on in the history of the Germanic tribes and in the 
memory of our Blood. His teachings were recorded by our wise 
ancestral Teutonic fathers and have been handed down to the various 
branches of our tribe. The creation of the great and honorable racial 
laws of Manu, the Mannes (Jesus, the Man of God), which were 
brought by the Germans from their Nordic homelands to India, and the 
Gospels of the Buddha, are both more than likely to contain the original 
teachings of Esus / Jesus / Manu / Meni. This Jesus / Esus / Hesus was 


also revered in historic times in western Middle Franconia as a god 
(ancestor) who was supposedly of heathen and Germanic blood *30.). 

With the heroic king and savior Jesus and beneath his sign 
we stand, against this darkened world of the bastard races and against 
their symbols of the dragon, the snake and the Soviet star! This must be 
the battle cry of the Christian Germanic peoples, for now and for all 
time! And for the future of the German Christian Church! 

Following their settlements in Palestine and the Middle East, 
and after they had secured the memory of the teachings of Jesus there, 
these Germanic immigrants moved onward into Asia Minor. They 
established numerous German towns there, that, like the teachings of 
Jesus itself, were an imminent threat to Judaism. Although the Jews 
had single-mindedly set themselves to the task of persecuting all of 
the followers of Jesus (Christians), they could not succeed in totally 
eradicating them. So it came to be then that Judaism had to resort to 
their oldest tricks: they infiltrated Christianity through falsely appearing 
to accept the rite of baptism, and through such arrogance quickly 
attained leadership positions in the Christian Church. Thus they gained 
access to the documents which told the story of Jesus and the writings 
of the Gospels and proceeded to falsify them for their own diabolical 
purposes. The Germans, however, did not accept these forgeries without 
opposition. As early as 150 AD, Bishop Marcion of Sinope fought 
against these Jewish falsifications of the Bible *31.). But alas, Judaism 
understood very well the easiest ways to oveipower the Christian 
church: by exterminating by fire and sword those who would seek out 
and proclaim the truth and by spreading a veil of lies and deceit upon 
the German world through the positions of power and authority that 
they had deceptively attained. In the wake of such violence and 


deception, they further penetrated the church in order to protect and 
promote this Judaization and to thus enable themselves to further 
exploit and enslave the German folk from their positions as the 
supposedly holy “chosen ones” of God. These deceitful methods of the 
Hebrews have been their tried-and-true custom since their ancient days 
upon Atlantis. Incidentally, Judaism has kept the concept of atonement 
from their ancient Aztec-Hebrew rituals and their grossly carnal, pagan 
teachings, and have inserted these doctrines into Christianity in order to 
weaken it and to act as an instrument for them to achieve their plans for 
the enslavement of the entire world, as K. v. Widdumhoff has shown us: 

“Once the interests of the Jewish race had been sufficiently 
secured in the Christian world of thought, the Jewish capital bank then 
forced the Roman Emperor Constantine to elevate this mongrellized 
Judeo-Christian cult from a merely superstitious belief system to the 
Roman state religion. This mixed and bastardized religion was then 
spread under the name of the Christian Church by both fire and sword 
and was forced upon the peoples of the North with all of its 
accompanying burdens, such as racial decomposition, debt slavery, 
dispossession of homelands, speculation, and the confusion of legal 
concepts *32.).” 

As we have previously outlined, a powerful king or prince of 
the Teutons (the Kellen / Helden / Hellen, meaning “the bright” / “the 
blond” / “the heroic”) had played a major role in that prehistoric era 
during the time when the Atlantean Ebraer had launched their 
devastating military campaigns against the German folk. As we have 
learned from the pictographs at Bohuslan, this was a time when the 
Germanic peoples had lived beneath the terrible rule of these invaders, a 
rule that had brought cannibalism and widespread rape of their women 


(just like the French have recently done on the Rhine). Just as how the 
German people today must be made aware of the terrible dangers that 
these lower-bred races pose to them, so too must it have been during the 
time of Esus / Jesus when he warned his people. As we shall show in 
Chapter 37, he thereby called for the destruction of the Hebrew 
“Children of Darkness” in order to cleanly preserve our race as a 
distinctive one. He also called for his fellow countrymen to abide by his 
racial laws of reproduction (the Gospels); their compliance with these 
laws was ensured upon the sinking of the lower-bred races in the great 
flood. Undoubtedly, the Indian god Manu, who wrote these strict racial 
laws can be thus equated with the Mannus of the Germans and the god 
Meni (meaning “leader”) of the Middle East, and therefore with the 
mighty son of the Germans himself, Jesus. It is abundantly clear that the 
deeds and teachings of this true savior of his people meant death and 
destruction for the Hebrews. Therefore they decided upon his murder. 
A Hebrew, as always, was found for this, to be a traitor of the trusting 
German folk. Jesus was subsequently seized by the Jewish ruling class 
and imprisoned as a rebel and as an insurgent against this Jewish 
theocracy. Following their ancient Indian-Hebraic sacrificial customs, 
he was then pinned to a wooden post, spread with his arms outstretched 
on a tree and tortured with arrows and lances; historically, this was 
believed to have been done during the springtime. According to these 
Aztec-Hebraic rituals and superstitions, he was condemned to die for 
these Jewish oppressors for atonement and so that his blood would 
provide them proof of their dominion. Their ancient sacrificial rites 
required the breaking of his bones and allowing him to die in torment. 

The symbol of the hand over the head of Jesus is also the tribal 
sign of this Indian-Hebrew race who tortured him to death. 


And so it was that Jesus apparently died. Two brave women 
(the two Marys?) seem to have played a vital role in taking his body 
down from the tree and carrying him away. 

Yet he was somehow revived and became healthy once more 
and arose to lead his people to victory and liberation from the snake, the 
dragon and the star *33.). It is then strange that the sagas of the pre- 
Christian Celts in Asia Minor tell us that Adonis and Esus were tom to 
pieces in the springtime by an angry boar / Eber (the boar itself also 
being a tribal sign of the Hebrews). These and the sagas of Osiris-Isis, 
Baldur-Indra, and Buddha-Tammuz all contain portions of his life story, 
which had indeed traveled with the migrating Germans as they moved 
across the nations of the world. 

Figure 84: The crucified one is carried off by two women. Image from an 
Etruscan mirror. 


As the separate studies of Ernst Betha and Franz von Wendrin 
agree, the previously mentioned traditions of the Trminen that took 
place in Goslar would have dated back to thousands of years before the 
great flood and before the sinking of Atlantis. 

The pictographs of Bohuslan tell us of the German battles with 
the Hebrew hordes. According to the astronomical calculations of the 
constellations in its forms, this decisive liberation of the Germanic 
tribes would have occurred 60,000 years ago. Ernst Betha, in his work 
Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen, comes to the same conclusion. The era of 
Jesus or Baldur thus must also be recognized as being 60,000 years 
before our time. According to the calculations of the Egyptian priests, 
the sinking of Atlantis would have occurred 11,500 years ago. “A 
thousand years are as one day for him” (II Peter 3:8). 

This is as much as we can extract from ancient history at this 
time. It can be safely assumed that a more detailed and more intensive 
research may provide us with more information along these lines. Of 
the history of lies and deceit in which we Germans have been cocooned 
for 2,000 years, we can now say this with certainty: 

Jesus was not a Jew but was instead a German of an elevated 
spirit who fought beneath the tribal banner of the cross and the sun, the 
King of the people of the Lamb (the Germans)! His sublime teachings 
were often falsified and arose not from the pathetic spiritual life of the 
Aztec Hebrews, but from the highly developed culture of the Germanic 
Children of God. True Christianity is therefore an integral part of the 
Germanic essence, not of Judaism, which stands in sharpest contrast to 

The Jesus that we follow, the Savior of the German world, is 
loyal to the Aryan race and stands firmly upon his German nationality; 


he speaks sharply and truthfully about the lower races and the 
mischlinge that they breed; he calls upon his people to separate 
themselves from these bastard races, as is the will of the Creator and as 
follows the laws of nature. In this way he ultimately then calls for war 
against the lower-bred races in order to expel them from our lands and 
to annihilate them. The practice of anti-Semitism therefore is not only 
Christian, but is our moral and patriotic duty. 

It is deeply regrettable that the church then proclaims the 
Jewish falsifications of the Bible as the historical and divine truth and 
that Jesus, contrary to all of the racial, historic and biological facts, was 
a member of the tribe of “that old serpent”, the Hebrews. Even more 
regrettable is the outrageous implication that he thus would have fought 
on the side of the Hebrews against his own ancient tribal sign, against 
the ancient Gemanic swastika and thus against his own teachings and 

Where would the church stand in this massive war that has 
raged throughout the history of our world? Are they on the side of the 
Soviet star, and the Dragon and the Snake? Or are they on the side of 
the Lamb, and the Sun and the Swastika? If the church were to one day 
place its powerful forces on the side of the Germanic world and march 
beneath their banner, the struggle for the freedom of the German 
peoples would soon be decided in their favor and the church could then 
earn a well-respected place in Germanic history and culture. 

According to our ancient prophecies, Jesus will one day destroy 
the kingdom of Satan that has been built by the Hebrews and their allies 
(the demonic races and the evil and traitorous among us). Will the 
church therefore choose to act as our savior or will it turn against Jesus 
and his kingdom and fight against him? Will they continue to maintain 


Figure 85: The constellation Ursa Major 60,000 years ago. From Franz von 
Wendrin's Die Entefeckung des Paradieses , page 237, figure 41. 

this 2,000 year-old fraud and remain a criminal accomplice of Judaism 
despite all of these findings? 

I know that many readers will ask the question: why has so little 
ancient German literature reported on the truth of the nature of Jesus / 
Esus? It is certainly a valid question. Here is the explanation. When the 
Catholic Church invaded Germany and “Christianized” it by fire and 
sword, it banned all of the old Germanic runic writings and heathenistic 
works as sinful; any and all of our ancient and historical writings then 
had to be surrendered and burned under the capitularies of Paderbom 
lest the owner face the pain of death. Likewise, any such runic writings 
were confiscated and brought to the monasteries of the church which 
then subsequently destroyed or hid any such evidence that would recall 
the brilliant and beautiful culture of our Germanic past *34.). Spoken 
and written Latin were made to replace the German language in the 
church and the Jewish priests of Rome were appointed to be their 
historians. To ensure that the German folk would believe these 


forgeries, they demeaned them as “barbarians” and taught them that 
their culture had been brought to them by missionaries and immigrants 
from Asia. An army of priests saw to it that the unfortunate German 
people were subjugated through long, protracted battles with the 
minions of Rome-Judea (such as Charlemagne), and that these well- 
calculated Jewish forgeries were instilled in our folk as the “word of 
God” for generation after generation and up to our present day. Any 
doubts of these falsifications were smothered with blood and fire so that 
Judaism, in its disguise as a religion, could remain free and undisturbed 
to pursue their global robberies and seizures of power. 

With the forced introduction of this counterfeit Jewish 
Christianity, the German folk were then effectively enslaved, both 
economically and spiritually. Only through the correct identification of 
these forgeries and the observance of the true teachings of Jesus will we 
ultimately find the truth... and the truth will set us free! 

The final recognition of these historical truths of the person of 
Jesus by the German people would have the most far-reaching 

The entire untenable structure of church doctrines would 
collapse and the German nation could stand once again upon the high 
teachings of the German Prince Jesus that are free from dogma. 

This would result in the disappearance of denominations and 
sects, which would cease all of the many unnecessary quarrels among 
our brethren, and a truly Aryan-Christianity would emerge that would 
embrace all Germans together as fellows in a national church. 
Religious unity would take the place of denominational strife and 
parochial schools would soon disappear to make the way for a state 
school in which all children of Germanic blood would be equally 



Rome-Judea and their various political parties that have forever 
played their games in our realm would disappear along with their dreary 
struggles for power in our State. Judea and Rome's power would forever 
be broken. 

In place of the Jew-created Internationalism that has been so 
destructive to our state, we would finally be allowed to build a strong 
and healthy nationalism; the confusion of the masses would be replaced 
by a warm unity. 

The materialistic mindset that has been smuggled into our 
culture through Judaism would at last be replaced by the idealistic and 
the Christian mindset; bleak Marxism would disappear and in its place a 
German socialism with a Christian foundation would be bom. Our 
entire way of thinking would be transformed from the ground up and 
we would find ourselves rising out of the dark spiritual night of Judeo- 
Romanism and emerging into the radiant light of the high Germanic 

There would henceforth no longer be any contradiction between 
faith and church on the one hand and science and school on the other. 
Our efforts would converge into one direct path for the specific benefit 
of the German people; after dwelling for 2,000 years in a deep winter's 
night, the flower of German culture could at last be allowed to blossom 
with a previously unknown purity and beauty. 

Out of this fog that the scheming Judea-Romans have woven 
about us for 2,000 years, we will then thus emerge auspiciously towards 
a future day that is emblazoned with these shimmering golden words; 

“A free people living upon a free land! 

One Folk, One God, One Fatherland!” 


* 1 .) Andrzej Niemojewski: Gott Jesus (God Jesus), Munich, 1910. 

* 2 .) Sven Hedin: Transhimalaja (Trans-Himalaya), Vol. Ill, page 281 and following. 

* 3 .) According to Andt'zej Niemojewski: Gott Jesus (God Jesus), page 39 and pages 169 
and following. Munich, 1910 . 

* 4 .) Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors), page 
188 . 

* 5 .) Andrzej Niemojewski: Gott Jesus, page 170. 

*6.) Paul Koch: Die A rise hen Grundlagen der Bibel (The Aryan Basis of the Bible), 
Berlin, 1914 . 

* 7 .) Rudolf Seydel: Das Evangelium Jesu an Seinem Verbaltnis zur Buddhasage und 
Buddhalehre (The Gospel of Jesus as Related to the Legends and Teachings of the 
Buddha), Leipzig, 1882. And Die Buddha-Legende und das Leben Jesu nach den 
Evangelien (The Buddha Legend and the Life of Jesus according to the Gospels), 
Weimar, 1897. 

*8.) Gustaaf Adolf van den Betgh van Eysinga: Indische Einflusse auf Evangelische 
Erzdhlungen (Indian Influences on the Evangelical Narratives), Gottingen, 1909. 

* 9 .) The 108 large volumes of the teachings of the Buddha that were written in the 
Tibetan language contain the entire ideology andfoundations of Christianity. 

* 10 .) See Theodor Fritsch: Der Falsche Gott (The False God), Leipzig. 1916. 

* 11 .) See Heinrich Schliemann's Troja (Troy), pages 133 - 137, 1875, andIlios, pages 
389-397, 1880, and Tnyns. pages 110 - 112, 1885. 

* 12 .) According to Friedrich Dollinger, Baldurund Bibel. Nurnbetg, 1920 . 

* 13 .) Dr. Georg Biedenkapp: Der Nordpol Als Volkerheimat (The North Pole as the 
Homeland of Our Folk), Jena, 1906. 

* 14 .) Dr. Kaspar Stuhl: Nordlands Unte/gang (The Downfall of the Northern Lands), 
Perlebetg, 1921. 

* 15 .) Arthur Drews: Die Christusmythe (The Christ Myth), page 21. Jena, 1910. 

* 16 .) Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors), page 

* 17.) Ernst Betha, page 321. 

* 18 .) As is shared with us in Ernst Betha's Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen, page 97. 

* 19 .) See Dr. Johann Sepp: Die Religion der Alten Deutschen (The Religion of the 
Ancient Germans), Munich, 1890. And Erich Jung: Germanische Got ter und Helden 


(Germanic Gods and Hemes), Munich, 1922 . 

*20.) Sophus Bugge: Studier over de Nordiske Gude- og Heltesagns Oprindelse 
(Studies on the Origin of Nordic Mythological and Heivic Tales), Kristiania, Norway, 
ISS9 . 

*21.) Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors), page 

*22.) Sophus Bugge: Ober Balders Tod (On Baldur's Death), pages 46-51. 

*23.) Compare this with Genesis 3:15, the serpent biting Adam's heel 

*24.) Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae: Nordiske Oldsager (Ancient Nordic Sagas), 

Copenhagen, 1859. 

*25.) Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen, page 217, setbetgi banda rammo. 

*26.) Jon A mason: Islandische Volkssagen (Icelandic Folktales), 1889. 

*27.) A 200-Year Prophecy about the World Wan Made in 1717 from the Manuscript of 
a Tyrolean Monk at the Waldrast Monastety. Found in 1821 by the Purtscheller 
Peasants at Stubaitale. 

*28.) Translator: A prophecy of a monk from the Lehnin Abbey in Brandenbwg, written 
in either the 13 th or I4 ,h Centwy, 

*29.) See also Friedrich Zurbonsen: Die Sage von der Schlachf der Zukunft am 
Birkenbaum (The Saga of the Future Battle at the Birch Tree), Koln, 1897. 

*30.) It is likely that the name Hesselberg (in Middle Franconia) means Mountain of 
Hesus / Esus. Our forefathers would often dedicate their sacred mountains to their 
great ancestors in this way, 

*31.) See Dr, Alfred Falb: Luther und Marcion Gegen das Alte Testament (Luther and 
Marcion Against the Old Testament), Leipzig, 1923. 

*32.) K. v. Widdumhoff: Die Entdeckten Schwarzen Henker Deutschlands (The 
Discover) 1 of the Black Executioner of Germany), Weiflenbwg, 1924. 

*33.) According to Ernst Betha in Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen. 

*34.) An impressive description of these sad circumstances is laid out by Wigalois 
(a.ka. E.A. Muller) in Der Tempel zu Rethra und Seine Zeit (The Temple of Rethra and 
Its Time), Berlin, 1904. 


Chapter 35. 

From the Prehistoric Aryan-Atlantean Christianity to 
the Atlantean Papacy, to Polytheism, Idolatry and 

The thoughts of men are not blind to hazard: they swell, as 
Schiller so aptly says in Wallenstein, from his microcosm, from his 
inner being; they are a part of his nature and the result of the functions 
of his brain. For the German, the spirit and mind are both vessels of a 
deeply and innately religious nature. For those who are unlike the 
German, religion will always remain merely an external facet of life, an 
encumbrance to be carried about as a weighty addition to life. This is 
the opposite from the Aryans, and from Christ himself, for whom 
religion is life itself. Morality and religion are thus less the result of 
educational experience and more the result of racial composition and of 
the physical formation of the brain itself. The Creator himself has 
designed and determined the direction that his people shall travel, 
depending upon their racial form, towards either eternal life or utter 
damnation. The Augustinian doctrine of predestination is therefore 
based upon a quite scientific foundation. The lower-bred man, despite 
all of his new-found education and despite all of his ecclesiasticism, is 
never a deeply religious man; on the other hand, the nobly bred Aryan 
man has attained the highest level of the human race and is intrinsically 
a profoundly moral and religious being, even without any special 
education. These are historically and anthropologically proven and 
fundamental principles that are no longer possible to deny. 


From the many historical evidences for this, we will cite just a 
few examples. The Catholic bishop Salvian of Marseille, writing about 
the heathen Goths and Vandals in 430 AD, said the following: “there is 
no virtue in which we Romans surpass the Vandals. We despise them as 
heretics and yet they surpass us in their fear of God. God has brought us 
to the Vandals to chastise the wicked with these peoples of the purest 
morals. Wherever the Goths rule, there are no lewd peoples, except for 
the Romans; but wherever the Vandals prevail, the Romans themselves 
have become chaste” *1.). The priest Herbordus, who accompanied 
Bishop Otto of Bamberg on his missionary journeys, wrote the 
following about the “heathen” Pomeranians in his 1100 AD book Life 
of Bishop Otto of Bamberg : “so great is the sense of loyalty and 
brotherhood among them that theft and fraud is unknown and they do 
not lock their coffers.” Of the citizens of the city of Vineta at Usedom, 
he says: “incidentally, as far as manners and hospitality goes, one will 
find no other people as honorable and kind-hearted as these. (Vol. II, 
Chapter 19). 

Race and religion are thus inseparable. People are bom with the 
religion of their race. The higher the race of a people, the more spiritual 
and the more Christian their religion will be, and vice versa. The 
religious beliefs of a folk are the mirror-image of their being and their 

So it is then that the Catholicism of the French and the Italians 
is different from that of the Germans. Theirs is an ecclesiasticism that 
excessively focuses on outward appearances and paganistic rituals, 
while the German version is solely concerned with an inward 
spirituality and the primacy of the Will. And again, the Catholicism and 
Protestantism of those from southern Germany are different from those 


in northern Germany. Here, we experience a freer and more modem 
conception of religion, while there they exhibit a more orthodox 

It is no accident then that the southern areas of Germany have 
remained more Catholic, since the Reformation originated in the north 
and continues to make itself felt in a current wave; additionally, the 
southern parts of Germany are more racially mixed than those in the 
north. Only the racial purity of the northern Germans can account for 
their resistance to the thirty years of the forced introduction of 
Catholicism from Charlemagne, the butcher of the Saxons. Their 
rejection of the papal church has indeed stemmed from this racial purity 
that recognized that Catholicism did not act in accordance with the laws 
of nature. 

And just as Catholicism had gained a foothold in Germany, its 
adherents strove to separate themselves from Rome. In religious 
matters, freer and purer thoughts are still the primary characteristic of 
the Aryan peoples, even up to the present day. Christ, Zoroaster, 
Savonarola, Thomas a Kempis, Johannes Tauler, Jan Hus, Albertus van 
Hutten, Jerome, Calvin, Zwingli, Luther, Goethe, Schiller, Hamack, 
Jatho, Andersen and etc, are only conceivable as Aryan men; these 
individuals would be impossible to have been manifested as mischlinge 
or lower-bred men. The nature of the Mongolians and the Negro 
corresponds to an abominable fetishism and animism; Middle Eastern 
Mohammedanism corresponds to Catholicism; Germanic Aryanism 
corresponds to Aryan Christianity. 

And consider this curiosity: the farther back in Aryan history 
that we go, and the closer towards a purer and unmixed appearance of 
their race, the closer we get to a peoples who have a freer, purer and 


more Christian view of God and religion; Hus, the more one is entitled 
to speak of an Aryan “Christianity before Christ”, and to speak of an 
Aryan-Christianity that was at one time a world-wide faith of antiquity. 

Various monumental literary works of the ancient civilizations 
contain the religious beliefs of this pure Aryan Christian race during 
their Golden Age. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, which was written 
about 3,000 BC, was obviously developed out of the remnants of Aryan 
literature. The god of wisdom Thoth (meaning “Teut” / Teuton and thus 
meaning that he was an Irmin and an Asen) is said to have himself 
written this epic work which relates to us a wonderful Christian spirit of 
the love for truth, justice and mercy. Chapter 125 of the Book of the 
Dead contains decrees prohibiting murder, theft, lying, usury, and 
improper breeding practices. It is not difficult then to see that the details 
of Moses’ “Ten Commandments” have been stolen from the Book of the 
Dead itself. It also goes on to prohibit the vices of pride, arrogance, 
hypocrisy, greed, anger and revenge; it also teaches that one must feed 
the hungry, give drink to those who thirst, to clothe the naked, and to 
show the way for those who are lost. Heinrich Brugsch says of Chapter 
125: “I know of no sentence in these confessions that would not have 
the fullest authority or would not take a worthy place in the religious 
ethics of our modem and advanced times” *2.). In the 17 lh chapter of the 
Prisse Papyrus (written about 3,400 years BC), God is described to us in 
the following manner: “I am the Hidden, who has made the sky and has 
created all creatures, I am the great God, who is complete in itself, I am 
the Law and all beings and nature itself, I am that which I am.” The 
primary teachings of this papyrus are: “honor your father and mother, so 
that it may be well with you and so that you may live long upon the 
earth!” These are entirely Christian teachings as can also be found in 


the texts of Zoroaster, Buddha and Confucius. 

The common principle of God is always expressed as “the 
Nameless One”, or “the Eternal”. The Edda calls him the “mighty from 
above”. Thus we can see that the doctrine of One God (Monotheism) is 
not an invention of Judeo-Christianity, but is instead a mental and 
spiritual product of Aryan culture that had existed for millennia before 

These Aryans were imbued with the feeling and awareness that 
an eternal and ineffable power directed everything that happened in the 
world and that it acted within all creatures and that it watched over 
creation with a fatherly care. This creative force is “God”, according to 
Jesus (Sirach 43), the “All-Father”, according to the Aryan-Germanic 
worldview, and the “Heavenly Father” according to the teachings of 
Christ. This primal, monistic-pantheistic conception of religion was not 
contrary to science, but was in fact in accordance with it. They did not 
separate faith and knowledge, but instead reconciled both, as with 
Goethe, by solemnly venerating the inexpressible. It tolerated individual 
belief, required no outward worship rituals, and needed no mediator 
between God and man, thus the concept of a priestly hierarchy was 
alien to them and did not exist with them. Everyone was his own priest, 
like Christ, and was alone responsible for his own actions before the 
eyes of God. 

Their • religion was merely a devotion to the invisible and 
mysterious power of creation. 

Thus there are no idols to be found among the Aryans in their 
worship of God. The words of the Bible, “thou shalt not make unto thee 
any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, 
or that is in the earth beneath, or that is under the earth” (Exodus 20:4), 


are thus the laws of the ancient Aryans. Consequently, from the reports 
of the Egyptian priests at Sais, there were no idolatrous images of God 
in the first Asen temples of Atlantis. There were no bloody sacrifices to 
be made and there was no priestly hierarchy to be found. According to 
ancient Aryan custom, an Asen could only sacrifice himself. This 
sacrifice was the Agape feast which was in remembrance of the highest 
of the Asen. In the middle of the circle of the twelve thrones of the 
Aesir, one stood, always to be unoccupied, as a holy dedication to the 
“Eternal” and the “Unnameable” and to express the invisible God of 

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, anthropological 
facts drawn from the history of the religion of Atlantis tell us that 
polytheism, idolatry and paganism itself all developed out of Aryan- 
Atlantean Christianity. With the eradication of Aryanism by Loki and 
his allies, the lower-bred races became dominant, and were thus left to 
their own devices to further develop their own religion. This was thus 
done in accordance with their own primal and debased nature. 

The fundamental traits of these lower-bred races are fear of 
the natural forces and spirits, and cowardice and servility. These 
characteristics are reminiscent of their animal ancestry. With this must 
also be added their inherent stupidity. Once the soil of Atlantis had been 
won, the unscrupulous priesthood was then able to create an immense 
theocracy with an abundance of power that was able to take advantage 
of these creatures' many fears and superstitions. 

Following the expulsion of the Aryans from Atlantis, the 
priestly hierarchy there initiated a ghastly reign of terror that 
progressively gave rise to a greater and greater longing among the 
populace for the return of the benevolent rule of the Asen. 


This cunning and calculating priesthood of Atlantis placed 
themselves, contrary to the spiritual sense of the deceived masses, as 
equals to the Asen gods and then demanded that they be worshiped as 
well as divine entities. The oldest, most important, and most well- 
remembered gods of ancient civilizations are nothing more than the 
kings and princes of Atlantis and Germania. This is particularly evident 
in the gods of Egypt, Phoenicia, and Greece. Even the great thinker, 
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), remarked this about Greek mythology: 
“since the earliest Greek writers certainly did not want to spend their 
time inventing on their own, the mythology of the Greeks is in fact 
nothing more than a gentle breeze that had blown to them from a much 
older peoples; the singing of the ancient songs of these ancient ones 
awoke in them their own poetic needs.” 

In fact, the entirety of Greek mythology is nothing more than an 
absurd recollection from a still barbarous peoples of the world-famous 
kings and princes of the much higher more cultivated Aryan-Atlantean 
nation; indeed these Greek myths are in fact nothing more than 
misappropriated memories from the still uncultivated Greeks who had 
at one time entered into sea-borne trade relations with the high Asen 
back in the grey old depths of time. The Atlantean state and its royal 
histories are in fact broadly represented to some extent in all of the 
Greek mythologies and in the heroic legends of Homer's Iliad and 
Odyssey *3.). One will also find that the Olympus of the Greek gods is 
nothing more than a recollection of the Asenburg on the “island of the 
blessed”. It is even possible that the entire mythos of the Germanic gods 
will prove to be simply the darkened memories of our Atlantean history. 
And the much-praised god of the supposedly Jewish Book of Psalms 
who is on his “glorious holy mountain”, “between the seas”, and “in the 


many isles of the heathens” has been revealed by more sober 
researchers as one of the Asen kings of the “holy land” of Atlantis, 
whose deeds our ancestors justly boasted millennia ago: “all of the land 
is full of his glory...” *4.). Thus Luther's term “lord” was always 
erroneously translated as “god”. 

So it is that a critical approach to history shows us that all of 
these supposed “gods” are merely men, specifically those men who 
bore the princely staff and crown on Atlantis and ancient Germania. 

Since the priesthood announced themselves as the mediator 
between the gods and men, and since they taught the faithful that the 
benevolence of the gods could supposedly be bought by gifts and 
sacrifices, these priests defrauded the pious into giving them great 

So it was that religion became a means to an end; for the 
priesthood it became a lucrative business and the basis for an enormous 
power *5.). 

And this profitable business of religion has gone through very 
few changes to our present day. That is why the priesthood has 
cunningly populated the heavens with more and more gods and saints 
throughout history. The more gods and the more temples that they 
produced, the greater their business and the greater the opportunities for 
the children of these clergy. So it was that the priesthood shrewdly 
invented stories of protective gods and patron saints and created 
reliquaries, relics of junk, to be revered by their pious followers. 

The next goal of the well-organized Atlantean priesthood was to 
create a growing fear in the low-bred masses of animals, unexplained 
phenomena and evil spirits or demons; this made their followers 
superstitious and subservient and thus easily pliable to their demands. 


They created gods with animal forms and with horrible grimaces that 
excited the ignorant with horror and fear. The temples of the Atlantean 
colonies of Central America, Egypt, China, India and Babylonia were 
full of such images. Thus religion fell into the service of animals 
through the worship and the canonizing of them. Ezekiel 8:10 describes 
the worship of animals in the Atlantean temples and various chapters in 
the Book of Psalms, most likely of Atlantean origin, lament this 
insidious idolatry. Necromancy, exorcisms and the creation of ghost 
cults procured additional revenue for these priests. 

The worship of the external object corresponded to the 
teachings of this newly established priesthood. They made their 
followers to believe that their souls went into an animal carcass upon 
death and was then made to embark upon a long journey; only the 
prayers, penances and sacrifices of these followers could shorten the 
journey of the soul of the deceased. To protect against evil spirits, they 
advised them to wear magical amulets. These clever priests invented the 
doctrines of purgatory and of the soul living in an underground realm of 
fire, as well as the dogmas of hell, death and the devil; from the 
torments of the damned to bum with eternal fire to the methods to 
release the soul of the departed from hell through prayers and sacrifices, 
these were all created in order to manipulate their followers. The 
Catholic Church thus adopted the doctrines of the Atlantean priest-state 
from the religious teachings of the Indians and the Parsi. For the 
Catholic Church, the soul of the damned will bum forever, yet the 
original Parsi founders of Zoroastrianism were content with it burning 
for only a few days, thus showing that they were somewhat more 
humane in mind and spirit. 

To ensure that their revenue flowed richly, the priests invented 


the doctrines of confession, forgiveness and absolution. They also 
created the sacramental meal in which one partook of the flesh and 
blood of God, as mentioned in Chapter 33. During the conquests of 
Mexico and Peru, the Jesuits found that these doctrines and rituals were 
already firmly established, much to their great astonishment. If these 
same morals were then also found in other Atlantean colonial states, we 
can therefore accept this as proof that they were dealing with the 
inventions and institutions that were handed down to them by the 
money-hungry and power-hungry Atlantean priesthood. If we thus 
compare the religions of the ancient civilized nations, we find many 
remarkable similarities with the Atlantean priest-state, which shows its 
wide reach across the world through its colonies. 

This religion would naturally always remain superficial. The 
success of their followers' prayers eventually depended upon their 
quantity, of how many times they were given. Thus finally arrived the 
establishment of prayer machines and of rosaries. The essence of their 
religion was sought through the outward and the external, through that 
which could be visibly witnessed by the priesthood. Through the 
mortification of the flesh, flagellation, self-denial, self-destruction, 
suicide, escapism, celibacy and other religious misconceptions they 
sought to reconcile themselves through confused and anti-natural means 
with their wrathful deity. 

This then led to the emergence of monasticism in both ancient 
Egypt and India. Those who were the most single-mindedly self¬ 
destructive or self-denying were elevated as saints and eventually had 
their skeletons worshiped as holy relics. 

Zoroastriansim and the Indian religions also adopted the 
doctrines of the resurrection of the dead and the restoration of life. 


As a result of these beliefs, the idolatry of these religions often 
degenerated horribly and gruesomely. Human sacrifices became more 
numerous. In Central America, entire masses of peoples were 
deplorably murdered in religious sacrificial festivals *6.); in Mexico 
alone, approximately 20,000 - 25,000 victims were sacrificed annually; 
at one time, more than 60,000 people were bloodily sacrificed at the 
dedication of one of their great temples. 

The priests carried out these terrible human massacres by using 
a stone knife to carve their victims. They used the sacrificial blood of 
these victims to sprinkle on their altars and on the doorposts and 
entryways of their temples as an announcement of these rituals. This 
practice was further found in the post-Atlantean Indian tribes of 
America and in the Indians of Peru where they practiced the strange 
custom of bleeding children by cruel tortures and by then using this 
blood to prepare their showbread. Most notable is the fact that these 
beasts in priestly garb required children from “respected” families that 
were “without blemish” to be their poor sacrificial victims. Why is this? 
It was because through these diabolically malicious and wicked 
methods, the priesthood hoped to gradually destroy the last remaining 
traces of the pure Aryan blood from Atlantis and the Atlantean colonies; 
this would also make it easier to rule over the remaining low-bred and 
brainless masses. 

After the overthrow of the Aryans, the hideous and outrageous 
human sacrifices of the Atlantean priest-state became an inherent facet 
of the Atlantean colonies; the descendants of these priests have been 
discovered, after many recent sensational courtroom proceedings *7.), to 
be the Atlantean-American gypsy people of the Hebrews. For the sake 
of space considerations, we will make only a few brief remarks on this. 


Numerous biblical passages have shown that the Hebrews have 
sacrificed their own people, both before their immigration to Egypt and 
during their time there, in rituals that served their own twisted purposes. 

According to the secret language of the Bible and according to 
the Zohar itself, the primary book of the Jewish Kabbalah means 
“sacrificial lamb man”. 

The Jews have sacrificed countless numbers of these Egyptian 
children who were “without blemish” and have used this “blood of the 
covenant” to paint the doorposts of their homes and to devour in their 
unleavened matzah breads. Moses himself had also sprinkled his people 
with this “blood of the covenant” just as the Atlantean priests had. 
They still to this day use the blood of their males that is collected during 
their rituals of circumcision. They also believe that the consumption of 
the sacrificial blood of the non-Hebrew will purify and strengthen their 
own Jewish blood. Through techniques of hypnosis and suggestion they 
also have learned to gain the upper hand over their enemies and over 
those who distrust the Hebrews; these hypnoses foment plagues of 
hatred for the enemies of the Hebrews and awaken feelings of love and 
affection for those nations that are the most populated by Hebrews. In 
addition to numerous biblical passages, this has also been proven to us 
by many unassailable courtroom judgments *7.). In fact, most of the 
German people today are acting under the hypnosis of Judaism. 

Also, the Hebrews in Canaan sacrificed many people for their 
purposes in the temples; this is why Jesus called it a “den of 
murderers”. The Hebrews preferred to sacrifice Aryan children, and in 
particular those children of the Greeks, Goths and Ango-Saxons; they 
often would only be murdered after subjecting them to several days of 
torture, because according to their belief system only the blood of the 


martyred had any ritualistic value. 

Numerous court rulings *7.) have also shown that the terrible 
blood-sacrifices of the Jews have continued up unto our present day. 
The disappearance year after year of countless blond and blue-eyed 
German children, both boys and girls, the best of our Aryan offspring, is 
undoubtedly due to this continued gruesome Jewish-Atlantean practice 
of human sacrifice. In 1921 alone, the press has reported that in fact 250 
German children have gone “missing”. The actual figure is likely to be 
three or four times that amount. 

Our authorities should familiarize themselves with the black- 
market circles through which our innocent German girls are traded 
into brothels and the shechita slaughterhouse circles through which 
hundreds of children of Germanic blood are annually trafficked to be 
horribly tortured and cold-heartedly butchered! Or can it be that these 
criminals with their massive wealth and powers of suggestion in politics 
and the media are untouchable? Recently *8.), in Wongrowitz, Posen, a 
Jew named Josef Engel was found guilty of anesthetizing and siphoning 
off the blood of his 21-year old housemaid Katherine Wenzel in an 
attempt to enact such a blood-murder ritual upon her. The poor young 
maiden died and this abhorrent criminal was released to his safety after 
paying a penalty of 1 million Marks!! 

For the arrest of the assassins of the Jewish Foreign Minister 
Walther Rathenau, the German government offered up a prize of 2 
million Marks. And to find them, they commandeered the services of a 
whole regiment of police officers and bloodhounds. But what has been 
done to find the murderers of these many thousands of so-called 
“disappeared” German children who have undoubtedly fallen victim to 
these bloodthirsty Indian-Jews? Are our children fair game for their 


sport? Why has our government not offered up prizes of millions of 
Marks to find these butchers and mass murderers? 

A scientific comparison of religious history has recently led us 
to make the following conclusions: among the Indians of Central 
America and among the Hebrews, numerous bloody and gruesome 
pagan customs and rituals have been found that originally spread to the 
Atlantean colonies from the religion of the Atlantean papacy. Both these 
Indians and Hebrews practiced the ritual of circumcision in which 
human blood is used for healing purposes. Both practiced grisly human 
sacrifices and both showed a preference for children in their sacrifices. 
Human blood was consumed by both of them for the purposes of 
atonement, expiation and healing. In both, the members of their tribes 
and families were sprinkled or baptized with the blood of their 
murdered victims as well as the posts of their temple gates and altars. 
The blood of these innocent and lamentable human sacrifices was 
drawn out under cruel tortures and was baked into their breads in both 
of these cults. And likewise, in both, the innocent, this “sacrificial 
lamb” was required to be “without blemish” and had to be a member of 
a higher race. And ultimately as was often the case, the sacrificial 
victim was also eaten. Several of these abominable customs are also 
found in a number of the former Atlantean colonies of western Africa, 
and in particular that of cannibalism! Can there be any possible doubt 
that the religion of the Hebrews is in fact merely a continuation of that 
of the bloody Atlantean priesthood? How can this so-called “religion” 
still enjoy the legal protection of the state? Following these scientific 
findings, how can this bloodthirsty cult still claim to be the basis of 
Christianity in Germany? What will our German clergymen say to this? 
As it now stands, they cannot simply remain silent on this, lest the 


stones speak for them. They have no choice but to eliminate all traces of 
Judaism from the church once and for all. 

The great superstition that a people could absolve themselves 
through the consumption of the blood of the sacrificed or through the 
sacrificial death of a noble man (a king or a god), is found in all of the 
post-Atlantean religions, and indeed even in the cult of Mithra upon 
which the Roman Catholic Church is based. This superstition has 
become the church dogma of atonement; they have considered the 
consumption of the body and the blood to be a necessity for the 
absolution of sins. These grotesque ancient Atlantean-Indian-Hebrew 
concepts have thus inserted themselves into our supposedly moral and 
upstanding modem belief systems. 

These customs have formed the basis for the vile worship 
services of the cults of Moloch and Melqart in Phoenicia and Carthage. 
In these cults, the most gifted of their children and the best of their 
families were thrown into the statue of their deity that was burning with 
fire so that they would be roasted alive and thus sacrificed “to the glory 
of God.” In this way, this criminal brotherhood of priests attempted to 
exterminate the remnants of the Aryan population so that their 
fraudulent schemes would not be discovered. This was also the 
reasoning behind the atrocities committed by the Roman papacy during 
the Inquisition. The gruesome worship services of the goddess Mylitta 
and Astarte also ultimately served this same purpose. This led to a 
boundless immorality and brutishness through miscegenation which 
thus created a populace that was too weak-willed to resist the tyranny of 
the priesthood. 

The increasing power of these priests made their riches swell to 
greater and greater amounts. The results of this can be found in the 


many ornate and ostentatious temples (as with the Catholic Church) of 
the world that are decorated and overloaded with gold and silver. It also 
resulted in the lavish and wasteful usage of incense, in pompous 
processions (in the religious processions of Babylon, the statue of Thor 
is carried, cf. Psalms 68:25-27), in greatly increased numbers of 
pilgrimages *9.), in special tonsure hairstyles (Ezekiel 44:20) and in 
priceless priestly garments that were made to be bursting with gold and 
were to be found everywhere across the civilized nations of the 
Atlanteans (Ezekiel chapter 44). All throughout the Mesoamerican 
priest-states and in the countries of the Atlantean civilization, the 3- 
staged tiara, itself a representation of the 3-staged holy mountains (see 
Figs. 27-29) and the trident of Poseidon, was worn on the heads of the 
priests; this proves the existence of the ancient Atlantean theocracy and 
its relationship with the ancient civilized world. 

With the increasing bastardization and racial mixing and the 
associated deterioration of these peoples, the Atlantean high priest could 
easily risk the further expansion of his powers and that of his theocracy: 
he brazenly sat upon the throne of the All-Father and called himself 
Father / Papas / Pope and announced himself as a representative of God, 
or likely even as God himself, to be worshiped as divine (Revelation 
19:4-17, and Revelation chapters 14 and 15). All of his citizenry bowed 
before him in abject subservience, as was also true with Moses. In his 
hand were united both the secular and spiritual powers of the land. The 
name for the high priests of the pagan Mexican civilization until the 
time of the Spanish conquests (around 1500 AD) was Papas (Pope). It is 
therefore also not surprising that the Jesuits there found to their 
astonishment the existence of many traditions of the Catholic Church 
already firmly in place in the pagan temples there, such as the use of 


incense, holy water, the crucifix, aspergillum, as well as the practices of 
baptism, confessions, absolution, fasting and the partaking of a sacred 
meal *10.). There were only two small differences between the church of 
these Jesuits and that of this ancient Atlantean theocracy. According to 
the monks that had followed Cortes on his conquering invasion, these 
temples only needed to be cleansed of its blood and idols and then have 
them be consecrated and provided with the images of Mary and the 
saints in order for their Christianization to be complete *10.). 

A number of the theocracies of the ancient world were also 
probably formed upon the model of this Atlantean priest-state: those of 
Sumeria, Meru, India, Tibet, Judah and the priest-kings of the Hittites 
are all likely based upon this. The documents found during the 
conquests of these American priest-states were undoubtedly replicas of 
those from the ancient Atlantean theocracy. Thus the ruler of the 
Chibcha Empire of Columbia was also a priest-king. Even under the 
Sumerians there were priest-kings known as God-Father or Patest. 
Among the Zapotec peoples, it was customary for the king to only 
appear in rough garments and with his eyes downcast when in the 
presence of the high priest there *ll.), just as the Holy Roman Emperor 
Henry IV when he appeared before the Pope at Canossa. In Egypt and 
elsewhere, the king was merely a tool of the pope. 

Similar dreams of power have always pursued the Roman 
Catholic popes: this is because their religious ideas followed those of 
the Atlantean theocracy that demanded that the whole world would be 
subject to the will of the pope and that no power could equal his 
because he represented the kingdom of God on Earth. When Emperor 
Henry IV and the Hohenstaufen fought against the papacy, they also 
fought against the accumulated powers of the mummified Atlantean 


priest-state and robber-state and all of their deceitful ideas. 

In order for this Atlantean “nation of God on Earth” to carry out 
its plans for the domination of the world, Loki and his papal allies 
needed to deceive the masses by flattering them with the false 
democratic ideas of the “equality” of all peoples, and of “freedom” for 
all. To thus whip up the ideas of revolution against Aryan rule and the 
extermination of the Aias amongst the lower-bred masses, the Atlantean 
papacy sowed the seeds of Communism among them. The two main 
representatives of this Communistic Atlantean papacy in modem times 
are Rome and Jerusalem. The special agents of Communism are the 
Jesuits and their ultimate goal is to win over the great masses to the 
concept of a global papal empire. Their hideous plans were unveiled by 
the Italian Minister Vincenzo Gioberti, himself a former Jesuit *11.). In 
the Communist insurrection in Bavaria of 1918-19, there was more 
than just the Jesuit spirit behind the activities of Toller and Landauer 
*12.); the Bavarian government knows well enough that there were 
not only Jewish financiers behind that uprising, but clerical and 
ultramontane financiers and agitators as well. The Atlantean idea of a 
priest-state is an idea that inevitably strives for world domination; it 
invariably leads to globalism and internationalism and is completely at 
odds with any national or racial cohesion. To this end, this Atlantean 
papacy has always been, and always will be, the sworn enemy of the 
nation-state, and in particular, the strong nation-states of the Aryan 

Since this parasite can only thrive in racial chaos, his natural 
enemy and the one who is most dangerous to his survival is the 
spiritually and morally upright man of the Aryan race. That is why he 
must attempt to destroy the Aryan at any cost, and why he attempts to 


prevent the purity of Aryan culture and to promote miscegenation at 
every opportunity. This is also why he preaches the scientifically 
untenable doctrine of “equality” for all who bear a human face and why 
he promotes marriage between Germans and Negroes and other mixed- 
race rabble. Anywhere that he exists in Europe, the parasite puts his 
preference for the lower races so that the Aryan race will be diminished 
and thus ensures that the language and culture of the Germans will 
perish when surrounded by these lower-bred races. Consequently, it 
comes as no surprise that Rome permitted Germans to marry with 
Negroes and other “beasts” at the Third Council of Trent. Towards this 
same goal, the Jews and Jesuits who dominate Rome and Judea have 
allowed the Rhine basin to be occupied by migrating hordes of 
animalistic black peoples. Their aim is to thus create a mob of lifeless, 
degenerate mestizos to replace the strong and vital Aryan stock of the 
German population, thereby forming a weak mixed race that will 
willingly subjugate itself to this Atlantean priest-state. Thus it has been 
planned out well in advance that the German people should be brought 
to a state of complete degeneration, just as has happened long ago to the 
Romans and the French. “The safest way for them to bring great masses 
of dark blood into the Nordic nations is under the authority of the 
church (the Atlantean papacy)” *13.). These terrible crimes against our 
German folk will never be atoned for by prayers alone! 

Even outwardly, Rome shows its preference for the lower-bred 
races by the fact that its favored color is the color red, the color of 
the internationalist Atlantean theocracy, and of Jewry, Communism, 
Freemasonry and globalization *14.). 

The Atlantean papacy thus resembles an immense, terrifying 
and bloodthirsty octopus that wraps its tentacles around the nations of 


the world and sucks the lifeblood of its peoples out with its horrific 
suction cups. Every nation that lies within the reach of these deadly 
tentacles is destroyed by them. As the history of clericalism and 
Judaism has shown us, this will always prove to be to the misfortune of 
the Aryan peoples. 

Over time, the Atlantean papacy has established an effective 
stranglehold on those men of the Aryan bloodline who would choose to 
rebel against this rape of the mind. Those who would stand up and act 
as a savior of their peoples and dare to speak the truth to expose these 
hideous lies that have plunged their comrades into darkness would all 
surely pay with their lives. Thus Goethe's words have been fulfilled 
countless times over the history of our folk: 

“The few who some of these things have known, 

Who their full hearts have unguardedly reveal'd. 

Nor thoughts, nor feelings from the mob conceal'd, 

Have died on the cross, or in flames have been thrown.” 

Faust, I. 

On the conscience of this Atlantean papacy lies the blood of 
endless numbers of Aryan victims. Thus it is so: their history has been 
written in blood and in fire. 

Because Jesus dared to raise the Aryan spirit against the rape of 
his peoples, and because his work would bring about the downfall of 
this Atlantean paganism, he was condemned to die. Some of the 
countless other victims of this priest-state and its ideology have been: 
Girolamo Savonarola, Giordano Bruno, Jan Hus, Hieronymus (St. 
Jerome), the Waldensians and the Albigensians, the Huguenots in 


France and the Protestants in Austria, among many, many others. More 
than a million of the best Germans were taken to their deaths by the 
papal witch hunts and heretic courts. Millions of lives were thus 
destroyed for the alleged "greater glory of God”, which in reality was 
only a cynical attempt to preserve the powers of this Atlantean papacy. 
The former Jesuit, Paul Graf von Hoensbroech, comes to the following 
conclusion at the end of his book: “it is an indisputable fact: the Popes 
have for centuries been at the forefront of a systematic reign of murder 
and torture that has taken more lives and caused more cultural and 
social devastation than any war or disease in history, and all “in the 
name of God” and “in the name of Christ!” *15.) 

All of the steps of the Roman papacy and of world Jewry (and 
their secret priest-kings) to expand and consolidate their powers are 
simply the continuation of the efforts of their high-priest Loki on 
Atlantis to eradicate the Aryan race. This in itself, however, precludes 
the world domination of the papacy since it is said that “the Saviour 
will arise” form the Aryan peoples and that the rescuer of the Aryan 
world will emerge from the abominable “beast” of Atlantean paganism. 

Since the final trace of Aryanism is ultimately rooted in the 
Germanic races, and especially in the German peoples, so it is that the 
Roman papacy has single-mindedly strove, since its emergence from 
Zoroastrianism, Judaism and the cult of Isis, to harm and destroy 
Germans across the Earth wherever it could. 

The extermination of the Goths and the Vandals, some of the 
most gifted people in the world, has been the diabolical work of 
Atlantean Rome and their allies. One can read much more on this in the 
books of Felix Dahn, including his Geschichte der Goten (History of 
the Goths). 


Just as Rome incited the Germanic tribes against each other, so 
too have the Catholic Franks been manipulated to fight against the 
Aryan Lombards and Goths and the Alemanni, Bavarians and the 
Thuringians set against the faithful Odinists of Saxony. The Germans 
have thus been tricked into annihilating each other through such 
religious wars. This continues in our current day through party and 
denominational battles and bloody civil wars. 

Charlemagne and Boniface were the two most notorious and 
willing tools of Rome in their battles against the Germanic peoples. 
They called upon the Slavic Sorbian and Wend settlers to mix with the 
Germans so as to poison the German blood through miscegenation. At 
the same time, according to Einhard, his biographer, Charlemagne 
devastated Northern Germany in the Thirty-Years' War to the point that 
the Saxons, Germany's best tribe, was nearly exterminated. Germany 
has never since recovered from this grave loss. When the Germans east 
of the Elbe resisted the introduction of Christianity, Rome sent the 
pagan Poles into their lands, bringing fire and murder with them, just 
like in 1921. As the eternal enemy of Rome, the German people have 
thus continually been struck to the bone and tom bloodily apart by the 
tentacles of this Atlantean polyp *16.). 

In the name of imperial law, Charlemagne and Rome adopted 
the “capitularies of Paderbom”, the bloodiest and most disgusting 
document of all times: German culture was eradicated by force, 
Germanic Runic writings were banned as the work of the devil, any 
German literature was crudely destroyed, and the Irminen and Armanen 
schools were ruthlessly burned to the ground. All of those who did not 
flee to the north from the rampaging minions of Charlemagne and 
Rome were slaughtered without a thought. Our gullible so-called 


spiritual leaders have stolen and concealed the glorious past of the 
German peoples from our children and have instead praised Rome as 
the creator of our German culture. And our educators tell us, as the 
savage and barbarian folk that we supposedly are, that the blood- 
drenched Hebrew people are God's “chosen ones” and the salvation of 
our nation. 

The Crusades served only to send the greatest and strongest 
men of the Germanic lands to wither away in the sands of Asia Minor 
and to bleed to death beneath the swords of the Turks. At the same time, 
the emerging German nation was made to economically suffer so that 
the Jewish religion of capitalism could thereby achieve domination. 

Just as many men of German blood were lost to history through 
the unnatural papal edicts of celibacy and monasticism. Millions of our 
best peoples were thereby eliminated from the reproduction process, 
thereby favoring the growth of the crass rabble of the mob. 

The Thirty-Years' War, whose terrible destruction centered 
directly on Germany, was in effect a thirty year bonfire of the German 
people for the Roman Empire. When in 1648 peace was finally declared 
for the miserable and tormented German nation whose population had 
been reduced to a mere 4 million people, “Christian” Rome protested. 

To achieve their goals, Rome has looked for any possible means 
to promote the brainwashing of the German folk. It forbids its followers 
from reading books that could help explain their religion; they even 
discourage the intensive study of the Bible itself. It directs its 
educational system to take their students by the hand and to capture 
their spirits. For these purposes, a law was implemented in the German 
constitution in 1922 with the aid of the Jewish-dominated Socialist 
parties to smash the German elementary school system and to deliver it 


into the hands of Rome and Judea. The Bavarian Concordat was thus 
made to complete this task. 

Upon the re-emergence of the German Empire, a special 
religious-political party was formed in 1870 in order to realize these 
goals: the Zentrumspartei (or “Centre Party”). This party was formed to 
expressly represent the interests of Rome and to trample any aspirations 
that the German people may have. Those who surrender to the Pope are 
thus lost to the German nation and to their own race; they fight only to 
serve the interests of the Atlantean Roman papal state. They are in 
effect hypnotized persons who are involuntarily subservient to the 
whims and commands of their masters. Of course, the vast majority of 
these church members do not know that they are merely serving under a 
figurehead that is secretly led by the Zentrumspartei, and that they are 
in actuality serving the Antichrist. Without knowing it, they are traitors 
to their Fatherland and are profaning all of that which is sacred to 
Germania *17.). 

This Atlantean-Papal-Jewish religion is in its very essence 
fundamentally quite the opposite of the Aryan religion. The religion of 
the Atlantean-Roman priest-state is one of hopeless pessimism; it is a 
religion of death. It is the negation of life, a religion of self-flagellation, 
of fear and of horror. It is a religion of the catacombs and of moldering 
holy tombs. Their followers prepare for death even once it has barely 
begun; they are chained in service to the Atlantean theocracy for the 
entirety of their lives. The Aryan-Christian religion, on the other hand, 
is the religion of the affirmation of life and nature, of joy in living, of 
joy in both deeds and in work; it is a religion of freedom and it is a 
brave defiance of death. We accept life as a gift from the benevolent 
All-Father that is to be wisely guided by the immutable laws of nature. 


Ours is a worship of the bright and holy summits, against the sinister 
death-cults of the Egyptians and Etruscans and against the dark cult of 
the Atlantean priests and churches that fill their crypts with terrifying 

As has been sufficiently confirmed by the sayings of the popes, 
bishops and priests themselves throughout its history, the Roman 
Catholic papacy is merely a continuation of the ideas of the Atlantean 

The church father Augustine taught that the state was 
subordinate to the church and that it had to acquiesce to the will of the 
priesthood in every possible way. Pope Boniface VIII in his infamous 
Bull “Unam Sanctam” declared that he was in effect the Emperor and 
the Master of the world and that “every human creature be subject” to 
him. The Syllabus of Pope Pius IX condemned the development of the 
free state of the modem age and thereby laid down his principles: “it is 
necessary for every creature to be subject to the Roman pontiff for 
salvation.” Pope Innocent III wrote of the church as being the 
government of the entire world. Pope Gregory IX asserted that “the 
Pope has dominion over all things and people in the whole world.” 
Pope Innocent IV wrote that “Christ has, in the papal throne, established 
not only the high priesthood, but also a royal autocracy.” Pope Paul IV 
declared that it was the duty of both kings and emperors to appear 
before him at his feet. The pope is crowned with these words: “receive 
this tiara adorned with three crowns and know that thou art the father of 
princes and kings; the ruler of the earth you... are.” Bishop Korum of 
Trier wrote in his lenten pastoral letter of 1913 that Christ was the 
invisible bridegroom of the church and that the pope was its visible 
consort. Therefore more important that Christ! The Petrus-Blatter 

review, number 50 of August 1912, wrote this of the blessings of the 
pope: “the pope has no equal on this earth... his significance obscures 
the New Testament itself. Through his anointing he is Christ...”, etc. 
And in the December 13, 1912 volume they wrote, “a priest who 
refuses to obey the pope invites as much, or greater, blame as those who 
murdered Christ.” In 1866, the baptized Jew, Pope Pius IX, spoke these 
blasphemous words: “I am the way, the truth and the life. Those who 
are not with me are lost from the way, the truth and the life.” In the 
same year, the French Cardinal Donnet called him “the living 
incarnation of the authority of Christ”. In 1905, the Prince-Bishop of 
Salzburg stated that priests had powers over the heavens because “they 
themselves can exercise the violence of the Creator of the world” and 
that their “enclosure within the holy tabernacle ensures that the 
priesthood will be obeyed (!!)” *18.). But in order for the pope to appear 
as the successor of Peter and the Vicar of Christ, they had to resort to 
falsifications and counterfeiting, much like the Jewish priests have 
done: they lied that Peter was a bishop in Rome, which was never the 
case, and inserted into the Gospel of Matthew this unconscionable 
statement: “you are Peter and on this rock I will build... I will give you 
the key to the Kingdom of Heaven...” 

This small compilation of quotes should suffice; if we wished to 
continue, we could multiply these such statements into the thousands. 
If one adds the exhibition of the Holy Robe of Jesus in Trier (that 
according to biblical accounts was said to have been shared amongst the 
soldiers themselves), the pilgrimages to the various miraculous images 
of the Virgin Mary, the gruesome veneration of the bones of the dead 
“saints”, the cult of Mary and their many other paganistic rituals and 
reliquaries *18.), one must conclude that the following has sufficiently 


been established: 

The Roman papacy is merely the continuation of the Atlantean- 
Jewish theocracy with all of its attendant paganism. 

Let us listen to how more illustrious men have judged this 


Peter of the Waldensians and his disciples denounced the 
Roman Catholic Church as “the Harlot” and the papacy as being “the 
men of sin”, and the “Antichrist”. 

John Wycliffe said, “as for the Pope, I should owe neither to 
follow nor to serve him, because I know him from the scriptures as the 
Antichrist, the son of perdition, the enemy of God, and as the 
abomination of desolation in holy places.” 

Martin Luther remarked that, “I am convinced that the papacy 
is anti-Christian and is the seat of Satan, the Antichrist of the holy 

If one adds to this the fact that the papal church claims the right 
to “exterminate heretics (i.e. dissenters) by the sword”, then we must 
also admit that this Atlantean papacy is, at its core, demonic, malicious, 
low-bred and the embodiment of evil itself, just like the Hebrews. To 
this end, the Catholics of Germany should note that everything that is 
anti-Christian in the Roman Church has been introduced to it by the 
Jewish priests, bishops and popes that have infiltrated its ranks (for 
example. Pope Anacletus, Pope Pius IX, Bishop Kohn, and Bishop 
Netter, among others, were all baptized Jews). Thus the doctrines of the 
“equality of all men”, the sacrament of penance, the Immaculate 
Conception, and the infallibility of the Pope, were all introduced to the 
papacy and Catholicism by popes of the Jewish race. The latter was 
accomplished by the Jewish-blooded Pope Pius IX. So it was that 


Judaism has turned the church into an instrument of the Atlantean- 
Judaic theocracy through falsifications, lies and manipulations. These 
self-despising Jews have turned the church into a tool in their fight 
against the German people and its drive towards Jewish domination of 
the world *19.). And our Gennan clergy are accomplices to this, making 
the German people feel self-conscious beneath the spell of these 
executioners and falsifiers of the Bible!!! With the help of Judeo- 
Christianity and the Jewish Pope Pius IX’s insertion of the infallibility 
doctrine, Jewry has achieved its victory over the Gennanic peoples. 

Thus we see: 

Aryan Christianity and the Aryan spirit are inseparable from the 
Aryan race. 

Aryan Christianity and Germanic thought and spirituality are 
one and the same. 

Aryan Christianity is the expression of being and the 
blossoming of the Aryan race. 

The Atlantean papacy is not only alien to Aryanism, but is also 
its mortal enemy. It is the embodiment and expression of the lowest- 
bred races. 

So it is that we are now able to see that the Gennanic folk and 
those of the Atlantean papacy represent two diametrically opposed 
races, world-views, and forces of nature: the men of God versus the 
humans of the Bible; “God’s holy ones” versus the human animal; the 
Reich of the Aryan Christ versus the Atlantean pagans; the Aryan- 
Christian kingdom of the spirit versus the Judeo-Mammonistic-worldly 
realm of the Atlantean papacy; the ancient Germanic symbol of God 

versus the symbols of the Great Beast of the lower races: the Snake 
and the Dragon. 


*1.) Salvian of Marseille: De Gubernatione Dei, Lib . VII. 

*2.) Heinrich Brugsch: Das Gesetz und die Propheten bei den alien Agyptern (The 
Laws and Prophets of the Ancient Egyptians), 1880. 

*3.) For more on this, see Ignatius Donnelly: Atlantis: the Antediluvian World, pages 
196 - 216, 1882. And A.F.R. Knotel: Atlantis und das Volk der Atlanten (Atlantis and 
the People of Atlantis), Leipzig , 1893. 

*4.) See the hymns to the Atlantean kings in Psalms chapters 2, 9, II, 18, 24, 29, 33, 
45, 46, 48, 65. 68, 72 (!!). 74, 76, 87, 89, 93, 96, 97, 104, 121 and 150. The 
interpolations and changes that were done by these Jewish counterfeiters are not 
difficult to recognize. 

*5.) Jens Jurgens reports on how Moses fraudulently made himself a millionaire and a 
ntler in his Der Biblische Moses als Pulver- Sprengol-, und Dynamitfabrikant (The 
Biblical Moses as Powder, Explosive, and Dyanmite Producer), Niirnberg, 1921. 

*6.) For more on this, see Gronau: Amerika, Vol. I. 

*7.) Gruesome and abundant evidence for this will be found by the reader in the 
following works: 

- Athanasius Fern: Jiidische Moral und Blutmysterien (Jewish Morality 
and Blood Mysteries), Leipzig, 1920: 

— Dr. Carl Mommert (Doctor of Theology and Missionary Apostolicus in 
Jerusalem): Menschenopfer bei den Alten Hebraern (Human Sacrifice 
among the Ancient Hebrews), Leipzig, 1905. 

— Dr. Carl Mommert: Ritual bei den Alten Hebraern (Ritual among the 
Ancient Hebrews), Leipzig, 1905. Also published under the title of Der 
Ritualmord bei den Talmud-Juden (Ritual Murder among the Talmudic 

— Theodor Fritsch: Beweis-Material Gegen Jahwe (Evidence against 
Yahweh), Leipzig, 1912. 

*8.) See Leuchtturm (Lighthouse), number 12, 1922. 

*9.) Herodotus gives the number of participants in one of the pilgrimages to the 
goddess Pascht as 700,000. 

*10.) See Gronau: Amerika, Vol. II, page 101. 

*11.) Vincenzo Gioberti: Die Jesuiten der Neuzeit (The Jesuits of the Modern Age), 
Eger, 1909. 


* 12 .) Translator: Ernst Toller and Gustav Landauer woe two of the primary Jewish 
Communist agitators / anarchists behind the 1918 overthrow of the Bavarian monarchy, 
* 13 .) Otto Hauser: Die Germanen in Europa (The Germans in Europe), Dresden. 

* 14 .) The reader will clearly be shown the essential unity of these organizations in 
Hans Lienhardt's Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke. One can only read the 
evidence provided here with horror and dismay\ 

* 15 .) Paul Graf von Hoensbroech: Das Papsttum in Seiner Sozial-Kulturellen 
Wirksamkeit (The Papacy in its Soclo-Cultural Effectiveness), Leipzig, 1904. 

* 16 .) See Wgalois: Der Tempel von Rethra und seine Zeit (The Temple of Rethra and 
its Time), Berlin, 1904. 

* 17 .) See K. von Widdumhoff .? Die Entdeckten Schwarzen Henker des Deutschen Volkes 
(The Discovered Bloack Executioner of the German Peoples), Weiflenburg, 1924. 

* 18 .) See the following sources: 

- Citramontane: Ultramontaner Marien- und Papstkultus (Ultramontane 
Mary and Pope worship), Augsbwg, 1913. 

- Dr. Ludwig Langemann: Das Evangelium Jesu Christi, das Romische 
Antichristentum und Hohenzollern (The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Roman 
Anti-Christianity and the Sacred Duty), Gottingen, 1920. 

- Otto von Corvin: Pfaffenspiegel (The Clerical Mirror), Rudolstadt, 

* 19 .) Hans Lienhardt has furnished ample evidence of this in Ein Riesenverbrechen am 
Deutschen Volke... (A Massive Crime Against the German People...), Weifienbutg, 1921. 


Chapter 36. 

The Downfall of the Aias of Atlantis 
and of Germany in the World War. 

A Repetition of Aryan-Atlantean History. 

Within the bodies of those who are racially mixed, there exists a 
constant battle between the forces of their greater heredity and their 
lower heredity over which will rule their spirit. One side can gain 
control and be victorious just as easily as the other side can in the 
corpus of the mischlinge. If the low-bred blood weakens in mixture 
over generations, then the noble blood will emerge victorious, and vice- 
versa. The lower-bred blood however tends to act as a type of poison or 
rotting agent upon the noble blood. This is why the body attempts to 
expel it through disease. Such diseases, as we have learned, come most 
often in seven-year cycles; thus disease most likely occurs in ages that 
are divisible by seven. In the mischlinge, the features of the lower-bred 
races become more apparent with the onset of old age; while still in 
youth, the hue and physical characteristics of the superior race are more 
strongly visible. 

If families of the noble races continue to mix over the span of 
several generations with the lower-bred races, they will easily become 
inferior in nature. 

The life of a nobly-bred nation then is exactly the same as that 
of the nobly-bred family, because the nation as a body is composed of 
individual cells of families. Thus the bad blood of the individual cells 


are absorbed into the organism of the nation in the form of small 
admixtures of poison and then usually easily excreted. However, if 
these admixtures accumulate too large in size, they will infect the 
organism of the nation as a disease and will cause fevers to the body in 
the form of revolutions. These revolutions have been increasing in 
frequency and intensity and the intervals between them have been 
decreasing to the extent that the blood of this body has been effectively 
weakened with illness. This is indeed a cycle that follows the laws of 
nature and occurs with regularity in seven-year periods; the deepest 
sicknesses of revolution occur in civilizations every 490 years (or 
approximately 500 years), 7 times 70, or every 147 years (or 
approximately 150 years), 7 times 21. These are the real causes and 
driving forces that Stromer-Reichenbach, Spengler and Kemmerich *1.) 
speak of when they tell us that history is calculable and that certain 
events are predetermined. 

The story of a peoples who originated with a high racial 
standing and then one day perished through too much miscegenation is 
therefore a familiar story and one that is destined to be repeated as 
racial standards deteriorate throughout history. This explains the ability 
of the aforementioned three historians to predict with certainty the 
future events that will be coming upon the European nations. 

From this point of view, the deaths of many of the Aryan 
cultures of history and the victory of the low-bred races on Atlantis are 
easily explainable. The overthrow and extermination of the Aias was 
only possible once the noble racial blood of the Aias had been polluted 
and diluted through mixing; this miscegenation reduced the number to 
true Aryans and increased the number of mongrel races (whom carried a 
portion of Aryan blood) who were then thus able to overpower the Aias. 


It took only the purposeful leadership of the revolutionaries by the 
priesthood to cause Asgard to fall and for the Aesir to be crushed. 
Revolutions are thus always racial struggles *2.). 

Now we will remark on the incredible similarities between the 
events on ancient Atlantis and the recent Great War *3.), which are 
appreciable even upon a superficial comparison. One only needs to put 
the Germans of the war in the place of the Aias to see the similarities. 
Just as it had been in the cities and colonies of Atlantis, the increasing 
miscegenation in the major cities of Germany had begun to create an 
unpatriotic populace; simultaneously, a strata of low-bred races began 
to rapidly reproduce, partly due to the influx of Eastern European Jews, 
Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Mongols and Negroes into its 
industrial centers and seaports. These masses of mischlinge were 
strengthened by the Aryan blood that it had mixed with there and thus 
became conscious of their power and began to aspire to rule the state. 

On Atlantis, the leadership of the lower-bred races was 
organized by the Atlantean priesthood; during the Great War, Judea and 
Rome were secretly associated in their underhanded dealings. Both 
wars were prepared by the Atlantean papacy well in advance; Bismarck 
realized that Rome and Judea were secretly manipulating such matters 
and he thereby took decisive measures to prevent the encirclement and 
destruction of Germany in his victorious war of 1870 - 1871. This 
ended any alliances that the Aesir (Germany) may have had with what 
were in fact its enemies: the “Dragon” and the “Great Beast”, the 
tyrants, the vanity of the French and Italians, the parasitic mercantilism 
of the English hypocrites, the greedy expansion efforts of Panslavism, 
and the animal races who so hated the Aryans were all thwarted and 
their plans for world-domination and the subservience of the Germanic 


peoples were destroyed. 

And so all of the colors of the lower-bred races - the red, 
yellow, black, and even the white - were gathered together from the 
four winds of the earth to defeat the Aryan Germans. And the Vanir (the 
mischlinge, the Slavs, the Romans and the Jews) provided the troops. 
Even the armies of Togarmah (the English, the German-Americans and 
the Canadians) were mobilized against the Germans, because the Vanir 
had too little faith that the black, yellow and red beasts were strong 
enough to complete the task. And again the Midgard Serpent appears: 
an enormous Anglo-French fleet blockaded the German coasts, just like 
on Atlantis. 

And just like on Atlantis, our Aryan leaders were slandered and 
maligned: the Jewish world media and the Roman clerical press were 
quick to see to it that the whole German people, their princes, the 
Hohenzollem, its army, and its magnificent soldiers and generals were 
all denigrated and bad-mouthed. Those who wore the sign of the Aias, 
the Aryan swastika, were insulted and abused. 

The representatives and agents of the papacy set the people 
against their leaders, just like on Atlantis; they diabolically concocted 
talk of democracy to lure the masses when their only true goal was to 
overthrow the monarchy and to weaken its military. Loki (Rome-Judea) 
also found in Germany a blind Hodur to be used as a tool to defeat the 
Aryan powers: deluded German compatriots, such as the Jesuit Emperor 
Charles I of Austria, his wife the Jesuit student Empress Zita, and the 
elected deputies of the German people. Rome and Judea made these 
people both consciously and unconsciously their willing henchmen in 
their service to exterminate their own people and their own culture. 
They thus served as the Judas unto their own peoples. Hagen killed 



It is from Judea and Rome that these vague slogans of 
“freedom”, “equality”, democracy and communism originate; they 
breed their propaganda for years in the most populated strata of society 
until the masses rise up in bloody revolution. Through revolution the 
Dragon and the Great Beast find their salvation in the destruction of the 
monarchy and the military. Once the monarchy is overthrown and the 
military destabilized, it is easy work for the Snake to seize control of 
the military and to protect itself by ensuring that the monarchy is not 
allowed to rise again. 

And the ultimate success of the Great Beast yields this: 

No equality, but greater economic inequality among the various 
strata of the population; greater impoverishment amongst the most 
widely populated groups of peoples and massive increases in Jewish 
and Jesuit operated big business. 

No freedom, but instead an oppressive iron rule by the 
Atlantean theocracy of Rome and Judea. Jews and Jesuits sit as 
comrades on the throne of the Aesir, manipulating the state and its 
parties to their own demise; Germany is driven to ruin at the hands of 
the lower-bred races and the Vanir. Through the collusion with and 
entente of other such corrupted nations, the German people are made to 
suffer and perish through hunger blockades, inflation, the occupation of 
German cities by human animals, the disarming of the German people, 
economic sanctions, “reparations”, currency devaluation, out of control 
taxation and the redrawing of German borders, etc. * 4 .). 

Once again, the “Dragon” casts the leaders of the Aryans into 
the lake of fire: the Atlantean theocracy demanded, through its secular 
arm of the Jewish-Roman-Atlantean church, i.e. through entente, the 


extradition of our princes and generals and thousands of our best 
German heroes and soldiers as so-called war criminals. From the 
massive burning of heretics and the Inquisition to the murder in 1919 of 
innocent hostages in Munich *5.), Judaism and the papacy have taken 
great strides throughout history to eradicate the mentally strong German 
peoples as one of the only groups able to stand in the way of their plans 
for world domination. The Great War that was instigated by the Jesuits 
for thirty years, and was itself a continuation of seventy years of 
unfinished warfare, was created in order to bring a final end to the 
German folk *6.). 

The time is nigh when the German nation will finally and 
victoriously expose the truth of our enemies to the rest of the world: 
Rome and Judea have secretly collaborated to provoke a World War 
made expressly to exterminate the German peoples; this also explains 
the current miseries of financial debt that our nation is currently in. 

Concerning Judaism, we can spare ourselves a tedious recital of 
the mountains of evidence that we now possess. It will suffice here to 
refer the reader to the conclusive and comprehensive scientific literature 
that has already been published *7.), and to the public confession made 
in 1919 by the chief rabbi of Paris' main synagogue: “it is patriotic for 
Jews to make Germans everywhere suffer beneath the burden of 
propaganda.” He could thus only hint at all of the grave deeds that this 
global criminal network of Judaism has done. “Up to a certain extent, 
the World War is a Jewish victory over the modem day Nebuchadnezzar 
(Germany). Israel's merciless and mortal enemy, Germany, is thus 
nailed to the cross.” Therefore: “Judaism will strike them upon the 
cross!” Let us keep the words of this representative of the Atlantean- 
Judaic theocracy and enemy of the Aryan people in mind for when their 


day of reckoning comes. 

With regard to the blood on the hands of their other Atlantean 
companions, some indications may be necessary. 

The most important tool of the Atlantean papacy to fulfill its 
plans for world domination is the Jesuit Order, which was founded for 
the second time by the Jew Diego Lainez; this Order serves to provide 
the foot soldiers of Judaism under the guise of religion, it is a sort 
of Masonic Order dressed up in religious-ecclesiastical garments, a 
ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing. Its final goal is the conquest of the 
world political and economic powers and the mastery of the same by 
the Roman Pontiff (who Ludwig Windthorst famously referred to in his 
Reichstag speech of May 15, 1872 as “holding the world like a puppet 
in his hands”). This ultimately serves all of the purposes of Judaism *8.). 
Outwardly then, the Jesuits appear as a religious institution; however, 
according to the revelations of the Italian minister Vincenzo Gioberti 
*9.) (himself a former Jesuit), and according to the statements of 
Windthorst, it is in reality a well-organized syndicate of criminals and 
thieves. Here we will note the following quotes from the 1849 program 
of the Jesuits of Chiari: 

“We aspire for the priesthood to rule over the entire world” 
(page 128) and for the extermination of heretics (page 156). The world 
should be a priest-state and the Pope, as merely one of our agents, shall 
be its only abbot (page 126). The Communist Jesuit state of Paraguay 
was a small example of our system (page 129). Through our religious 
and political affiliations we will enslave the entire human race. In the 
confessional booth, our primary principle will be taught: “you must 
obey God (i.e. his Papal deputy) more than your government” (page 
184). We wish to accomplish our domination over the world before the 


stupid and wanton masses are enlightened to our ways; we will make 
them tools to achieve our victory (page 129). The divine instrument of 
our power is the confessional. 

We will ensnare the great masses through propaganda and 
slogans about freedom, justice, and human dignity (page 192), and to 
thereby give the illusion that we are making immense concessions for 
their civil and political equality, freedom of worship, and freedom of 
education (!); we will preach Socialism and falsely train the masses 
(see the Communist-Jesuit state of Paraguay) that they have attained 
a heaven on earth (page 182). (Compare these statements with the 
identically worded programs of the Socialists, Communists and 

But we will teach this idea to the great masses, both the citizens 
and the peasantry, their political leaders and even the Protestants, during 
times of revolution: that order can only be restored when the people 
allow the almighty church to manage them, because the church alone 
has the power to do so. The people must thus once again be swathed in 
stupidity (page 142) by our church and school systems and thus remain 
ignorant of the people of the Bible, “the creeping serpent, from whose 
eyes fire is sprayed.” 

We must therefore cultivate the rebellious spirit of the times 
themselves, that threaten to bring public upheavals or smash any 
princely powers (!); upon the ruins of such we will act an build the 
world domination of the church. “We only know how to create 
revolution; all of the revolutions of the past are merely the games of 
children” *10.) (page 144). “The bishops and the clergy must stoke the 
flames... until the day comes when we no longer have to hide ourselves 
in secrecy” (pages 171 & 184). 


We shall meet the Catholics with the most bitter hatred of the 
Protestants, and we will hide this falsehood until the day of open 
struggle (Silesia, Poznan, Alsace-Lorraine), and we will carefully thus 
conceal “the truth of the church and its goals” (page 191). 

Thus the revelations of Minister Gioberti could not be contested 
by the Jesuits. To this end, it should be noted that the best minds of the 
Jesuit Order are also active in the Masonic Order. The Masons are also 
led by the Jewish world government and works exclusively for Judea; 
only the Jews themselves know the highest degrees of these Orders. 
The Communist and Socialist parties are supported by the Jesuits with 
all of their powers, as is apparent from the similarity of their objectives 
*11.). The essential equality of and cooperation between Judaism, 
Bolshevism and Jesuitism are brilliantly demonstrated by Lienhardt in 
the fact that the Bolshevik-Jewish government of Russia had allowed 
the plunder of the Greek Orthodox Catholic churches and that they had 
murdered their clergy. This, combined with the fact that the Roman 
Jesuits, as a primary tool of Judaism, had surrendered the Russian 
people of Genoa into the hands of the Jews in 1922, goes a long way to 
show how the goals of the Jews and the Jesuits are the same. 

The main goal of the Jesuits, which they have pursued for three 
centuries with a remarkable clarity of vision, is the defeat of the powers 
of German royalty and also the annihilation of the German people 
themselves; this is all due to the fact that the higher intelligence of the 
Germanic races alone threatens their success at world domination. 
During the Seven Years' War, the Pope (who ultimately is just one of the 
many tools of the Jesuits) sent a secret decree to the Catholic clergy in 
Prussia, commanding them to pay one tenth of their income to Austria 
to help finance the war against Frederick the Great. Not only that, but 


the Catholic clergy also incited the peasants of Prussia to revolt against 
the state and enticed its soldiers to desert the army. This was all done 
for the purpose that the Protestants of Northern Germany should be 
destroyed *12.). 

It is also well-known that the War of 1870 was instigated by the 
clerical fathers to whom Empress Eugenie made her confessions to. 
The political representatives of the Bavarian government had the means 
to refuse to go to war against France and the Catholic clergy incited its 
peasantry to not to participate in the war *12.). 

And upon the instigation of Rome, the Archbishop of Paris was 
to pay for the murder of Bismarck against a loan from the Jews to the 
Belgian Duchess *12.). 

And under the leadership of Rome, the German Catholic 
Congress in Olomouc came together to propose their common goal: the 
elimination of the rule of the Hohenzollem and the destruction of the 
individual states of Prussia. The general assembly of the German 
Catholics Association in 1874 stated that militarism (the right and 
ability of a nation to defend itself) was incompatible with the freedom 
and welfare of the German people. (And who was it that worked the 
most eagerly on the destruction of the German Wehrmacht from 1918 to 

The seeds that these traitorous Jesuits had sown finally came to 
fruition with the Great War and the bloody revolutions of 1918-1919. 

The French Socialist leader Professor Jean Jaures said on July 
30 th , 1914, only a few hours before his violent death, that “this war shall 
be a war of the Jesuits.” And the French representative Jean Blum made 
the following revelation in July 1919 to the French Chamber of 
Deputies: “the war was decided upon by the Jesuit parties in the court at 


Vienna; the Vatican was expecting this decision in the Great War at the 
signing of the Second Concordat for France.” 

In fact, the World War of Austria could have in fact been 
avoided, but as the Knight's telegram famously proves, Rome was intent 
on expanding its power and the Austrian Foreign Ministers Leopold 
Berchtold and Leon Bilinski, under the influences of the Jesuits, knew 
that the agreement with Serbia would prevent this. Thus it was decided 
that Germany should drown in a deluge of blood by any means 
necessary. Jesuit-trained clerics and officers acted as spies for the Allied 
powers and as traitors of their country for “the greater glory of God”, 
i.e. for the benefit of the Papal Roman Catholic Church. The French 
Foreign Minister Stephen Pichon acknowledged this when he boasted 
that the services of the Catholic clergy in Alsace-Lorraine had helped 
France strike and defeat Germany *13.); likewise, the Pope himself 
congratulated them as a secret ally of France in their “magnificent 
victory” over Germany (!!). All available evidence indicates that during 
1914-1915 the Roman clergy and their religious affiliations worked to 
turn the German ally of Italy disloyal so that they would stab Germany 
in the back; from this, we can guess that the same had happened with 
Romania in 1917. Catholic priests in Austria also incited the Poles, 
Czechs and Slavs living there to betray the military and thus to break 
the power of Austria as our ally (see also Jorz: Der Vatikari). 

At the command of Rome and with the approval of the Jesuits 
of Germany, the political German Centre Party ( Zentrumspartei ) in 
1916 demanded the establishment of a Catholic king in Poland and that 
Poland be equipped with military powers. Even more audaciously, they 
threatened that in the case that these measures were not taken, it would 
be considered a traitorous act against Germany which would be dealt 


with by forceful measures. 

This devilishly cunning plan of the Jesuits to build up the 
military might of neighboring Poland was intended to prepare them to 
march against Germany with German-supplied guns and cannons. And 
indeed, this is what eventually happened in 1921 when Poland seized 
parts of Upper Silesia. So it was that the program drawn up by the 
Jesuits at Olomouc in 1850 was fulfilled in 1921. It is indeed significant 
that the Catholic clergy and their leaders who stirred up the hatred 
during the Upper Silesian Polish uprisings were also members of 
criminal gangs there. 

The American Admiral William Sims has noted in various 
publications that the Allied powers would absolutely have lost the Great 
War had Germany been allowed to continue their U-Boat campaigns 
under international law. But who changed this international law and 
thus stole victory from the Germans? Indeed, it was not the enemy 
nations of the Allies, but it was the forces of Rome and Judea. The 
Centre and Social-Democratic parties of Germany called submarine 
warfare inhumane and barbaric and thus forced their own nation to 
surrender this vital method of self-defense. Thus self-preservation and 
victory was stolen from the grasp of the German peoples. And yet the 
Jesuits still beckon the German people to charge forward into battle and 
into the mine fields. As advised by his Jesuit confessors, the Austrian 
Emperor Charles I sent a letter to the French President Poincare via the 
Jesuit pupil Prince Sixtus of Parma in which he offered a peace 
settlement that would surrender the German provinces of Alsace- 
Lorraine to France and force Germany to submit to peace. Of course it 
is not by chance that the former German Centre Party leader, the 
baptized Jew Matthias Erzberger, the son of a Herzberger Jew, was then 


present at this time in Vienna and that the Jesuits had procured for him 
the knowledge of the intent of this letter from Emperor Charles. It is 
thus also no coincidence, but in fact a nod from Rome, when he made 
the previously secret information about the weaknesses of the German 
military public, and, with the help of the Centre Party, brought about the 
peace resolution of 1917 that snuffed out the will of the German people 
for victory and also acted as a welcome means for the Allies to whip 
their soldiers into continuing the war. 

The year 1918 brought an increase in the activities of the 
Jesuits. The Empress Zita, a blind instrument of her Jesuit confessors, 
revealed to the Italians the position of the Austrian military on the 
Piave River front. As a result, the Austrian Empire collapsed, leaving 
Germany on its own in the war. 

The extent to which Rome and our enemies have skillfully 
interacted in secrecy can be seen in the following facts: the program of 
the German Catholic Conference in Olomouc in 1850 declared that 
the Hohenzollem should be eliminated. Is it then not quite significant 
that our enemies have demanded the removal of the Hohenzollem as 
a condition for peace? And is it also not quite significant that a 
Freemason, Prince Max von Baden, demanded that Emperor Wilhelm II 
abdicate his throne upon the false allegation that it was of the public 
opinion? And why then was this abdication not announced in advance, 
causing the front to collapse? And why did the announcement of March 
6 lh , 1922 in the Hamburger Tageblatt newspaper go unchallenged that 
the Havas-Depesche news agency withheld from the German people 
that Prince von Baden said on November 5 th , 1918 that the French peace 
treaty did not actually depend upon the abdication of the Hohenzollem? 
What reason did this Jesuit-trained Prince have to betray his Emperor 


and then later not challenge the falsification of this document? 

The Jewish-Jesuit-Frcemasonic villainy that both Germany and 
the Hohenzollem fell victim to on November 9' h , 1918 has been 
revealed by the Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia. After hearing his 
statements, one cannot escape the impression that the Freemasons 
General Grdner and Prince Max von Baden both acted in high treason 
upon specific plans and instructions. 

Is it merely by coincidence that the Allies made it a condition 
for peace that the Hohenzollem could never again become members of 
the government? 

And why was it that following the war the Allies demanded the 
extradition of the ablest and most German-minded men, but not those 
such as the Erzbergers, who were a part of constructing the same 
political system in 1914? And why was Lehmann, the old Germanic 
publisher from Munich, required to appear before the Allied courts and 
not the Erzberger publishers? 

And why did Erzberger and the Centre Party sign and agree to 
the entire humiliating terms of the armistice treaty so quickly and 
without debate when the Allies themselves admitted that they had only 
expected that half of the terms would be agreed to? The fact that the 
Jew Erzberger signed the armistice terms with a glowing smile certainly 
suggests that the best interests of Rome and Judea were a thousand 
times more important to him than those of his fellow German 
countrymen. And Rome's best interests demanded that the armistice be 
signed willingly and immediately and without debate so that its 
disgraceful and crippling terms would create a slow and strangulating 
death for the German people. 

Why did Erzberger call for Germany to give more than it could 


at the peace negotiations? Why did Erzberger, as General Wirsberger 
has since proven, work to reduce the number of German army troops to 
100,000 men? Why did he so endanger the security of his German 
Fatherland? Was Erzberger, who was given a memorial grave of honor 
by the Roman Catholic Church, the political tool of the Jesuits and 
the Vatican? Why did the German Centre Party call for the disarmament 
of the German people? Was it to weaken the German nation, as 
commanded by the Jesuits, so that they could be an easy prey for the 
Catholic French, Poles and Czechs? Why, at the same time, did the 
Poles praise the Pope as their greatest benefactor? Why did Erzberger 
push for the formation of the autonomous province of Upper Silesia? 
Did the Poles act according to the will of the Vatican and play into their 
hands? Why did the German Jesuit Hans Graf von Oppersdorff urge for 
the theft of Upper Silesia by all possible means? And why did he use 
this as his excuse: that the Catholics of Upper Silesia would be better 
off with the Catholic Poles than with the Protestant Prussians? 

Why did the command come from Rome for the German Centre 
Party to smash the united Gentian front in Upper Silesia in 1922? This 
was done to make the German populace in Upper Silesia remain within 
the control of the Roman Empire; this effectively trapped them and 
subjugated them to be managed according to the secret plans of Rome. 
These secret plans amounted to placing the ethnic German populace in 
an unstable and untenable position that would let them fall into the 
hands of the lower-bred Polish; this planned assault on the Germans 
from the Poles is in fact in accordance with the Jesuit program of 
Olomouc from 1850! Why did the Christian Socialist Party in Austria 
(the Austrian Centre Party) submit to the Treaty of Lana in 1922, which 
sacrificed 7 million Sudenten Germans to be suddenly enclosed within 


the borders of Czechoslovakia? And more recently, why was it that it 
coincidentally was a deputy of the Centre Party that'recommended that 
the Protestant Memellanders be severed from Germany and stranded in 
Catholic-Slavic Lithuania? How many such servants are on the payroll 
of this Atlantean papacy specifically to ensure that the German nation 
collapse and its people undergo a racial destruction in accordance with 
the plans of Rome-Judea? And what kind of creatures are these sad 
people who would place the interests of the Atlantean papacy and the 
lowest-bred races above those of their Fatherland and the future of their 
wives and children? 

What a triumph for the destructive propaganda activities of 
the Atlantean Beast that one of them, a member of the Centre Party, 
was made Reich Chancellor of Germany in 1920. Thus Constantin 
Fehrenbach declared, “when I hear the word Nationalist, I am already 
ill.” We now have to cooperate with these Social Democrats who do not 
claim to understand anti-Semitism and “stupid Aryanism”. Now we are 
forced to listen to such traitorous politicians as Arthur Crispien, Deputy 
to the Reichstag, when he exclaims in 1921 with applause from the 
assembly of the Union of Socialist Parties, “we know of no Fatherland, 
this is just a place called Germany!” 

Thus the anti-German efforts of the papacy and its Jewish-Jesuit 
accomplices are always eventually revealed from beneath their various 
disguises. When the U.S. Senate refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles, 
the Belgian Cardinal Desire-Joseph Mercier was sent to America at the 
instigation of the Jesuits in order to strongly promote the signing of that 
disgraceful document. 

And why was Erzberger retained so often at the expense of his 
countrymen, at the outrageous sum of 28 million Reichsgeldem, in 


order to negotiate with the emissaries of Rome? Why was he supported 
with such vast amounts of money to speak with these money-minded 
Romans? The numerous visits of Erzberger to the Roman College, the 
headquarters of the financial branch of the Jewish “Order of the 
Jesuits”, during the Great War and until shortly before his death, as well 
as his numerous conferences at Brig in the Simplon Mountains with the 
Jesuit General Wlodimir Ledochowski, confirms the suspicions that he 
served as a tool of the Jesuits and the Jews to destroy the German 
people, just as Hodur was used by Loki in the assassination of Baldur. 

As it also happened to be, in the Catholic provinces of Bavaria, 
some of the Catholic clergy and high-ranking Centre Party members 
called upon the farmers there, both during and after the war, to stop the 
delivery of food to Northern Germany. They were also active in inciting 
the hatred of the local populations against the Prussians. Is the current 
support of particularism in Bavaria by the Catholic priests there a direct 
result of the influence of the Jesuit King Ludwig III and his pursuit of 
the concept of a separate peace? * 14 .) Did the Jesuits have this objective 
in mind, to have Bavaria secede from the Kingdom and unite with the 
Alpine countries, while cooperating under the sheets with the anti- 
German French? 

Is it not obvious at this point that the intention of the 
Ultramontane is to separate the German tribes from each other and to 
thus bring about the destruction of Germany? 

What does it signify when the Centre Party in Hanover supports 
the English-Welsh political efforts to create an independent Kingdom of 
Hanover in Germany that would be under the rule of the Catholic 
English Duke of Cumberland? And what does it signify when the 
Bavarian Centre Party Minister thus sends him his congratulations? 


What does it say when the Jesuit Father Benedict of Queichheim in 
1919 wears the Tricolore Flag in his buttonhole and travels by a French 
military car in the Palatinate and calls for the downfall of Germany? 
What does it also say when the currently active Roman Catholic priests 
in Germany are making themselves the leaders of traitorous activities 
on the Rhine that put Germans at the mercy of the devious plans of the 
French? *15.) Furthermore, why did Pope Benedict assert on April 7 th , 
1919 that he was French-minded and regretted that he could be a 
Frenchman in heart only? He also claimed to feel as one with the 
French nation and brazenly congratulated them on their success in the 
Great War; he also went on to wish them increased glory and happiness 
*16.). Why was the Centre Party in such a hurry, against their better 
judgment, to sign a guilty plea in the Treaty of Versailles, and why did 
they thus, in the words of Lloyd George, give the Allies the pretext to 
enslave Germany? How is it that this Centre Party of the Pope, that has 
audaciously and hypocritically called itself the main pillar of support 
for the throne in Germany, then associated themselves in 1918 with the 
revolutionary party, whose seeming opponent it should have been? 
How is it that this Centre Party has thus promoted for the militaristic 
overthrow of the Hohenzollem if they are this grand pillar of support 
for our royalty? Likewise, when Erzberger and Scheidemann entered 
the government arm in arm in 1918, it was hardly a blessing for the 
German people. And what should one think when Centre Party 
Chancellor Fehrenbach makes the request to the Reichstag Deputy 
Werner that the Kohn-Joffe conspiracy should go uninvestigated? 

In 1912 at the Catholic Day (Katholikentag) in Aachen, the 
clerics declared to thunderous applause the following: “...because we 
are Catholics, that is why we are loyal to the Kaiser!” In 1917, all of the 


archbishops and bishops of Germany proclaimed in a pastoral letter that 
they would always remain vigilant to protect the throne of the Emperor 
against all enemies, both foreign and internal, and that they would 
guard against the forces of revolution. In 1919, the party of the bishops 
and popes recommended to the German people that the republic was the 
best form of government for them. In the sermon for Saint Rochus' 
Feast in Bingen in 1919, the Franciscan Schwanitz declared: “the Pope 
of the Prussian religion (the Protestant Kaiser) has been swept away. 
God has done all things well!” And Pope Benedict XV sent a greeting 
and a blessing to Reich President Friedrich Ebert on April 2 nd , 1919, 
promising him all of the help of his papal powers!!! But this Centre 
Party, which has been praised from pulpits everywhere as a stronghold 
of loyalty to both kings and kaisers, as a supporter and savior of the 
throne, and as the alleged mortal enemy of the Red revolutionary 
parties, now casts away its hypocritical mask once its goal of 
overthrowing the crown has been achieved; now it strolls hand in hand 
with its Red stepsister that it has only before kissed in secret at the 
tombs of the Kaiser in their shared wars against the interests of the 
German people. 

Does this not then irrefutably show us how the Atlantean 
papacy has brought revolution to Germany through his Jewish and 
papal agents? This was all in accordance to the program of the Jesuits at 
Chiari, who plotted to rule the holy lands of Germany once its princes 
had been expelled. 

Even the severing of the Catholic provinces of Prussia from the 
Protestant core of Germany and the annihilation of the Protestant parts 
of German territories have been purposefully led by the Jesuits in 
conjunction with their obedient pupil, the Jesuit French General 


Ferdinand Foch. On behalf of Rome, a.k.a. the “Allies”, General Foch 
demanded the withdrawal of the Iron Division Ehrhardt *17.) from the 
Baltic lands. The German Centre Party immediately saw to it that this 
command was obeyed, and the outcome that Rome so desired was soon 
revealed: the Protestant populace of the Baltic lands, a once magnificent 
tribe of Aryan stock, was soon mass murdered by the Bolsheviks until 
only a few remained; the Baltic land itself, excepting Catholic 
Lithuania, was thus delivered into the hands of the Romans and the 
Slavs. A similar diabolical plot was crafted by Rome-Judea concerning 
the fate of Upper Silesia: according to the Jewish-Roman battle plans, 
Germany and its Aryan populace should be destroyed in 1925-1926 
with the convergence of the French and Jewish-Bolshevik armies. In the 
Reichstag in 1919 the Roman Centre Party threatened to dismember 
Germany into separate territories if their (i.e. Rome's) wishes were not 
met with regard to denominational schools. In 1920-1921 our Germanic 
brothers in Austria saw their connection to their German Fatherland as 
their only possible salvation and thus demanded it emphatically; this 
was then subsequently prevented by the Christian Socialist Party and 
those who stood under the influence of the Jesuits in the government in 
Vienna. Likewise, the connection of the Germanic Burgenlanders in 
Hungary to Austria was prevented by the Carlists, the comrades of the 
Jesuits. Even Charles, the former King of Hungary, traveled by the 
private plane of the Jesuits in the spring and autumn of 1921 for these 

We can now see how the path of the German people is met 
everywhere by the criminal activities of Rome. For those whom this is 
not yet clear, the following will suffice: when the Allies were threatened 
with defeat in 1917, Rome presented, through its devoted, traitorous 


German Centre and Social Democrat Parties, its demands to protect the 
Allied hangmen in the form of a peace resolution (the Reichstag Peace 
Resolution of 1917): “no annexation, no indemnity!” But previously, 
when the German nation was prostrated by Roman-Jewish guile, and 
when they were stripped of their lands from province to province, when 
German Tyrol was taken by Italy, when German Bohemia and Lower 
Silesia were taken by the Czechs, when Alsace-Lorraine was taken by 
the French, when Posen, Silesia and East Prussia were taken by the 
Poles, when Eupen was taken by Belgium, when North Schleswig was 
taken by Denmark, when Memel was taken by the Lithuanians, and 
when the German people themselves were incapacitated and murdered 
through means of deprivation, hunger blockades and the imposition of 
monstrous war reparations, there were no cries of “no annexation, no 
indemnity” to be heard from Rome! To the contrary, the Vatican was 
overjoyed that it had finally and successfully brought about the 
ruination of the German Empire and the defeat of the heretics. So it 
must be that the Vatican and their many puppets in the Centre Party 
must one day stand with their massive crimes before the judgment of 

The journal of the papal state chancellery, La Civilta Cattolica , 
known above all for its candid pronouncements, stated on April 4*, 
1919 that “from the specific concerns of Catholicism (meaning of the 
Jesuits, the Papacy and the Jews), the Pope did in no way desire a 
German victory and that he could not think of the final victory of 
Germany without feelings of terror (!!)...” Pope Benedict also promised 
to make all of his influence felt as the Vicar of Christ on Earth (!!), so 
that the decisions made (such as the disgraceful Treaty of Versailles that 
has inflicted untold miseries on the German nation) would be gladly 


accepted and faithfully observed by Catholics everywhere *18.). And on 
October 7*, 1919, he wrote to the French Cardinal Leon-Adolphe 
Amette, “from France may God's grace pour out over the entire world; 
may the humanly prudence that commenced with the Versailles 
Conference become refined and complete in divine love: Perpoliat 
atque pericica.” *19.) This then is the anti-German papacy with its mask 
tom away, the silent ally and accomplice of our very executioners, to 
whom the German Catholics gave 17 million Marks in gifts during the 
Great War! Oh you poor, misguided German people! 

When, during the Great War, German shrapnel from shelling hit 
the Reims Cathedral (in fact, the grenades of the French and English 
caused much more damage), the Atlantean papacy cried out in horror 
about the alleged savagery that the Germans had committed against his 
sanctuary. His cry was echoed by his minions throughout the world and 
brought untold hatred against the “huns and barbarians” of Germany. 
But when millions of German children were struck with sickness by the 
hunger blockades of the Allies and when Negro beasts were transported 
into the German-occupied territories in order to intentionally destroy 
the honor, health and lives of hundreds of thousands of German 
children, girls and women, there were no cries of disapproval to be 
heard of from Rome. On the contrary, they were rejoicing that the plans 
that they had hatched in secret with the Allies to occupy the western 
lands of Germany with black and yellow animal-men and to thus 
mongrelize the German peoples had been so successfully carried out. 
This planned bastardization of the German race is meant to gradually 
create a creature with a weakened blood who will willingly submit to 
the tyranny, domination and paganism of Rome-Judea. 

This then allows us to see the more recent Spartacist and 


Communist uprisings in Germany in a whole new light. Is it not highly 
suspicious that these current revolutions have broken out in the cities of 
Bavaria that are the centers of activity for the Catholic bishops? As the 
Bavarian government knows full well, these uprisings were partially 
funded with Ultramontane monies; they also know that the Spartacists 
did not touch a hair on the heads of those Ultramontane financiers, but 
instead only shot those people who were truly German-minded. Further 
to this point, let us not forget that a Centre Party newspaper recently 
said in a roundabout way that Communism under the leadership of the 
Church was the primary objective of the Centre Party. 

Is it not also rather curious then that the Catholics of Bavaria, as 
always highly praised by the clergy as being the bastions of loyalty to 
the monarchy, have always chosen a deceitful and lying Jew as their 
president once the throne has been overturned? 

Is it also not highly suspicious that this party of the bishops and 
Jesuits, the Centre Party, has always unreservedly expressed its hostility 
towards anything at all German? And that their inclination is always 
to the left of the globalists and the International Social Democrats? 
Doesn't this then show us clearly that they are acting in accordance with 
the Jesuit program of Chiari, and to this extent, that they are thus 
walking arm in arm with them for the express mission of enslaving the 
German people? Does not the essential unity of Rome and Judea and 
their many secret meetings to achieve the objectives of international 
Jewry thereby prove that the laws that their political party leaders pass, 
which were supposedly made to protect the republic, are instead in 
reality made for the protection of Judaism? For the laws that these 
traitorous political leaders pass ultimately enable their arbitrary rule and 
allows them to suppress the aspirations and organization of nationally 


or racially-minded individuals, as well as allowing them to financially, 
socially and physically eliminate any Germanic and folkish-minded 
individuals; this has thus led to the expulsion of the former ruling 
families from Germany. As early as in the 1870’s, they were already 
so visibly satisfied with themselves that their Jesuit printed newspaper, 
Germania, threatened that the Centre Party would eventually join the 
Red revolution in order to more quickly gain its objectives (i.e. those of 
the Jews and Rome). 

Does it not then also speak volumes that the Centre Party has 
unconscionably given away the soil of their German Fatherland piece 
by piece, thus following the devious program of the Catholic Day at 

From here we can clearly see how the Jesuit program of Chiari 
has been followed word by word by the unscrupulous or unwitting 
deputies of the Centre Party on behalf of a well-organized criminal 
syndicate (the Jesuits and the Jews) and how the ignorant populace has 
been abused under the pretext that it was their “religion”. These facts 
cannot help but seize those blind ones around us and shake them to the 
reality that the “Christianity” of the Roman papal church is actually the 
complete opposite of true Aryan Christianity and is common in name 
only. The Christianity of Rome pursues only the worldly goals of 
the Atlantean priest-state, and, as such, is the Antichrist incarnate 
and the mortal enemy of Aryanism. It has fraudulently pursued purely 
secular and mammonistic objectives under this guise of religion; 
this ecclesiastical Christianity, as the Judeo-British Prime Minister 
Benjamin Disraeli has quite rightly said, is a “Judaism for the people”. 

The Papacy, the Jesuitism, Clericalism, Ultramontanism, 
Freemasonry, Sectarianism, and the Socialist and Ultramontane political 


party systems are, for the discerning connoisseurs of history, one and 
the same: well-organized Judaism under various disguises whose 
purposes are to falsify our religion and our history and to remain hidden 
while subjecting the German people to a barrage of degrading and 
dispiriting propaganda and slogans that push them deeper into despair 
and suicide. Those who would seek out documentary evidence of this 
are recommended to read the both the short work of Hans Lienhardt, 
Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke and K. von Widdumhoffs 
Die Entdeckten Schwarzen Henker des Deutschen Volkes. Both are 
published by GroBdeutschen Verlag in WeiBenburg. Judaism sees itself 
as achieving the goal it so desires in the very near future: German Reich 
President Friedrich Ebert was not only a member of the Social 
Democratic Party that was under the command of Judaism but was also 
a zealous Centre Party Catholic who diligently went to church to make 
his confessions to his secret masters. The Atlantean papacy thus makes 
its desires known to him through many different channels. Since the 
Revolution of 1918, most of the criminal activists to appear in 
Germany, from Max von Baden to Karl Marx, have been Ultramontane 
(i.e. of the Jesuit-Jewish criminal syndicate) and have been consciously 
or unconsciously related to the Reich’s Chancellor and to the Jewish 
Reich Minister, and therefore closely follow the wishes of the Atlantean 
papacy. As follows the objectives of Rome-Judea, these traitorous 
leaders of Germany are steering the country like a ship towards a reef 
upon which it will inevitably be destroyed. It can now only be saved by 
a German-minded dictator who will bravely seize the controls of this 
ship in order to rescue it. 

So it is that this Atlantean papacy has purposefully and 
diligently planned and pursued the murder of the entire German people 


and their culture. Disarmed and made defenseless, disabled by internal 
and previously unrecognized enemies, Germany is thus abandoned and 
left to fatalistically endure its intended doom: its former provinces have 
been separated from the Fatherland by the re-drawing of its borders 
and its people thus severed from their homeland and stranded at the 
mercy of the violent and thieving lower-bred predatory races; its 
German elementary schools and cultural institutions have been 
destroyed by the new Reich’s Schools Act (Reichsschulgesetz) and 
by the Bavarian Concordat; the German people have had mass 
immigrations of uncivilized peoples forced upon them and it has been 
raped by Bolshevism and civil war; it has been occupied by armies of 
Russian-Chinese mercenaries of a future Jewish dictator and its proud 
Aryans have been exterminated, just like on Atlantis. 

It is also quite deeply regrettable that our academies, which 
should be a haven for the study of Germanic culture, has instead turned 
against our folk and takes up the same positions of the criminal planners 
of Judea-Rome. Where is the spirit of Fichte? *20.) Is the study of 
the culture of the Negro animals of Papua more important than the 
preservation of the culture and history of our own German people? 

No less regrettable are our German clergy, who, apart from a 
few notable exceptions, continue to work in the service of the Atlantean 
papacy for the destruction of our people and the Christian Church. A 
clergy that truly stands for its people would instead dutifully unleash a 
defensive battle of true Kristianity and true Germanic spirit. If all of our 
truly Germanic and religious-minded groups and institutions do not 
soon rouse themselves for this final battle to defend our nation, then the 
future will bring a complete victory for the Atlantean papacy and its 
disgusting paganism. This victory of the papacy will end then according 


to the diabolical and elaborate plans of Judea, which will see the Aryans 
and Christians of the world drowning as martyrs in a sea of blood at the 
hands of the lowest-bred races of the world “on that great day of 
Armageddon” *21.). 

* 1 .) 1. Friedrich Stromer von Reichenbach: Deutsche, Verzaget Nicht! (Germans, 
Despair Not!), Ludwigshafen by Bodensee, 1914. 

2. Oswald Spengler: Der Unteigang des Abendlandes (The Decline of the West), 
Munich, 1918. Is the goal of this book to paralyze the German spirit and to make his 
planned destruction by the Atlantean papacy appear to be inevitable and to be 
following ”natural law”? If this is tme, then this book would actually be a work of the 
Jesuits that follows the strategy of the Atlantean theocracy in their war against the 
German folk. Actually ; we are still yet able to rescue our fate once we act upon these 
discovered truths about the mysteries of the Bible (see Chapter 37). 

3. Max Kemmerich: Das Kausalgesetz der Weltgeschichte (The Causal Law of 
World Histoty). Ludwigshafen at Bodensee ; 1913. 

* 2 .) Walther Kramer: Die Revolution als Rassenkampf (The Revolution as Racial 
Struggle), Leipzig , 1919. 

* 3 .) Translator: World War 1. 

* 4 .) Translator: Add to that austerity measures , “terrorism”, anti-White media 
propaganda, demoralizing “entertainment ” and the planned cultural progression of 

* 5 ,) Translator: Here the author is referring to the cold-blooded murder of eight 
German hostages by members of the Jewish-Communist Red Guard in Munich on April 
29, 1919. 

* 6 .) Vincenzo Gioberti: Die Jesuiten der Neuzeit (The Jesuits of the Modern Age), 
Eger, 1909. 

* 7 ,) It is here in particular that we recommend the small but invaluable work of Hans 
Lienhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke (A Massive Crime Against the 
German People), Weifienbwg, 1921. Here he gives us ample documentary evidence of 
the heavy bloodshed that the Jews and their auxiliary agencies (the Jesuits, the 
Freemasons, etc.) have brought upon us and shows how these criminal plans were 
drafted long in advance, specifically for the destruction of the German people. He also 


shows us how the heavily funded Hebrews have tried to shape the beliefs of the German 
folk through the abuse of their religion and the blatant counterfeiting of the Bible for 
their own diabolical purposes, 

* 8 .) Sensational facts on this have been revealed by Hermann Ahlwardt in his 
pamphlet, Afehr Licht (More Light), Dresden. 1910. Because its contents exposed the 
Jews and the Jesuits, he was anvsted and did time in prison for publishing it. He has 
been proven connect and his words proven truthful by the actual historical events that 
have since followed. See also the following texts: 

- K. von Widdumhoff: Die Entdeckten Schwarzen Henker des Deutschen 
Volkes (The Discovered Black Executioner of the German People), 
Weifienburg, 1924. 

— Midler: Ultramodemes Schuldbuch (Ultra-Modern Book of Guilt) 

- Dr. Albrect Hoffmann: Rom, Juda und Wir (Rome, Judea and Us), 1924. 
* 9 .) Vincenzo Gioberti: Die Jesuiten der Neuzeit (The Jesuits of the Modern Era), 
Eger, 1909. See also Peter Christoph Martens: Geheime Gesellschaften (Secret 
Societies), page 115. Leipzig, 1923. 

* 10 .) 1918-1922? 

* 11 .) For more on this, see Hans Lienhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke 
(A Massive Crime Against the German People), and Hermann Ahlwardt: Mehr Licht 
(More Light), page 75. Dresden, 1910. 

* 12 .) See Professor Langemann: Das Evangelium Jesu Christ /, das Romische 
Antichristentum und die Hohenzollem (The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Roman 
Antichristianity, and the Hohenzollem), Gottingen. There are also many important 
revelations to be found in K. von Widdumhoffs: Die Entdeckten Schwarzen Henker des 
Deutschen Volkes (The Discovered Black Executioner of the German People), 
Weifienburg, 1924. 

* 13 .) Paul Bernhard Gotthilf: Die Grofite Geheimmacht der Welt (The Greatest Secret 
Power in the World), Leipzig, 1924. 

* 14 .) Prince George himself was also a Jesuit. 

* 15 .) Evidence of this can be found in Deutschland und der Vatikan, page 17. 
Anonymous author, published in Berlin, 1921. 

* 16 .) From the Osservatore Romano, number 97 of April 7, 1919. 

* 17 .) Translator: a.k.a. the Ehrhardt Brigade or Marinebrigade Ehrhardt, a brigade of 
approximately 6,000 pro-monarchist volunteers who were active in Upper Silesia and 


Bavaria . 

* 18 .) Ossematore Romano, number 325, from December 5 th , 1918 . 

* 19 .) Acta Apostolicae Sedis, number 12, from November 3"*, 1919, 

* 20 .) Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762 - 1814), German philosopher and founder of 
German Idealism. 

* 21 .) See Hans Lienhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke. 


Chapter 37. 

The Hidden Mystery of the Holy Scriptures, 
the True Teachings of Jesus the German King, 
and the Resurrection of Germany. 

If one reads the Bible according to the explanatory notes of 
the revered ancient founding fathers of Christianity *1.) and according to 
the secret keys provided to us by Lagarde and von Liebenfels *2.), *3.), 
one will find that this most valuable “book of all books” has a true 
meaning that is equal to the esoteric teachings of the Egyptians, 
Romans, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Indians, Croats, and 
Atlantean initiates as well as the Armanen, Brahmins, Templars and 
Germanic priesthoods. The Old and New Testaments, apart from the 
portions that have been falsified by the Jewish priesthood, are therefore 
comprised of ancient Aryan spiritual knowledge. 

The mysteries of the Bible are hidden in parables and 
allegories; these mysteries are all of the utmost importance and are 
highly essential to guarantee the resurrection of our German nation. In 
brief, they are the following * 4 .): 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, 
and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) This “Word” however, according to 
the Revelation of John, is Christ, and according to the original Greek 
translation, the “Kyrios”, meaning “Logos”. According to the Gothic 
translations of Bishop Ulfilas “Frauja” is the recurring Germanic 
“Fro” / “Freya” and “Freya” is the Goddess of Love, the tribal god of 


the Aryans and the genius of the Germanics *5.); Freya is also the tribal 
ancestor of the Germanics and the founder of the city of Goslar *6.). 

This “Logos” is the principle of procreation, preservation and 
that which rules the world; it is the energy of the Earth that perpetually 
acts as the creative force in all things, the radiant ether that modem 
science searches in vain for, that which existed “in the Beginning”. 
Within it we live and act and have our Being. 

Due to the compression of this force, the world as an entity 
arose, and all plant and animal life on our planet emerged, first in its 
lowest forms, and then in ever higher and more welcoming forms. 

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we 
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father, full 
of grace and truth” (John 1:14), i.e. out of the animal-beings came a 
pre-human, the supreme being of the Earth, the God-man, blessed with 
powers over electromagnetic forces, powers which we today as mere 
degenerated humans no longer possess. Thankfully, these powers were 
still passed down to the ancestors of the humans as the best part of the 
Creation during their secondary and tertiary hegemony. These pre¬ 
humans, or Ur-humans, were called “gods” or the “firstborn”, the “first 
fruits”, “protoplasts” or even the “stars” or the “heavenly”, and finally, 
and most commonly, they were called the “angels” (“angel” meaning 
the “Angelois” or “Angeln”, the “White”) in the earliest Christian texts 
and in ancient literature. These angels, according to such accounts, were 
reminiscent of the naive depictions we have of the pterodactyls, flying 
dinosaurs of the Tertiary Period that were equipped with hands and 
wings and were otherwise closely related to humans in appearance. 

Their descendants were called the Sons of God (or God's 
Children) in Genesis chapter 6; they reproduced with human-like 


Figure 86: Animal-men (the Udumu / Edom, meaning the “red 1 ' race of men, 
“Adam” of the Bible), from a Babylonian bas-relief. 

animals (Genesis 6:1-5) and thus gave birth to half-human / half-animal 
beasts, monsters and giants. This human-animal race has bred ever 
since then and has become a dangerous enemy of the White Aryan race 
of the God-men. The Aryan blood that flows in our veins is thus the 
most valuable weapon that we possess in this epic historical war of 
hatred that our enemies have waged in order to bring about the death of 
the God-man race. Conversely, any influx of this animal blood into our 
race brings about a most obvious and drastic mental and physical 
deterioration to its offspring. 

This is the “original sin” that the Bible speaks of, that brought 
about the fall of the God-man, i.e., the curse of miscegenation that 
causes the body and soul to inherit evils and illnesses *7.) (Genesis 
chapter 3). 

These human animals (see Fig. 86) are the ancestors of the 
black, brown, yellow and red races of man; the Germanics *8.) are the 


descendants of the God-man (see the Book of Revelation); the mongrel 
races (the Slavs, the Middle Easterners, and the Jews) are a mixture 
between the God-men and the animal-men. 

As stated in Genesis chapter 3, God placed an eternal enmity 
between the Aryan race of the God-men on the one side and the 
mischlinge of the low-bred races on the other side. We must leam and 
never forget the great extent to which these mischlinge races, under the 
leadership of the All-Judas, have cruelly and animalistically defiled 
and nearly exterminated the small remnants of our culturally creative 
Aryan-Germanic God-men race during the most recent Great War. 

According to the Bible, the greatest crime that an Aryan 
(Germanic) can commit is to sexually mix with the low-bred races; this 
mixing serves to strengthen those bastard races that are eternally at war 
with the Aryans and likewise weakens us with the inheritance of the 
animalistic traits of those with inferior blood types. This indeed is the 
“ultimate sin” against God and the heavenly holy spirit who does not 
wish to see the crown of his Creation sink into the filth of the animals. 

The endless war of the races began soon after they had been 
created. The parable of Cain and Abel is another allegory. Cain kills his 
brother Abel, that is, the beast-men fall upon the race of the chosen 
Aryan God-men in an attempt to eradicate them. The beast-men do this 
in order to jealously take possession of all of that which the higher race 
has created; this however will all be in vain for them as the bastard 
races will all eventually get their just rewards. 

God saw with great anger how these people of Adam (the 
animalistic Udumu-men *9.)) had interbred with the Aryan Sons of God 
and had become similar to them (Genesis 3:22). He thus regretted that 
he had created the lowly black, brown, yellow and red beasts, i.e. he 


saw how they had been created through the crime of miscegenation. 
Thus in his anger he destroyed a geological portion of his Creation, as 
is reported in the various legends of the downfalls of Atlantis and 

Those who wish to join the race of the Godly once again must 
thereby abstain from sin, that is, abstain from mixing with the pagan, 
lower-bred races and must single-mindedly endeavor to continue his 
race with only purest of breeding practices. With this, the Light of our 
world returns again, the Logos, Kyrios, i.e. Freya / Fro, the primal 
Germanic ancestor. With this the Creator will once again “give them the 
power to become the Sons of God” (John 1:12) and thus he promises 
his grace and mercy to a thousand generations of them (Exodus 19:5-6, 
20:6). But for those who show their hatred for God by not following his 
racial laws *10.), i.e. those who do not adhere to the laws of nature and 
instead mix with the “animals” and the “pagans”, he will punish as 
sinful their children unto the third or fourth generation (Exodus 20:5). 
Any who have been so unfortunate as to see the mischlinge children in 
the Rhineland will be quite aware of what this curse and stigma of 
miscegenation constitute. 

Maybe the ritual meal of the ancient Aryans served as a 
constant reminder for them to not waver in following the “ancient law 
of the covenant”. 

Again and again the Bible preaches the blessings of those who 
follow pure racial breeding and promises them glory while threatening 
those who commit racial miscegenation with severe punishments 
(Exodus 20:5-6, Joshua 23:5, Joshua 23:12-16, and Deuteronomy 28:9 
and following). It calls for the next savior of the Aryan race to 
ruthlessly exterminate the descendants of Udumu / Adam in order to 


survive. According to the biblical translations of Ignatius, God spake 
thus: “I will keep you from the human animals.” 

He promises the Aryans (the Japhetites) that those who have 
pure racial breeding shall dwell in the house of Shem, and the lower 
races of men (Ham) shall be their servants. 

Through the sinful mixing with the animal people (Genesis 
chapter 3), and the confusion of their blood, the God-men (the Aryan 
nation) have nailed themselves to the cross and have suffered self- 
inflicted wounds; thus he has gone to hell, i.e. fallen into the world 
of the lower-bred races. His exoteric salvation and his atonement for 
this are only attained by drinking from the Grail cup, the cup of the 
Lord (Fraujas); this partaking of the Grail cup, according to the secret 
language of the Bible, means to receive the divine Aryan blood through 
pure racial breeding practices. Those few who would redeem the Aryan 
man from those beasts who love the devil, the animal men, are thus 
elevated to the level of a ministerial and royal priesthood and are 
bestowed with the designations of divinity and holiness (Revelation 

“The idea of pure (or purifying) Love and its power to deify 
was the primary subject of all of the ancient mysteries, religions, 
philosophies and poetry” *11.). Thus, in this sense, chapter 13 of the 
Book of l s< Cominthians is most properly understood. 

The pure holy people of God have been corrupted through 
miscegenation and their numbers have been infiltrated by the “animals 
and the pagans”; they are approaching the Final Day of Judgment when 
their need will be at its greatest and when a Ftihrer and a savior 
(Helios / Baldur / Christ) must arise to lead his people to green pastures 
and to exterminate the deadly beast-men (Ezekiel 34:25 and Ezekiel 


chapter 32). He is the Siegfried of the German sagas (and Saint George 
of the church), and the slayer of the dragon (the lower-bred beasts). 
Thus it is that “Hagar” (the symbol of the low-bred races) must be 
driven out as falling short of our Aryan heritage. 

The ancient initiates and the church fathers and the original 
Christians themselves all considered the “Logos” (“the Word”) (see 
Revelation 19:11) as the representative of the White Aryan race, whose 
order was the defeat and the extermination of the other degenerate 

And Mary, the “Mother of God”, the Freya / Freia of the 
Germanics, “the Mother of pure Love and of holy hope”, was, for our 
ancient Aryan-Germanic ancestors, the symbol for the racially pure, 
blue-eyed, golden blond, chaste, and ideal Aryan woman. Many artists, 
with this subconscious knowledge, still represent Mary in this way. 
Thus she must also be the Mother of the Logos, of the God-men; this 
Mother of the purely-bred Aryan race must also be a virgin, i.e. 
untainted by contact with the animal races, and must receive the Holy 
Spirit *12.), that is, receive and carry the future of a pure, Aryan- 
Germanic breed to ensure the survival of the Godly race. 

If the Aryo-Christian Mary and Freya are therefore to be 
regarded as esoteric historical and metaphysical icons of a racial 
preservation, then their worship as such undoubtedly reflects that of a 
profoundly ethical and aesthetic bearing. With the tragic loss of the 
knowledge of its origins, Protestantism has thus lost a great deal of its 
meaning and its beauty. 

All Aryans must thus one day be united in a “communion of 
the holy” and in an Ario-Christian church, an elite circle whose 
membership is solely drawn from natural selection (see the ancient 


churches of St. John for reference). 

* * * * 

Now how is it that Jesus is the key to these claims and Biblical 

It is because he knew these mysteries and has shown us in his 
words and actions that he strove for their same goals. 

According to John 2:24-25, the racial problems of man were 
very well-known to him. 

Jesus preached of chastity, i.e. of sexual abstinence, of pure 
Love, and of abstaining from miscegenation; he even referred to racial 
mixing as a sin and as an adultery against one's own race, just as the 
act of looking upon a woman who is not yours with carnal desires 
(Matthew 5:28). John, the beloved disciple, also preached about a 
divine and pure Love (I John chapter 4). 

Jesus himself commanded us to love only our fellow 
Germanics. Never once did he say “love thy neighbor as thyself!” In 
truth, what he said was “Love your compatriots as thyself.” This is 
because the word “rhea” in the original text does not mean “neighbor”, 
but instead means “one of the same people” (the fellow race). 

He praised those who were pure in heart as being blessed 
(Matthew 5:8), i.e. those who have rejected the vice of miscegenation 
and strove to lead lives according to the racial laws of nature. For they 
will “see God”, i.e. they will become as one with the Aryan God and 
will pass on their divine nature to their offspring. He calls the Aryans 
the Children of God; this divine filiation can only be obtained by those 
who have not mixed with the Children of the Devil, but, again, only 


with the Children of God. The Children of God are supposed to be 
perfect, “even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 
5:48), i.e., as perfect as the ancient Aryan fathers in the Himmelsberg 

“God” is then, according to Christ, the pure, bright and noble 
human species of the Asen; “the Kingdom of God” then is the Kingdom 
of the Aryans. 

Jesus did not want to know even one member of the lower-bred 
races; he calls them the Children of Darkness and Evil, the Jewish 
Children of the Devil, i.e. the Children of the Beast (John 8:44). None 
of the lower-bred shall be allowed to eat at his supper (Luke chapter 
14), and only the five wisest men, those who follow divine law, shall be 
allowed to marry the virgins, i.e. admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven 
(Matthew chapter 25). 

He himself has said that he was sent only to tend to the “lost 
sheep” (those Germanics who were scattered among the many nations 
of the Earth) of the house of Israel, i.e. to the Chosen Ones, the blond 
Aryans (Matthew 15:24-26). He also wished that the Children of God 
did not “take their bread and throw it to the dogs”, i.e. he wanted the 
Aryans to only do good deeds for their fellow compatriots. He thus 
describes it as a grave error for one to gain the whole world while yet 
losing one's own soul (one's race), i.e. once the purity of one's Aryanism 
was lost, one could never buy it back (Matthew 16:26). Thus it is a sin 
to allow the low-bred races to rise in power through the mixing with 
Aryan blood. 

He referred to the lower-bred races, the animal-men, as human 
weeds (Matthew chapter 13) that were sown by the Devil; on the Day of 
Judgment the sinful lower-bred races will fall prey to a merciless 


destruction and will cry to heaven with the “wailing and gnashing of 
teeth”. God will send out his reapers, the angels (the Angelois, the 
White), i.e. the Germans, to collect them. In the entirety of human 
society there will only be a few (the chosen Aryans) who will come to 
enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 22:14). 

After the widespread mixing of the races and many crucial and 
calamitous world events, the Final Judgment will arrive; this is the final 
separation of the Aryan man from the animal peoples; the righteous (the 
Aryans) will enter into the Kingdom of God, that is, will become united 
in an Aryan state of those who are purely bred; the low-bred races will 
bum in an unquenchable fire, i.e. will become finally and ultimately 
severed from the Aryan peoples (Matthew 25:41, II Peter 1:4). 

Thus Jesus called for this eternal fire, i.e. the merciless war of 
extermination against the lower-bred races, to happen the sooner the 
better. He said, “I am come to send fire on the Earth; and I would rather 
that it already be kindled” (Luke 12:49). 

“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on Earth? I tell you: 
nay, but rather division” (Luke 12:51) (“division” meaning discord or 
separation between the Aryan-Christian race and those of the lower- 
bred races). “Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I came 
not to send peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34). This sword is against 
the “beast” and the “pagans”, against the “Children of the Devil”, i.e. 
against the low-bred races who are strangling us Germans both here and 
all over the world. 

Thus Jesus wished to be our Fuhrer to lead us in this necessary 
and vital war of extermination against the non-Aryan beast-men. 

Inevitably, the reader must ask how it can be that this Jesus, 
who arose with such a ruthless determination from the Aryo-Germanic 


soil to wage a war of extermination against the “beasts” and “pagans”, 
and who preached racial politics and preached of the moral legitimacy 
of our struggle for survival, could at the same lime teach something like 
this: “but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the 
other also... and if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy 
coat, let him have thy cloak as well” (Matthew 5:39 - 40). 

This un-Germanic, asian, and cowardly slave morality does in 
no way fit with the other racial and political teachings of Jesus, 
teachings that were in fact built upon a solid foundation of natural and 
racial hygiene! Certainly not! After we have learned of all of the 
incredible Jewish falsifications of the Bible, is there anyone yet who 
can still assert and believe that these were the actual words of Christ? 
Is there anyone yet who can believe that he spoke such words which, 
incidentally, the “militant” church itself has rarely followed? Either he 
did not say these sentences at all or else they have been tampered with 
and they most probably say: “but whosoever shall smite thee on thy 
right cheek, do not turn to offer him the other,” and as well, “ not 
let him take thy cloak.” 

So now why would these verses be falsified? This is again a 
very clever move on the part of Judaism in its many efforts to exploit 
and dominate the Christian-Germanic peoples. Thus, after leading the 
lower-bred races to persecute the Germans all over the world, after 
flaying and tormenting them, after insulting and spitting upon them, 
after trampling and enslaving them, and after cunningly making the 
defenseless German people surrender through starvation, the Jews then 
turn the church into an instrument of Judaism by falsifying the words of 
Jesus, our Germanic Archangel Michael, and tells us that “Christ 
commands you to forgive your enemies, and with Christian humility to 


even turn the other cheek and give him your cloak if he asks of it.” 

Indeed, Jesus was so strict and merciless with the application of 
our ancient racial laws, that he declared that he considered his racially 
pure compatriots as his family over that of his own mother and brothers, 
if they were disposed to having relations with non-Aryans (Matthew 
12:49-50). Thus he practiced a truly ruthless racial policy. 

This sin against the Spirit, the crime of miscegenation, is a sin 
that can never be forgiven in the Aryan, for this is a sin against the 
future of his entire race; the Aryan who mixes his or her blood with 
other races is indeed a criminal to his people and to all of his 

Just as modem anthropology and natural science have 
confirmed, Jesus also recognized that the Aryan (the Goth / Gott / 
Good) man brings good things out of his heart, while the mongrel and 
the beast-men bring only evil things (Matthew 12:35) * 13 .). He was thus 
very well aware of this ancient, clear, and fundamental principle: with 
the growth of pure Aryan breeding, all of the desirable conditions in 
nature eventually follow, i.e., virtue, happiness, prosperity, health, 
wisdom and godliness. Hence his parables about the seeds in the field 
and the pearl of the great price, among others (Matthew chapter 13) are 
more easily understood. 

Jesus also knew what our modem anthropologists now know, 
that it is crucial for the community of Aryan nations to be founded upon 
the Spirit and Will of Aryan-Christianity. This is why he says that not 
everyone will be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven (the Reich of the 
Aryan God-men), but only those who follow the will of their father in 
heaven, i.e., those who elevate the Aryan-Germanic race through pure 
breeding practices and those who lead the noble life of the Aryan God- 


man (Matthew 7:21). For the earthly community of holy Aryans 
includes not only Germans, but also Germanics and the Aryans of other 
nations, as long as they are loyal to the Germanic world and as long as 
they keep this covenant of the sacred blood. The German, the Aryan and 
the Christian-minded peoples are all one and the same. Germans and 
Germanics are what Christianity is composed of, all others are pagan 
and non-Aryan. Germanness and pure racial breeding and the racial 
politics that drive Christianity are not mutually exclusive, but are in fact 
one and the same. 

Now that we understand the innermost wishes of the heart of 
our All-Father, let us give our Lord's prayer for the future of our race 
that we so desire: 

All-Father (Theos / Tius / Zeus) who art in heaven (our 
Homeland)! Hallowed be thy name (as the tribal and racial Father of 
our folk). Thy Reich (the racially pure German Reich) will come. Thy 
Will b€"done, on Earth (the world) as it is in heaven (our Heimat / our 
Homeland). Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our 
trespasses (any shame that we have may brought upon our race), as we 
forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation (in terms of a 
miscegenation), but deliver us from evil (the low-bred races and the 
Children of the Devil); for thine is the Reich, and the power and the 
glory forever. Amen (Sieg Heil)! 

Now that we understand the anthropological and racial breeding 
philosophies of Jesus, his quote that he “came not to destroy the Law or 
the prophets, but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17), makes much more 
sense. He wished that the ancient Aryan racial laws that were discarded 
long ago be once again fulfilled to the greatest degree. 

Christ has redeemed us “from the curse of the Law” (Galatians 


chapter 3), i.e., the curse of miscegenation which weighs upon our 
shoulders; he has showed us the path to redemption by sacrificing his 
own life so that we may become the Children of God once more, by 
purely breeding our sacred Aryan blood. 

After the “End of Days”, after the terrible events to come that 
will bring about the final racial wars, the Kingdom of God will come, 
i.e. a time of the eternal rule of the Aryan man and a time of pure racial 

It is indeed of great interest to us to thus examine Jesus' 
parables about the sower and the tares among the wheat, and his 
discourses on the Kingdom of God and the Final Judgment, for us to see 
his true views on racial politics. 

Thus it was that the All-Father sent his only Son to our Aryan 
ancestors, a pure Aryan warrior delivered into our world to destroy the 
works of the Devil (the races of the human animals) (I John 3:8); so 
cursed is anyone who hangs on the “wood”, i.e., mixes with the low¬ 
bred races (Galatians 3:13). 

This is evidenced by the Holy Trinity, the three in heaven 
(heaven being the Aryan Reich): the All-Father, the Son and the Holy 
Spirit; these three are united as one, and as one they speak of the truth 
of the Christian-Aryan spirit and the necessity of laws to guide our pure 
racial breeding: the All-Father represents the past of the Aryan race, the 
Son is its present state, and the Holy Spirit is its future * 14 .). 

It is thus clear from these few previous examples what the 
actual teachings of the Old and the New Testament really are and just 
how grand and sublime the true teachings of Jesus Christ were. Our 
modem race researchers and anthropologists should look to these long- 
hidden teachings on an entirely scientific basis to learn new insights. 


They will find that his formidable knowledge encompassed all of the 
facets of human thought. Had his teachings been so poorly interpreted, 
as they generally are today, then the Hebrews would not have pursued 
and persecuted him. But because they were so afraid that he would 
convey this ancient Aryan racial theory to his Germanic compatriots, 
and thus call for a holy racial war of liberation against the mischlinge 
Hebrew race, he was thus condemned by them to die *15.). 

Those who explore the genuine, esoteric teachings of the Christ 
in order to find its secret keys, for example in the magnificent epistles 
of St. John, will come to the inevitable conclusion that it, and therefore 
the true Christian religion, is a sublime Aryan religion based upon the 
worshipful nurturing of race, and that through its doctrine of purely 
breeding the heroic Aryan blood, it has enabled its peoples to achieve a 
godlike and divine filiation. 

The true message of the Bible stands in sharp contrast to 
our modem theology and pedagogy which both represent the false 
materialistic ideology that virtue can be taught, and that through such 
“learning” any man can come to enter into the “Kingdom of Heaven”. 
The Bible and our modem racial scientists say otherwise: the good 
within man must be bred or cultivated. 

The Bible contains a great deal of ancient Aryan wisdom that 
our anthropologists and racial researchers have only in recent decades 
rediscovered through years of tedious study. The Bible shows us that 
this knowledge already existed long ago in ancient times. It knew of the 
enormous political and economic benefits and moral / religious impacts 
that pure racial breeding brought and taught that a religion based upon 
proper racial hygiene would best benefit the Aryan-Germanic peoples 
of the world. Indeed, the world itself is promised (Deuteronomy 


chapters 7 and 28) to those who enforce the Aryan racial laws and to 
those who ruthlessly exterminate the “human animals” who surround 

This is the primary secret message of the Bible. 

If the Bible was not both a manual for the teachings of racial 
hygiene and racial politics and a canticle to the Aryan God-man, then 
the Goths, who were so proud of their racial breeding, would not have 
embraced Christianity. Thus it is quite significant that the biblical 
translations of Ulfilas were intentionally mutilated later by the Christian 
priests in order to disguise its true meaning. 

No one else has better understood these mysteries of the Bible 
than the cunningly business-minded Jews, who have secretly adopted 
and carried out the racial breeding laws of the Aryan Bible in the 
strictest manner possible, thereby enabling their widespread attempts 
at world domination. We Aryans, on the other hand, have fallen prey 
to the historical falsifications of the Jews; through their propaganda 
and their indoctrination in us of such false concepts as the “equality 
of all peoples”, “national reconciliation”, a “brotherhood of nations”, 
globalization, and their suppression of racial and ethnic consciousness, 
we have become their tools and slaves. While they steal our precious 
heritage from us, they also continue to cheat us by falsifying the Bible 
and by lying to us through their many tentacles in the press; through the 
spell that it has held over the Christian church, it has persuaded us for 
2,000 years that all men are “created equal” and that all men are our 
“neighbors”, that we are all the “same” human beings, and that we 
should love these animal-people and alien Hebrews just as we love 
ourselves. This is all done so that these Jews can blend in among us and 
can be protected to continue to pursue their plans to rob and dominate 


the world undisturbed. 

The Jewish leaders themselves are all very well aware of the 
vast importance and implications of proper racial policies. One of its 
most eminent men, the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, once 
let slip this vital and scientifically flawless admission: “Race is the key 
to world history!” 

The Jewish rabbis as well are also acutely conscious of the true 
meaning of the Bible and its hidden language. Much of this is found in 
their secret writings, and in particular in the Talmud. In the Talmud, we 
Aryans are referred to as “animals” (or animal-men) and as “pigs” 
(Boches!); while in the ancient Aryan scriptures these terms refer to the 
Hebrews; Jesus himself explicitly called them the “Children of the 
Devil”, i.e. as the descendants of the animal-men. This is why in India 
they were considered to be pariahs, the outcast and the unclean, with 
whom the Aryans would avoid all contact with. 

From the secret writings of the Aryans they have also 
appropriated knowledge of ancient occult powers (magic) that they 
have ruthlessly exploited for their use in commerce and politics. Is it 
then not quite remarkable how the German people seemed so literally 
hypnotized when they handed their weapons over to the enemy in 
1918? And is it also not quite striking how these defenseless German 
people have gone on seemingly without a will to obediently follow the 
commands of their Jewish hypnotists in the government and media for 
years? This is the damned knowledge of the Bible that the Jews have 
used to create the Black Magic of their “Kabbalah”; the ancient Aryans 
on the other hand only used this knowledge of occult powers for the 
application of White Magic, i.e., for the good of Aryan mankind (for 
example the documented healing powers of Jesus Christ!). 


Thus it is that “that old serpent” thrives only through deception 
and the cheating of other peoples. All of the nations of the world that 
have been founded upon Aryan-Germanic ideals have eventually 
perished because of these serpents. Now they have penetrated the 
utmost core of Germanism (the Aryan cradle) itself in order to destroy it 
from within with their multitudinous hordes of low-bred executioners. 
The Great War itself was intended to serve as one massive pogrom of 
the German people, a gigantic St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of 
Germans and German civilization. Woe be to these Bible counterfeiters 
and falsifiers when the day comes that they are found out by the Aryans 
of the world as the source of all of the suffering of the German peoples! 
Just like in the parable of the tares among the wheat, this serpent will 
not escape its fate! They are forever trembling with fear and endlessly 
afraid that these mysteries of the Bible will be discovered and that their 
doom will thus be sealed. By the words of Christ, they then shall be cast 
into eternal torment with the wailing and the gnashing of teeth. 

In the previous chapters we have already indicated how the 
early church stood with regards to the divine secrets of the Bible’s 
messages of racial ethics and politics. Here are a few examples: 

The secret language of the Bible was well-known to the early 
Christians and to the founding fathers of the church, and even its 
purpose as a guide for racial hygiene and breeding. In issues number 82 
and 83 of Ostara Biicherei, the theologian von Liebenfels explains that 
the translations of the magnificent Latin-Christian seals from the first 
seven centuries AD show us that they were clearly based upon biblical 
Ariosophy (from German proverbs). The long line of our ancient 
German mystics also more or less knew of these secret teachings of the 
Bible, as well as the members of the Templar, Benedictine and 


Cistercian Orders. Unfortunately, over the centuries, the church slowly 
allowed itself to become infiltrated by the lower-bred races and the 
Jews, thus replacing its original Gentian leadership. It has thus become 
abundantly clear that the true contents of the Bible, and in particular its 
racial policies, were subsequently concealed or distorted. Ever since 
then the church has become focused on superficial issues and its once 
pure teachings have been turned into formalistic dogmas; the church 
itself has become a tool to blind the German people and to hide the 
mysteries of the Bible from them, all to the advantage of the Jews. Our 
ancestral Aryan spiritual heroes, those who spoke the truth about the 
Bible, were thus rounded up as heretics and cruelly burned at the stake. 
The church thus became thoroughly Judaized, and through it, the 
German people themselves *16.). Thus it was for good reason that 
Benjamin Disraeli called the “Christian Church” a “Judaism for the 
masses,” and the Jewish poet Heinrich Heine called the Protestant 
Church “the Hebrew Rebirth.” 

And what has the church created from the vast treasures of 
beautiful art, science, wisdom and emotional and logical guidance that 
it has inherited from this ancient Aryan religion of racial worship? 

It has created nothing but “dogma” and “formalism”, that which 
Christ himself had vehemently condemned. Historical facts have been 
disguised in the esoteric garb of “revelations” and “prophecies” and 
Jewish filth has been turned into theological dogma. Overly ambitious 
scholastic study has twisted natural and healthy religious thought and 
feelings into folly and madness. The church has successfully distracted 
its followers from looking for any occult meanings in the text of the 
Bible. Instead, they take the many fables, allegories, word-games and 
fairy-tales of the Bible as the literal truth and history of the Jewish 


people. They have split themselves into hundreds of different sects in 
order to argue over their meanings, all to the detriment of the Germanic 
peoples (see the Colloquy of Marburg!), while the Jews knowingly 
sneer and watch. As the Christians hurriedly create dogma upon dogma 
for themselves, they more and more make themselves the slaves and 
puppets of the Jews. “For the many different denominations, religion 
has sadly become a matter of devout letter-worship and a mindless faith 
in formulaic speech and dogmas; it has become a relentlessly zealous 
pursuit of blaspheming and condemning all other faiths and 
denominations; its members boast of their faith and morals in words 
only, and do not hold them in their hearts,” writes the theologian Jorg 
Lanz von Liebenfels. They are the people of the chaff and not the 
wheat; they take the Bible only at its superficial (exoteric) word and 
suppress any hidden (esoteric) truths as heresy. 

And what are the positions of the Catholic and Protestant 
Churches on the racial ethics and racial policies of Christ? 

— It nurtures the inferior races, instead of the Aryan race, 
those who have been “appointed for salvation”; 

— It supports the fraud that the Jews are the “chosen people”, 
and protects them at every opportunity to the detriment of 
the German peoples; 

- It disseminates the harmful Jewish falsifications of the 
Bible to the Aryan peoples and fills the Germanic people 
with Jewish sentiments and Jewish spirit; 

— It favors marriages with the low-bred races, even with the 
Negro animals, contrary to the explicit prohibitions of the 
Bible, thus strengthening and empowering the bestial races 


in their eternal wars against the “sacred and the godly”; 

It allows non-Aryans, especially Jews, to become members 
of the church through baptism; as the church is supposed to 
be strictly a congregation of the “holy” (i.e. the Ario- 
Germanics), this therefore promotes the bastardization of 
the noble Aryan blood; 

It strengthens the mission of the low-bred races in their war 
of extermination against the Aryan world through soft 
avenues such as “charity” and immigration; 

It can find no words to protest nor any act of defense to 
stop “the black shame” of animal blood that now flows in 
the veins of many German people through the diabolical 
mixing of our races; 

It continually preaches the lie of the equality of all men and 
the equality of souls, thus acting internationally instead of 

It presents the Great War to us as God's punishment for the 
German nation, even though it was blatantly a devious 
alliance of the lower-bred races, especially the Jews, for the 
express purpose of wiping out the few remaining Germanic 

It preaches the protection, toleration and even the love of 
the lower-bred races instead of invoking the German people 
to wage a war of liberation and extermination against them, 
as God wills us in the Bible; their ministers preach the 
cultivation of the beast-men instead of leading us with 
swords in their hands against them like the great medieval 
bishops of Germany once did; 


- It creates a fragmented school system of battling 
denominations in order to thus strengthen and enable the 
unified Jewish powers and their globalist agendas; 

- It gives the holy people of God priests who are from the 
“Children of Darkness” (Jews, Indians, Poles, Czechs, 
Italians and the French) instead of priests from the 
“Children of Light”. 

So it is that the church is in fact against the “law of the ancient 
covenant”, i.e., against the ancient racial laws of the Aryans, against the 
commandments of Christ and against the welfare of the Aryan race; the 
church is thus in fact not only an ally, but a leader of the low-bred races 
in their wars against our “holy congregation” and has thus made many 
of our Germanic-blooded clerics unconsciously and unintentionally the 
greatest enemy of both his fellow German and his Fatherland. 

Many will thus concede that these clergy “know not what 
they do” and that they have been raised and entangled in these 
misconceptions from birth. Yet we must insist that these clergy now 
teach according to the true meanings of the Holy Scripture and 
according to the interpretations that our church fathers have originally 
made; we must demand that they ignore the false embellishments of 
centuries of dogma and to thus act according to the true will of Jesus: 
they must help establish a temple of Aryan wisdom and Aryan way of 
life, a temple of the Aryan-Christian racial religion that closely binds 
the state and the school into a unified force to promote and strengthen 
the culture and the nation of the Germanic peoples. As it is, the current 
church in Germany will be forced to realize within the next few years 
how the truthful interpretation of the Bible and its connection with a 


powerful and astonishingly brilliant nationalistic movement will be its 
only salvation. If our clergy do not soon learn how to teach the truth, 
they will in fact become complicit with the 2,000 years of crimes that 
have been committed against our people and complicit with our final 

* * * * 

The destinies of nations are affected by how they act upon their 
individual ideals. Over the course of many thousands of years of 
cultural history, millions of people have fought for both good and bad 
ideals; empires have been founded upon them and destroyed by them, 
lands have been both devastated and made to blossom by them, peoples 
have been enslaved or freed by them, and worlds have fallen and made 
to rise by them. 

Beneath the cry of “Allah is great” untold hordes of the 
Crescent have swarmed forward from the heat of the Arabian Desert 
and into the heart of Europe by the suggestive influences of the 
teachings of Mohammed. False ideals have also driven millions of 
Crusaders and pilgrims eastward where they found silent graves in the 
deserts of Asia Minor. The cries of “freedom” drove hundreds of 
thousands of brave German men forward in the Battle of the Teutoberg 
Forest against the Romans and in the 1813 War of Liberation. Such 
false ideals as that of “human equality”, “international reconciliation”, a 
“brotherhood of nations”, the “League of Nations”, a “negotiated 
peace” and globalization have all been shrewdly crafted by their 
criminal authors in order to break the moral and political backbone of 
the German people and to push a dagger into their backs; they have 


plunged what was once the largest and oldest of all of the civilized 
nations of the world into distress, misery and complete collapse. Only 
through the re-establishment of correct and truthful ideals will we once 
again gain our political freedom, economic independence and once 
more restore our ancient virtues and morality. 

It is of the utmost importance that the ideals, principles and 
historical facts explained in this present book be adopted by the German 
people for the organization of their internal and external political 

Since it has all turned out to be a crude falsification that Jesus 
was of Jewish blood and that the Hebrews were the chosen people of 
God, the holy and mysterious aura surrounding the Jews has thus 
disintegrated and the Hebrews now find themselves clothed with 
nothing but dust. After 1,900 years their shimmering soap bubble has 
finally burst. 

The church simply cannot and must not protectively stand 
before such a people who have so severely damaged our race through 
its historical falsifications. Now that science and history both tell us that 
they have acted with hostility for thousands of years against our race 
(see Chapter 28), they must ultimately be considered to be an alien 
presence and enemy agents within our empire. 

There is now a concern in certain theological circles that theses 
present findings may lead to the collapse of the church and all religious 
life including human discipline, morals and idealism. These concerns 
however are completely unfounded. Can the effects of the truth be 
dangerous? Certainly for the circles of the fraudsters! But not for the 
German folk who so desire to find this truth and to live in accordance 
with the instructions that their great ancestor Jesus Christ has given 


them. Those who seek the truth will hear his voice! Lies and error have 
dominated the world for far too long, leading the German world astray 
and into division, racial degeneration and moral and economic decline. 

The church must not be apprehensive if it honestly wishes to 
seek and teach the truth. 

Once the Bible has been properly cleansed of its Hebraic 
falsifications and additions, it will clearly stand in our favor as the most 
sublime and venerable inheritance from our German ancestors. 

The exalted personage of Jesus Christ thus will not be 
dismissed by us Germans, but will instead become greater in stature and 
significance for us than he has been for 1,900 years. Jesus and his 
teachings will in fact become the common center in the political, racial, 
social and ethical spheres of our coming Germanic cultural revival. 

With the knowledge that Jesus was indeed a prehistoric German 
king, all of the Hebrew and Middle Eastern ways of thinking that have 
created all sorts of crippling dogmas for us will fade away. The 
unfortunate denominational fragmentation that has brought us so much 
suffering and misery since the beginning of the Christian Church will 
also disappear. Just as well, we will no longer be burdened with the 
deplorable phenomenon of sectarian political parties who act like 
foreign powers against the interests of the Fatherland. Rome will not be 
allowed to politically influence the inner workings of Germany ever 
again. No one in Germany will ever again follow the red Communist 
flag of the low-bred races; they will instead proudly march beneath the 
banner of the cross and the swastika of the Germanic King Jesus. 

As the greatest spiritual hero of Germanic history, Jesus will 
triumphantly return to his Teutonic homeland after his long lonely exile. 
As a result, he will become our leader and our guide in all of the areas 


of our political, social and moral lives. If the church itself is truly 
Christian, then it will no longer preach to us of a Jewish Jesus, but 
instead will speak to us of a Germanic Jesus. The clergy will thus of 
course play a major role in the cultural life of our people, no longer as 
globalists and internationalists, but rather as leaders of a national church 
of “God's holy ones” and “the Lamb” of Revelation. I see the coming of 
the Church of the German Empire as one of the most important cultural 
factors of our future. Those ideals that are the most deeply felt in the 
foundations of Germanism are those which will bring us closer to our 
divine goals. 

The denominational divisions will disappear. The church will 
include all of the compatriots of the German peoples. Their worship 
will become calm and meditative once more. Baptism will be included 
in this German covenant in the way that it was in ancient times and 
the holy communion will serve as a Germanic agape feast to the 
memory of Jesus, our most exalted ancestor. And our church of course 
will henceforth only receive through the rite of baptism those who are 
of Germanic blood into its fold. 

There will henceforth be no more sectarian strife due to so- 
called mixed marriages, for they will be no more. Truth brings unity and 
peace. When the family is united and at peace, so will be the entire 

Even the unfortunate, grueling and consuming arguments over 
schooling will fade away. As a result of the rediscovery of these truths, 
a genuinely Christian and a comprehensively Germanic school system 
will arise and operate in unison with this Germanic-Christian Church to 
work together for the salvation of the Fatherland. 

Can our current churches, governments and educational 


institutions now so carelessly ignore the discovery of these historical 
facts and the problems of all kinds that arise from them? For these 
issues are of the most fundamental importance to the German people 

Can the church accept their responsibility for failing to mention 
the vile historical falsifications that Judaism has made and yet continue 
to teach them as the truth? Can they accept this responsibility when 
what they teach as truth and divine revelation is instead just lies and 
deceit? Will they continue to tolerate and support the devious and 
harmful frauds that have been committed against the people of the 
Lamb after learning of the revelations in this book? Will the church still 
forcefully prevent those truth-seekers and friends of the folk and the 
Fatherland from making further inroads and will they continue to serve 
and glorify our mortal enemies, the Hebrew people? Will the church 
continue to maintain this 2,000 year old fraud with all of its strength 
and thereby continue to hurl itselffurther towards disaster? If so, then 
their fate would be most well-deserved and the most that we could 
ultimately lament is that we had wished that they had instead racially 
awoken themselves to become leaders of the Teutons in our struggle 
against our mortal enemies. 

A time of contemplative introspection for the church has now 
arrived. They must face up to the problems that have put us into this 
position. They must relearn. In the burning battles of the Spirit, there 
can be only one choice: either stand on the side of the German King 
Jesus and his sign □ or else stand on the side of the Great Beast of 
Revelation and their sign of the Soviet Star. The side of the cross or the 
star... the Lamb or the Snake. “He who is not with me is against me; and 
he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad!” (Matthew 12:30) 


So too must our scientific institutions take up a position against 
the problems that menace Germany. For too long have we been chasing 
after false gods and for too long have we exhausted ourselves in the 
study of Hellenism and Romanism; for too long have we been studying 
the cultures and customs of other nations and thus neglected the history 
of our own people in many disgraceful ways. Is that not a crime against 
our own folk? Does that type of behavior not shame our culture? Can 
we continue this way? Can science, whose highest honor is supposedly 
to serve the truth, continue to ignore such serious questions? Can our 
German scientists and professors continue to remain silent about the 
monumental frauds of world history that have been made to deliberately 
lead our people into perdition? 

And what of the State itself? Can they continue to allow and 
tolerate that these lies and betrayals are maintained that have proven to 
fragment, divide and unnerve our most unfortunate peoples? Must the 
State not be compelled to admit that these historical falsifications are 
being taught in our churches and schools as the truth, and that this has 
endangered the very existence of our Empire itself? 

They indeed have a great political interest in the disclosure of 
the truth, for the people will become unified in agreement that these 
enemies of our nation should be revealed, and that this itself will 
ultimately lead us to our freedom. 

With the cry of “God wills It!”, the German people will draw 
together in this struggle against the ring of these low-bom thieves and 
extortionists that surround us on all sides. We are now authorized by the 
Bible and by King Jesus in this, the holiest of battles. It is thus not a sin 
to destroy these “pagans ”, but a sin to let them live. Thousands of times 
these Children of Hell have deserved a cruel death for the thousands of 


crimes that they have committed against the German peoples. They will 
soon force us to play our hand; and if we are not prevented from doing 
so, we will thus wage a war of extermination against them. On August 
4 th , 1920, the Negro president of the UNIA, Marcus Garvey, gave a 
speech before a convention of blacks in New York where he spoke these 
memorable words: “on behalf of the 400 million Negroes of the world”, 
the next war will be a race war and the “whites” will be destroyed by 
the colored peoples. Thus a victorious faith, i.e. a belief in an idea 
followed by a strong-willed struggle, can move mountains and make the 
seemingly impossible possible. 

The great wars of the world are thus nothing more than the 
struggles for ideas. The Atyan-Christian and the nationalist idea are 
opposed to the internationalist idea. On behalf of Germanic-Teutonic 
Christianity and the German nation itself, we will therefore enter into 
the final and decisive battle between the Aryan God and the pagan 
animal-men; we will annihilate them and then, just like the Japhethites 
of the Bible, we will “dwell in the tents of Shem and Ham”, i.e., we 
shall settle in their lands with our Germanic and Aryan countrymen. 
Throw away these imaginary, falsified and mendacious words of “love 
thy enemies” and instead march forward to crush these animals! The 
guiding light that will charge our struggles are the racial laws of the 
“Old Testament” (our “Old Covenant”) and the Gospels of Jesus, i.e., 
the “good news” of the protection and the deification of Aryanism 
through a pure racial Love. Under the battle-flag of the ancient Aryan- 
Christian cross and the ancient swastika we will regain the great 
Germanic lands that have been stolen from us over the centuries and we 
will expand Great Germania. By properly and purely breeding our 
Aryan blood we will witness the new blossoming of a culture of 


unimaginable beauty that will be feared and respected by the nations of 
the world. Through the sublime biblical idea of racial salvation, we will 
once again ascend to our proper place in divine filiation. 

Once again will the unforgettable song of Theodor Kdmer 
resound throughout our lands: 

Let as march on, my folk! 

The flame of our sign does smoke, 

From Aurora Borealis, breaks the freedom of light! 
Thou shalt love today to plunge our steel 
into our enemy f s hearts, 

Let us march on, my folk! 

The flame of our sign does smoke, 

When the seed is ripe her reapers do not tarry! 

Our highest salvation, the last, is our sword! 

Push the spear into thine faithful heart\ 

The freedom of a lane! Washing oar soil 
Our German lands with thy pure blood! 

The heavens call us and all hell gives way! 

Upward, my trembling people! 

Upward, for freedom commands it! 

High beats thine hearts, high grow your oaks. 

What do you worry about the piles of our bodies, 

High you will plant the flag of our liberty! 

Yet you stand then, my folk, crowned by fortune, 
Glowing with hallowed victories of our past. 

Forget not our beloved dead and adorn 
Even our urns with the holy oak wreath! 


* 1 .) See the Bible commentaries of Philo, Josephus, Oigien, Jerome and Augustine. 

* 2 .) Joi'g von Lanz-Liebenfels: Die Griechischen und Lateinischen Bibelversionen (The 
Greek and Latin Versions of the Bible), Leipzig, 190S / 1909. And Paul de Lagarde: 
Onomastica Sacra, Gottingen, 1870. This is a kind of encyclopedia of the Bible's secret 
language, compiled from ancient sources : 

* 3 .) Translator: From Paul de Lagarde's Wikipedia page, accessed March 11th, 2016: 
" Lagarde's antisemitism laid the foundations for aspects of National Socialist ideology, 
in particular that of Alfred Rosenberg. He aigued that Germany should create a 
'national'form of Christianity purged of Semitic elements and insisted that Jews were 
'pests and parasites' who should be destroyed 'as speedily and thoroughly as possible,' 
His library / now belongs to the New York University. " 

*4.) The following statements are taken from some of the treatises of the learned 
theologian Jotg von Lanz-Liebenfels and correspond as well to the views of the ancient 
founding fathers of Christianity : 

*5.) Jotg von Lanz-Liebenfels: Ostara-Biicherei, number 83, page 10. 

* 6 .) See Ernst Betha: Die Erde und Unsere Ahnen (The Earth and Our Ancestors). 

* 7 .) More on this “ curse of miscegenation ” will be published separately in a special 
treatise. Hermann Wieland, author. 

* 8 .) Remnants of the Germanic race are found around the world in those of the Baltic- 
German, Swiss, Austrian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Dutch blood. The 
Englishman has already been completely mongrellized long ago. 

*9.) Translator: “ Udumu ” / “ Udutni ” / " Edom ” is an ancient historical region in the 
southern Levant, south of Judea and the Dead Sea. The Hebrew word "Edom" means 
"red", thus "Adam" is a reference to the red man / the red mischlinge race. The stoiy 
of the Garden of Eden is thus the stoty of the ultimate sin, the miscegenation between 
the red race (Adam) and the Aryan race (Eve) and of their banishment from the Aryan 
paradise of Asgard. 

* 10 *) i.e. the ancient Aryan racial laws. The most well-known of these are those of 
Manu (or "Mannus " / Jesus ?) which have recently been confirmed for their 
truthfulness by our modem racial research. The Saxons, the Ripuarians, the Lombards / 
Langobards and the Goths all also had such Aryan racial laws. 

* 11 ,) JdrgLanz von Liebenfels: Ostara-Biicherei, number 10, page 11. 

* 12 .) For the early Christian mystics, the Holy Trinity was interpreted as the "past, 


present and future" of the Aryan race, or as the representation of “dying, being and 
becoming ", 

* 13 .) Dr Ludwig Woltmann has given us a scientific explanation of these natural laws 
and facts in his magnificent work: Politische Anthropologic (Political Anthropology), 
Jena, 1903. 

* 14 .) This interpretation is from the Cistercian monk Jo rg Lanz von Liebenfels: Ostara- 
Biicherei, number 78, page 4, and number 82, page 9, as well as from the writings of 
various other early Ario-Christian mystics. 

* 15 .) We should pause here to recall just how terrified that Judaism and their 
accomplices in the press and parliament are of any honest racial thought or discussion 
and how they stifle it at every turn. Judaism knows all too well how they will have lost 
their power once the racial breeding doctrines of Christ become known amongst the 
general public. This is the reason why many of the pioneers of ethnic and racial 
breeding and its philosophies have been eliminated ; just one instance is the case of the 
famous anthropologist Geoiges Vacher de Lapouge who was prohibited from further 
publication of his racial research in France by the local Jesuit-Jewish government 

* 16 .) The theologian and Protestant Pastor Friedrich Andersen proves this in his 
work: Der Deutsche Heiland (The German Saviour), Munich, 1921. 


Chapter 38. 

Theses, Findings and Their Applications. 

A.) What do we now know? 

The final riddle of the Bible has been solved. That which has 
been veiled from our eyes for 2,000 years has now been revealed. 

The Bible rests firmly on an Aryan-Germanic foundation. Its 
most valuable parts have been falsified by Jewish priests so that their 
people, “God's chosen ones”, will appear as “holy” instead of demonic. 
Through this scam they have obtained world domination and by 
deluding the Aryan folk they are thus not hindered from their goals. 

The legends of the creation of the world, of Paradise and its 
downfall, and of the great flood, are all proto-Germanic legends. The 
portions of the Bible that are allegedly prophecies (the Books of the 
Prophets and the Book of Revelation), have been edited and falsified to 
serve the purposes of Judaism; the surviving sections that have not been 
overly mutilated contain actual reports on Atlantis and Baldur and the 
ancient history of the Aryan peoples. The Psalms contain portions of 
Aryan-Atlantean and Germanic literature. The books of Joshua, Job, 
Judges, Kings, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon, and the 
Wisdom of Sirach are all largely literary products of those Germanic 
folk who were subjugated or defeated by the Jews in Canaan. The 
Gospels are in turn so completely an expression of the Aryan spirit and 
Aryan religious feeling that they stand as the most stark contrast to 
Judaism; this is the reason that they have always claimed it for their 


own, to falsely elevate themselves and to deny the Aryans of their 
beautiful heritage. The horrors of human sacrifice and blood rituals find 
their origin with these Hebrew-Indians and the pagans of Atlantis. 

The priests and scribes of Judaism have deceptively mixed the 
history and sagas of the Aryan folk with their own in order to make 
them appear to be the “chosen ones” and “God's holy ones” and to thus 
steal them from the Aryans. 

Outrageous Jewish falsifications abound in the Bible. 

Assenting to such lies has brought untold miseries to the 
Germans and the Teutons of the world. 

Through these falsifications, the Jewish people, originally a 
despised pariah people and a type of rootless gypsy, have become lords 
of the nations of the Earth and have made us their slaves. 

The Jews themselves have retained and applied the most 
important parts of the Aryan scriptures, the ancient Aryan racial 
breeding laws, “the law of the Old Testament”, while concealing them 
from us and publicly portraying them as ridiculous. 

By strictly observing these Aryan racial breeding laws, they 
have acquired world domination, while we Germans have traded this 
most treasured blood heritage for their unscrupulous historical 
falsifications, like Esau had done with Jacob. 

The Bible must not be taken literally. The ancient church fathers 
knew well of its secret and hidden meanings that have been carefully 
concealed from us in the form of fairy-tales, fables and parables. 

The church continually forces us to accept the Jewish 
falsifications of the biblical texts and their Hebraic filth as the truth and 
as the revelations of God. 

They demand that we view these Jewish literary thieves. 


fraudsters and historical counterfeiters as the “chosen and holy people 
of God” and that we tolerate their presence among us. 

This thereby makes them unconsciously complicit in these 
frauds against the German people and our Judaization and enslavement 
by their hands. 

This Judaization thus acts as a negation of the Germanic spirit 
and is a means for the Jews to glorify and protect themselves. 

So in the words of the Jewish Prime Minister of England, 
Benjamin Disraeli, Christianity becomes a “Judaism for the people”, 
contrary to the Will of Christ. 

The hidden contents of the Bible contain a history of the Aryan- 
Germanic race and its songs of praise, as well as showing us the proper 
ethical racial policies and racial hygiene necessary for the preservation 
and the propagation of our blood. 

As the most highly evolved human race, we are the true chosen 
ones, the holy people of God to whom the world is promised. The 
Aryan-Germanics are, according to the Bible, the Children of God, and 
the other races are referred to there as the “beasts”, the “animals” and 
the “dragon.” 

It is the will of the Bible that the Aryan race should exterminate 
these low and mongrel races that oppress them and to thus freely 
colonize the world. The church, on the other hand, calls for the 
protection and promotion of the animalistic low-bred races. 

The Bible calls for the Aryan race to sharply separate 
themselves from the low-bred races and to deify their blood through 
selective and proper breeding practices. The church, on the other hand, 
goes against the will of God by promoting miscegenation and racial 
chaos in the interests of Judaism; the necessary result of this preaching 


of world charity, indiscriminate miscegenation and love for the enemy 
is the racial death of the Germanic peoples. 

In accordance with the laws of nature, the Bible demands that 
the differentiation of the races is a necessity; this means that folkish and 
racial thoughts must remain distinct from race to race. The church, on 
the other hand, acts according to internationalist ideas that are contrary 
to this. They thus act anti-folkish and anti-ethnic and anti-natural; they 
are globalists and not nationalists; in their current incarnation, the 
clergy, with their anti-Biblical beliefs, cannot therefore serve the true 
interests of the German people. 

Jesus was not a Jew but was instead a Teuton. Just like the 
Aryan sages of antiquity, his true teachings were hidden in parables, 
fables and allegory. 

Besides teaching Aryan wisdom and morality, he also preached 
the ancient Aryan racial laws in the strictest terms possible: he did thus 
not come to destroy the laws, but to fulfill them. 

He is the standard bearer of Aryan racial ethics and morality, of 
Aryan racial discipline and policies; his law demands the eradication of 
the lower-bred races. 

In these regards, the church does either not understand, or else 
has purposely concealed, the meanings of his teachings, thereby making 
themselves complicit with the destruction of the Germanic races. 

True Christianity is not opposed to science and does not work 
against the vital needs of the German folk. On the contrary, true 
Christianity clearly recognizes the bare necessities for our survival and 
is based on the immutable laws of nature. It is conscious at a very high 
level of the laws of anthropology, ethnology, racial politics, and natural 
science. Following its guidance will thus determine the internal and 


external policies of our state and point the way for its future. The state 
thus must be therefore thoroughly Aryan-Christian. 

When the Christian Church finally breaks free of its Jewish 
bonds, it will necessarily become one of the most important cultural 
cornerstones of our German future. It goes without saying that this will 
then become our State Church and this church will be provided with all 
of the necessary resources to work closely with our scientific, art and 
educational institutions. 

The true teachings of Christ will thus bring the German people 
salvation and redemption from the suffering and murder that they have 
experienced for all of these centuries. 

Jesus was the most powerful champion of the Aryan race. He 
has remained nailed to the cross until this day at the hands of Rome- 

His immortal work awaits its resurrection in a purified 
Germanic world. 

He is in truth our Saviour and Redeemer; he rescues us from 
our deepest distress. With the correct preaching of his actual words, 
denominational antagonisms will disappear and a Christian worldview 
will reign once more in Germany that is consistent with the laws of 
natural science. The wonderful result of this will be a Germanic- 
Christian nation united in one faith and one God. 

To be truly Germanic- and Christian-minded therefore is not a 
contradiction, but instead one and the same. 

The German people and our Nordic brothers are together the 
final remnants of the Aias, i.e., of the Aryan race. 

The current and upcoming world wars are indeed specifically 
started for the elimination of the Aryan peoples of the world. If the 


world powers are successful in doing this, then the cultural heritage of 
the Earth will disappear for eternity into darkness, for the Aryan race is 
the sole creator and bearer of human culture. According to the 
Mendelian rules of inheritance, the remaining peoples of the world will 
then slowly sink back into the animalistic state that they came from, due 
to the loss of Aryan blood to mix with. 

The mischlinge (the Slavs, Romans, Middle Easterners and 
Jews) and the lower-bred races (the Negroes, Mongols and red-skinned 
races) are the mortal enemies of the Aryans, with the mixed races being 
the fiercest among them. The hostility in these fiendish mischlinge is a 
result of the conflicting natures of their genetic inheritances which 
cause erratic temperaments; the mixed blood of high and low races, of 
polar opposites, often cause wide disparities of mood and behavior. 

All of these previous findings contradict the brazen assertions 
of the “equality” of all people. All of the efforts to reconcile the peoples 
and races of the world are unnatural and are a deliberate fraud for the 
purpose of lulling the Aryan race and depriving them of their vital 
willpower. These are all attempts by the many-tentacled Atlantean 
papacy to strip the Aryan race of their weapons and thus prepare them 
to be defenselessly slaughtered. 

The entire nations of the mischlinge and the lower-bred races 
have been mobilized under the leadership of Rome and Judea during the 
wars of the world for the specific goal of eliminating the remnants of 
the Aryan race, just as had once taken place on Atlantis. 

The instinctual and ultimate goal of the Jews, our mortal 
enemies, is the extermination of the German nations. If the Ano- 
Germanic peoples of the world do not wake up in time to stand together 
against them, we will surely perish. 


The Atlantean theocracy is the head of the Great Beast and has 
been the leader of the mischlinge and lower-bred races for millennia. 
They continue to this day in the form of a secret priest-king who leads 
the global Jewish empire and controls the political dealings of the 

The Protestant church itself has become thoroughly Judaized 
and is now little more than a tool of the Hebrews. They are being used 
to glorify Judaism and to unconsciously assist them in their criminal 
global political goals. 

Judea and Rome are not only intimately linked to world 
capitalism, they are also of the same spirit. 

The remaining sections of the Bible are Jewish falsifications 
that were done to enable the Jewish-Roman Church to achieve its plans 
for world domination. 

Once the Jewish priest-state has achieved these goals for world 
domination, then the church itself will be destroyed, as they themselves 
have clearly stated; they will then establish Judaism as the world 
religion and they will instate a Jewish king to rule over their global 
Jewish empire *1.). 

Judea and Rome pursue the same secret goals in close alliance: 
the construction of a global theocracy. As a precondition for this, they 
need the masses to become dull-witted and mongrellized slaves who 
will easily submit beneath the whip-hand of Rome and Judea. They 
therefore must eradicate the Aryan-Germanic race out of necessity, for 
the Aryan, with his higher levels of vitality and intelligence, is the sole 
barrier to these goals. Germanic Christianity is the sole guardian of the 
idea of independence and the lone opposition to the Jewish yoke of 
slavery; the Germanic Christian alone is able to see through the 


diabolical schemes of the Atlantean papacy and to smash their chains. 

Rome and Judea have planned out the World Wars long ago to 
help them pursue these objectives. This is the quintessential work of the 
Jews and the Vatican. The Great War was made to act as both a St. 
Bartholomew's Day massacre of the Aryans (keep in mind what has also 
happened to us in Russia, Hungary and Munich) and a heretic-burning 
ritual played out on a global scale. 

The planned migration and settlement of hordes of Negroes into 
Germany is a continuation of this St. Bartholomew's Day massacre. 
Their ultimate scheme here is to bastardize the German peoples in order 
to transform them into an easily malleable and controllable mongrel 

Rome and Judea are thus the irreconcilable sworn enemies of 
the Aryan race. 

They cannot attain their hellish objectives while we are here to 
stand in their way. 

Once that they have destroyed the German people, the Nordic 
countries will quickly follow in succession as their targets. But 
unfortunately, so few of our Aryan brothers in the North recognize their 
enemy like we do. 

The Christian-Nationalist idea is incompatible wit the Jewish- 
Roman idea of internationalism. 

Both are the expression of polar opposites: one strives towards 
the divinely ordained differentiation of the species and seeks the highest 
forms of existence, the God-man, and works to organize his folk to live 
in harmony with nature and God; the other, in contrast, misuses certain 
laws of nature to create racial chaos and the bastardization of the 
general public in order to create a lower form of human life, a herd-like 


animal-man who is mentally, physically and spiritually degenerated. 
Both stand in the most stark opposition possible to each other: one is 
good and one is evil, one seeks heaven while the other seeks hell, one is 
of God and the other is of the Devil. 

Rome and Judea are like a poisonous creeping vine which can 
only thrive in the swampy grounds of internationalism. Their origins, 
existence and future depend upon the deception and the destruction of 
the Aryan-Germanic peoples. 

They are therefore tireless in their efforts to stifle all ethnic and 
racial thought in our people and tenaciously work to destroy our racial 
stock through beguiling and brainwashing the great masses with the 
following internationalist slogans: 

- “the equality of all men” (so that one will not recognize that 
the Hebrews are a distinct race); 

- “a universal brotherhood” (so that the Germans only use 
their creative talents in the service of the rabble of the 
world, i.e., to only work for their supposed “beloved 
brothers” in mankind and not for themselves. For these 
purposes are charity, reparations and war payments 
established as well); 

- “humanitarianism” (i.e., the nursing and cultivating of races 
that are by nature not able to sufficiently take care of 

- “the League of Nations” (i.e., the rule of the low-bred 
nations under Jewish-Roman leadership); 

- “the brotherhood of humanity” (i.e., the creation of a 
disgusting and unprincipled mixed race to populate the 


Earth so that the resulting racial chaos will allow the 
parasitical Jewish-Roman-Atlantean theocracy to continue 
their work undisturbed); 

- “arbitration tribunals” (to further suppress the German folk, 
as planned, by the low-bred races); 

- “disarmament” (“lay down your arms”, “no more war”, 
“gun bans”, so that the Aryan nation will remain 
defenseless in the clutches of the lower-bred animal-men 
while the Atlantean-Roman-Jewish theocracy remains 

- “the common goals of mankind” (i.e., the goals of the 
lower-bred races); 

- “Communism” (so that the great masses will be whipped up 
in envy and anger against the wealthy Aryans, and, once 
inflamed with greed, they will rise in protest and revolution 
to mass murder the Aryans and so that everything good that 
was ever created by the Aryans will fall into the insatiable 
pockets of the Jews). 

The Atlantean-Roman-Jewish theocracy has thus created special 
tools to carry out their plans: 

Freemasonry *2.) itself was founded by Judaism and was 
subsequently directed by Jews from the democratic, liberal and social- 
democrat parties. Their leaders are usually paid-off to lure and recruit 
our compatriots by beguiling them with these aforementioned vile 
slogans and catchphrases. 

The clergy of Rome use various religious sects and political 
parties as their tools and as their protective forces; these include the 


Centre Party and the “Christian-Socialist” Party in Austria. The 
members of the latter are recruited by stoking their fears that their 
religion is endangered. 

Rome-Judea also seeks to seize the entire school systems of our 
country into their hands for the purpose of stupefying and deadening the 
minds of our folk (see the Bavarian Concordat and the Reich School 
conference laws). 

Both of these branches of the globalist world-ruling theocracy 
are seeking to take possession of the press; through the press they wish 
to shackle the racial feelings of the heart and thus “educate” us with 
their internationalist agendas. 

The political parties just mentioned are secretly steered by the 
Jews and the Romanists to work for the destruction of Germany; this is 
all done beneath the noses of their deputies who remain mostly ignorant 
of these schemes. 

They vote for the disarmament of the Aryan nation, for arms 
control, for international reconciliation, etc., and in short for everything 
that harms the strength of Germany and expands the powers of the 
Atlantean papacy. 

In public, however, the parties have to keep up the appearances 
that they are fighting, as is dictated by their secret instructions; this is 
done so that the Germanic folk, the Archangel Michael, is kept 
distracted and does not recognize them and their ultimate goals. As 
many of our leaders are easily bribed by the Jewish-Roman coin, 
politics has become little more than a business arrangement which 
unconscionably tramples the interests of the Fatherland. 


B.) What do vve do now? 

Those of us who do not wish to be complicit in the murder of 
his folk and his Fatherland, and those of us who do not wish to live as 
the tools of Rome and Judea will act immediately to kick these agents 
of the Atlantean papacy out of our political parties and out of our 
religious orders! Strict standards must be set for those members who 
represent us in our current national assemblies. All of their positions 
and proposals should single-mindedly work to serve our community 
and not the interests of the globalists and internationalists. Whoever 
remains subservient to the institutions of Rome and Judea is a traitor 
and has committed a sin against his own Fatherland. For the politician, 
the well-being of our country, and the future of the Aryan race, and 
therefore that of our children, must be his one and only concern. 

Out with the vile Jewish and Roman press! Do not let this trash 
into our Germanic Christian homes! 

Our slogan will thus be: Away with Judea, away with Rome! 
This does not mean that we hold enmity towards the church and 
religion, but on the contrary, we strive towards Jesus and the needs of 
the Aryan race as they correspond to the Germanic-Christian faith; our 
coming Germanic-Christian national church will stand as the focal point 
of our sharply defined racial and ethnic culture! We do not walk away 
from religion, but towards it; we are walking away from a church that is 
still mummified in Atlantean-Egyptian paganism and away from the 
Jewish-Roman clericalism of Atlantis; we are instead walking towards a 
liberated Aryan Christianity that embraces the racial ethics and racial 
policies of Jesus Christ! What this requires then is the immediate 
abolition of all Roman religious orders, of the cabals of Freemasonry 


and of the unnatural dogma of priestly celibacy. 

We ask that the clergy of all denominations work to transform 
the church into a Germanic-Christian church of the folk, of our nation, a 
church free from the alien influences of Judaism and paganism, a 
church that acts as a common center of Germanic culture and Aryan 
racial hygiene, as the ancient Germanic church of our folk once was. If 
our clergy refuse to tell us the truth about the Bible and our history, then 
they will become further complicit in the ruthless global frauds of the 
Jews; they will thus suffer the same fate that will be prepared for the 
Jews and those “International Bible Students” who have pushed their 
Biblical Bolshevism upon us *3.). 

For our educational institutions, we demand this: the removal of 
everything Jewish from our religious teachings and from our school 
textbooks, as well as the removal of all Jewish history lessons. Our 
religious education must be solely Christian, and this means that it must 
refer only to the true teachings of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament must 
be completely cleansed of Jewish history and Jewish teachings or else it 
is to be completely excised *4.). German-Christian religious instruction, 
as it has been explained in this book, will be a compulsory subject in all 
schools. Those who are not of Germanic blood will be excluded from 
all of our schools. In the higher levels of our educational system, racial 
science, morality and hygiene will be taught as they correspond to the 
racial laws of the Bible and the ancient Aryan-Germanics; the tnie 
history of the Aryan race will also be taught. 

Paganism and priestly rule are the essential characteristics of 
the lands in which the lower-bred races dwell. The Aryan race, 
however, is rooted in a higher religion, as was taught by the Aryans 
Luther and Christ, in which freedom and Christian brotherhood are 


closely bound. 

Racial mixing results in the gradual degeneration of the noblest 
human species to brutish and bestial levels of humanity. The proper 
nurturing of the Aryan race, on the other hand, leads to its refinement 
and elevation; it is a narrow path that leads to godliness and a 
unification with the divine. Thus we must constantly apply those Aryan 
racial laws that the Bible has offered unto us and consciously strive to 
uphold the racial hygiene and breeding of our peoples. Racial hygiene is 
therefore one of the primary concerns of our religious circles. 

Faith, as a religious issue, is of secondary importance for the 
reconstruction of our Aryan world. The most serious issues for us will 
be our cultural and racial ones, which indeed will amount to questions 
of life or death for the Germanic peoples. As the means to escape the 
vile clutches of this mongrellized paganism and the internationalist 
Jewish papacy who have burdened us with it, our focus will be single- 
mindedly on the Aryan Christianity of our ancestors. The German folk 
will become fulfilled through our ethnic and racial ideas; thus we will 
create a new Christian-Germanic culture that will allow the elevation of 
our race and will bring about the elimination of the mischlinge and the 
lower races. The leaders of our enemies deeply fear this knowledge; 
they tremble with fear that we will discover their falsifications of the 
Bible; this Atlantean papacy seeks world domination in order to further 
spread their lies and deceptions and to prevent the truth from being 

What these Jewish falsifications of the Bible have taught us is 
now our rule and our guiding principle: 

A merciless holy war against those mischlinge and lower-bred 
races who besiege us on all sides has been called for by the Books of 


the Prophets, the Book of Revelation, and the Gospels of Jesus! As 
Germans we shall have no more pity for these animal races who 
continually suck the lifeblood out of our folk! 

With a purified Aryan Bible in our hearts and the German 
sword in our hand, we thus vow to destroy these beasts and this 
“dragon” and to reclaim our stolen heritage. 

Germany must never be allowed to become an entirely 
industrial or commercial state, for this would reflect that it has fallen 
into a mammonism that fosters and promotes the lower-bred beasts and 
the papacy. 

By the sword and by the will of the Aryan Bible, we shall 
gather together the last remaining Aryans of the world population in 
order to rebuild an ever-expanding pan-Germanic confederation. 

Compared to the thousands of years that the pagan and animal 
races have had to make their assaults on us, we have no more time to 
lose. It should be the primary concern of everyone reading this to 
disseminate these words and concepts to all of those within your 
individual circles in order to enlighten and awaken our folk. Jesus has 
told us that “the truth shall set us free!”. And through this truth we shall 
build a new Earth and a new heaven in which Aryan righteousness shall 
dwell forever. And so it is that the solution to the riddles of the Bible 
shall lead us to the truth and to the glorious resurrection of the German 

Gott Mit Uns! 


St. ©eorg mit bem |>atenfreu3 

* 1 .) See Bollinger: Baldur und Bibel, chapter II, and Hans Lienhardt: Em 
Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volkes (A Massive Crime Against the German People). 
* 2 .) The symbols and rituals of this order originate in large part in the lodges of the 
Atlantean-Egyptian initiates, the Mystery Cults of the Middle Eastern religions of 
antiquity, and in Judaism. 

* 3 .) For evidence of this, see Hans Lienhardt: Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen 


Voikc (A Massive Crime Against the German People), Weifienburg, 1921. 

* 4 .) This is also demanded by Senior Pastor Andersen of Flensburg in his work: Der 
Deutsche Heiland (The German Saviour), Munich, 1921, as well as by Father Katzer of 
Libau in his Das Alte Testament itn Christlichen Religionsunterrichte (The Old 
Testament in the Christian Religious Instruction), 1893. 



Afterword from the Publisher (1925). 

Please allow us to respectfully point out to the sincere reader 
that the powerful revelations made in Atlantis, Edda und Bibel are still 
substantially supplemented by the works that we have published listed 
below. It is thus advisable to read these to further learn the truth and to 
more completely learn about the events that have been planned for us 
by the Atlantean papacy and their accomplices in order to bring about 
the destruction of our folk. 

- GroBdeutscher Verlag, Weifienburg 
i. Bay. 

Readers are highly recommended to next read the following 


Ba/dur und Bibel. Earth-shaking revelations about the Bible 
from Friedrich Dollinger. Approximately 200 pages, many illustrations. 

Ein Riesenverbrechen am Deutschen Volke und die Ernsten 
Bibelforsher, (A Massive Crime Against the German People and the 
International Bible Students), by Hans Lienhardt. 

Der Biblische Moses als Pulver-, Sprengol- und 
Dynamitfabrikant (The Biblical Moses as Gunpowder, Explosive and 


Dynamite Producer), by Jens Jurgens. The discovery of a 2,500 year old 
global fraud. 32 pages. 

Die Auspliinderung des Deutschen Volkes (The Plundering of 
the German Folk), by Friedrich Dollinger. 48 pages. 


Translator's Acknowledgments 

First and foremost, special thanks for inspiration, guidance, 
and the Illumination of the Way to Torch Bearer Karl Young and 
Hermitage Helm Corpus, without whom this would not have been 
possible. Eternal gratitude to Torch Bearers Jason Thompkins, 
Franz Berg, Joe Sevnson, J. Alexander Maximilian and all of the 
Kameraden of Templi Unam. Special thanks to Jose R. R. Orozco. 
Sincere thanks to Sonny Fogel, C.W., H.T., S.T., T.K., T.F., and 

especially A.T.